This commit is contained in:
@ -1,139 +1,139 @@
# Logs
# Diagnostic reports (https://nodejs.org/api/report.html)
# Runtime data
# Directory for instrumented libs generated by jscoverage/JSCover
# Coverage directory used by tools like istanbul
# nyc test coverage
# Grunt intermediate storage (https://gruntjs.com/creating-plugins#storing-task-files)
# Bower dependency directory (https://bower.io/)
# node-waf configuration
# Compiled binary addons (https://nodejs.org/api/addons.html)
# Dependency directories
# Snowpack dependency directory (https://snowpack.dev/)
# TypeScript cache
# Optional npm cache directory
# Optional eslint cache
# Optional stylelint cache
# Microbundle cache
# Optional REPL history
# Output of 'npm pack'
# Yarn Integrity file
# dotenv environment variable files
# parcel-bundler cache (https://parceljs.org/)
# Next.js build output
# Nuxt.js build / generate output
# Gatsby files
# Comment in the public line in if your project uses Gatsby and not Next.js
# https://nextjs.org/blog/next-9-1#public-directory-support
# public
# vuepress build output
# vuepress v2.x temp and cache directory
# Docusaurus cache and generated files
# Serverless directories
# FuseBox cache
# DynamoDB Local files
# TernJS port file
# Stores VSCode versions used for testing VSCode extensions
# yarn v2
# typescript
# others
# Logs
# Diagnostic reports (https://nodejs.org/api/report.html)
# Runtime data
# Directory for instrumented libs generated by jscoverage/JSCover
# Coverage directory used by tools like istanbul
# nyc test coverage
# Grunt intermediate storage (https://gruntjs.com/creating-plugins#storing-task-files)
# Bower dependency directory (https://bower.io/)
# node-waf configuration
# Compiled binary addons (https://nodejs.org/api/addons.html)
# Dependency directories
# Snowpack dependency directory (https://snowpack.dev/)
# TypeScript cache
# Optional npm cache directory
# Optional eslint cache
# Optional stylelint cache
# Microbundle cache
# Optional REPL history
# Output of 'npm pack'
# Yarn Integrity file
# dotenv environment variable files
# parcel-bundler cache (https://parceljs.org/)
# Next.js build output
# Nuxt.js build / generate output
# Gatsby files
# Comment in the public line in if your project uses Gatsby and not Next.js
# https://nextjs.org/blog/next-9-1#public-directory-support
# public
# vuepress build output
# vuepress v2.x temp and cache directory
# Docusaurus cache and generated files
# Serverless directories
# FuseBox cache
# DynamoDB Local files
# TernJS port file
# Stores VSCode versions used for testing VSCode extensions
# yarn v2
# typescript
# others
@ -1,118 +1,118 @@
# Datasquirel
This package requires an account with datasquirel, so be sure to create an account at [datasquirel-create-account](https://datasquirel.com/create-account) before you continue.
## Instalation
$ npm install datasquirel
Once the package is installed, you can import the library using `require` approach:
const datasquirel = require("datasquirel");
## Usage
### Fetch Data
This method requires a readonly key or fullaccess API key gotten from [datasquirel](https://datasquirel.com/). It uses a basic https get request paired with some query params.
const datasquirel = require("datasquirel");
const getData = await datasquirel.get({
key: "aldhkf89asdflksdafh908asdfjkhasdf", // Readonly API Key
db: "my_database", // Database name slug (Eg. Db Name => My Database, Db Slug => my_database)
query: "SELECT * FROM blog_posts", // SQL Query
Datasquirel uses all conventional SQL query commands. However you can only use the `SELECT` command when using a readonly API key.
### Post Data
This method requires a fullaccess API key gotten from [datasquirel](https://datasquirel.com/). You can perform a basic fetch with this method, as well as more complex operations like `UPDATE`, `DELETE` and `INSERT`.
const datasquirel = require("datasquirel");
const postData = await datasquirel.post({
key: "aldhkf89asdflksdafh908asdfjkhasdf", // Fullaccess API Key
payload: {
action: "insert", // OR "update" OR "delete" OR "select"
data: {
user_id: "19aisdn123",
user_first_name: "John",
user_last_name: "Doe",
table: "users",
You can simply replace the `payload` object with an SQL string and it does everything you provide in the SQL command.
const datasquirel = require("datasquirel");
const postData = await datasquirel.post({
key: process.env.FULL_ACCESS_API_KEY,
payload: "SELECT * FROM blog_posts WHERE user_id='as09d7nasd90'",
You can add a condition to the `payload` object to filter the results
const datasquirel = require("datasquirel");
const postData = await datasquirel.post({
key: process.env.FULL_ACCESS_API_KEY,
payload: {
action: "delete",
condition: `WHERE user_id='21adwei9jewr' AND type='buyers'`,
table: "users",
You can use `identifierColumnName` and `identifierValue` when updating an entry.
const datasquirel = require("datasquirel");
const postData = await datasquirel.post({
key: process.env.FULL_ACCESS_API_KEY,
payload: {
action: "update",
table: "users",
identifierColumnName: "id",
identifierValue: "21adwei9jewr",
data: {
first_name: "Mary",
last_name: "Spencer",
### Upload Image
This method requires is similar to the `post` method, but with different parameters.
const datasquirel = require("datasquirel");
const postData = await datasquirel.uploadImage({
key: process.env.FULL_ACCESS_API_KEY,
payload: {
imageData: "6ejsiua2i29ndsajkfn9n==", // Image in base64
imageName: `awesome-waterfalls`,
mimeType: "jpg", // optional
thumbnailSize: 120, // optional === This measurement is in pixels(px)
# Datasquirel
This package requires an account with datasquirel, so be sure to create an account at [datasquirel-create-account](https://datasquirel.com/create-account) before you continue.
## Instalation
$ npm install datasquirel
Once the package is installed, you can import the library using `require` approach:
const datasquirel = require("datasquirel");
## Usage
### Fetch Data
This method requires a readonly key or fullaccess API key gotten from [datasquirel](https://datasquirel.com/). It uses a basic https get request paired with some query params.
const datasquirel = require("datasquirel");
const getData = await datasquirel.get({
key: "aldhkf89asdflksdafh908asdfjkhasdf", // Readonly API Key
db: "my_database", // Database name slug (Eg. Db Name => My Database, Db Slug => my_database)
query: "SELECT * FROM blog_posts", // SQL Query
Datasquirel uses all conventional SQL query commands. However you can only use the `SELECT` command when using a readonly API key.
### Post Data
This method requires a fullaccess API key gotten from [datasquirel](https://datasquirel.com/). You can perform a basic fetch with this method, as well as more complex operations like `UPDATE`, `DELETE` and `INSERT`.
const datasquirel = require("datasquirel");
const postData = await datasquirel.post({
key: "aldhkf89asdflksdafh908asdfjkhasdf", // Fullaccess API Key
payload: {
action: "insert", // OR "update" OR "delete" OR "select"
data: {
user_id: "19aisdn123",
user_first_name: "John",
user_last_name: "Doe",
table: "users",
You can simply replace the `payload` object with an SQL string and it does everything you provide in the SQL command.
const datasquirel = require("datasquirel");
const postData = await datasquirel.post({
key: process.env.FULL_ACCESS_API_KEY,
payload: "SELECT * FROM blog_posts WHERE user_id='as09d7nasd90'",
You can add a condition to the `payload` object to filter the results
const datasquirel = require("datasquirel");
const postData = await datasquirel.post({
key: process.env.FULL_ACCESS_API_KEY,
payload: {
action: "delete",
condition: `WHERE user_id='21adwei9jewr' AND type='buyers'`,
table: "users",
You can use `identifierColumnName` and `identifierValue` when updating an entry.
const datasquirel = require("datasquirel");
const postData = await datasquirel.post({
key: process.env.FULL_ACCESS_API_KEY,
payload: {
action: "update",
table: "users",
identifierColumnName: "id",
identifierValue: "21adwei9jewr",
data: {
first_name: "Mary",
last_name: "Spencer",
### Upload Image
This method requires is similar to the `post` method, but with different parameters.
const datasquirel = require("datasquirel");
const postData = await datasquirel.uploadImage({
key: process.env.FULL_ACCESS_API_KEY,
payload: {
imageData: "6ejsiua2i29ndsajkfn9n==", // Image in base64
imageName: `awesome-waterfalls`,
mimeType: "jpg", // optional
thumbnailSize: 120, // optional === This measurement is in pixels(px)
@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
// @ts-check
* Login with Github Function
* ===============================================================================
* @description This function uses github api to login a user with datasquirel
* @async
* @param {object} params - Single object passed
* @param {string} params.clientId - Github app client ID: {@link https://datasquirel.com/docs}
* @param {string} params.redirectUrl - Github Redirect URL as listed in your oauth app settings: {@link https://datasquirel.com/docs}
* @param {function(boolean): void} [params.setLoading] - React setState Function: sets whether the google login button is ready or not
* @param {string[]} [params.scopes] - Scopes to be requested from the user
* @returns {void} - Return
module.exports = function getAccessToken({ clientId, redirectUrl, setLoading, scopes }) {
* == Initialize
* @description Initialize
if (setLoading) setLoading(true);
const scopeString = scopes ? scopes.join("%20") : "read:user";
const fetchUrl = `https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize?client_id=${clientId}&scope=${scopeString}&redirect_uri=${redirectUrl}`;
// @ts-check
* Login with Github Function
* ===============================================================================
* @description This function uses github api to login a user with datasquirel
* @async
* @param {object} params - Single object passed
* @param {string} params.clientId - Github app client ID: {@link https://datasquirel.com/docs}
* @param {string} params.redirectUrl - Github Redirect URL as listed in your oauth app settings: {@link https://datasquirel.com/docs}
* @param {function(boolean): void} [params.setLoading] - React setState Function: sets whether the google login button is ready or not
* @param {string[]} [params.scopes] - Scopes to be requested from the user
* @returns {void} - Return
module.exports = function getAccessToken({ clientId, redirectUrl, setLoading, scopes }) {
* == Initialize
* @description Initialize
if (setLoading) setLoading(true);
const scopeString = scopes ? scopes.join("%20") : "read:user";
const fetchUrl = `https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize?client_id=${clientId}&scope=${scopeString}&redirect_uri=${redirectUrl}`;
@ -1,113 +1,113 @@
* Type Definitions
* ===============================================================================
* @typedef {object} GoogleIdentityPromptNotification
* @property {function(): string} getMomentType - Notification moment type
* @property {function(): string} getDismissedReason - Notification get Dismissed Reason
* @property {function(): string} getNotDisplayedReason - Notification get Not Displayed Reason
* @property {function(): string} getSkippedReason - Notification get Skipped Reason
* @property {function(): boolean} isDismissedMoment - Notification is Dismissed Moment
* @property {function(): boolean} isDisplayMoment - Notification is Display Moment
* @property {function(): boolean} isDisplayed - Notification is Displayed
* @property {function(): boolean} isNotDisplayed - Notification is Not Displayed
* @property {function(): boolean} isSkippedMoment - Notification is Skipped Moment
* Login with Google Function
* ===============================================================================
* @description This function uses google identity api to login a user with datasquirel
* @async
* @param {object} params - Single object passed
* @param {string} params.clientId - Google app client ID: {@link https://datasquirel.com/docs}
* @param {HTMLElement} params.element - HTML Element to display google login button
* @param {boolean} params.triggerPrompt - Whether to trigger Google signing popup or not: {@link https://datasquirel.com/docs}
* @param {function(): void} [params.readyStateDispatch] - React setState Function: sets whether the google login button is ready or not
* @returns {Promise<boolean>} - Return
module.exports = async function getAccessToken({ clientId, element, triggerPrompt, readyStateDispatch }) {
* == Initialize
* @description Initialize
const googleScript = document.createElement("script");
googleScript.src = "https://accounts.google.com/gsi/client";
googleScript.className = "social-script-tag";
const response = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
googleScript.onload = function (e) {
if (google) {
if (readyStateDispatch) readyStateDispatch(true);
if (element) {
* Handle google credentials response
* ========================================================
* @param {object} response - Google response with credentials
* @param {string} response.credential - Google access token
function handleCredentialResponse(response) {
client_id: clientId,
callback: handleCredentialResponse,
google.accounts.id.renderButton(element, {
theme: "outline",
size: "large",
logo_alignment: "center",
if (triggerPrompt) {
* Google prompt notification callback
* ========================================================
* @param {GoogleIdentityPromptNotification} notification - Notification object
(notification) => {
return response;
* Type Definitions
* ===============================================================================
* @typedef {object} GoogleIdentityPromptNotification
* @property {function(): string} getMomentType - Notification moment type
* @property {function(): string} getDismissedReason - Notification get Dismissed Reason
* @property {function(): string} getNotDisplayedReason - Notification get Not Displayed Reason
* @property {function(): string} getSkippedReason - Notification get Skipped Reason
* @property {function(): boolean} isDismissedMoment - Notification is Dismissed Moment
* @property {function(): boolean} isDisplayMoment - Notification is Display Moment
* @property {function(): boolean} isDisplayed - Notification is Displayed
* @property {function(): boolean} isNotDisplayed - Notification is Not Displayed
* @property {function(): boolean} isSkippedMoment - Notification is Skipped Moment
* Login with Google Function
* ===============================================================================
* @description This function uses google identity api to login a user with datasquirel
* @async
* @param {object} params - Single object passed
* @param {string} params.clientId - Google app client ID: {@link https://datasquirel.com/docs}
* @param {HTMLElement} params.element - HTML Element to display google login button
* @param {boolean} params.triggerPrompt - Whether to trigger Google signing popup or not: {@link https://datasquirel.com/docs}
* @param {function(): void} [params.readyStateDispatch] - React setState Function: sets whether the google login button is ready or not
* @returns {Promise<boolean>} - Return
module.exports = async function getAccessToken({ clientId, element, triggerPrompt, readyStateDispatch }) {
* == Initialize
* @description Initialize
const googleScript = document.createElement("script");
googleScript.src = "https://accounts.google.com/gsi/client";
googleScript.className = "social-script-tag";
const response = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
googleScript.onload = function (e) {
if (google) {
if (readyStateDispatch) readyStateDispatch(true);
if (element) {
* Handle google credentials response
* ========================================================
* @param {object} response - Google response with credentials
* @param {string} response.credential - Google access token
function handleCredentialResponse(response) {
client_id: clientId,
callback: handleCredentialResponse,
google.accounts.id.renderButton(element, {
theme: "outline",
size: "large",
logo_alignment: "center",
if (triggerPrompt) {
* Google prompt notification callback
* ========================================================
* @param {GoogleIdentityPromptNotification} notification - Notification object
(notification) => {
return response;
@ -1,146 +1,146 @@
* Type Definitions
* ===============================================================================
const parseClientCookies = require("../utils/parseClientCookies");
* Login with Google Function
* ===============================================================================
* @description This function uses google identity api to login a user with datasquirel
* @async
* @param {object|null} params - Single object passed
* @param {string|null} params.googleClientId - Google client Id if applicable
* @requires localStorageUser - a "user" JSON string stored in local storage with all
* the necessary user data gotten from the server
* @returns {Promise<boolean>} - Return
module.exports = async function logout(params) {
* == Initialize
* @description Initialize
const localUser = localStorage.getItem("user");
let targetUser;
try {
targetUser = JSON.parse(localUser);
} catch (error) {
if (!targetUser) {
return false;
const cookies = parseClientCookies();
const socialId = cookies?.datasquirel_social_id && typeof cookies.datasquirel_social_id == "string" && !cookies.datasquirel_social_id.match(/^null$/i) ? cookies.datasquirel_social_id : null;
localStorage.setItem("user", "{}");
document.cookie = `datasquirel_social_id=null;samesite=strict;path=/`;
const response = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (socialId && !socialId?.match(/^null$/i)) {
const googleClientId = params?.googleClientId;
if (googleClientId) {
const googleScript = document.createElement("script");
googleScript.src = "https://accounts.google.com/gsi/client";
googleScript.className = "social-script-tag";
googleScript.onload = function (e) {
if (google) {
client_id: googleClientId,
google.accounts.id.revoke(socialId, (done) => {
} else {
} else {
return response;
* Type Definitions
* ===============================================================================
const parseClientCookies = require("../utils/parseClientCookies");
* Login with Google Function
* ===============================================================================
* @description This function uses google identity api to login a user with datasquirel
* @async
* @param {object|null} params - Single object passed
* @param {string|null} params.googleClientId - Google client Id if applicable
* @requires localStorageUser - a "user" JSON string stored in local storage with all
* the necessary user data gotten from the server
* @returns {Promise<boolean>} - Return
module.exports = async function logout(params) {
* == Initialize
* @description Initialize
const localUser = localStorage.getItem("user");
let targetUser;
try {
targetUser = JSON.parse(localUser);
} catch (error) {
if (!targetUser) {
return false;
const cookies = parseClientCookies();
const socialId = cookies?.datasquirel_social_id && typeof cookies.datasquirel_social_id == "string" && !cookies.datasquirel_social_id.match(/^null$/i) ? cookies.datasquirel_social_id : null;
localStorage.setItem("user", "{}");
document.cookie = `datasquirel_social_id=null;samesite=strict;path=/`;
const response = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (socialId && !socialId?.match(/^null$/i)) {
const googleClientId = params?.googleClientId;
if (googleClientId) {
const googleScript = document.createElement("script");
googleScript.src = "https://accounts.google.com/gsi/client";
googleScript.className = "social-script-tag";
googleScript.onload = function (e) {
if (google) {
client_id: googleClientId,
google.accounts.id.revoke(socialId, (done) => {
} else {
} else {
return response;
@ -1,47 +1,47 @@
// @ts-check
* Imports
const imageInputFileToBase64 = require("./media/imageInputFileToBase64");
const imageInputToBase64 = require("./media/imageInputToBase64");
const inputFileToBase64 = require("./media/inputFileToBase64");
const getAccessToken = require("./auth/google/getAccessToken");
const getGithubAccessToken = require("./auth/github/getAccessToken");
const logout = require("./auth/logout");
* Media Functions Object
const media = {
imageInputToBase64: imageInputToBase64,
imageInputFileToBase64: imageInputFileToBase64,
inputFileToBase64: inputFileToBase64,
* User Auth Object
const auth = {
google: {
getAccessToken: getAccessToken,
github: {
getAccessToken: getGithubAccessToken,
logout: logout,
* Main Export
const datasquirelClient = {
media: media,
auth: auth,
module.exports = datasquirelClient;
// @ts-check
* Imports
const imageInputFileToBase64 = require("./media/imageInputFileToBase64");
const imageInputToBase64 = require("./media/imageInputToBase64");
const inputFileToBase64 = require("./media/inputFileToBase64");
const getAccessToken = require("./auth/google/getAccessToken");
const getGithubAccessToken = require("./auth/github/getAccessToken");
const logout = require("./auth/logout");
* Media Functions Object
const media = {
imageInputToBase64: imageInputToBase64,
imageInputFileToBase64: imageInputFileToBase64,
inputFileToBase64: inputFileToBase64,
* User Auth Object
const auth = {
google: {
getAccessToken: getAccessToken,
github: {
getAccessToken: getGithubAccessToken,
logout: logout,
* Main Export
const datasquirelClient = {
media: media,
auth: auth,
module.exports = datasquirelClient;
@ -1,49 +1,49 @@
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
import imageInputFileToBase64 from "./imageInputFileToBase64";
import imageInputToBase64 from "./imageInputToBase64";
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* ==============================================================================
* Media Functions Object
* ==============================================================================
const media = {
imageInputToBase64: imageInputToBase64,
imageInputFileToBase64: imageInputFileToBase64,
* ==============================================================================
* Media Functions Object
* ==============================================================================
const auth = {
imageInputToBase64: imageInputToBase64,
imageInputFileToBase64: imageInputFileToBase64,
* ==============================================================================
* Main Export
* ==============================================================================
const datasquirelClient = {
media: media,
export default datasquirelClient;
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
import imageInputFileToBase64 from "./imageInputFileToBase64";
import imageInputToBase64 from "./imageInputToBase64";
