# Rebuild your next project incrementally. Create builds incrementally without stopping your server. ## Requirements There are a few requirements to get this to work ### Update your `next-config.js` file You need to update the distribution directory in your `next-config.js`. Like this: ```javascript import type { NextConfig } from "next"; import grabDist from "@moduletrace/buncid/dist/rebuilds/next-js/grabDist"; const distDir = grabDist(); const nextConfig: NextConfig = { /* config options here */ reactStrictMode: true, distDir, }; export default nextConfig; ``` That's it. This dynamically handles your distribution directory for both `dev` and `start` scripts. Your `development` environment uses the `.next` directory, while your `production` environment uses the `.buncid-next-dist` (or any dist name of your chosing) directory.