#! /usr/bin/env node // @ts-check const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); const { spawn, ChildProcess, execSync } = require("child_process"); const readline = require("readline"); const colors = require("./console-colors"); //////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////// /** @type {string[]} */ const processesStrings = []; /** @type {ChildProcess[]} */ let processes = []; //////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////// const rl = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout, }); // Listen for user input rl.on("line", (input) => { if (input?.match(/^(reload|restart|reboot)$/i)) { console.log(` - ${colors.FgBlue}Reloading processes ...${colors.Reset}`); restartAll(); } else if (input?.match(/^(reload|restart|reboot) \d/i)) { const processedIndexesString = input.split(" ")[1]; const processedIndexes = processedIndexesString ? processedIndexesString.split(",") : null; if (!processedIndexes?.length) { console.log(` - ${colors.FgRed}Error:${colors.Reset} No processes to reload`); return; } else { console.log(` - ${colors.FgBlue}Reloading processes ${processedIndexesString} ...${colors.Reset}`); processedIndexes.forEach((index) => { restartOne(index); }); console.log(` - ${colors.FgGreen}Processes Restarted Successfully ${processedIndexesString} ...${colors.Reset}`); } } if (input?.match(/^kill$/i)) { console.log(` - ${colors.FgYellow}Killing processes ...${colors.Reset}`); process.exit(); } else if (input?.match(/^kill \d/i)) { const processedIndexesString = input.split(" ")[1]; const processedIndexes = processedIndexesString ? processedIndexesString.split(",") : null; if (!processedIndexes?.length) { console.log(` - ${colors.FgRed}Error:${colors.Reset} No processes to reload`); return; } else { console.log(` - ${colors.FgYellow}Killing processes ${processedIndexesString} ...${colors.Reset}`); processedIndexes.forEach((index) => { killOne(index); }); console.log(` - ${colors.FgGreen}Processes Killed ${processedIndexesString} ...${colors.Reset}`); } } }); process.stdin.on("keypress", (character, key) => { if (key.ctrl && key.name === "r") { console.log(` - ${colors.FgBlue}Reloading processes ...${colors.Reset}`); restartAll(); } }); process.on("exit", (code) => { console.log(` - ${colors.FgBlue}Process exited with code ${code}${colors.Reset}`); rl.close(); }); //////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////// const argvProcessListIndex = process.argv.indexOf("batch-run") + 1; const argvProcessList = process.argv.at(-1); const processesFilePath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "batchrun.config.json"); if (fs.existsSync(processesFilePath)) { const processesFile = fs.readFileSync(processesFilePath, "utf8"); const processesArray = JSON.parse(processesFile); for (let i = 0; i < processesArray.length; i++) { const processString = processesArray[i]; const strippedProcessString = processString.trim(); processesStrings.push(strippedProcessString); } } else if (argvProcessList) { const processesArray = argvProcessList.split(","); for (let i = 0; i < processesArray.length; i++) { const processString = processesArray[i]; const strippedProcessString = processString.trim(); processesStrings.push(strippedProcessString); } } else { console.error(` - ${colors.FgRed}Error:${colors.Reset} No arguments to run or \`batchrun.config.json\` file present`); process.exit(1); } if (!processesStrings?.[0]) { console.error(` - ${colors.FgRed}Error:${colors.Reset} No processes to run`); process.exit(1); } /** @type {import("child_process").SpawnOptions} */ const spawnOptions = { cwd: process.cwd(), shell: process.platform.match(/win/i) ? "bash.exe" : undefined, stdio: "inherit", }; /** * Start all processes */ function startProcesses() { for (let i = 0; i < processesStrings.length; i++) { const processString = processesStrings[i]; const processStringArray = processString.split(" "); const targetProcess = processStringArray.shift(); if (targetProcess) { const process = spawn(targetProcess, processStringArray, spawnOptions); processes.push(process); } else { console.error(` - ${colors.FgRed}Error:${colors.Reset} A target process is not defined in \`${processString}\``); process.exit(1); } } } /** * Restart All Processes */ function restartAll() { for (let i = 0; i < processes.length; i++) { const childProcess = processes[i]; try { if (childProcess.pid) killProcessForce(childProcess.pid); childProcess.kill(); // processes.splice(i, 1); } catch (error) { console.log(` - ${colors.FgRed}Error:${colors.Reset} Failed to kill process ${childProcess.pid}`); process.exit(); } } console.log(` - ${colors.FgGreen}Restarted ${processes.length} processes${colors.Reset}`); processes = []; setTimeout(() => { startProcesses(); }, 500); } /** * Restart a single process * @param {string} index */ function restartOne(index) { const childProcess = processes[parseInt(index)]; try { if (childProcess.pid) killProcessForce(childProcess.pid); childProcess.kill(); } catch (error) { console.log(` - ${colors.FgRed}Error:${colors.Reset} Failed to kill process ${childProcess.pid}`); process.exit(); } const processString = processesStrings[index]; const processStringArray = processString.split(" "); const targetProcess = processStringArray.shift(); const newChildProcess = spawn(targetProcess, processStringArray, spawnOptions); processes.splice(parseInt(index), 1, newChildProcess); } /** * Kill a single process * @param {string} index */ function killOne(index) { const childProcess = processes[parseInt(index)]; if (childProcess.pid) killProcessForce(childProcess.pid); childProcess.kill(); try { } catch (error) { console.log(` - ${colors.FgRed}Error:${colors.Reset} Failed to kill process ${childProcess.pid}`); process.exit(); } } /** * Kill a process by PID * @param {number} pid */ function killProcessForce(pid) { if (typeof pid !== "number") { return; } try { if (process.platform.match(/win/i)) { execSync(`taskkill /F /PID ${pid} /T`); } else { execSync(`kill -9 ${pid}`); } } catch (error) {} } console.log(` - ${colors.FgGreen}Started ${processes.length} processes${colors.Reset}`); startProcesses();