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* ==============================================================================
* Media Functions Object
* ==============================================================================
const media = {
imageInputToBase64: imageInputToBase64,
imageInputFileToBase64: imageInputFileToBase64,
* ==============================================================================
* Media Functions Object
* ==============================================================================
const auth = {
imageInputToBase64: imageInputToBase64,
imageInputFileToBase64: imageInputFileToBase64,
* ==============================================================================
* Main Export
* ==============================================================================
const datasquirelClient = {
media: media,
export default datasquirelClient;
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
@ -1,111 +1,111 @@
* @typedef {{
* imageBase64: string,
* imageBase64Full: string,
* imageName: string,
* imageSize: number,
* }} FunctionReturn
* ==============================================================================
* Main Function
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {{
* imageInputFile: { name:string },
* maxWidth: number,
* imagePreviewNode: HTMLImageElement,
* }} params - Single object passed
* @returns { Promise<FunctionReturn> } - Return Object
module.exports = async function imageInputFileToBase64({ imageInputFile, maxWidth, imagePreviewNode }) {
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
try {
let imageName = imageInputFile.name.replace(/\..*/, "");
let imageDataBase64;
let imageSize;
let canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
const MIME_TYPE = imageInputFile.type;
const QUALITY = 0.95;
const MAX_WIDTH = maxWidth ? maxWidth : null;
const file = imageInputFile; // get the file
const blobURL = URL.createObjectURL(file);
const img = new Image();
/** ********************* Add source to new image */
img.src = blobURL;
imageDataBase64 = await new Promise((res, rej) => {
/** ********************* Handle Errors in loading image */
img.onerror = function () {
console.log("Cannot load image");
/** ********************* Handle new image when loaded */
img.onload = function () {
if (MAX_WIDTH) {
const scaleSize = MAX_WIDTH / img.naturalWidth;
canvas.width = img.naturalWidth < MAX_WIDTH ? img.naturalWidth : MAX_WIDTH;
canvas.height = img.naturalWidth < MAX_WIDTH ? img.naturalHeight : img.naturalHeight * scaleSize;
} else {
canvas.width = img.naturalWidth;
canvas.height = img.naturalHeight;
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
const srcEncoded = canvas.toDataURL(MIME_TYPE, QUALITY);
if (imagePreviewNode) {
imagePreviewNode.src = srcEncoded;
imageSize = await new Promise((res, rej) => {
(blob) => {
return {
imageBase64: imageDataBase64.replace(/.*?base64,/, ""),
imageBase64Full: imageDataBase64,
imageName: imageName,
imageSize: imageSize,
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("Image Processing Error! =>", error.message);
return {
imageBase64: null,
imageBase64Full: null,
imageName: null,
imageSize: null,
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
* @typedef {{
* imageBase64: string,
* imageBase64Full: string,
* imageName: string,
* imageSize: number,
* }} FunctionReturn
* ==============================================================================
* Main Function
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {{
* imageInputFile: { name:string },
* maxWidth: number,
* imagePreviewNode: HTMLImageElement,
* }} params - Single object passed
* @returns { Promise<FunctionReturn> } - Return Object
module.exports = async function imageInputFileToBase64({ imageInputFile, maxWidth, imagePreviewNode }) {
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
try {
let imageName = imageInputFile.name.replace(/\..*/, "");
let imageDataBase64;
let imageSize;
let canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
const MIME_TYPE = imageInputFile.type;
const QUALITY = 0.95;
const MAX_WIDTH = maxWidth ? maxWidth : null;
const file = imageInputFile; // get the file
const blobURL = URL.createObjectURL(file);
const img = new Image();
/** ********************* Add source to new image */
img.src = blobURL;
imageDataBase64 = await new Promise((res, rej) => {
/** ********************* Handle Errors in loading image */
img.onerror = function () {
console.log("Cannot load image");
/** ********************* Handle new image when loaded */
img.onload = function () {
if (MAX_WIDTH) {
const scaleSize = MAX_WIDTH / img.naturalWidth;
canvas.width = img.naturalWidth < MAX_WIDTH ? img.naturalWidth : MAX_WIDTH;
canvas.height = img.naturalWidth < MAX_WIDTH ? img.naturalHeight : img.naturalHeight * scaleSize;
} else {
canvas.width = img.naturalWidth;
canvas.height = img.naturalHeight;
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
const srcEncoded = canvas.toDataURL(MIME_TYPE, QUALITY);
if (imagePreviewNode) {
imagePreviewNode.src = srcEncoded;
imageSize = await new Promise((res, rej) => {
(blob) => {
return {
imageBase64: imageDataBase64.replace(/.*?base64,/, ""),
imageBase64Full: imageDataBase64,
imageName: imageName,
imageSize: imageSize,
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("Image Processing Error! =>", error.message);
return {
imageBase64: null,
imageBase64Full: null,
imageName: null,
imageSize: null,
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
@ -1,101 +1,101 @@
* @typedef {{
* imageBase64: string,
* imageBase64Full: string,
* imageName: string,
* }} FunctionReturn
* ==============================================================================
* Main Function
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {{
* imageInput: HTMLInputElement,
* maxWidth: number,
* mimeType: [string='image/jpeg']
* }} params - Single object passed
* @returns { Promise<FunctionReturn> } - Return Object
module.exports = async function imageInputToBase64({ imageInput, maxWidth, mimeType }) {
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
try {
let imagePreviewNode = document.querySelector(`[data-imagepreview='image']`);
let imageName = imageInput.files[0].name.replace(/\..*/, "");
let imageDataBase64;
const MIME_TYPE = mimeType ? mimeType : "image/jpeg";
const QUALITY = 0.95;
const MAX_WIDTH = maxWidth ? maxWidth : null;
const file = imageInput.files[0]; // get the file
const blobURL = URL.createObjectURL(file);
const img = new Image();
/** ********************* Add source to new image */
img.src = blobURL;
imageDataBase64 = await new Promise((res, rej) => {
/** ********************* Handle Errors in loading image */
img.onerror = function () {
window.alert("Cannot load image!");
/** ********************* Handle new image when loaded */
img.onload = function () {
const canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
if (MAX_WIDTH) {
const scaleSize = MAX_WIDTH / img.naturalWidth;
canvas.width = img.naturalWidth < MAX_WIDTH ? img.naturalWidth : MAX_WIDTH;
canvas.height = img.naturalWidth < MAX_WIDTH ? img.naturalHeight : img.naturalHeight * scaleSize;
} else {
canvas.width = img.naturalWidth;
canvas.height = img.naturalHeight;
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
const srcEncoded = canvas.toDataURL(MIME_TYPE, QUALITY);
if (imagePreviewNode) {
document.querySelectorAll(`[data-imagepreview='image']`).forEach((img) => {
img.src = srcEncoded;
return {
imageBase64: imageDataBase64.replace(/.*?base64,/, ""),
imageBase64Full: imageDataBase64,
imageName: imageName,
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("Image Processing Error! =>", error.message);
return {
imageBase64: null,
imageBase64Full: null,
imageName: null,
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
* @typedef {{
* imageBase64: string,
* imageBase64Full: string,
* imageName: string,
* }} FunctionReturn
* ==============================================================================
* Main Function
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {{
* imageInput: HTMLInputElement,
* maxWidth: number,
* mimeType: [string='image/jpeg']
* }} params - Single object passed
* @returns { Promise<FunctionReturn> } - Return Object
module.exports = async function imageInputToBase64({ imageInput, maxWidth, mimeType }) {
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
try {
let imagePreviewNode = document.querySelector(`[data-imagepreview='image']`);
let imageName = imageInput.files[0].name.replace(/\..*/, "");
let imageDataBase64;
const MIME_TYPE = mimeType ? mimeType : "image/jpeg";
const QUALITY = 0.95;
const MAX_WIDTH = maxWidth ? maxWidth : null;
const file = imageInput.files[0]; // get the file
const blobURL = URL.createObjectURL(file);
const img = new Image();
/** ********************* Add source to new image */
img.src = blobURL;
imageDataBase64 = await new Promise((res, rej) => {
/** ********************* Handle Errors in loading image */
img.onerror = function () {
window.alert("Cannot load image!");
/** ********************* Handle new image when loaded */
img.onload = function () {
const canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
if (MAX_WIDTH) {
const scaleSize = MAX_WIDTH / img.naturalWidth;
canvas.width = img.naturalWidth < MAX_WIDTH ? img.naturalWidth : MAX_WIDTH;
canvas.height = img.naturalWidth < MAX_WIDTH ? img.naturalHeight : img.naturalHeight * scaleSize;
} else {
canvas.width = img.naturalWidth;
canvas.height = img.naturalHeight;
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
const srcEncoded = canvas.toDataURL(MIME_TYPE, QUALITY);
if (imagePreviewNode) {
document.querySelectorAll(`[data-imagepreview='image']`).forEach((img) => {
img.src = srcEncoded;
return {
imageBase64: imageDataBase64.replace(/.*?base64,/, ""),
imageBase64Full: imageDataBase64,
imageName: imageName,
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("Image Processing Error! =>", error.message);
return {
imageBase64: null,
imageBase64Full: null,
imageName: null,
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
@ -1,96 +1,96 @@
* @typedef {{
* fileBase64: string,
* fileBase64Full: string,
* fileName: string,
* fileSize: number,
* fileType: string,
* }} FunctionReturn
* Input File to base64
* ==============================================================================
* @description This function takes in a *SINGLE* input file from a HTML file input element.
* HTML file input elements usually return an array of input objects, so be sure to select the target
* file from the array.
* @async
* @param {object} params - Single object passed
* @param {object} params.inputFile - HTML input File
* @param {string} params.inputFile.name - Input File Name
* @param {number} params.inputFile.size - Input File Size in bytes
* @param {string} params.inputFile.type - Input File Type: "JPEG", "PNG", "PDF", etc. Whichever allowed regexp is provided
* @param {RegExp} [params.allowedRegex] - Regexp containing the allowed file types
* @returns { Promise<FunctionReturn> } - Return Object
module.exports = async function inputFileToBase64({ inputFile, allowedRegex }) {
* == Initialize
* @description Initialize
const allowedTypesRegex = allowedRegex ? allowedRegex : /image\/*|\/pdf/;
if (!inputFile?.type?.match(allowedTypesRegex)) {
window.alert(`We currently don't support ${inputFile.type} file types. Support is coming soon. For now we support only images and PDFs.`);
return {
fileBase64: null,
fileBase64Full: null,
fileName: inputFile.name,
fileSize: null,
fileType: null,
try {
/** Process File **/
let fileName = inputFile.name.replace(/\..*/, "");
/** Add source to new file **/
const fileData = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function () {
reader.onerror = function (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("Error: ", error.message);
return {
fileBase64: fileData.replace(/.*?base64,/, ""),
fileBase64Full: fileData,
fileName: fileName,
fileSize: inputFile.size,
fileType: inputFile.type,
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("File Processing Error! =>", error.message);
return {
fileBase64: null,
fileBase64Full: null,
fileName: inputFile.name,
fileSize: null,
fileType: null,
* @typedef {{
* fileBase64: string,
* fileBase64Full: string,
* fileName: string,
* fileSize: number,
* fileType: string,
* }} FunctionReturn
* Input File to base64
* ==============================================================================
* @description This function takes in a *SINGLE* input file from a HTML file input element.
* HTML file input elements usually return an array of input objects, so be sure to select the target
* file from the array.
* @async
* @param {object} params - Single object passed
* @param {object} params.inputFile - HTML input File
* @param {string} params.inputFile.name - Input File Name
* @param {number} params.inputFile.size - Input File Size in bytes
* @param {string} params.inputFile.type - Input File Type: "JPEG", "PNG", "PDF", etc. Whichever allowed regexp is provided
* @param {RegExp} [params.allowedRegex] - Regexp containing the allowed file types
* @returns { Promise<FunctionReturn> } - Return Object
module.exports = async function inputFileToBase64({ inputFile, allowedRegex }) {
* == Initialize
* @description Initialize
const allowedTypesRegex = allowedRegex ? allowedRegex : /image\/*|\/pdf/;
if (!inputFile?.type?.match(allowedTypesRegex)) {
window.alert(`We currently don't support ${inputFile.type} file types. Support is coming soon. For now we support only images and PDFs.`);
return {
fileBase64: null,
fileBase64Full: null,
fileName: inputFile.name,
fileSize: null,
fileType: null,
try {
/** Process File **/
let fileName = inputFile.name.replace(/\..*/, "");
/** Add source to new file **/
const fileData = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function () {
reader.onerror = function (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("Error: ", error.message);
return {
fileBase64: fileData.replace(/.*?base64,/, ""),
fileBase64Full: fileData,
fileName: fileName,
fileSize: inputFile.size,
fileType: inputFile.type,
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("File Processing Error! =>", error.message);
return {
fileBase64: null,
fileBase64Full: null,
fileName: inputFile.name,
fileSize: null,
fileType: null,
@ -1,65 +1,65 @@
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
* Parse request cookies
* ==============================================================================
* @description This function takes in a request object and returns the cookies as a JS object
* @async
* @param {object} params - main params object
* @param {object} params.request - HTTPS request object
* @returns {{}|null}
module.exports = function () {
* Check inputs
* @description Check inputs
/** @type {string|null} */
const cookieString = document.cookie;
if (!cookieString || typeof cookieString !== "string") {
return null;
/** @type {string[]} */
const cookieSplitArray = cookieString.split(";");
let cookieObject = {};
cookieSplitArray.forEach((keyValueString) => {
const [key, value] = keyValueString.split("=");
if (key && typeof key == "string") {
cookieObject[key.replace(/^ +| +$/, "")] = value && typeof value == "string" ? value.replace(/^ +| +$/, "") : null;
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
return cookieObject;
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
* Parse request cookies
* ==============================================================================
* @description This function takes in a request object and returns the cookies as a JS object
* @async
* @param {object} params - main params object
* @param {object} params.request - HTTPS request object
* @returns {{}|null}
module.exports = function () {
* Check inputs
* @description Check inputs
/** @type {string|null} */
const cookieString = document.cookie;
if (!cookieString || typeof cookieString !== "string") {
return null;
/** @type {string[]} */
const cookieSplitArray = cookieString.split(";");
let cookieObject = {};
cookieSplitArray.forEach((keyValueString) => {
const [key, value] = keyValueString.split("=");
if (key && typeof key == "string") {
cookieObject[key.replace(/^ +| +$/, "")] = value && typeof value == "string" ? value.replace(/^ +| +$/, "") : null;
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
return cookieObject;
@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
const colors = {
Reset: "\x1b[0m",
Bright: "\x1b[1m",
Dim: "\x1b[2m",
Underscore: "\x1b[4m",
Blink: "\x1b[5m",
Reverse: "\x1b[7m",
Hidden: "\x1b[8m",
FgBlack: "\x1b[30m",
FgRed: "\x1b[31m",
FgGreen: "\x1b[32m",
FgYellow: "\x1b[33m",
FgBlue: "\x1b[34m",
FgMagenta: "\x1b[35m",
FgCyan: "\x1b[36m",
FgWhite: "\x1b[37m",
FgGray: "\x1b[90m",
BgBlack: "\x1b[40m",
BgRed: "\x1b[41m",
BgGreen: "\x1b[42m",
BgYellow: "\x1b[43m",
BgBlue: "\x1b[44m",
BgMagenta: "\x1b[45m",
BgCyan: "\x1b[46m",
BgWhite: "\x1b[47m",
BgGray: "\x1b[100m",
module.exports = colors;
const colors = {
Reset: "\x1b[0m",
Bright: "\x1b[1m",
Dim: "\x1b[2m",
Underscore: "\x1b[4m",
Blink: "\x1b[5m",
Reverse: "\x1b[7m",
Hidden: "\x1b[8m",
FgBlack: "\x1b[30m",
FgRed: "\x1b[31m",
FgGreen: "\x1b[32m",
FgYellow: "\x1b[33m",
FgBlue: "\x1b[34m",
FgMagenta: "\x1b[35m",
FgCyan: "\x1b[36m",
FgWhite: "\x1b[37m",
FgGray: "\x1b[90m",
BgBlack: "\x1b[40m",
BgRed: "\x1b[41m",
BgGreen: "\x1b[42m",
BgYellow: "\x1b[43m",
BgBlue: "\x1b[44m",
BgMagenta: "\x1b[45m",
BgCyan: "\x1b[46m",
BgWhite: "\x1b[47m",
BgGray: "\x1b[100m",
module.exports = colors;
@ -1,116 +1,116 @@
#! /usr/bin/env node
// @ts-check
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const { execSync } = require("child_process");
path: path.resolve(process.cwd(), ".env"),
const datasquirel = require("../index");
const createDbFromSchema = require("./engine/createDbFromSchema");
const colors = require("../console-colors");
if (!fs.existsSync(path.resolve(process.cwd(), ".env"))) {
console.log(".env file not found");
if (!DSQL_HOST?.match(/./)) {
console.log("DSQL_HOST is required in your `.env` file");
if (!DSQL_USER?.match(/./)) {
console.log("DSQL_USER is required in your `.env` file");
if (!DSQL_PASS?.match(/./)) {
console.log("DSQL_PASS is required in your `.env` file");
const dbSchemaLocalFilePath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "dsql.schema.json");
async function run() {
let schemaData;
if (DSQL_KEY && DSQL_REF_DB_NAME?.match(/./)) {
const dbSchemaDataResponse = await datasquirel.getSchema({
key: DSQL_KEY,
database: DSQL_REF_DB_NAME || undefined,
if (!dbSchemaDataResponse.payload || Array.isArray(dbSchemaDataResponse.payload)) {
console.log("DSQL_KEY+DSQL_REF_DB_NAME => Error in fetching DB schema");
let fetchedDbSchemaObject = dbSchemaDataResponse.payload;
if (DSQL_DB_NAME) fetchedDbSchemaObject.dbFullName = DSQL_DB_NAME;
schemaData = [fetchedDbSchemaObject];
} else if (DSQL_KEY) {
const dbSchemaDataResponse = await datasquirel.getSchema({
key: DSQL_KEY,
database: DSQL_REF_DB_NAME || undefined,
if (!dbSchemaDataResponse.payload || !Array.isArray(dbSchemaDataResponse.payload)) {
console.log("DSQL_KEY => Error in fetching DB schema");
let fetchedDbSchemaObject = dbSchemaDataResponse.payload;
// fetchedDbSchemaObject.forEach((db, index) => {
// db.dbFullName = db.dbFullName?.replace(/^datasquirel_user_\d+_/, "");
// });
schemaData = fetchedDbSchemaObject;
} else if (fs.existsSync(dbSchemaLocalFilePath)) {
schemaData = [JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(dbSchemaLocalFilePath, "utf8"))];
} else {
console.log("No source for DB Schema. Please provide a local `dsql.schema.json` file, or provide `DSQL_KEY` and `DSQL_REF_DB_NAME` environment variables.");
if (!schemaData) {
console.log("No schema found");
if (DSQL_FULL_SYNC?.match(/true/i)) {
fs.writeFileSync(dbSchemaLocalFilePath, JSON.stringify(schemaData[0], null, 4), "utf8");
console.log(` - ${colors.FgBlue}Info:${colors.Reset} Now generating and mapping databases ...`);
// deepcode ignore reDOS: <please specify a reason of ignoring this>
await createDbFromSchema(schemaData);
console.log(` - ${colors.FgGreen}Success:${colors.Reset} Databases created Successfully!`);
// let timeout;
let interval;
if (fs.existsSync(dbSchemaLocalFilePath) && !DSQL_KEY?.match(/....../)) {
fs.watchFile(dbSchemaLocalFilePath, { interval: 1000 }, (curr, prev) => {
console.log(` - ${colors.FgBlue}Info:${colors.Reset} Syncing Databases Locally ...`);
} else if (DSQL_KEY?.match(/....../)) {
interval = setInterval(() => {
console.log(` - ${colors.FgMagenta}Info:${colors.Reset} Syncing Databases from the cloud ...`);
}, 20000);
#! /usr/bin/env node
// @ts-check
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const { execSync } = require("child_process");
path: path.resolve(process.cwd(), ".env"),
const datasquirel = require("../index");
const createDbFromSchema = require("./engine/createDbFromSchema");
const colors = require("../console-colors");
if (!fs.existsSync(path.resolve(process.cwd(), ".env"))) {
console.log(".env file not found");
if (!DSQL_HOST?.match(/./)) {
console.log("DSQL_HOST is required in your `.env` file");
if (!DSQL_USER?.match(/./)) {
console.log("DSQL_USER is required in your `.env` file");
if (!DSQL_PASS?.match(/./)) {
console.log("DSQL_PASS is required in your `.env` file");
const dbSchemaLocalFilePath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "dsql.schema.json");
async function run() {
let schemaData;
if (DSQL_KEY && DSQL_REF_DB_NAME?.match(/./)) {
const dbSchemaDataResponse = await datasquirel.getSchema({
key: DSQL_KEY,
database: DSQL_REF_DB_NAME || undefined,
if (!dbSchemaDataResponse.payload || Array.isArray(dbSchemaDataResponse.payload)) {
console.log("DSQL_KEY+DSQL_REF_DB_NAME => Error in fetching DB schema");
let fetchedDbSchemaObject = dbSchemaDataResponse.payload;
if (DSQL_DB_NAME) fetchedDbSchemaObject.dbFullName = DSQL_DB_NAME;
schemaData = [fetchedDbSchemaObject];
} else if (DSQL_KEY) {
const dbSchemaDataResponse = await datasquirel.getSchema({
key: DSQL_KEY,
database: DSQL_REF_DB_NAME || undefined,
if (!dbSchemaDataResponse.payload || !Array.isArray(dbSchemaDataResponse.payload)) {
console.log("DSQL_KEY => Error in fetching DB schema");
let fetchedDbSchemaObject = dbSchemaDataResponse.payload;
// fetchedDbSchemaObject.forEach((db, index) => {
// db.dbFullName = db.dbFullName?.replace(/^datasquirel_user_\d+_/, "");
// });
schemaData = fetchedDbSchemaObject;
} else if (fs.existsSync(dbSchemaLocalFilePath)) {
schemaData = [JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(dbSchemaLocalFilePath, "utf8"))];
} else {
console.log("No source for DB Schema. Please provide a local `dsql.schema.json` file, or provide `DSQL_KEY` and `DSQL_REF_DB_NAME` environment variables.");
if (!schemaData) {
console.log("No schema found");
if (DSQL_FULL_SYNC?.match(/true/i)) {
fs.writeFileSync(dbSchemaLocalFilePath, JSON.stringify(schemaData[0], null, 4), "utf8");
