140 lines
4.8 KiB
140 lines
4.8 KiB
* Imports: Handle imports
const handler = require("../utils/handler");
* Update DB Function
* ==============================================================================
* @description Description
* @param {object} params - An object containing the function parameters.
* @param {string} params.dbFullName - Database full name
* @param {string} params.tableName - Table name
* @param {object} params.data - Data to add
* @param {DSQL_TableSchemaType?} params.tableSchema - Table schema
* @param {string} params.identifierColumnName - Update row identifier column name
* @param {string|number} params.identifierValue - Update row identifier column value
* @param {boolean?} params.update - Update this row if it exists
* @param {string?} params.dbHost - Database host
* @param {string?} params.dbPassword - Database password
* @param {string?} params.dbUsername - Database username
* @param {string?} params.encryptionKey - Encryption key
* @param {string?} params.encryptionSalt - Encryption salt
* @returns {object}
module.exports = async function update({ dbFullName, tableName, data, tableSchema, identifierColumnName, identifierValue, update, dbHost, dbPassword, dbUsername, encryptionKey, encryptionSalt }) {
* Initialize variables
* Handle function logic
if (duplicateColumnName && typeof duplicateColumnName === "string") {
const duplicateValue = await handler({
queryString: `SELECT * FROM \`${tableName}\` WHERE \`${duplicateColumnName}\`=?`,
queryValuesArray: [duplicateColumnValue],
database: dbFullName,
if (duplicateValue && duplicateValue[0] && !update) {
return null;
} else if (duplicateValue && duplicateValue[0] && update) {
return await update();
} else if (duplicateColumnName && typeof duplicateColumnName === "object" && duplicateColumnValue && typeof duplicateColumnValue === "object") {
const duplicateArray = duplicateColumnName.map((dupColName, index) => {
return `\`${dupColName}\`='${duplicateColumnValue[index]}'`;
const duplicateValue = await handler({
queryString: `SELECT * FROM ${tableName} WHERE ${duplicateArray.join(" AND ")}`,
database: dbFullName,
if (duplicateValue && duplicateValue[0] && !update) {
return null;
* Declare variables
* @description Declare "results" variable
const dataKeys = Object.keys(data);
let insertKeysArray = [];
let insertValuesArray = [];
for (let i = 0; i < dataKeys.length; i++) {
const dataKey = dataKeys[i];
// const correspondingColumnObject = dbColumns.filter((col) => col.Field === dataKey);
// const { Field, Type, Null, Key, Default, Extra } = correspondingColumnObject;
let value = data[dataKey];
const targetFieldSchemaArray = tableSchema ? tableSchema?.fields.filter((field) => field.fieldName === dataKey) : null;
const targetFieldSchema = targetFieldSchemaArray && targetFieldSchemaArray[0] ? targetFieldSchemaArray[0] : null;
if (!value) continue;
if (targetFieldSchema?.encrypted) {
value = await encrypt(value);
if (targetFieldSchema?.richText) {
value = sanitizeHtml(value, sanitizeHtmlOptions).replace(/\n|\r|\n\r/gm, "");
insertKeysArray.push("`" + dataKey + "`");
let parsedDataValue = value.toString().replace(/(?<!\\)\'/g, "\\'");
insertValuesArray.push("'" + parsedDataValue + "'");
/** ********************************************** */
insertValuesArray.push("'" + Date() + "'");
insertValuesArray.push("'" + Date.now() + "'");
/** ********************************************** */
insertValuesArray.push("'" + Date() + "'");
insertValuesArray.push("'" + Date.now() + "'");
/** ********************************************** */
const query = `INSERT INTO ${tableName} (${insertKeysArray.join(",")}) VALUES (${insertValuesArray.join(",")})`;
const newInsert = await handler({
queryString: query,
database: dbFullName,
* Return statement
return newInsert;