This will look for the file named `REDEPLOY` in your rood directory and watch that file. If the file is changed the application will be restarted, ie it will run the `preflight` command(s) and `start` command. If you ommit the `redeploy_path` a file named `REDEPLOY` will be created in your root directory.
You can change the name and path of the `redeploy_path`, just make sure the path is correct and the file name exists in the named path. Example:
-**`port`**: _string | number | (string | number)[]_: _Optional_: A port(or array of ports) to kill if running a server. _NOTE_: it is important to provide this option if running a server else the process may not terminate properly
For continuos deployment and integration there needs to be a text file located in your project which the application can watch. Any time the content of this file is changed the application will rebuild and rerun your `start` command.
`buncid` provides rebuild scripts for popular frameworks
### Next JS
use `bunx buncid-builds-next` or simply `buncid-builds-next` if you installed globally, to rebuild a next js app incrementally. This has a few requirements though.
#### Update your `next-config.js` file
You need to update the distribution directory in your `next-config.ts`. Like this:
import type { NextConfig } from "next";
import grabDist from "@moduletrace/buncid/dist/rebuilds/next-js/grabDist";
That's it. This dynamically handles your distribution directory for both `dev` and `start` scripts. Your `development` environment uses the `.next` directory, while your `production` environment uses the `.buncid-next-dist` (or any dist name of your chosing) directory.