console.log(` - ${colors.FgBlue}Info:${colors.Reset} Now generating and mapping databases ...`);
// deepcode ignore reDOS: <please specify a reason of ignoring this>
await createDbFromSchema(schemaData);
console.log(` - ${colors.FgGreen}Success:${colors.Reset} Databases created Successfully!`);
// let timeout;
let interval;
if (fs.existsSync(dbSchemaLocalFilePath) && !DSQL_KEY?.match(/....../)) {
fs.watchFile(dbSchemaLocalFilePath, { interval: 1000 }, (curr, prev) => {
console.log(` - ${colors.FgBlue}Info:${colors.Reset} Syncing Databases Locally ...`);
} else if (DSQL_KEY?.match(/....../)) {
interval = setInterval(() => {
console.log(` - ${colors.FgMagenta}Info:${colors.Reset} Syncing Databases from the cloud ...`);
}, 20000);
@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
#! /usr/bin/env node
// @ts-check
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const { execSync } = require("child_process");
path: path.resolve(process.cwd(), ".env"),
const mysqlPath = process.platform?.match(/win/i) ? "'" + "C:\\Program Files\\MySQL\\MySQL Server 8.0\\bin\\mysql.exe" + "'" : "mysql";
const mysqlDumpPath = process.platform?.match(/win/i) ? "'" + "C:\\Program Files\\MySQL\\MySQL Server 8.0\\bin\\mysqldump.exe" + "'" : "mysqldump";
const dbName = DSQL_DB_NAME || "";
const dumpFilePathArg = process.argv.indexOf("--file");
if (dumpFilePathArg < 0) {
console.log("Please provide a dump file path using `--file` argument");
const dumpFilePath = process.argv[dumpFilePathArg + 1];
if (!dbName?.match(/./)) {
console.log("DSQL_DB_NAME is required in your `.env` file");
if (!DSQL_USER?.match(/./) || !DSQL_PASS?.match(/./)) {
console.log("DSQL_USER and DSQL_PASS are required in your `.env` file");
try {
let execSyncOptions = {
cwd: process.cwd(),
if (process.platform.match(/win/i)) execSyncOptions.shell = "bash.exe";
const dump = execSync(`${mysqlPath} -u ${DSQL_USER} -p${DSQL_PASS} ${dbName} < ${dumpFilePath}`, execSyncOptions);
console.log("Dumped successfully", dump.toString());
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("Dump Error: ", error.message);
#! /usr/bin/env node
// @ts-check
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const { execSync } = require("child_process");
path: path.resolve(process.cwd(), ".env"),
const mysqlPath = process.platform?.match(/win/i) ? "'" + "C:\\Program Files\\MySQL\\MySQL Server 8.0\\bin\\mysql.exe" + "'" : "mysql";
const mysqlDumpPath = process.platform?.match(/win/i) ? "'" + "C:\\Program Files\\MySQL\\MySQL Server 8.0\\bin\\mysqldump.exe" + "'" : "mysqldump";
const dbName = DSQL_DB_NAME || "";
const dumpFilePathArg = process.argv.indexOf("--file");
if (dumpFilePathArg < 0) {
console.log("Please provide a dump file path using `--file` argument");
const dumpFilePath = process.argv[dumpFilePathArg + 1];
if (!dbName?.match(/./)) {
console.log("DSQL_DB_NAME is required in your `.env` file");
if (!DSQL_USER?.match(/./) || !DSQL_PASS?.match(/./)) {
console.log("DSQL_USER and DSQL_PASS are required in your `.env` file");
try {
let execSyncOptions = {
cwd: process.cwd(),
if (process.platform.match(/win/i)) execSyncOptions.shell = "bash.exe";
const dump = execSync(`${mysqlPath} -u ${DSQL_USER} -p${DSQL_PASS} ${dbName} < ${dumpFilePath}`, execSyncOptions);
console.log("Dumped successfully", dump.toString());
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("Dump Error: ", error.message);
@ -1,77 +1,77 @@
// @ts-check
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const { execSync } = require("child_process");
const updateApiSchemaFromLocalDb = require("../query/update-api-schema-from-local-db");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* Add `users` table to user database
* ==============================================================================
* @param {object} params - Single object passed
* @param {import("../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType} params.dbSchema - Database Schema Object
* @returns {Promise<*>} new user auth object payload
module.exports = async function addUsersTableToDb({ dbSchema }) {
* Initialize
* @description Initialize
const database = process.env.DSQL_DB_NAME || "";
/** @type {import("../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_TableSchemaType} */
const userPreset = require("./data/presets/users.json");
try {
* Fetch user
* @description Fetch user from db
const userSchemaMainFilePath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "dsql.schema.json");
let targetDatabase = dbSchema;
let existingTableIndex = targetDatabase.tables.findIndex((table, index) => {
if (table.tableName === "users") {
existingTableIndex = index;
return true;
if (existingTableIndex >= 0) {
targetDatabase.tables[existingTableIndex] = userPreset;
} else {
fs.writeFileSync(`${userSchemaMainFilePath}`, JSON.stringify(dbSchema, null, 4), "utf8");
await updateApiSchemaFromLocalDb();
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
// @ts-check
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const { execSync } = require("child_process");
const updateApiSchemaFromLocalDb = require("../query/update-api-schema-from-local-db");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* Add `users` table to user database
* ==============================================================================
* @param {object} params - Single object passed
* @param {import("../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType} params.dbSchema - Database Schema Object
* @returns {Promise<*>} new user auth object payload
module.exports = async function addUsersTableToDb({ dbSchema }) {
* Initialize
* @description Initialize
const database = process.env.DSQL_DB_NAME || "";
/** @type {import("../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_TableSchemaType} */
const userPreset = require("./data/presets/users.json");
try {
* Fetch user
* @description Fetch user from db
const userSchemaMainFilePath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "dsql.schema.json");
let targetDatabase = dbSchema;
let existingTableIndex = targetDatabase.tables.findIndex((table, index) => {
if (table.tableName === "users") {
existingTableIndex = index;
return true;
if (existingTableIndex >= 0) {
targetDatabase.tables[existingTableIndex] = userPreset;
} else {
fs.writeFileSync(`${userSchemaMainFilePath}`, JSON.stringify(dbSchema, null, 4), "utf8");
await updateApiSchemaFromLocalDb();
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
@ -1,257 +1,257 @@
// @ts-check
const path = require("path");
const noDatabaseDbHandler = require("./utils/noDatabaseDbHandler");
const varDatabaseDbHandler = require("./utils/varDatabaseDbHandler");
const createTable = require("./utils/createTable");
const updateTable = require("./utils/updateTable");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* Create database from Schema
* ==============================================================================
* @description Create database from Schema. This function is called when the user
* runs the "dsql create" command. `NOTE`: there must be a "dsql.schema.json" file
* in the root of the project for this function to work
* @param {import("../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType[]} dbSchema - An array of database schema objects
async function createDbFromSchema(dbSchema) {
try {
* Grab Schema
* @description Grab Schema
if (!dbSchema || !Array.isArray(dbSchema) || !dbSchema[0]) {
for (let i = 0; i < dbSchema.length; i++) {
/** @type {import("../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType} */
const database = dbSchema[i];
const { dbFullName, tables } = database;
/** @type {{ dbFullName: string }[] | null} */
const dbCheck = await noDatabaseDbHandler({ query: `SELECT SCHEMA_NAME AS dbFullName FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = '${dbFullName}'` });
if (dbCheck && dbCheck[0]?.dbFullName) {
// Database Exists
} else {
const newDatabase = await noDatabaseDbHandler({ query: `CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS \`${dbFullName}\` CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin` });
* Select all tables
* @type {{ TABLE_NAME: string }[] | null}
* @description Select All tables in target database
const allTables = await noDatabaseDbHandler({ query: `SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='${dbFullName}'` });
let tableDropped;
if (!allTables) {
console.log("No Tables to Update");
for (let tb = 0; tb < allTables.length; tb++) {
const { TABLE_NAME } = allTables[tb];
* @description Check if TABLE_NAME is part of the tables contained
* in the user schema JSON. If it's not, the table is either deleted
* or the table name has been recently changed
if (!tables.filter((_table) => _table.tableName === TABLE_NAME)[0]) {
const oldTableFilteredArray = tables.filter((_table) => _table.tableNameOld && _table.tableNameOld === TABLE_NAME);
* @description Check if this table has been recently renamed. Rename
* table id true. Drop table if false
if (oldTableFilteredArray && oldTableFilteredArray[0]) {
console.log("Renaming Table");
await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `RENAME TABLE \`${oldTableFilteredArray[0].tableNameOld}\` TO \`${oldTableFilteredArray[0].tableName}\``,
database: dbFullName,
} else {
console.log(`Dropping Table from ${dbFullName}`);
// deepcode ignore reDOS: <NO user input>
await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `DROP TABLE \`${TABLE_NAME}\``,
database: dbFullName,
tableDropped = true;
* @description Iterate through each table and perform table actions
for (let t = 0; t < tables.length; t++) {
const table = tables[t];
if (tableDropped) continue;
const { tableName, fields, indexes } = table;
* @description Check if table exists
const tableCheck = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `
) AS tableExists`,
queryValuesArray: [dbFullName, table.tableName],
database: dbFullName,
if (tableCheck && tableCheck[0]?.tableExists > 0) {
* @description Update table if table exists
const updateExistingTable = await updateTable({
dbFullName: dbFullName,
tableName: tableName,
tableInfoArray: fields,
tableIndexes: indexes,
tableIndex: t,
if (table.childrenTables && table.childrenTables[0]) {
for (let ch = 0; ch < table.childrenTables.length; ch++) {
const childTable = table.childrenTables[ch];
const updateExistingChildTable = await updateTable({
dbFullName: childTable.dbNameFull,
tableName: childTable.tableName,
tableInfoArray: fields,
tableIndexes: indexes,
clone: true,
// console.log(updateExistingChildTable);
} else {
* @description Create new Table if table doesnt exist
const createNewTable = await createTable({
tableName: tableName,
tableInfoArray: fields,
dbFullName: dbFullName,
if (indexes && indexes[0]) {
* Handle DATASQUIREL Table Indexes
* ===================================================
* @description Iterate through each datasquirel schema
* table index(if available), and perform operations
if (indexes && indexes[0]) {
for (let g = 0; g < indexes.length; g++) {
const { indexType, indexName, indexTableFields, alias } = indexes[g];
if (!alias?.match(/./)) continue;
* @type {any[] | null}
* @description All indexes from MYSQL db
const allExistingIndexes = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `SHOW INDEXES FROM \`${tableName}\``,
database: dbFullName,
* @description Check for existing Index in MYSQL db
try {
const existingKeyInDb = allExistingIndexes ? allExistingIndexes.filter((indexObject) => indexObject.Key_name === alias) : null;
if (!existingKeyInDb?.[0]) throw new Error("This Index Does not Exist");
} catch (error) {
* @description Create new index if determined that it
* doesn't exist in MYSQL db
await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `CREATE${indexType.match(/fullText/i) ? " FULLTEXT" : ""} INDEX \`${alias}\` ON ${tableName}(${indexTableFields
.map((nm) => nm.value)
.map((nm) => `\`${nm}\``)
.join(",")}) COMMENT 'schema_index'`,
database: dbFullName,
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("Error in createDbFromSchema => ", error.message);
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
module.exports = createDbFromSchema;
// @ts-check
const path = require("path");
const noDatabaseDbHandler = require("./utils/noDatabaseDbHandler");
const varDatabaseDbHandler = require("./utils/varDatabaseDbHandler");
const createTable = require("./utils/createTable");
const updateTable = require("./utils/updateTable");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* Create database from Schema
* ==============================================================================
* @description Create database from Schema. This function is called when the user
* runs the "dsql create" command. `NOTE`: there must be a "dsql.schema.json" file
* in the root of the project for this function to work
* @param {import("../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType[]} dbSchema - An array of database schema objects
async function createDbFromSchema(dbSchema) {
try {
* Grab Schema
* @description Grab Schema
if (!dbSchema || !Array.isArray(dbSchema) || !dbSchema[0]) {
for (let i = 0; i < dbSchema.length; i++) {
/** @type {import("../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType} */
const database = dbSchema[i];
const { dbFullName, tables } = database;
/** @type {{ dbFullName: string }[] | null} */
const dbCheck = await noDatabaseDbHandler({ query: `SELECT SCHEMA_NAME AS dbFullName FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = '${dbFullName}'` });
if (dbCheck && dbCheck[0]?.dbFullName) {
// Database Exists
} else {
const newDatabase = await noDatabaseDbHandler({ query: `CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS \`${dbFullName}\` CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin` });
* Select all tables
* @type {{ TABLE_NAME: string }[] | null}
* @description Select All tables in target database
const allTables = await noDatabaseDbHandler({ query: `SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='${dbFullName}'` });
let tableDropped;
if (!allTables) {
console.log("No Tables to Update");
for (let tb = 0; tb < allTables.length; tb++) {
const { TABLE_NAME } = allTables[tb];
* @description Check if TABLE_NAME is part of the tables contained
* in the user schema JSON. If it's not, the table is either deleted
* or the table name has been recently changed
if (!tables.filter((_table) => _table.tableName === TABLE_NAME)[0]) {
const oldTableFilteredArray = tables.filter((_table) => _table.tableNameOld && _table.tableNameOld === TABLE_NAME);
* @description Check if this table has been recently renamed. Rename
* table id true. Drop table if false
if (oldTableFilteredArray && oldTableFilteredArray[0]) {
console.log("Renaming Table");
await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `RENAME TABLE \`${oldTableFilteredArray[0].tableNameOld}\` TO \`${oldTableFilteredArray[0].tableName}\``,
database: dbFullName,
} else {
console.log(`Dropping Table from ${dbFullName}`);
// deepcode ignore reDOS: <NO user input>
await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `DROP TABLE \`${TABLE_NAME}\``,
database: dbFullName,
tableDropped = true;
* @description Iterate through each table and perform table actions
for (let t = 0; t < tables.length; t++) {
const table = tables[t];
if (tableDropped) continue;
const { tableName, fields, indexes } = table;
* @description Check if table exists
const tableCheck = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `
) AS tableExists`,
queryValuesArray: [dbFullName, table.tableName],
database: dbFullName,
if (tableCheck && tableCheck[0]?.tableExists > 0) {
* @description Update table if table exists
const updateExistingTable = await updateTable({
dbFullName: dbFullName,
tableName: tableName,
tableInfoArray: fields,
tableIndexes: indexes,
tableIndex: t,
if (table.childrenTables && table.childrenTables[0]) {
for (let ch = 0; ch < table.childrenTables.length; ch++) {
const childTable = table.childrenTables[ch];
const updateExistingChildTable = await updateTable({
dbFullName: childTable.dbNameFull,
tableName: childTable.tableName,
tableInfoArray: fields,
tableIndexes: indexes,
clone: true,
// console.log(updateExistingChildTable);
} else {
* @description Create new Table if table doesnt exist
const createNewTable = await createTable({
tableName: tableName,
tableInfoArray: fields,
dbFullName: dbFullName,
if (indexes && indexes[0]) {
* Handle DATASQUIREL Table Indexes
* ===================================================
* @description Iterate through each datasquirel schema
* table index(if available), and perform operations
if (indexes && indexes[0]) {
for (let g = 0; g < indexes.length; g++) {
const { indexType, indexName, indexTableFields, alias } = indexes[g];
if (!alias?.match(/./)) continue;
* @type {any[] | null}
* @description All indexes from MYSQL db
const allExistingIndexes = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `SHOW INDEXES FROM \`${tableName}\``,
database: dbFullName,
* @description Check for existing Index in MYSQL db
try {
const existingKeyInDb = allExistingIndexes ? allExistingIndexes.filter((indexObject) => indexObject.Key_name === alias) : null;
if (!existingKeyInDb?.[0]) throw new Error("This Index Does not Exist");
} catch (error) {
* @description Create new index if determined that it
* doesn't exist in MYSQL db
await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `CREATE${indexType.match(/fullText/i) ? " FULLTEXT" : ""} INDEX \`${alias}\` ON ${tableName}(${indexTableFields
.map((nm) => nm.value)
.map((nm) => `\`${nm}\``)
.join(",")}) COMMENT 'schema_index'`,
database: dbFullName,
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("Error in createDbFromSchema => ", error.message);
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
module.exports = createDbFromSchema;
@ -1,73 +1,73 @@
"title": "VARCHAR",
"name": "VARCHAR",
"value": "0-255",
"argument": true,
"description": "Varchar is simply letters and numbers within the range 0 - 255",
"maxValue": 255
"title": "TINYINT",
"name": "TINYINT",
"value": "0-100",
"description": "TINYINT means Integers: 0 to 100",
"maxValue": 127
"title": "SMALLINT",
"name": "SMALLINT",
"value": "0-255",
"description": "SMALLINT means Integers: 0 to 240933",
"maxValue": 32767
"title": "MEDIUMINT",
"name": "MEDIUMINT",
"value": "0-255",
"description": "MEDIUMINT means Integers: 0 to 1245568545560",
"maxValue": 8388607
"title": "INT",
"name": "INT",
"value": "0-255",
"description": "INT means Integers: 0 to 12560",
"maxValue": 2147483647
"title": "BIGINT",
"name": "BIGINT",
"value": "0-255",
"description": "BIGINT means Integers: 0 to 1245569056767568545560",
"maxValue": 2e63
"title": "TINYTEXT",
"name": "TINYTEXT",
"value": "0-255",
"description": "Text with 255 max characters",
"maxValue": 127
"title": "TEXT",
"name": "TEXT",
"value": "0-100",
"description": "MEDIUMTEXT is just text with max length 16,777,215",
"maxValue": 127
"title": "MEDIUMTEXT",
"name": "MEDIUMTEXT",
"value": "0-255",
"description": "MEDIUMTEXT is just text with max length 16,777,215",
"maxValue": 127
"title": "LONGTEXT",
"name": "LONGTEXT",
"value": "0-255",
"description": "LONGTEXT is just text with max length 4,294,967,295",
"maxValue": 127
"title": "VARCHAR",
"name": "VARCHAR",
"value": "0-255",
"argument": true,
"description": "Varchar is simply letters and numbers within the range 0 - 255",
"maxValue": 255
"title": "TINYINT",
"name": "TINYINT",
"value": "0-100",
"description": "TINYINT means Integers: 0 to 100",
"maxValue": 127
"title": "SMALLINT",
"name": "SMALLINT",
"value": "0-255",
"description": "SMALLINT means Integers: 0 to 240933",
"maxValue": 32767
"title": "MEDIUMINT",
"name": "MEDIUMINT",
"value": "0-255",
"description": "MEDIUMINT means Integers: 0 to 1245568545560",
"maxValue": 8388607
"title": "INT",
"name": "INT",
"value": "0-255",
"description": "INT means Integers: 0 to 12560",
"maxValue": 2147483647
"title": "BIGINT",
"name": "BIGINT",
"value": "0-255",
"description": "BIGINT means Integers: 0 to 1245569056767568545560",
"maxValue": 2e63
"title": "TINYTEXT",
"name": "TINYTEXT",
"value": "0-255",
"description": "Text with 255 max characters",
"maxValue": 127
"title": "TEXT",
"name": "TEXT",
"value": "0-100",
"description": "MEDIUMTEXT is just text with max length 16,777,215",
"maxValue": 127
"title": "MEDIUMTEXT",
"name": "MEDIUMTEXT",
"value": "0-255",
"description": "MEDIUMTEXT is just text with max length 16,777,215",
"maxValue": 127
"title": "LONGTEXT",
"name": "LONGTEXT",
"value": "0-255",
"description": "LONGTEXT is just text with max length 4,294,967,295",
"maxValue": 127
@ -1,39 +1,39 @@
"fieldName": "id",
"dataType": "BIGINT",
"notNullValue": true,
"primaryKey": true,
"autoIncrement": true
"fieldName": "date_created",
"dataType": "VARCHAR(250)",
"notNullValue": true
"fieldName": "date_created_code",
"dataType": "BIGINT",
"notNullValue": true
"fieldName": "date_created_timestamp",
"dataType": "TIMESTAMP",
"defaultValueLiteral": "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"
"fieldName": "date_updated",
"dataType": "VARCHAR(250)",
"notNullValue": true
"fieldName": "date_updated_code",
"dataType": "BIGINT",
"notNullValue": true
"fieldName": "date_updated_timestamp",
"dataType": "TIMESTAMP",
"defaultValueLiteral": "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"
"fieldName": "id",
"dataType": "BIGINT",
"notNullValue": true,
"primaryKey": true,
"autoIncrement": true
"fieldName": "date_created",
"dataType": "VARCHAR(250)",
"notNullValue": true
"fieldName": "date_created_code",
"dataType": "BIGINT",
"notNullValue": true
"fieldName": "date_created_timestamp",
"dataType": "TIMESTAMP",
"defaultValueLiteral": "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"
"fieldName": "date_updated",
"dataType": "VARCHAR(250)",
"notNullValue": true
"fieldName": "date_updated_code",
"dataType": "BIGINT",
"notNullValue": true
"fieldName": "date_updated_timestamp",
"dataType": "TIMESTAMP",
"defaultValueLiteral": "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"
@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
"fieldName": "string",
"dataType": "BIGINT",
"nullValue": true,
"primaryKey": true,
"autoIncrement": true,
"defaultValue": "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP",
"defaultValueLiteral": "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP",
"notNullValue": true,
"foreignKey": {
"foreignKeyName": "Name",
"destinationTableName": "Table Name",
"destinationTableColumnName": "Column Name",
"cascadeDelete": true,
"cascadeUpdate": true
"fieldName": "string",
"dataType": "BIGINT",
"nullValue": true,
"primaryKey": true,
"autoIncrement": true,
"defaultValue": "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP",
"defaultValueLiteral": "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP",
"notNullValue": true,
"foreignKey": {
"foreignKeyName": "Name",
"destinationTableName": "Table Name",
"destinationTableColumnName": "Column Name",
"cascadeDelete": true,
"cascadeUpdate": true
@ -1,132 +1,132 @@
"tableName": "users",
"tableFullName": "Users",
"fields": [
"fieldName": "id",
"dataType": "BIGINT",
"notNullValue": true,
"primaryKey": true,
"autoIncrement": true
"fieldName": "first_name",
"dataType": "VARCHAR(100)",
"notNullValue": true
"fieldName": "last_name",
"dataType": "VARCHAR(100)",
"notNullValue": true
"fieldName": "email",
"dataType": "VARCHAR(200)",
"notNullValue": true
"fieldName": "phone",
"dataType": "VARCHAR(50)"
"fieldName": "user_type",
"dataType": "VARCHAR(20)",
"defaultValue": "default"
"fieldName": "username",
"dataType": "VARCHAR(100)",
"nullValue": true
"fieldName": "password",
"dataType": "VARCHAR(250)",
"notNullValue": true
"fieldName": "image",
"dataType": "VARCHAR(250)",
"defaultValue": "/images/user_images/user-preset.png"
"fieldName": "image_thumbnail",
"dataType": "VARCHAR(250)",
"defaultValue": "/images/user_images/user-preset-thumbnail.png"
"fieldName": "address",
"dataType": "VARCHAR(255)"
"fieldName": "city",
"dataType": "VARCHAR(50)"
"fieldName": "state",
"dataType": "VARCHAR(50)"
"fieldName": "country",
"dataType": "VARCHAR(50)"
"fieldName": "zip_code",
"dataType": "VARCHAR(50)"
"fieldName": "social_login",
"dataType": "TINYINT",
"defaultValue": "0"
"fieldName": "social_platform",
"dataType": "VARCHAR(50)",
"nullValue": true
"fieldName": "social_id",
"dataType": "VARCHAR(250)",
"nullValue": true
"fieldName": "more_user_data",
"dataType": "BIGINT",
"defaultValue": "0"
"fieldName": "verification_status",
"dataType": "TINYINT",
"defaultValue": "0"
"fieldName": "date_created",
"dataType": "VARCHAR(250)",
"notNullValue": true
"fieldName": "date_created_code",
"dataType": "BIGINT",
"notNullValue": true
"fieldName": "date_created_timestamp",
"dataType": "TIMESTAMP",
"defaultValueLiteral": "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"
"fieldName": "date_updated",
"dataType": "VARCHAR(250)",
"notNullValue": true
"fieldName": "date_updated_code",
"dataType": "BIGINT",
"notNullValue": true
"fieldName": "date_updated_timestamp",
"dataType": "TIMESTAMP",
"defaultValueLiteral": "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"
"tableName": "users",
"tableFullName": "Users",
"fields": [
"fieldName": "id",
"dataType": "BIGINT",
"notNullValue": true,
"primaryKey": true,
"autoIncrement": true
"fieldName": "first_name",
"dataType": "VARCHAR(100)",
"notNullValue": true
"fieldName": "last_name",
"dataType": "VARCHAR(100)",
"notNullValue": true
"fieldName": "email",
"dataType": "VARCHAR(200)",
"notNullValue": true
"fieldName": "phone",
"dataType": "VARCHAR(50)"
"fieldName": "user_type",
"dataType": "VARCHAR(20)",
"defaultValue": "default"
"fieldName": "username",
"dataType": "VARCHAR(100)",
"nullValue": true
"fieldName": "password",
"dataType": "VARCHAR(250)",
"notNullValue": true
"fieldName": "image",
"dataType": "VARCHAR(250)",
"defaultValue": "/images/user_images/user-preset.png"
"fieldName": "image_thumbnail",
"dataType": "VARCHAR(250)",
"defaultValue": "/images/user_images/user-preset-thumbnail.png"
"fieldName": "address",
"dataType": "VARCHAR(255)"
"fieldName": "city",
"dataType": "VARCHAR(50)"
"fieldName": "state",
"dataType": "VARCHAR(50)"
"fieldName": "country",
"dataType": "VARCHAR(50)"
"fieldName": "zip_code",
"dataType": "VARCHAR(50)"
"fieldName": "social_login",
"dataType": "TINYINT",
"defaultValue": "0"
"fieldName": "social_platform",
"dataType": "VARCHAR(50)",
"nullValue": true
"fieldName": "social_id",
"dataType": "VARCHAR(250)",
"nullValue": true
"fieldName": "more_user_data",
"dataType": "BIGINT",
"defaultValue": "0"
"fieldName": "verification_status",
"dataType": "TINYINT",
"defaultValue": "0"
"fieldName": "date_created",
"dataType": "VARCHAR(250)",
"notNullValue": true
"fieldName": "date_created_code",
"dataType": "BIGINT",
"notNullValue": true
"fieldName": "date_created_timestamp",
"dataType": "TIMESTAMP",
"defaultValueLiteral": "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"
"fieldName": "date_updated",
"dataType": "VARCHAR(250)",
"notNullValue": true
"fieldName": "date_updated_code",
"dataType": "BIGINT",
"notNullValue": true
"fieldName": "date_updated_timestamp",
"dataType": "TIMESTAMP",
"defaultValueLiteral": "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"
@ -1,54 +1,54 @@
// @ts-check
* Convert Camel Joined Text to Camel Spaced Text
* ==============================================================================
* @description this function takes a camel cased text without spaces, and returns
* a camel-case-spaced text
* @param {string} text - text string without spaces
* @returns {string | null}
function camelJoinedtoCamelSpace(text) {
if (!text?.match(/./)) {
return "";
if (text?.match(/ /)) {
return text;
if (text) {
let textArray = text.split("");
let capIndexes = [];
for (let i = 0; i < textArray.length; i++) {
const char = textArray[i];
if (i === 0) continue;
if (char.match(/[A-Z]/)) {
let textChunks = [`${textArray[0].toUpperCase()}${text.substring(1, capIndexes[0])}`];
for (let j = 0; j < capIndexes.length; j++) {
const capIndex = capIndexes[j];
if (capIndex === 0) continue;
const startIndex = capIndex + 1;
const endIndex = capIndexes[j + 1];
textChunks.push(`${textArray[capIndex].toUpperCase()}${text.substring(startIndex, endIndex)}`);
return textChunks.join(" ");
} else {
return null;
module.exports = camelJoinedtoCamelSpace;
// @ts-check
* Convert Camel Joined Text to Camel Spaced Text
* ==============================================================================
* @description this function takes a camel cased text without spaces, and returns
* a camel-case-spaced text
* @param {string} text - text string without spaces
* @returns {string | null}
function camelJoinedtoCamelSpace(text) {
if (!text?.match(/./)) {
return "";
if (text?.match(/ /)) {
return text;
if (text) {
let textArray = text.split("");
let capIndexes = [];
for (let i = 0; i < textArray.length; i++) {
const char = textArray[i];
if (i === 0) continue;
if (char.match(/[A-Z]/)) {
let textChunks = [`${textArray[0].toUpperCase()}${text.substring(1, capIndexes[0])}`];
for (let j = 0; j < capIndexes.length; j++) {
const capIndex = capIndexes[j];
if (capIndex === 0) continue;
const startIndex = capIndex + 1;
const endIndex = capIndexes[j + 1];
textChunks.push(`${textArray[capIndex].toUpperCase()}${text.substring(startIndex, endIndex)}`);
return textChunks.join(" ");
} else {
return null;
module.exports = camelJoinedtoCamelSpace;
@ -1,112 +1,112 @@
// @ts-check
const generateColumnDescription = require("./generateColumnDescription");
const supplementTable = require("./supplementTable");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
module.exports = async function createTable({ dbFullName, tableName, tableInfoArray, varDatabaseDbHandler, dbSchema }) {
* Format tableInfoArray
* @description Format tableInfoArray
const finalTable = supplementTable({ tableInfoArray: tableInfoArray });
* Grab Schema
* @description Grab Schema
const createTableQueryArray = [];
createTableQueryArray.push(`CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \`${tableName}\` (`);
let primaryKeySet = false;
let foreignKeys = [];
for (let i = 0; i < finalTable.length; i++) {
const column = finalTable[i];
const { fieldName, dataType, nullValue, primaryKey, autoIncrement, defaultValue, defaultValueLiteral, foreignKey, updatedField } = column;
if (foreignKey) {
fieldName: fieldName,
let { fieldEntryText, newPrimaryKeySet } = generateColumnDescription({ columnData: column, primaryKeySet: primaryKeySet });
primaryKeySet = newPrimaryKeySet;
if (fieldName?.match(/updated_timestamp/i)) {
const comma = (() => {
if (foreignKeys[0]) return ",";
if (i === finalTable.length - 1) return "";
return ",";
createTableQueryArray.push(" " + fieldEntryText + comma);
if (foreignKeys[0]) {
foreignKeys.forEach((foreighKey, index, array) => {
const { fieldName, destinationTableName, destinationTableColumnName, cascadeDelete, cascadeUpdate, foreignKeyName } = foreighKey;
const comma = (() => {
if (index === foreignKeys.length - 1) return "";
return ",";
createTableQueryArray.push(` CONSTRAINT \`${foreignKeyName}\` FOREIGN KEY (\`${fieldName}\`) REFERENCES \`${destinationTableName}\`(${destinationTableColumnName})${cascadeDelete ? " ON DELETE CASCADE" : ""}${cascadeUpdate ? " ON UPDATE CASCADE" : ""}${comma}`);
createTableQueryArray.push(`) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin;`);
const createTableQuery = createTableQueryArray.join("\n");
const newTable = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: createTableQuery,
database: dbFullName,
return newTable;
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
// @ts-check
const generateColumnDescription = require("./generateColumnDescription");
const supplementTable = require("./supplementTable");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
module.exports = async function createTable({ dbFullName, tableName, tableInfoArray, varDatabaseDbHandler, dbSchema }) {
* Format tableInfoArray
* @description Format tableInfoArray
const finalTable = supplementTable({ tableInfoArray: tableInfoArray });
* Grab Schema
* @description Grab Schema
const createTableQueryArray = [];
createTableQueryArray.push(`CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \`${tableName}\` (`);
let primaryKeySet = false;
let foreignKeys = [];
for (let i = 0; i < finalTable.length; i++) {
const column = finalTable[i];
const { fieldName, dataType, nullValue, primaryKey, autoIncrement, defaultValue, defaultValueLiteral, foreignKey, updatedField } = column;
if (foreignKey) {
fieldName: fieldName,
let { fieldEntryText, newPrimaryKeySet } = generateColumnDescription({ columnData: column, primaryKeySet: primaryKeySet });
primaryKeySet = newPrimaryKeySet;
if (fieldName?.match(/updated_timestamp/i)) {
const comma = (() => {
if (foreignKeys[0]) return ",";
if (i === finalTable.length - 1) return "";
return ",";
createTableQueryArray.push(" " + fieldEntryText + comma);
if (foreignKeys[0]) {
foreignKeys.forEach((foreighKey, index, array) => {
const { fieldName, destinationTableName, destinationTableColumnName, cascadeDelete, cascadeUpdate, foreignKeyName } = foreighKey;
const comma = (() => {
if (index === foreignKeys.length - 1) return "";
return ",";
createTableQueryArray.push(` CONSTRAINT \`${foreignKeyName}\` FOREIGN KEY (\`${fieldName}\`) REFERENCES \`${destinationTableName}\`(${destinationTableColumnName})${cascadeDelete ? " ON DELETE CASCADE" : ""}${cascadeUpdate ? " ON UPDATE CASCADE" : ""}${comma}`);
createTableQueryArray.push(`) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin;`);
const createTableQuery = createTableQueryArray.join("\n");
const newTable = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: createTableQuery,
database: dbFullName,
return newTable;
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
@ -1,157 +1,173 @@
* Detected 8 files that call this module. The files are listed below:
* `require` Statement Found in [noDatabaseDbHandler.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\engine\utils\noDatabaseDbHandler.js)
* `require` Statement Found in [varDatabaseDbHandler.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\engine\utils\varDatabaseDbHandler.js)
* `require` Statement Found in [addDbEntry.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\query\utils\addDbEntry.js)
* `require` Statement Found in [deleteDbEntry.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\query\utils\deleteDbEntry.js)
* `require` Statement Found in [runQuery.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\query\utils\runQuery.js)
* `require` Statement Found in [updateDbEntry.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\query\utils\updateDbEntry.js)
* `require` Statement Found in [githubLogin.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\user\social\utils\githubLogin.js)
* `require` Statement Found in [googleLogin.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\user\social\utils\googleLogin.js)
==== MODULE TRACE END ==== */
// @ts-check
const fs = require("fs");
const mysql = require("mysql");
const parseDbResults = require("./parseDbResults");
const connection = mysql.createConnection({
host: process.env.DSQL_HOST,
user: process.env.DSQL_USER,
database: process.env.DSQL_DB_NAME,
password: process.env.DSQL_PASS,
charset: "utf8mb4",
port: process.env.DSQL_PORT?.match(/.../) ? parseInt(process.env.DSQL_PORT) : undefined,
timeout: 5000,
* Main DB Handler Function
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {object} params - Single Param object containing params
* @param {string} params.query - Query String
* @param {(string | number)[]} [params.values] - Values
* @param {import("../../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType} [params.dbSchema] - Database Schema
* @param {string} [params.database] - Target Database
* @param {string} [params.tableName] - Target Table Name
* @returns {Promise<*>}
module.exports = async function dbHandler({ query, values, database, dbSchema, tableName }) {
* Declare variables
* @description Declare "results" variable
let changeDbError;
if (database) {
connection.changeUser({ database: database }, (error) => {
if (error) {
console.log("DB handler error in switching database:", error.message);
changeDbError = error.message;
if (changeDbError) {
return { error: changeDbError };
* Declare variables
* @description Declare "results" variable
let results;
* Fetch from db
* @description Fetch data from db if no cache
try {
results = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (values?.[0]) {
connection.query(query, values, (error, results, fields) => {
if (error) {
console.log("DB handler error with values array:", error.message);
console.log("SQL:", error.sql);
console.log("State:", error.sqlState, error.sqlMessage);
error: error.message,
} else {
// setTimeout(() => {
// endConnection(connection);
// }, 500);
} else {
connection.query(query, (error, results, fields) => {
if (error) {
console.log("DB handler error:", error.message);
console.log("SQL:", error.sql);
console.log("State:", error.sqlState, error.sqlMessage);
error: error.message,
} else {
// setTimeout(() => {
// endConnection(connection);
// }, 500);
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("DB handler error:", error.message);
results = null;
* Return results
* @description Return results add to cache if "req" param is passed
// if (results && dbSchema && tableName) {
// const tableSchema = dbSchema.tables.find((table) => table.tableName === tableName);
// const parsedResults = parseDbResults({
// unparsedResults: results,
// tableSchema: tableSchema,
// });
// return parsedResults;
// } else
if (results) {
return results;
} else {
console.log("DSQL DB handler no results received for Query =>", query);
return null;
* Detected 8 files that call this module. The files are listed below:
* `require` Statement Found in [noDatabaseDbHandler.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\engine\utils\noDatabaseDbHandler.js)
* `require` Statement Found in [varDatabaseDbHandler.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\engine\utils\varDatabaseDbHandler.js)
* `require` Statement Found in [addDbEntry.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\query\utils\addDbEntry.js)
* `require` Statement Found in [deleteDbEntry.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\query\utils\deleteDbEntry.js)
* `require` Statement Found in [runQuery.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\query\utils\runQuery.js)
* `require` Statement Found in [updateDbEntry.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\query\utils\updateDbEntry.js)
* `require` Statement Found in [githubLogin.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\user\social\utils\githubLogin.js)
* `require` Statement Found in [googleLogin.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\user\social\utils\googleLogin.js)
==== MODULE TRACE END ==== */
// @ts-check
const fs = require("fs");
const mysql = require("mysql");
const parseDbResults = require("./parseDbResults");
const connection = mysql.createConnection({
host: process.env.DSQL_HOST,
user: process.env.DSQL_USER,
database: process.env.DSQL_DB_NAME,
password: process.env.DSQL_PASS,
charset: "utf8mb4",
port: process.env.DSQL_PORT?.match(/.../)
? parseInt(process.env.DSQL_PORT)
: undefined,
timeout: 5000,
* Main DB Handler Function
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {object} params - Single Param object containing params
* @param {string} params.query - Query String
* @param {(string | number)[]} [params.values] - Values
* @param {import("../../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType} [params.dbSchema] - Database Schema
* @param {string} [params.database] - Target Database
* @param {string} [params.tableName] - Target Table Name
* @returns {Promise<*>}
module.exports = async function dbHandler({
}) {
* Declare variables
* @description Declare "results" variable
let changeDbError;
if (database) {
connection.changeUser({ database: database }, (error) => {
if (error) {
"DB handler error in switching database:",
changeDbError = error.message;
if (changeDbError) {
return { error: changeDbError };
* Declare variables
* @description Declare "results" variable
let results;
* Fetch from db
* @description Fetch data from db if no cache
try {
results = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (values?.[0]) {
connection.query(query, values, (error, results, fields) => {
if (error) {
"DB handler error with values array:",
console.log("SQL:", error.sql);
console.log("State:", error.sqlState, error.sqlMessage);
error: error.message,
} else {
// setTimeout(() => {
// endConnection(connection);
// }, 500);
} else {
connection.query(query, (error, results, fields) => {
if (error) {
console.log("DB handler error:", error.message);
console.log("SQL:", error.sql);
console.log("State:", error.sqlState, error.sqlMessage);
error: error.message,
} else {
// setTimeout(() => {
// endConnection(connection);
// }, 500);
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("DB handler error:", error.message);
results = null;
* Return results
* @description Return results add to cache if "req" param is passed
// if (results && dbSchema && tableName) {
// const tableSchema = dbSchema.tables.find((table) => table.tableName === tableName);
// const parsedResults = parseDbResults({
// unparsedResults: results,
// tableSchema: tableSchema,
// });
// return parsedResults;
// } else
if (results) {
return results;
} else {
console.log("DSQL DB handler no results received for Query =>", query);
return null;
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
* Regular expression to match default fields
* @description Regular expression to match default fields
* @type {RegExp}
const defaultFieldsRegexp = /^id$|^date_created$|^date_created_code$|^date_created_timestamp$|^date_updated$|^date_updated_code$|^date_updated_timestamp$/;
module.exports = defaultFieldsRegexp;
* Regular expression to match default fields
* @description Regular expression to match default fields
* @type {RegExp}
const defaultFieldsRegexp = /^id$|^date_created$|^date_created_code$|^date_created_timestamp$|^date_updated$|^date_updated_code$|^date_updated_timestamp$/;
module.exports = defaultFieldsRegexp;
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
// @ts-check
const mysql = require("mysql");
* @param {mysql.Connection} connection - the active MYSQL connection
function endConnection(connection) {
if (connection.state !== "disconnected") {
connection.end((err) => {
module.exports = endConnection;
// @ts-check
const mysql = require("mysql");
* @param {mysql.Connection} connection - the active MYSQL connection
function endConnection(connection) {
if (connection.state !== "disconnected") {
connection.end((err) => {
module.exports = endConnection;
@ -1,68 +1,68 @@
// @ts-check
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* Generate SQL text for Field
* ==============================================================================
* @param {object} params - Single object params
* @param {import("../../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_FieldSchemaType} params.columnData - Field object
* @param {boolean} [params.primaryKeySet] - Table Name(slug)
* @returns {{fieldEntryText: string, newPrimaryKeySet: boolean}}
module.exports = function generateColumnDescription({ columnData, primaryKeySet }) {
* Format tableInfoArray
* @description Format tableInfoArray
const { fieldName, dataType, nullValue, primaryKey, autoIncrement, defaultValue, defaultValueLiteral, notNullValue } = columnData;
let fieldEntryText = "";
fieldEntryText += `\`${fieldName}\` ${dataType}`;
if (nullValue) {
fieldEntryText += " DEFAULT NULL";
} else if (defaultValueLiteral) {
fieldEntryText += ` DEFAULT ${defaultValueLiteral}`;
} else if (defaultValue) {
fieldEntryText += ` DEFAULT '${defaultValue}'`;
} else if (notNullValue) {
fieldEntryText += ` NOT NULL`;
if (primaryKey && !primaryKeySet) {
fieldEntryText += " PRIMARY KEY";
primaryKeySet = true;
if (autoIncrement) {
fieldEntryText += " AUTO_INCREMENT";
primaryKeySet = true;
return { fieldEntryText, newPrimaryKeySet: primaryKeySet || false };
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
// @ts-check
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* Generate SQL text for Field
* ==============================================================================
* @param {object} params - Single object params
* @param {import("../../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_FieldSchemaType} params.columnData - Field object
* @param {boolean} [params.primaryKeySet] - Table Name(slug)
* @returns {{fieldEntryText: string, newPrimaryKeySet: boolean}}
module.exports = function generateColumnDescription({ columnData, primaryKeySet }) {
* Format tableInfoArray
* @description Format tableInfoArray
const { fieldName, dataType, nullValue, primaryKey, autoIncrement, defaultValue, defaultValueLiteral, notNullValue } = columnData;
let fieldEntryText = "";
fieldEntryText += `\`${fieldName}\` ${dataType}`;
if (nullValue) {
fieldEntryText += " DEFAULT NULL";
} else if (defaultValueLiteral) {
fieldEntryText += ` DEFAULT ${defaultValueLiteral}`;
} else if (defaultValue) {
fieldEntryText += ` DEFAULT '${defaultValue}'`;
} else if (notNullValue) {
fieldEntryText += ` NOT NULL`;
if (primaryKey && !primaryKeySet) {
fieldEntryText += " PRIMARY KEY";
primaryKeySet = true;
if (autoIncrement) {
fieldEntryText += " AUTO_INCREMENT";
primaryKeySet = true;
return { fieldEntryText, newPrimaryKeySet: primaryKeySet || false };
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
@ -1,89 +1,89 @@
// @ts-check
const fs = require("fs");
const dbHandler = require("./dbHandler");
const mysql = require("mysql");
const endConnection = require("./endConnection");
const connection = mysql.createConnection({
host: process.env.DSQL_HOST,
user: process.env.DSQL_USER,
password: process.env.DSQL_PASS,
charset: "utf8mb4",
port: process.env.DSQL_PORT?.match(/.../) ? parseInt(process.env.DSQL_PORT) : undefined,
timeout: 5000,
* Create database from Schema Function
* ==============================================================================
* @param {object} params - Single Param object containing params
* @param {string} params.query - Query String
* @param {string[]} [params.values] - Values
* @returns {Promise<object[] | null>}
module.exports = async function noDatabaseDbHandler({ query, values }) {
* Declare variables
* @description Declare "results" variable
let results;
* Fetch from db
* @description Fetch data from db if no cache
try {
/** ********************* Run Query */
results = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (values) {
connection.query(query, values, (error, results, fields) => {
if (error) {
console.log("NO-DB handler error:", error.message);
error: error.message,
} else {
// setTimeout(() => {
// endConnection(connection);
// }, 500);
} else {
connection.query(query, (error, results, fields) => {
if (error) {
console.log("NO-DB handler error:", error.message);
error: error.message,
} else {
// setTimeout(() => {
// endConnection(connection);
// }, 500);
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("ERROR in noDatabaseDbHandler =>", error.message);
* Return results
* @description Return results add to cache if "req" param is passed
if (results) {
return results;
} else {
return null;
// @ts-check
const fs = require("fs");
const dbHandler = require("./dbHandler");
const mysql = require("mysql");
const endConnection = require("./endConnection");
const connection = mysql.createConnection({
host: process.env.DSQL_HOST,
user: process.env.DSQL_USER,
password: process.env.DSQL_PASS,
charset: "utf8mb4",
port: process.env.DSQL_PORT?.match(/.../) ? parseInt(process.env.DSQL_PORT) : undefined,
timeout: 5000,
* Create database from Schema Function
* ==============================================================================
* @param {object} params - Single Param object containing params
* @param {string} params.query - Query String
* @param {string[]} [params.values] - Values
* @returns {Promise<object[] | null>}
module.exports = async function noDatabaseDbHandler({ query, values }) {
* Declare variables
* @description Declare "results" variable
let results;
* Fetch from db
* @description Fetch data from db if no cache
try {
/** ********************* Run Query */
results = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (values) {
connection.query(query, values, (error, results, fields) => {
if (error) {
console.log("NO-DB handler error:", error.message);
error: error.message,
} else {
// setTimeout(() => {
// endConnection(connection);
// }, 500);
} else {
connection.query(query, (error, results, fields) => {
if (error) {
console.log("NO-DB handler error:", error.message);
error: error.message,
} else {
// setTimeout(() => {
// endConnection(connection);
// }, 500);
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("ERROR in noDatabaseDbHandler =>", error.message);
* Return results
* @description Return results add to cache if "req" param is passed
if (results) {
return results;
} else {
return null;
@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
// @ts-check
const decrypt = require("../../../functions/decrypt");
// @ts-ignore
const defaultFieldsRegexp = require("./defaultFieldsRegexp");
* Parse Database results
* ==============================================================================
* @description this function takes a database results array gotten from a DB handler
* function, decrypts encrypted fields, and returns an updated array with no encrypted
* fields
* @param {object} params - Single object params
* @param {*[]} params.unparsedResults - Array of data objects containing Fields(keys)
* and corresponding values of the fields(values)
* @param {import("../../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_TableSchemaType} [params.tableSchema] - Table schema
* @returns {Promise<object[]|null>}
module.exports = async function parseDbResults({ unparsedResults, tableSchema }) {
* Declare variables
* @description Declare "results" variable
* @type {*[]}
let parsedResults = [];
const encryptionKey = process.env.DSQL_ENCRYPTION_KEY || "";
const encryptionSalt = process.env.DSQL_ENCRYPTION_SALT || "";
try {
* Declare variables
* @description Declare "results" variable
for (let pr = 0; pr < unparsedResults.length; pr++) {
let result = unparsedResults[pr];
let resultFieldNames = Object.keys(result);
for (let i = 0; i < resultFieldNames.length; i++) {
const resultFieldName = resultFieldNames[i];
let resultFieldSchema = tableSchema?.fields[i];
if (resultFieldName?.match(defaultFieldsRegexp)) {
let value = result[resultFieldName];
if (typeof value !== "number" && !value) {
// parsedResults.push(result);
if (resultFieldSchema?.encrypted && value?.match(/./)) {
result[resultFieldName] = decrypt({ encryptedString: value, encryptionKey, encryptionSalt });
* Declare variables
* @description Declare "results" variable
return parsedResults;
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("ERROR in parseDbResults Function =>", error.message);
return unparsedResults;
// @ts-check
const decrypt = require("../../../functions/decrypt");
// @ts-ignore
const defaultFieldsRegexp = require("./defaultFieldsRegexp");
* Parse Database results
* ==============================================================================
* @description this function takes a database results array gotten from a DB handler
* function, decrypts encrypted fields, and returns an updated array with no encrypted
* fields
* @param {object} params - Single object params
* @param {*[]} params.unparsedResults - Array of data objects containing Fields(keys)
* and corresponding values of the fields(values)
* @param {import("../../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_TableSchemaType} [params.tableSchema] - Table schema
* @returns {Promise<object[]|null>}
module.exports = async function parseDbResults({ unparsedResults, tableSchema }) {
* Declare variables
* @description Declare "results" variable
* @type {*[]}
let parsedResults = [];
const encryptionKey = process.env.DSQL_ENCRYPTION_KEY || "";
const encryptionSalt = process.env.DSQL_ENCRYPTION_SALT || "";
try {
* Declare variables
* @description Declare "results" variable
for (let pr = 0; pr < unparsedResults.length; pr++) {
let result = unparsedResults[pr];
let resultFieldNames = Object.keys(result);
for (let i = 0; i < resultFieldNames.length; i++) {
const resultFieldName = resultFieldNames[i];
let resultFieldSchema = tableSchema?.fields[i];
if (resultFieldName?.match(defaultFieldsRegexp)) {
let value = result[resultFieldName];
if (typeof value !== "number" && !value) {
// parsedResults.push(result);
if (resultFieldSchema?.encrypted && value?.match(/./)) {
result[resultFieldName] = decrypt({ encryptedString: value, encryptionKey, encryptionSalt });
* Declare variables
* @description Declare "results" variable
return parsedResults;
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("ERROR in parseDbResults Function =>", error.message);
return unparsedResults;
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
// @ts-check
module.exports = function slugToCamelTitle(text) {
if (text) {
let addArray = text.split("-").filter((item) => item !== "");
let camelArray = addArray.map((item) => {
return item.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + item.substr(1).toLowerCase();
let parsedAddress = camelArray.join(" ");
return parsedAddress;
} else {
return null;
// @ts-check
module.exports = function slugToCamelTitle(text) {
if (text) {
let addArray = text.split("-").filter((item) => item !== "");
let camelArray = addArray.map((item) => {
return item.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + item.substr(1).toLowerCase();
let parsedAddress = camelArray.join(" ");
return parsedAddress;
} else {
return null;
@ -1,48 +1,48 @@
// @ts-check
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
module.exports = function supplementTable({ tableInfoArray }) {
* Format tableInfoArray
* @description Format tableInfoArray
let finalTableArray = tableInfoArray;
const defaultFields = require("../data/defaultFields.json");
let primaryKeyExists = finalTableArray.filter((_field) => _field.primaryKey);
defaultFields.forEach((field) => {
let fieldExists = finalTableArray.filter((_field) => _field.fieldName === field.fieldName);
if (fieldExists && fieldExists[0]) {
} else if (field.fieldName === "id" && !primaryKeyExists[0]) {
} else {
return finalTableArray;
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
// @ts-check
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
module.exports = function supplementTable({ tableInfoArray }) {
* Format tableInfoArray
* @description Format tableInfoArray
let finalTableArray = tableInfoArray;
const defaultFields = require("../data/defaultFields.json");
let primaryKeyExists = finalTableArray.filter((_field) => _field.primaryKey);
defaultFields.forEach((field) => {
let fieldExists = finalTableArray.filter((_field) => _field.fieldName === field.fieldName);
if (fieldExists && fieldExists[0]) {
} else if (field.fieldName === "id" && !primaryKeyExists[0]) {
} else {
return finalTableArray;
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
@ -1,457 +1,457 @@
// @ts-check
///////////////////////// - Update Table Function - ////////////////////////////
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const defaultFieldsRegexp = /^id$|^date_created$|^date_created_code$|^date_created_timestamp$|^date_updated$|^date_updated_code$|^date_updated_timestamp$/;
const generateColumnDescription = require("./generateColumnDescription");
const varDatabaseDbHandler = require("./varDatabaseDbHandler");
const schemaPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "dsql.schema.json");
* Update table function
* ==============================================================================
* @param {object} params - Single object params
* @param {string} params.dbFullName - Database full name => "datasquirel_user_4394_db_name"
* @param {string} params.tableName - Table Name(slug)
* @param {import("../../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_FieldSchemaType[]} params.tableInfoArray - Table Info Array
* @param {import("../../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType[]} params.dbSchema - Single post
* @param {import("../../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_IndexSchemaType[]} [params.tableIndexes] - Table Indexes
* @param {boolean} [params.clone] - Is this a newly cloned table?
* @param {number} [params.tableIndex] - The number index of the table in the dbSchema array
* @returns {Promise<string|object[]|null>}
module.exports = async function updateTable({ dbFullName, tableName, tableInfoArray, dbSchema, tableIndexes, clone, tableIndex }) {
* Initialize
* ==========================================
* @description Initial setup
* @description Initialize table info array. This value will be
* changing depending on if a field is renamed or not.
let upToDateTableFieldsArray = tableInfoArray;
* Handle Table updates
* @description Try to undate table, catch error if anything goes wrong
try {
* @type {string[]}
* @description Table update query string array
const updateTableQueryArray = [];
* @type {string[]}
* @description Constriants query string array
const constraintsQueryArray = [];
* @description Push the query initial value
updateTableQueryArray.push(`ALTER TABLE \`${tableName}\``);
* @type {*}
* @description All indexes from MYSQL db
const allExistingIndexes = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `SHOW INDEXES FROM \`${tableName}\``,
database: dbFullName,
* @type {*}
* @description All columns from MYSQL db
const allExistingColumns = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `SHOW COLUMNS FROM \`${tableName}\``,
database: dbFullName,
* @type {string[]}
* @description Updated column names Array
const updatedColumnsArray = [];
* @description Iterate through every existing column
if (allExistingColumns)
for (let e = 0; e < allExistingColumns.length; e++) {
const { Field } = allExistingColumns[e];
if (Field.match(defaultFieldsRegexp)) continue;
* @description This finds out whether the fieldName corresponds with the MSQL Field name
* if the fildName doesn't match any MYSQL Field name, the field is deleted.
let existingEntry = upToDateTableFieldsArray.filter((column) => column.fieldName === Field || column.originName === Field);
if (existingEntry && existingEntry[0]) {
* @description Check if Field name has been updated
if (existingEntry[0].updatedField) {
const renameColumn = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `ALTER TABLE ${tableName} RENAME COLUMN \`${existingEntry[0].originName}\` TO \`${existingEntry[0].fieldName}\``,
database: dbFullName,
console.log(`Column Renamed from "${existingEntry[0].originName}" to "${existingEntry[0].fieldName}"`);
* Update Db Schema
* ===================================================
* @description Update Db Schema after renaming column
try {
const userSchemaData = dbSchema;
const targetDbIndex = userSchemaData.findIndex((db) => db.dbFullName === dbFullName);
const targetTableIndex = userSchemaData[targetDbIndex].tables.findIndex((table) => table.tableName === tableName);
const targetFieldIndex = userSchemaData[targetDbIndex].tables[targetTableIndex].fields.findIndex((field) => field.fieldName === existingEntry[0].fieldName);
delete userSchemaData[targetDbIndex].tables[targetTableIndex].fields[targetFieldIndex]["originName"];
delete userSchemaData[targetDbIndex].tables[targetTableIndex].fields[targetFieldIndex]["updatedField"];
* @description Set New Table Fields Array
upToDateTableFieldsArray = userSchemaData[targetDbIndex].tables[targetTableIndex].fields;
fs.writeFileSync(schemaPath, JSON.stringify(userSchemaData), "utf8");
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("Error in updating Table =>", error.message);
} else {
// console.log("Column Deleted =>", Field);
await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `ALTER TABLE ${tableName} DROP COLUMN \`${Field}\``,
database: dbFullName,
* Handle MYSQL Table Indexes
* ===================================================
* @description Iterate through each table index(if available)
* and perform operations
if (allExistingIndexes)
for (let f = 0; f < allExistingIndexes.length; f++) {
const { Key_name, Index_comment } = allExistingIndexes[f];
* @description Check if this index was specifically created
* by datasquirel
if (Index_comment?.match(/schema_index/)) {
try {
const existingKeyInSchema = tableIndexes ? tableIndexes.filter((indexObject) => indexObject.alias === Key_name) : null;
if (!existingKeyInSchema?.[0]) throw new Error(`This Index(${Key_name}) Has been Deleted!`);
} catch (error) {
* @description Drop Index: This happens when the MYSQL index is not
* present in the datasquirel DB schema
await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `ALTER TABLE ${tableName} DROP INDEX \`${Key_name}\``,
database: dbFullName,
* Handle DATASQUIREL Table Indexes
* ===================================================
* @description Iterate through each datasquirel schema
* table index(if available), and perform operations
if (tableIndexes && tableIndexes[0]) {
for (let g = 0; g < tableIndexes.length; g++) {
const { indexType, indexName, indexTableFields, alias } = tableIndexes[g];
if (!alias?.match(/./)) continue;
* @description Check for existing Index in MYSQL db
try {
const existingKeyInDb = allExistingIndexes?.filter((indexObject) => indexObject.Key_name === alias);
if (!existingKeyInDb?.[0]) throw new Error("This Index Does not Exist");
} catch (error) {
* @description Create new index if determined that it
* doesn't exist in MYSQL db
await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `CREATE${indexType.match(/fullText/i) ? " FULLTEXT" : ""} INDEX \`${alias}\` ON ${tableName}(${indexTableFields
.map((nm) => nm.value)
.map((nm) => `\`${nm}\``)
.join(",")}) COMMENT 'schema_index'`,
database: dbFullName,
* Handle MYSQL Foreign Keys
* ===================================================
* @description Iterate through each datasquirel schema
* table index(if available), and perform operations
* @description All MSQL Foreign Keys
* @type {*}
const allForeignKeys = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
database: dbFullName,
if (allForeignKeys)
for (let c = 0; c < allForeignKeys.length; c++) {
const { CONSTRAINT_NAME } = allForeignKeys[c];
* @description Skip if Key is the PRIMARY Key
if (CONSTRAINT_NAME.match(/PRIMARY/)) continue;
* @description Drop all foreign Keys to avoid MYSQL errors when adding/updating
* Foreign keys
const dropForeignKey = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `ALTER TABLE ${tableName} DROP FOREIGN KEY \`${CONSTRAINT_NAME}\``,
database: dbFullName,
* Handle DATASQUIREL schema fields for current table
* ===================================================
* @description Iterate through each field object and
* perform operations
for (let i = 0; i < upToDateTableFieldsArray.length; i++) {
const column = upToDateTableFieldsArray[i];
const prevColumn = upToDateTableFieldsArray[i - 1];
const nextColumn = upToDateTableFieldsArray[i + 1];
const { fieldName, dataType, nullValue, primaryKey, autoIncrement, defaultValue, defaultValueLiteral, foreignKey, updatedField } = column;
* @description Skip default fields
if (fieldName.match(/^id$|^date_/)) continue;
* @description Skip columns that have been updated recently
// if (updatedColumnsArray.includes(fieldName)) continue;
let updateText = "";
let existingColumnIndex;
* @description Existing MYSQL field object
let existingColumn =
allExistingColumns && allExistingColumns[0]
? allExistingColumns.filter((_column, _index) => {
if (_column.Field === fieldName) {
existingColumnIndex = _index;
return true;
: null;
* @description Construct SQL text snippet for this field
let { fieldEntryText } = generateColumnDescription({ columnData: column });
* @description Modify Column(Field) if it already exists
* in MYSQL database
if (existingColumn && existingColumn[0]?.Field) {
const { Field, Type, Null, Key, Default, Extra } = existingColumn[0];
let isColumnReordered = existingColumnIndex ? i < existingColumnIndex : false;
if (Field === fieldName && !isColumnReordered && dataType.toUpperCase() === Type.toUpperCase()) {
updateText += `MODIFY COLUMN ${fieldEntryText}`;
// continue;
} else {
updateText += `MODIFY COLUMN ${fieldEntryText}${isColumnReordered ? (prevColumn?.fieldName ? " AFTER `" + prevColumn.fieldName + "`" : " AFTER `id`") : ""}`;
// if (userId) {
// } else {
// updateText += `MODIFY COLUMN ${fieldEntryText}`;
// }
} else if (prevColumn && prevColumn.fieldName) {
* @description Add new Column AFTER previous column, if
* previous column exists
updateText += `ADD COLUMN ${fieldEntryText} AFTER \`${prevColumn.fieldName}\``;
} else if (!prevColumn && nextColumn && nextColumn.fieldName) {
* @description Add new Column before next column, if
* next column exists
updateText += `ADD COLUMN ${fieldEntryText} AFTER \`id\``;
} else {
* @description Append new column to the end of existing columns
updateText += `ADD COLUMN ${fieldEntryText}`;
* @description Pust SQL code snippet to updateTableQueryArray Array
* Add a comma(,) to separate from the next snippet
updateTableQueryArray.push(updateText + ",");
* @description Handle foreing keys if available, and if there is no
* "clone" boolean = true
if (!clone && foreignKey) {
const { destinationTableName, destinationTableColumnName, cascadeDelete, cascadeUpdate, foreignKeyName } = foreignKey;
const foreinKeyText = `ADD CONSTRAINT \`${foreignKeyName}\` FOREIGN KEY (${fieldName}) REFERENCES ${destinationTableName}(${destinationTableColumnName})${cascadeDelete ? " ON DELETE CASCADE" : ""}${cascadeUpdate ? " ON UPDATE CASCADE" : ""}`;
// const foreinKeyText = `ADD CONSTRAINT \`${foreignKeyName}\` FOREIGN KEY (${fieldName}) REFERENCES ${destinationTableName}(${destinationTableColumnName})${cascadeDelete ? " ON DELETE CASCADE" : ""}${cascadeUpdate ? " ON UPDATE CASCADE" : ""}` + ",";
const finalQueryString = `ALTER TABLE \`${tableName}\` ${foreinKeyText}`;
const addForeignKey = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
database: dbFullName,
queryString: finalQueryString,
* @description Construct final SQL query by combning all SQL snippets in
* updateTableQueryArray Arry, and trimming the final comma(,)
const updateTableQuery = updateTableQueryArray.join(" ").replace(/,$/, "");
* @description Check if SQL snippets array has more than 1 entries
* This is because 1 entry means "ALTER TABLE table_name" only, without any
* Alter directives like "ADD COLUMN" or "MODIFY COLUMN"
if (updateTableQueryArray.length > 1) {
const updateTable = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: updateTableQuery,
database: dbFullName,
return updateTable;
} else {
* @description If only 1 SQL snippet is left in updateTableQueryArray, this
* means that no updates have been made to the table
return "No Changes Made to Table";
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log('Error in "updateTable" function =>', error.message);
return "Error in Updating Table";
// @ts-check
///////////////////////// - Update Table Function - ////////////////////////////
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const defaultFieldsRegexp = /^id$|^date_created$|^date_created_code$|^date_created_timestamp$|^date_updated$|^date_updated_code$|^date_updated_timestamp$/;
const generateColumnDescription = require("./generateColumnDescription");
const varDatabaseDbHandler = require("./varDatabaseDbHandler");
const schemaPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "dsql.schema.json");
* Update table function
* ==============================================================================
* @param {object} params - Single object params
* @param {string} params.dbFullName - Database full name => "datasquirel_user_4394_db_name"
* @param {string} params.tableName - Table Name(slug)
* @param {import("../../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_FieldSchemaType[]} params.tableInfoArray - Table Info Array
* @param {import("../../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType[]} params.dbSchema - Single post
* @param {import("../../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_IndexSchemaType[]} [params.tableIndexes] - Table Indexes
* @param {boolean} [params.clone] - Is this a newly cloned table?
* @param {number} [params.tableIndex] - The number index of the table in the dbSchema array
* @returns {Promise<string|object[]|null>}
module.exports = async function updateTable({ dbFullName, tableName, tableInfoArray, dbSchema, tableIndexes, clone, tableIndex }) {
* Initialize
* ==========================================
* @description Initial setup
* @description Initialize table info array. This value will be
* changing depending on if a field is renamed or not.
let upToDateTableFieldsArray = tableInfoArray;
* Handle Table updates
* @description Try to undate table, catch error if anything goes wrong
try {
* @type {string[]}
* @description Table update query string array
const updateTableQueryArray = [];
* @type {string[]}
* @description Constriants query string array
const constraintsQueryArray = [];
* @description Push the query initial value
updateTableQueryArray.push(`ALTER TABLE \`${tableName}\``);
* @type {*}
* @description All indexes from MYSQL db
const allExistingIndexes = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `SHOW INDEXES FROM \`${tableName}\``,
database: dbFullName,
* @type {*}
* @description All columns from MYSQL db
const allExistingColumns = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `SHOW COLUMNS FROM \`${tableName}\``,
database: dbFullName,
* @type {string[]}
* @description Updated column names Array
const updatedColumnsArray = [];
* @description Iterate through every existing column
if (allExistingColumns)
for (let e = 0; e < allExistingColumns.length; e++) {
const { Field } = allExistingColumns[e];
if (Field.match(defaultFieldsRegexp)) continue;
* @description This finds out whether the fieldName corresponds with the MSQL Field name
* if the fildName doesn't match any MYSQL Field name, the field is deleted.
let existingEntry = upToDateTableFieldsArray.filter((column) => column.fieldName === Field || column.originName === Field);
if (existingEntry && existingEntry[0]) {
* @description Check if Field name has been updated
if (existingEntry[0].updatedField) {
const renameColumn = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `ALTER TABLE ${tableName} RENAME COLUMN \`${existingEntry[0].originName}\` TO \`${existingEntry[0].fieldName}\``,
database: dbFullName,
console.log(`Column Renamed from "${existingEntry[0].originName}" to "${existingEntry[0].fieldName}"`);
* Update Db Schema
* ===================================================
* @description Update Db Schema after renaming column
try {
const userSchemaData = dbSchema;
const targetDbIndex = userSchemaData.findIndex((db) => db.dbFullName === dbFullName);
const targetTableIndex = userSchemaData[targetDbIndex].tables.findIndex((table) => table.tableName === tableName);
const targetFieldIndex = userSchemaData[targetDbIndex].tables[targetTableIndex].fields.findIndex((field) => field.fieldName === existingEntry[0].fieldName);
delete userSchemaData[targetDbIndex].tables[targetTableIndex].fields[targetFieldIndex]["originName"];
delete userSchemaData[targetDbIndex].tables[targetTableIndex].fields[targetFieldIndex]["updatedField"];
* @description Set New Table Fields Array
upToDateTableFieldsArray = userSchemaData[targetDbIndex].tables[targetTableIndex].fields;
fs.writeFileSync(schemaPath, JSON.stringify(userSchemaData), "utf8");
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("Error in updating Table =>", error.message);
} else {
// console.log("Column Deleted =>", Field);
await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `ALTER TABLE ${tableName} DROP COLUMN \`${Field}\``,
database: dbFullName,
* Handle MYSQL Table Indexes
* ===================================================
* @description Iterate through each table index(if available)
* and perform operations
if (allExistingIndexes)
for (let f = 0; f < allExistingIndexes.length; f++) {
const { Key_name, Index_comment } = allExistingIndexes[f];
* @description Check if this index was specifically created
* by datasquirel
if (Index_comment?.match(/schema_index/)) {
try {
const existingKeyInSchema = tableIndexes ? tableIndexes.filter((indexObject) => indexObject.alias === Key_name) : null;
if (!existingKeyInSchema?.[0]) throw new Error(`This Index(${Key_name}) Has been Deleted!`);
} catch (error) {
* @description Drop Index: This happens when the MYSQL index is not
* present in the datasquirel DB schema
await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `ALTER TABLE ${tableName} DROP INDEX \`${Key_name}\``,
database: dbFullName,
* Handle DATASQUIREL Table Indexes
* ===================================================
* @description Iterate through each datasquirel schema
* table index(if available), and perform operations
if (tableIndexes && tableIndexes[0]) {
for (let g = 0; g < tableIndexes.length; g++) {
const { indexType, indexName, indexTableFields, alias } = tableIndexes[g];
if (!alias?.match(/./)) continue;
* @description Check for existing Index in MYSQL db
try {
const existingKeyInDb = allExistingIndexes?.filter((indexObject) => indexObject.Key_name === alias);
if (!existingKeyInDb?.[0]) throw new Error("This Index Does not Exist");
} catch (error) {
* @description Create new index if determined that it
* doesn't exist in MYSQL db
await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `CREATE${indexType.match(/fullText/i) ? " FULLTEXT" : ""} INDEX \`${alias}\` ON ${tableName}(${indexTableFields
.map((nm) => nm.value)
.map((nm) => `\`${nm}\``)
.join(",")}) COMMENT 'schema_index'`,
database: dbFullName,
* Handle MYSQL Foreign Keys
* ===================================================
* @description Iterate through each datasquirel schema
* table index(if available), and perform operations
* @description All MSQL Foreign Keys
* @type {*}
const allForeignKeys = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
database: dbFullName,
if (allForeignKeys)
for (let c = 0; c < allForeignKeys.length; c++) {
const { CONSTRAINT_NAME } = allForeignKeys[c];
* @description Skip if Key is the PRIMARY Key
if (CONSTRAINT_NAME.match(/PRIMARY/)) continue;
* @description Drop all foreign Keys to avoid MYSQL errors when adding/updating
* Foreign keys
const dropForeignKey = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `ALTER TABLE ${tableName} DROP FOREIGN KEY \`${CONSTRAINT_NAME}\``,
database: dbFullName,
* Handle DATASQUIREL schema fields for current table
* ===================================================
* @description Iterate through each field object and
* perform operations
for (let i = 0; i < upToDateTableFieldsArray.length; i++) {
const column = upToDateTableFieldsArray[i];
const prevColumn = upToDateTableFieldsArray[i - 1];
const nextColumn = upToDateTableFieldsArray[i + 1];
const { fieldName, dataType, nullValue, primaryKey, autoIncrement, defaultValue, defaultValueLiteral, foreignKey, updatedField } = column;
* @description Skip default fields
if (fieldName.match(/^id$|^date_/)) continue;
* @description Skip columns that have been updated recently
// if (updatedColumnsArray.includes(fieldName)) continue;
let updateText = "";
let existingColumnIndex;
* @description Existing MYSQL field object
let existingColumn =
allExistingColumns && allExistingColumns[0]
? allExistingColumns.filter((_column, _index) => {
if (_column.Field === fieldName) {
existingColumnIndex = _index;
return true;
: null;
* @description Construct SQL text snippet for this field
let { fieldEntryText } = generateColumnDescription({ columnData: column });
* @description Modify Column(Field) if it already exists
* in MYSQL database
if (existingColumn && existingColumn[0]?.Field) {
const { Field, Type, Null, Key, Default, Extra } = existingColumn[0];
let isColumnReordered = existingColumnIndex ? i < existingColumnIndex : false;
if (Field === fieldName && !isColumnReordered && dataType.toUpperCase() === Type.toUpperCase()) {
updateText += `MODIFY COLUMN ${fieldEntryText}`;
// continue;
} else {
updateText += `MODIFY COLUMN ${fieldEntryText}${isColumnReordered ? (prevColumn?.fieldName ? " AFTER `" + prevColumn.fieldName + "`" : " AFTER `id`") : ""}`;
// if (userId) {
// } else {
// updateText += `MODIFY COLUMN ${fieldEntryText}`;
// }
} else if (prevColumn && prevColumn.fieldName) {
* @description Add new Column AFTER previous column, if
* previous column exists
updateText += `ADD COLUMN ${fieldEntryText} AFTER \`${prevColumn.fieldName}\``;
} else if (!prevColumn && nextColumn && nextColumn.fieldName) {
* @description Add new Column before next column, if
* next column exists
updateText += `ADD COLUMN ${fieldEntryText} AFTER \`id\``;
} else {
* @description Append new column to the end of existing columns
updateText += `ADD COLUMN ${fieldEntryText}`;
* @description Pust SQL code snippet to updateTableQueryArray Array
* Add a comma(,) to separate from the next snippet
updateTableQueryArray.push(updateText + ",");
* @description Handle foreing keys if available, and if there is no
* "clone" boolean = true
if (!clone && foreignKey) {
const { destinationTableName, destinationTableColumnName, cascadeDelete, cascadeUpdate, foreignKeyName } = foreignKey;
const foreinKeyText = `ADD CONSTRAINT \`${foreignKeyName}\` FOREIGN KEY (${fieldName}) REFERENCES ${destinationTableName}(${destinationTableColumnName})${cascadeDelete ? " ON DELETE CASCADE" : ""}${cascadeUpdate ? " ON UPDATE CASCADE" : ""}`;
// const foreinKeyText = `ADD CONSTRAINT \`${foreignKeyName}\` FOREIGN KEY (${fieldName}) REFERENCES ${destinationTableName}(${destinationTableColumnName})${cascadeDelete ? " ON DELETE CASCADE" : ""}${cascadeUpdate ? " ON UPDATE CASCADE" : ""}` + ",";
const finalQueryString = `ALTER TABLE \`${tableName}\` ${foreinKeyText}`;
const addForeignKey = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
database: dbFullName,
queryString: finalQueryString,
* @description Construct final SQL query by combning all SQL snippets in
* updateTableQueryArray Arry, and trimming the final comma(,)
const updateTableQuery = updateTableQueryArray.join(" ").replace(/,$/, "");
* @description Check if SQL snippets array has more than 1 entries
* This is because 1 entry means "ALTER TABLE table_name" only, without any
* Alter directives like "ADD COLUMN" or "MODIFY COLUMN"
if (updateTableQueryArray.length > 1) {
const updateTable = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: updateTableQuery,
database: dbFullName,
return updateTable;
} else {
* @description If only 1 SQL snippet is left in updateTableQueryArray, this
* means that no updates have been made to the table
return "No Changes Made to Table";
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log('Error in "updateTable" function =>', error.message);
return "Error in Updating Table";
@ -1,98 +1,98 @@
* Detected 9 files that call this module. The files are listed below:
* `require` Statement Found in [createDbFromSchema.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\engine\createDbFromSchema.js)
* `require` Statement Found in [updateTable.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\engine\utils\updateTable.js)
* `require` Statement Found in [runQuery.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\query\utils\runQuery.js)
* `require` Statement Found in [add-user.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\user\add-user.js)
* `require` Statement Found in [get-user.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\user\get-user.js)
* `require` Statement Found in [login-user.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\user\login-user.js)
* `require` Statement Found in [reauth-user.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\user\reauth-user.js)
* `require` Statement Found in [handleSocialDb.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\user\social\utils\handleSocialDb.js)
* `require` Statement Found in [update-user.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\user\update-user.js)
==== MODULE TRACE END ==== */
// @ts-check
const fs = require("fs");
const parseDbResults = require("./parseDbResults");
const dbHandler = require("./dbHandler");
* DB handler for specific database
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {object} params - Single object params
* @param {string} params.queryString - SQL string
* @param {string[]} [params.queryValuesArray] - Values Array
* @param {string} params.database - Database name
* @param {import("../../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_TableSchemaType} [params.tableSchema] - Table schema
* @returns {Promise<*>}
module.exports = async function varDatabaseDbHandler({ queryString, queryValuesArray, database, tableSchema }) {
* Create Connection
* @description Create Connection
const encryptionKey = process.env.DSQL_ENCRYPTION_KEY || "";
const encryptionSalt = process.env.DSQL_ENCRYPTION_SALT || "";
* Declare variables
* @description Declare "results" variable
* @type {*}
let results;
* Fetch from db
* @description Fetch data from db if no cache
try {
if (queryString && Array.isArray(queryValuesArray) && queryValuesArray[0]) {
results = await dbHandler({ query: queryString, values: queryValuesArray, database: database });
} else if (queryString && !Array.isArray(queryValuesArray)) {
results = await dbHandler({ query: queryString, database: database });
} catch (error) {
console.log("\x1b[31mvarDatabaseDbHandler ERROR\x1b[0m =>", database, error);
* Return results
* @description Return results add to cache if "req" param is passed
if (results && tableSchema) {
try {
const unparsedResults = results;
// deepcode ignore reDOS: <please specify a reason of ignoring this>
const parsedResults = await parseDbResults({ unparsedResults: unparsedResults, tableSchema: tableSchema });
return parsedResults;
} catch (error) {
console.log("\x1b[31mvarDatabaseDbHandler ERROR\x1b[0m =>", database, error);
return null;
} else if (results) {
return results;
} else {
return null;
* Detected 9 files that call this module. The files are listed below:
* `require` Statement Found in [createDbFromSchema.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\engine\createDbFromSchema.js)
* `require` Statement Found in [updateTable.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\engine\utils\updateTable.js)
* `require` Statement Found in [runQuery.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\query\utils\runQuery.js)
* `require` Statement Found in [add-user.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\user\add-user.js)
* `require` Statement Found in [get-user.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\user\get-user.js)
* `require` Statement Found in [login-user.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\user\login-user.js)
* `require` Statement Found in [reauth-user.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\user\reauth-user.js)
* `require` Statement Found in [handleSocialDb.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\user\social\utils\handleSocialDb.js)
* `require` Statement Found in [update-user.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\user\update-user.js)
==== MODULE TRACE END ==== */
// @ts-check
const fs = require("fs");
const parseDbResults = require("./parseDbResults");
const dbHandler = require("./dbHandler");
* DB handler for specific database
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {object} params - Single object params
* @param {string} params.queryString - SQL string
* @param {string[]} [params.queryValuesArray] - Values Array
* @param {string} params.database - Database name
* @param {import("../../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_TableSchemaType} [params.tableSchema] - Table schema
* @returns {Promise<*>}
module.exports = async function varDatabaseDbHandler({ queryString, queryValuesArray, database, tableSchema }) {
* Create Connection
* @description Create Connection
const encryptionKey = process.env.DSQL_ENCRYPTION_KEY || "";
const encryptionSalt = process.env.DSQL_ENCRYPTION_SALT || "";
* Declare variables
* @description Declare "results" variable
* @type {*}
let results;
* Fetch from db
* @description Fetch data from db if no cache
try {
if (queryString && Array.isArray(queryValuesArray) && queryValuesArray[0]) {
results = await dbHandler({ query: queryString, values: queryValuesArray, database: database });
} else if (queryString && !Array.isArray(queryValuesArray)) {
results = await dbHandler({ query: queryString, database: database });
} catch (error) {
console.log("\x1b[31mvarDatabaseDbHandler ERROR\x1b[0m =>", database, error);
* Return results
* @description Return results add to cache if "req" param is passed
if (results && tableSchema) {
try {
const unparsedResults = results;
// deepcode ignore reDOS: <please specify a reason of ignoring this>
const parsedResults = await parseDbResults({ unparsedResults: unparsedResults, tableSchema: tableSchema });
return parsedResults;
} catch (error) {
console.log("\x1b[31mvarDatabaseDbHandler ERROR\x1b[0m =>", database, error);
return null;
} else if (results) {
return results;
} else {
return null;
@ -1,101 +1,101 @@
* No imports found for this Module
==== MODULE TRACE END ==== */
// @ts-check
const runQuery = require("./utils/runQuery");
* @typedef {Object} LocalGetReturn
* @property {boolean} success - Did the function run successfully?
* @property {*} [payload] - GET request results
* @property {string} [msg] - Message
* @property {string} [error] - Error Message
* @typedef {Object} LocalQueryObject
* @property {string} query - Table Name
* @property {string} [tableName] - Table Name
* @property {string[]} [queryValues] - GET request results
* Make a get request to Datasquirel API
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {Object} params - Single object passed
* @param {LocalQueryObject} params.options - SQL Query
* @param {import("../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType} [params.dbSchema] - Name of the table to query
* @returns { Promise<LocalGetReturn> } - Return Object
async function localGet({ options, dbSchema }) {
try {
const { query, queryValues } = options;
/** @type {string | undefined | any } */
const tableName = options?.tableName ? options.tableName : undefined;
const dbFullName = process.env.DSQL_DB_NAME || "";
* Input Validation
* @description Input Validation
if (typeof query == "string" && (query.match(/^alter|^delete|information_schema|databases|^create/i) || !query.match(/^select/i))) {
return { success: false, msg: "Wrong Input" };
* Create new user folder and file
* @description Create new user folder and file
let results;
try {
let { result, error } = await runQuery({
dbFullName: dbFullName,
query: query,
queryValuesArray: queryValues,
if (error) throw error;
if (!result) throw new Error("No Result received for query => " + query);
if (result?.error) throw new Error(result.error);
results = result;
return { success: true, payload: results };
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("Error in local get Request =>", error.message);
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
error: error.message,
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("Error in local get Request =>", error.message);
return { success: false, msg: "Something went wrong!" };
module.exports = localGet;
* No imports found for this Module
==== MODULE TRACE END ==== */
// @ts-check
const runQuery = require("./utils/runQuery");
* @typedef {Object} LocalGetReturn
* @property {boolean} success - Did the function run successfully?
* @property {*} [payload] - GET request results
* @property {string} [msg] - Message
* @property {string} [error] - Error Message
* @typedef {Object} LocalQueryObject
* @property {string} query - Table Name
* @property {string} [tableName] - Table Name
* @property {string[]} [queryValues] - GET request results
* Make a get request to Datasquirel API
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {Object} params - Single object passed
* @param {LocalQueryObject} params.options - SQL Query
* @param {import("../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType} [params.dbSchema] - Name of the table to query
* @returns { Promise<LocalGetReturn> } - Return Object
async function localGet({ options, dbSchema }) {
try {
const { query, queryValues } = options;
/** @type {string | undefined | any } */
const tableName = options?.tableName ? options.tableName : undefined;
const dbFullName = process.env.DSQL_DB_NAME || "";
* Input Validation
* @description Input Validation
if (typeof query == "string" && (query.match(/^alter|^delete|information_schema|databases|^create/i) || !query.match(/^select/i))) {
return { success: false, msg: "Wrong Input" };
* Create new user folder and file
* @description Create new user folder and file
let results;
try {
let { result, error } = await runQuery({
dbFullName: dbFullName,
query: query,
queryValuesArray: queryValues,
if (error) throw error;
if (!result) throw new Error("No Result received for query => " + query);
if (result?.error) throw new Error(result.error);
results = result;
return { success: true, payload: results };
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("Error in local get Request =>", error.message);
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
error: error.message,
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("Error in local get Request =>", error.message);
return { success: false, msg: "Something went wrong!" };
module.exports = localGet;
@ -1,100 +1,100 @@
// @ts-check
const runQuery = require("./utils/runQuery");
* @typedef {Object} LocalPostReturn
* @property {boolean} success - Did the function run successfully?
* @property {*} [payload] - GET request results
* @property {string} [msg] - Message
* @property {string} [error] - Error Message
* @typedef {Object} LocalPostQueryObject
* @property {string | import("../../utils/post").PostDataPayload} query - Table Name
* @property {string} [tableName] - Table Name
* @property {string[]} [queryValues] - GET request results
* Make a get request to Datasquirel API
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {Object} params - Single object passed
* @param {LocalPostQueryObject} params.options - SQL Query
* @param {import("../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType} [params.dbSchema] - Name of the table to query
* @returns { Promise<LocalPostReturn> } - Return Object
async function localPost({ options, dbSchema }) {
try {
* Grab Body
const { query, tableName, queryValues } = options;
const dbFullName = process.env.DSQL_DB_NAME || "";
* Input Validation
* @description Input Validation
if (typeof query === "string" && query?.match(/^create |^alter |^drop /i)) {
return { success: false, msg: "Wrong Input" };
if (typeof query === "object" && query?.action?.match(/^create |^alter |^drop /i)) {
return { success: false, msg: "Wrong Input" };
* Create new user folder and file
* @description Create new user folder and file
try {
let { result, error } = await runQuery({
dbFullName: dbFullName,
query: query,
dbSchema: dbSchema,
queryValuesArray: queryValues,
if (error) throw error;
return {
success: true,
payload: result,
error: error,
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
error: error.message,
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("Error in local post Request =>", error.message);
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
msg: "Something went wrong!",
module.exports = localPost;
// @ts-check
const runQuery = require("./utils/runQuery");
* @typedef {Object} LocalPostReturn
* @property {boolean} success - Did the function run successfully?
* @property {*} [payload] - GET request results
* @property {string} [msg] - Message
* @property {string} [error] - Error Message
* @typedef {Object} LocalPostQueryObject
* @property {string | import("../../utils/post").PostDataPayload} query - Table Name
* @property {string} [tableName] - Table Name
* @property {string[]} [queryValues] - GET request results
* Make a get request to Datasquirel API
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {Object} params - Single object passed
* @param {LocalPostQueryObject} params.options - SQL Query
* @param {import("../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType} [params.dbSchema] - Name of the table to query
* @returns { Promise<LocalPostReturn> } - Return Object
async function localPost({ options, dbSchema }) {
try {
* Grab Body
const { query, tableName, queryValues } = options;
const dbFullName = process.env.DSQL_DB_NAME || "";
* Input Validation
* @description Input Validation
if (typeof query === "string" && query?.match(/^create |^alter |^drop /i)) {
return { success: false, msg: "Wrong Input" };
if (typeof query === "object" && query?.action?.match(/^create |^alter |^drop /i)) {
return { success: false, msg: "Wrong Input" };
* Create new user folder and file
* @description Create new user folder and file
try {
let { result, error } = await runQuery({
dbFullName: dbFullName,
query: query,
dbSchema: dbSchema,
queryValuesArray: queryValues,
if (error) throw error;
return {
success: true,
payload: result,
error: error,
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
error: error.message,
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("Error in local post Request =>", error.message);
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
msg: "Something went wrong!",
module.exports = localPost;
@ -1,143 +1,143 @@
// @ts-check
* Imports
const https = require("https");
const path = require("path");
const fs = require("fs");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* @typedef {Object} PostReturn
* @property {boolean} success - Did the function run successfully?
* @property {*} [payload] - The Y Coordinate
* @property {string} [error] - The Y Coordinate
* # Update API Schema From Local DB
* @async
* @returns { Promise<PostReturn> } - Return Object
async function updateApiSchemaFromLocalDb() {
try {
* Initialize
const dbSchemaPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "dsql.schema.json");
const key = process.env.DSQL_KEY || "";
const dbSchema = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(dbSchemaPath, "utf8"));
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
const httpResponse = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reqPayloadString = JSON.stringify({
schema: dbSchema,
}).replace(/\n|\r|\n\r/gm, "");
try {
} catch (error) {
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
error: "Query object is invalid. Please Check query data values",
const reqPayload = reqPayloadString;
const httpsRequest = https.request(
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Content-Length": Buffer.from(reqPayload).length,
Authorization: key,
port: 443,
hostname: "datasquirel.com",
path: `/api/query/update-schema-from-single-database`,
* Callback Function
* @description https request callback
(response) => {
var str = "";
response.on("data", function (chunk) {
str += chunk;
response.on("end", function () {
try {
} catch (error) {
console.log("Fetched Payload =>", str);
success: false,
payload: null,
error: error,
response.on("error", (err) => {
success: false,
payload: null,
error: err.message,
httpsRequest.on("error", (error) => {
console.log("HTTPS request ERROR =>", error);
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
return httpResponse;
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
error: error.message,
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
module.exports = updateApiSchemaFromLocalDb;
// @ts-check
* Imports
const https = require("https");
const path = require("path");
const fs = require("fs");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* @typedef {Object} PostReturn
* @property {boolean} success - Did the function run successfully?
* @property {*} [payload] - The Y Coordinate
* @property {string} [error] - The Y Coordinate
* # Update API Schema From Local DB
* @async
* @returns { Promise<PostReturn> } - Return Object
async function updateApiSchemaFromLocalDb() {
try {
* Initialize
const dbSchemaPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "dsql.schema.json");
const key = process.env.DSQL_KEY || "";
const dbSchema = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(dbSchemaPath, "utf8"));
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
const httpResponse = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reqPayloadString = JSON.stringify({
schema: dbSchema,
}).replace(/\n|\r|\n\r/gm, "");
try {
} catch (error) {
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
error: "Query object is invalid. Please Check query data values",
const reqPayload = reqPayloadString;
const httpsRequest = https.request(
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Content-Length": Buffer.from(reqPayload).length,
Authorization: key,
port: 443,
hostname: "datasquirel.com",
path: `/api/query/update-schema-from-single-database`,
* Callback Function
* @description https request callback
(response) => {
var str = "";
response.on("data", function (chunk) {
str += chunk;
response.on("end", function () {
try {
} catch (error) {
console.log("Fetched Payload =>", str);
success: false,
payload: null,
error: error,
response.on("error", (err) => {
success: false,
payload: null,
error: err.message,
httpsRequest.on("error", (error) => {
console.log("HTTPS request ERROR =>", error);
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
return httpResponse;
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
error: error.message,
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
module.exports = updateApiSchemaFromLocalDb;
@ -1,162 +1,162 @@
// @ts-check
* Imports: Handle imports
const encrypt = require("../../../functions/encrypt");
const dbHandler = require("../../engine/utils/dbHandler");
const updateDb = require("./updateDbEntry");
const updateDbEntry = require("./updateDbEntry");
* Add a db Entry Function
* ==============================================================================
* @description Description
* @async
* @param {object} params - An object containing the function parameters.
* "Read only" or "Full Access"? Defaults to "Read Only"
* @param {string} params.dbFullName - Database full name
* @param {string} params.tableName - Table name
* @param {*} params.data - Data to add
* @param {import("../../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_TableSchemaType} [params.tableSchema] - Table schema
* @param {string} [params.duplicateColumnName] - Duplicate column name
* @param {string} [params.duplicateColumnValue] - Duplicate column value
* @param {boolean} [params.update] - Update this row if it exists
* @param {string} params.encryptionKey - Update this row if it exists
* @param {string} params.encryptionSalt - Update this row if it exists
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async function addDbEntry({ dbFullName, tableName, data, tableSchema, duplicateColumnName, duplicateColumnValue, update, encryptionKey, encryptionSalt }) {
* Initialize variables
* Handle function logic
if (duplicateColumnName && typeof duplicateColumnName === "string") {
const duplicateValue = await dbHandler({
database: dbFullName,
query: `SELECT * FROM \`${tableName}\` WHERE \`${duplicateColumnName}\`=?`,
values: [duplicateColumnValue || ""],
if (duplicateValue && duplicateValue[0] && !update) {
return null;
} else if (duplicateValue && duplicateValue[0] && update) {
return await updateDbEntry({
identifierColumnName: duplicateColumnName,
identifierValue: duplicateColumnValue || "",
* Declare variables
* @description Declare "results" variable
const dataKeys = Object.keys(data);
let insertKeysArray = [];
let insertValuesArray = [];
for (let i = 0; i < dataKeys.length; i++) {
try {
const dataKey = dataKeys[i];
let value = data[dataKey];
const targetFieldSchemaArray = tableSchema ? tableSchema?.fields?.filter((field) => field.fieldName == dataKey) : null;
const targetFieldSchema = targetFieldSchemaArray && targetFieldSchemaArray[0] ? targetFieldSchemaArray[0] : null;
if (!value) continue;
if (targetFieldSchema?.encrypted) {
value = encrypt({ data: value, encryptionKey, encryptionSalt });
console.log("DSQL: Encrypted value =>", value);
if (targetFieldSchema?.pattern) {
const pattern = new RegExp(targetFieldSchema.pattern, targetFieldSchema.patternFlags || "");
if (!value?.toString()?.match(pattern)) {
console.log("DSQL: Pattern not matched =>", value);
value = "";
if (typeof value === "string" && !value.match(/./i)) {
value = {
toSqlString: function () {
return "NULL";
insertKeysArray.push("`" + dataKey + "`");
if (typeof value === "object") {
value = JSON.stringify(value);
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("DSQL: Error in parsing data keys =>", error.message);
const query = `INSERT INTO \`${tableName}\` (${insertKeysArray.join(",")}) VALUES (${insertValuesArray.map(() => "?").join(",")})`;
const queryValuesArray = insertValuesArray;
const newInsert = await dbHandler({
database: dbFullName,
query: query,
values: queryValuesArray,
* Return statement
return newInsert;
module.exports = addDbEntry;
// @ts-check
* Imports: Handle imports
const encrypt = require("../../../functions/encrypt");
const dbHandler = require("../../engine/utils/dbHandler");
const updateDb = require("./updateDbEntry");
const updateDbEntry = require("./updateDbEntry");
* Add a db Entry Function
* ==============================================================================
* @description Description
* @async
* @param {object} params - An object containing the function parameters.
* "Read only" or "Full Access"? Defaults to "Read Only"
* @param {string} params.dbFullName - Database full name
* @param {string} params.tableName - Table name
* @param {*} params.data - Data to add
* @param {import("../../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_TableSchemaType} [params.tableSchema] - Table schema
* @param {string} [params.duplicateColumnName] - Duplicate column name
* @param {string} [params.duplicateColumnValue] - Duplicate column value
* @param {boolean} [params.update] - Update this row if it exists
* @param {string} params.encryptionKey - Update this row if it exists
* @param {string} params.encryptionSalt - Update this row if it exists
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async function addDbEntry({ dbFullName, tableName, data, tableSchema, duplicateColumnName, duplicateColumnValue, update, encryptionKey, encryptionSalt }) {
* Initialize variables
* Handle function logic
if (duplicateColumnName && typeof duplicateColumnName === "string") {
const duplicateValue = await dbHandler({
database: dbFullName,
query: `SELECT * FROM \`${tableName}\` WHERE \`${duplicateColumnName}\`=?`,
values: [duplicateColumnValue || ""],
if (duplicateValue && duplicateValue[0] && !update) {
return null;
} else if (duplicateValue && duplicateValue[0] && update) {
return await updateDbEntry({
identifierColumnName: duplicateColumnName,
identifierValue: duplicateColumnValue || "",
* Declare variables
* @description Declare "results" variable
const dataKeys = Object.keys(data);
let insertKeysArray = [];
let insertValuesArray = [];
for (let i = 0; i < dataKeys.length; i++) {
try {
const dataKey = dataKeys[i];
let value = data[dataKey];
const targetFieldSchemaArray = tableSchema ? tableSchema?.fields?.filter((field) => field.fieldName == dataKey) : null;
const targetFieldSchema = targetFieldSchemaArray && targetFieldSchemaArray[0] ? targetFieldSchemaArray[0] : null;
if (!value) continue;
if (targetFieldSchema?.encrypted) {
value = encrypt({ data: value, encryptionKey, encryptionSalt });
console.log("DSQL: Encrypted value =>", value);
if (targetFieldSchema?.pattern) {
const pattern = new RegExp(targetFieldSchema.pattern, targetFieldSchema.patternFlags || "");
if (!value?.toString()?.match(pattern)) {
console.log("DSQL: Pattern not matched =>", value);
value = "";
if (typeof value === "string" && !value.match(/./i)) {
value = {
toSqlString: function () {
return "NULL";
insertKeysArray.push("`" + dataKey + "`");
if (typeof value === "object") {
value = JSON.stringify(value);
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("DSQL: Error in parsing data keys =>", error.message);
const query = `INSERT INTO \`${tableName}\` (${insertKeysArray.join(",")}) VALUES (${insertValuesArray.map(() => "?").join(",")})`;
const queryValuesArray = insertValuesArray;
const newInsert = await dbHandler({
database: dbFullName,
query: query,
values: queryValuesArray,
* Return statement
return newInsert;
module.exports = addDbEntry;
@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
// @ts-check
const dbHandler = require("../../engine/utils/dbHandler");
* Imports: Handle imports
* Delete DB Entry Function
* ==============================================================================
* @description Description
* @async
* @param {object} params - An object containing the function parameters.
* @param {string} [params.dbContext] - What is the database context? "Master"
* or "Dsql User". Defaults to "Master"
* @param {("Read Only" | "Full Access")} [params.paradigm] - What is the paradigm for "Dsql User"?
* "Read only" or "Full Access"? Defaults to "Read Only"
* @param {string} params.dbFullName - Database full name
* @param {string} params.tableName - Table name
* @param {import("../../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_TableSchemaType} [params.tableSchema] - Table schema
* @param {string} params.identifierColumnName - Update row identifier column name
* @param {string|number} params.identifierValue - Update row identifier column value
* @returns {Promise<object|null>}
async function deleteDbEntry({ dbContext, paradigm, dbFullName, tableName, identifierColumnName, identifierValue }) {
try {
* Check if data is valid
* Execution
* @description
const query = `DELETE FROM ${tableName} WHERE \`${identifierColumnName}\`=?`;
const deletedEntry = await dbHandler({
query: query,
database: dbFullName,
values: [identifierValue],
* Return statement
return deletedEntry;
} catch (error) {
return null;
module.exports = deleteDbEntry;
// @ts-check
const dbHandler = require("../../engine/utils/dbHandler");
* Imports: Handle imports
* Delete DB Entry Function
* ==============================================================================
* @description Description
* @async
* @param {object} params - An object containing the function parameters.
* @param {string} [params.dbContext] - What is the database context? "Master"
* or "Dsql User". Defaults to "Master"
* @param {("Read Only" | "Full Access")} [params.paradigm] - What is the paradigm for "Dsql User"?
* "Read only" or "Full Access"? Defaults to "Read Only"
* @param {string} params.dbFullName - Database full name
* @param {string} params.tableName - Table name
* @param {import("../../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_TableSchemaType} [params.tableSchema] - Table schema
* @param {string} params.identifierColumnName - Update row identifier column name
* @param {string|number} params.identifierValue - Update row identifier column value
* @returns {Promise<object|null>}
async function deleteDbEntry({ dbContext, paradigm, dbFullName, tableName, identifierColumnName, identifierValue }) {
try {
* Check if data is valid
* Execution
* @description
const query = `DELETE FROM ${tableName} WHERE \`${identifierColumnName}\`=?`;
const deletedEntry = await dbHandler({
query: query,
database: dbFullName,
values: [identifierValue],
* Return statement
return deletedEntry;
} catch (error) {
return null;
module.exports = deleteDbEntry;
@ -1,165 +1,165 @@
* Detected 4 files that call this module. The files are listed below:
* `require` Statement Found in [get.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\query\get.js)
* `require` Statement Found in [post.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\query\post.js)
* `require` Statement Found in [add-user.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\user\add-user.js)
* `require` Statement Found in [update-user.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\user\update-user.js)
==== MODULE TRACE END ==== */
// @ts-check
const fs = require("fs");
const addDbEntry = require("./addDbEntry");
const updateDbEntry = require("./updateDbEntry");
const deleteDbEntry = require("./deleteDbEntry");
const varDatabaseDbHandler = require("../../engine/utils/varDatabaseDbHandler");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* Run DSQL users queries
* ==============================================================================
* @param {object} params - An object containing the function parameters.
* @param {string} params.dbFullName - Database full name. Eg. "datasquire_user_2_test"
* @param {*} params.query - Query string or object
* @param {boolean} [params.readOnly] - Is this operation read only?
* @param {import("../../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType} [params.dbSchema] - Database schema
* @param {string[]} [params.queryValuesArray] - An optional array of query values if "?" is used in the query string
* @param {string} [params.tableName] - Table Name
* @return {Promise<{result: *, error?: *}>}
async function runQuery({ dbFullName, query, readOnly, dbSchema, queryValuesArray, tableName }) {
* Declare variables
* @description Declare "results" variable
const encryptionKey = process.env.DSQL_ENCRYPTION_KEY || "";
const encryptionSalt = process.env.DSQL_ENCRYPTION_SALT || "";
let result, error, tableSchema;
if (dbSchema) {
try {
const table = tableName ? tableName : typeof query == "string" ? null : query ? query?.table : null;
if (!table) throw new Error("No table name provided");
tableSchema = dbSchema.tables.filter((tb) => tb?.tableName === table)[0];
} catch (_err) {}
* Declare variables
* @description Declare "results" variable
try {
if (typeof query === "string") {
result = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: query,
database: dbFullName,
} else if (typeof query === "object") {
* Declare variables
* @description Declare "results" variable
const { data, action, table, identifierColumnName, identifierValue, update, duplicateColumnName, duplicateColumnValue } = query;
switch (action.toLowerCase()) {
case "insert":
result = await addDbEntry({
dbFullName: dbFullName,
tableName: table,
data: data,
if (!result?.insertId) {
error = new Error("Couldn't insert data");
case "update":
result = await updateDbEntry({
dbContext: "Dsql User",
paradigm: "Full Access",
dbFullName: dbFullName,
tableName: table,
data: data,
case "delete":
result = await deleteDbEntry({
dbContext: "Dsql User",
paradigm: "Full Access",
dbFullName: dbFullName,
tableName: table,
console.log("Unhandled Query");
console.log("Query Recieved =>", query);
result = {
result: null,
error: "Unhandled Query",
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("Error in Running Query =>", error.message);
console.log("Query Recieved =>", query);
result = {
result: null,
error: "Error in running Query => " + error.message,
error = error.message;
return { result, error };
module.exports = runQuery;
* Detected 4 files that call this module. The files are listed below:
* `require` Statement Found in [get.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\query\get.js)
* `require` Statement Found in [post.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\query\post.js)
* `require` Statement Found in [add-user.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\user\add-user.js)
* `require` Statement Found in [update-user.js](d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\user\update-user.js)
==== MODULE TRACE END ==== */
// @ts-check
const fs = require("fs");
const addDbEntry = require("./addDbEntry");
const updateDbEntry = require("./updateDbEntry");
const deleteDbEntry = require("./deleteDbEntry");
const varDatabaseDbHandler = require("../../engine/utils/varDatabaseDbHandler");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* Run DSQL users queries
* ==============================================================================
* @param {object} params - An object containing the function parameters.
* @param {string} params.dbFullName - Database full name. Eg. "datasquire_user_2_test"
* @param {*} params.query - Query string or object
* @param {boolean} [params.readOnly] - Is this operation read only?
* @param {import("../../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType} [params.dbSchema] - Database schema
* @param {string[]} [params.queryValuesArray] - An optional array of query values if "?" is used in the query string
* @param {string} [params.tableName] - Table Name
* @return {Promise<{result: *, error?: *}>}
async function runQuery({ dbFullName, query, readOnly, dbSchema, queryValuesArray, tableName }) {
* Declare variables
* @description Declare "results" variable
const encryptionKey = process.env.DSQL_ENCRYPTION_KEY || "";
const encryptionSalt = process.env.DSQL_ENCRYPTION_SALT || "";
let result, error, tableSchema;
if (dbSchema) {
try {
const table = tableName ? tableName : typeof query == "string" ? null : query ? query?.table : null;
if (!table) throw new Error("No table name provided");
tableSchema = dbSchema.tables.filter((tb) => tb?.tableName === table)[0];
} catch (_err) {}
* Declare variables
* @description Declare "results" variable
try {
if (typeof query === "string") {
result = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: query,
database: dbFullName,
} else if (typeof query === "object") {
* Declare variables
* @description Declare "results" variable
const { data, action, table, identifierColumnName, identifierValue, update, duplicateColumnName, duplicateColumnValue } = query;
switch (action.toLowerCase()) {
case "insert":
result = await addDbEntry({
dbFullName: dbFullName,
tableName: table,
data: data,
if (!result?.insertId) {
error = new Error("Couldn't insert data");
case "update":
result = await updateDbEntry({
dbContext: "Dsql User",
paradigm: "Full Access",
dbFullName: dbFullName,
tableName: table,
data: data,
case "delete":
result = await deleteDbEntry({
dbContext: "Dsql User",
paradigm: "Full Access",
dbFullName: dbFullName,
tableName: table,
console.log("Unhandled Query");
console.log("Query Recieved =>", query);
result = {
result: null,
error: "Unhandled Query",
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("Error in Running Query =>", error.message);
console.log("Query Recieved =>", query);
result = {
result: null,
error: "Error in running Query => " + error.message,
error = error.message;
return { result, error };
module.exports = runQuery;
@ -1,149 +1,149 @@
// @ts-check
const encrypt = require("../../../functions/encrypt");
const dbHandler = require("../../engine/utils/dbHandler");
* Imports: Handle imports
* Update DB Function
* ==============================================================================
* @description Description
* @async
* @param {object} params - An object containing the function parameters.
* @param {("Master" | "Dsql User")} [params.dbContext] - What is the database context? "Master"
* or "Dsql User". Defaults to "Master"
* @param {("Read Only" | "Full Access")} [params.paradigm] - What is the paradigm for "Dsql User"?
* "Read only" or "Full Access"? Defaults to "Read Only"
* @param {string} params.dbFullName - Database full name
* @param {string} params.tableName - Table name
* @param {*} params.data - Data to add
* @param {import("../../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_TableSchemaType} [params.tableSchema] - Table schema
* @param {string} params.identifierColumnName - Update row identifier column name
* @param {string | number} params.identifierValue - Update row identifier column value
* @param {string} params.encryptionKey - Encryption key
* @param {string} params.encryptionSalt - Encryption salt
* @returns {Promise<object|null>}
async function updateDbEntry({ dbContext, paradigm, dbFullName, tableName, data, tableSchema, identifierColumnName, identifierValue, encryptionKey, encryptionSalt }) {
* Check if data is valid
if (!data || !Object.keys(data).length) return null;
* Declare variables
* @description Declare "results" variable
const dataKeys = Object.keys(data);
let updateKeyValueArray = [];
let updateValues = [];
* Declare variables
* @description Declare "results" variable
for (let i = 0; i < dataKeys.length; i++) {
try {
const dataKey = dataKeys[i];
let value = data[dataKey];
const targetFieldSchemaArray = tableSchema ? tableSchema?.fields?.filter((field) => field.fieldName === dataKey) : null;
const targetFieldSchema = targetFieldSchemaArray && targetFieldSchemaArray[0] ? targetFieldSchemaArray[0] : null;
if (typeof value == "undefined") continue;
if (typeof value !== "string" && typeof value !== "number" && !value) continue;
if (targetFieldSchema?.encrypted) {
value = encrypt({ data: value, encryptionKey, encryptionSalt });
if (typeof value === "object") {
value = JSON.stringify(value);
if (typeof value === "string" && value.match(/^null$/i)) {
value = {
toSqlString: function () {
return "NULL";
if (targetFieldSchema?.pattern) {
const pattern = new RegExp(targetFieldSchema.pattern, targetFieldSchema.patternFlags || "");
if (!value?.toString()?.match(pattern)) {
console.log("DSQL: Pattern not matched =>", value);
value = "";
if (typeof value === "string" && !value.match(/./i)) {
value = {
toSqlString: function () {
return "NULL";
if (!value && typeof value == "number" && value != 0) continue;
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("DSQL: Error in parsing data keys in update function =>", error.message);
const query = `UPDATE ${tableName} SET ${updateKeyValueArray.join(",")} WHERE \`${identifierColumnName}\`=?`;
const updatedEntry = await dbHandler({
database: dbFullName,
query: query,
values: updateValues,
* Return statement
return updatedEntry;
module.exports = updateDbEntry;
// @ts-check
const encrypt = require("../../../functions/encrypt");
const dbHandler = require("../../engine/utils/dbHandler");
* Imports: Handle imports
* Update DB Function
* ==============================================================================
* @description Description
* @async
* @param {object} params - An object containing the function parameters.
* @param {("Master" | "Dsql User")} [params.dbContext] - What is the database context? "Master"
* or "Dsql User". Defaults to "Master"
* @param {("Read Only" | "Full Access")} [params.paradigm] - What is the paradigm for "Dsql User"?
* "Read only" or "Full Access"? Defaults to "Read Only"
* @param {string} params.dbFullName - Database full name
* @param {string} params.tableName - Table name
* @param {*} params.data - Data to add
* @param {import("../../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_TableSchemaType} [params.tableSchema] - Table schema
* @param {string} params.identifierColumnName - Update row identifier column name
* @param {string | number} params.identifierValue - Update row identifier column value
* @param {string} params.encryptionKey - Encryption key
* @param {string} params.encryptionSalt - Encryption salt
* @returns {Promise<object|null>}
async function updateDbEntry({ dbContext, paradigm, dbFullName, tableName, data, tableSchema, identifierColumnName, identifierValue, encryptionKey, encryptionSalt }) {
* Check if data is valid
if (!data || !Object.keys(data).length) return null;
* Declare variables
* @description Declare "results" variable
const dataKeys = Object.keys(data);
let updateKeyValueArray = [];
let updateValues = [];
* Declare variables
* @description Declare "results" variable
for (let i = 0; i < dataKeys.length; i++) {
try {
const dataKey = dataKeys[i];
let value = data[dataKey];
const targetFieldSchemaArray = tableSchema ? tableSchema?.fields?.filter((field) => field.fieldName === dataKey) : null;
const targetFieldSchema = targetFieldSchemaArray && targetFieldSchemaArray[0] ? targetFieldSchemaArray[0] : null;
if (typeof value == "undefined") continue;
if (typeof value !== "string" && typeof value !== "number" && !value) continue;
if (targetFieldSchema?.encrypted) {
value = encrypt({ data: value, encryptionKey, encryptionSalt });
if (typeof value === "object") {
value = JSON.stringify(value);
if (typeof value === "string" && value.match(/^null$/i)) {
value = {
toSqlString: function () {
return "NULL";
if (targetFieldSchema?.pattern) {
const pattern = new RegExp(targetFieldSchema.pattern, targetFieldSchema.patternFlags || "");
if (!value?.toString()?.match(pattern)) {
console.log("DSQL: Pattern not matched =>", value);
value = "";
if (typeof value === "string" && !value.match(/./i)) {
value = {
toSqlString: function () {
return "NULL";
if (!value && typeof value == "number" && value != 0) continue;
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("DSQL: Error in parsing data keys in update function =>", error.message);
const query = `UPDATE ${tableName} SET ${updateKeyValueArray.join(",")} WHERE \`${identifierColumnName}\`=?`;
const updatedEntry = await dbHandler({
database: dbFullName,
query: query,
values: updateValues,
* Return statement
return updatedEntry;
module.exports = updateDbEntry;
@ -1,153 +1,153 @@
// @ts-check
const hashPassword = require("../../functions/hashPassword");
const addUsersTableToDb = require("../engine/addUsersTableToDb");
const varDatabaseDbHandler = require("../engine/utils/varDatabaseDbHandler");
const addDbEntry = require("../query/utils/addDbEntry");
const runQuery = require("../query/utils/runQuery");
* @typedef {Object} LocalPostReturn
* @property {boolean} success - Did the function run successfully?
* @property {*} [payload] - GET request results
* @property {string} [msg] - Message
* @property {string} [error] - Error Message
* Make a get request to Datasquirel API
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {Object} params - Single object passed
* @param {import("../../users/add-user").UserDataPayload} params.payload - SQL Query
* @param {import("../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType} params.dbSchema - Name of the table to query
* @returns { Promise<LocalPostReturn> } - Return Object
async function localAddUser({ payload, dbSchema }) {
try {
* Initialize Variables
const dbFullName = process.env.DSQL_DB_NAME || "";
const encryptionKey = process.env.DSQL_ENCRYPTION_KEY || "";
const encryptionSalt = process.env.DSQL_ENCRYPTION_SALT || "";
* Hash Password
* @description Hash Password
if (!payload?.password) {
return { success: false, payload: `Password is required to create an account` };
const hashedPassword = hashPassword({
password: payload.password,
payload.password = hashedPassword;
let fields = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `SHOW COLUMNS FROM users`,
database: dbFullName,
if (!fields) {
const newTable = await addUsersTableToDb({ dbSchema });
fields = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `SHOW COLUMNS FROM users`,
database: dbFullName,
if (!fields) {
return {
success: false,
payload: "Could not create users table",
const fieldsTitles = fields.map((/** @type {*} */ fieldObject) => fieldObject.Field);
let invalidField = null;
for (let i = 0; i < Object.keys(payload).length; i++) {
const key = Object.keys(payload)[i];
if (!fieldsTitles.includes(key)) {
invalidField = key;
if (invalidField) {
return { success: false, payload: `${invalidField} is not a valid field!` };
const tableSchema = dbSchema.tables.find((tb) => tb?.tableName === "users");
const existingUser = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = ?${payload.username ? "OR username = ?" : ""}}`,
queryValuesArray: payload.username ? [payload.email, payload.username] : [payload.email],
database: dbFullName,
tableSchema: tableSchema,
if (existingUser && existingUser[0]) {
return {
success: false,
payload: "User Already Exists",
const addUser = await addDbEntry({
dbFullName: dbFullName,
tableName: "users",
data: {
image: "/images/user_images/user-preset.png",
image_thumbnail: "/images/user_images/user-preset-thumbnail.png",
if (addUser?.insertId) {
const newlyAddedUser = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `SELECT id,first_name,last_name,email,username,phone,image,image_thumbnail,city,state,country,zip_code,address,verification_status,more_user_data FROM users WHERE id='${addUser.insertId}'`,
database: dbFullName,
return {
success: true,
payload: newlyAddedUser?.[0],
} else {
return {
success: false,
payload: "Could not create user",
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("Error in local add-user Request =>", error.message);
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
msg: "Something went wrong!",
module.exports = localAddUser;
// @ts-check
const hashPassword = require("../../functions/hashPassword");
const addUsersTableToDb = require("../engine/addUsersTableToDb");
const varDatabaseDbHandler = require("../engine/utils/varDatabaseDbHandler");
const addDbEntry = require("../query/utils/addDbEntry");
const runQuery = require("../query/utils/runQuery");
* @typedef {Object} LocalPostReturn
* @property {boolean} success - Did the function run successfully?
* @property {*} [payload] - GET request results
* @property {string} [msg] - Message
* @property {string} [error] - Error Message
* Make a get request to Datasquirel API
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {Object} params - Single object passed
* @param {import("../../users/add-user").UserDataPayload} params.payload - SQL Query
* @param {import("../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType} params.dbSchema - Name of the table to query
* @returns { Promise<LocalPostReturn> } - Return Object
async function localAddUser({ payload, dbSchema }) {
try {
* Initialize Variables
const dbFullName = process.env.DSQL_DB_NAME || "";
const encryptionKey = process.env.DSQL_ENCRYPTION_KEY || "";
const encryptionSalt = process.env.DSQL_ENCRYPTION_SALT || "";
* Hash Password
* @description Hash Password
if (!payload?.password) {
return { success: false, payload: `Password is required to create an account` };
const hashedPassword = hashPassword({
password: payload.password,
payload.password = hashedPassword;
let fields = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `SHOW COLUMNS FROM users`,
database: dbFullName,
if (!fields) {
const newTable = await addUsersTableToDb({ dbSchema });
fields = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `SHOW COLUMNS FROM users`,
database: dbFullName,
if (!fields) {
return {
success: false,
payload: "Could not create users table",
const fieldsTitles = fields.map((/** @type {*} */ fieldObject) => fieldObject.Field);
let invalidField = null;
for (let i = 0; i < Object.keys(payload).length; i++) {
const key = Object.keys(payload)[i];
if (!fieldsTitles.includes(key)) {
invalidField = key;
if (invalidField) {
return { success: false, payload: `${invalidField} is not a valid field!` };
const tableSchema = dbSchema.tables.find((tb) => tb?.tableName === "users");
const existingUser = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = ?${payload.username ? "OR username = ?" : ""}}`,
queryValuesArray: payload.username ? [payload.email, payload.username] : [payload.email],
database: dbFullName,
tableSchema: tableSchema,
if (existingUser && existingUser[0]) {
return {
success: false,
payload: "User Already Exists",
const addUser = await addDbEntry({
dbFullName: dbFullName,
tableName: "users",
data: {
image: "/images/user_images/user-preset.png",
image_thumbnail: "/images/user_images/user-preset-thumbnail.png",
if (addUser?.insertId) {
const newlyAddedUser = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `SELECT id,first_name,last_name,email,username,phone,image,image_thumbnail,city,state,country,zip_code,address,verification_status,more_user_data FROM users WHERE id='${addUser.insertId}'`,
database: dbFullName,
return {
success: true,
payload: newlyAddedUser?.[0],
} else {
return {
success: false,
payload: "Could not create user",
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("Error in local add-user Request =>", error.message);
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
msg: "Something went wrong!",
module.exports = localAddUser;
@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
// @ts-check
const varDatabaseDbHandler = require("../engine/utils/varDatabaseDbHandler");
* @param {object} param0
* @param {number} param0.userId
* @param {string[]} param0.fields
* @param {import("../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType} [param0.dbSchema]
* @returns
async function getLocalUser({ userId, fields, dbSchema }) {
* GRAB user
* @description GRAB user
const sanitizedFields = fields.map((fld) => fld.replace(/[^a-z\_]/g, ""));
const query = `SELECT ${sanitizedFields.join(",")} FROM users WHERE id = ?`;
const tableSchema = dbSchema?.tables.find((tb) => tb?.tableName === "users");
let foundUser = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: query,
queryValuesArray: [userId.toString()],
database: process.env.DSQL_DB_NAME || "",
if (!foundUser || !foundUser[0])
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
msg: "User not found!",
/** ********************* Send Response */
return {
success: true,
payload: foundUser[0],
module.exports = getLocalUser;
// @ts-check
const varDatabaseDbHandler = require("../engine/utils/varDatabaseDbHandler");
* @param {object} param0
* @param {number} param0.userId
* @param {string[]} param0.fields
* @param {import("../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType} [param0.dbSchema]
* @returns
async function getLocalUser({ userId, fields, dbSchema }) {
* GRAB user
* @description GRAB user
const sanitizedFields = fields.map((fld) => fld.replace(/[^a-z\_]/g, ""));
const query = `SELECT ${sanitizedFields.join(",")} FROM users WHERE id = ?`;
const tableSchema = dbSchema?.tables.find((tb) => tb?.tableName === "users");
let foundUser = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: query,
queryValuesArray: [userId.toString()],
database: process.env.DSQL_DB_NAME || "",
if (!foundUser || !foundUser[0])
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
msg: "User not found!",
/** ********************* Send Response */
return {
success: true,
payload: foundUser[0],
module.exports = getLocalUser;
@ -1,152 +1,152 @@
// @ts-check
const hashPassword = require("../../functions/hashPassword");
const varDatabaseDbHandler = require("../engine/utils/varDatabaseDbHandler");
* @param {object} param0
* @param {{
* email?: string,
* username?: string,
* password: string,
* }} param0.payload
* @param {string[]} [param0.additionalFields]
* @param {import("../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType} [param0.dbSchema]
* @returns
async function loginLocalUser({ payload, additionalFields, dbSchema }) {
try {
* User auth
* @description Authenticate user
const { email, username, password } = payload;
const dbFullName = process.env.DSQL_DB_NAME || "";
const encryptionKey = process.env.DSQL_ENCRYPTION_KEY || "";
const encryptionSalt = process.env.DSQL_ENCRYPTION_SALT || "";
* Check input validity
* @description Check input validity
if (email?.match(/ /) || username?.match(/ /) || password?.match(/ /)) {
return {
success: false,
msg: "Invalid Email/Password format",
* Password hash
* @description Password hash
let hashedPassword = hashPassword({
password: password,
encryptionKey: encryptionKey,
const tableSchema = dbSchema?.tables.find((tb) => tb?.tableName === "users");
let foundUser = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = ? OR username = ?`,
queryValuesArray: [email || "", username || ""],
database: dbFullName.replace(/[^a-z0-9_]/g, ""),
if (!foundUser || !foundUser[0])
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
msg: "No user found",
let isPasswordCorrect = false;
if (foundUser && foundUser[0]) {
isPasswordCorrect = hashedPassword === foundUser[0].password;
let socialUserValid = false;
if (!isPasswordCorrect && !socialUserValid) {
return {
success: false,
msg: "Wrong password, no social login validity",
payload: null,
let csrfKey = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2) + "-" + Math.random().toString(36).substring(2);
let userPayload = {
id: foundUser[0].id,
first_name: foundUser[0].first_name,
last_name: foundUser[0].last_name,
username: foundUser[0].username,
email: foundUser[0].email,
phone: foundUser[0].phone,
social_id: foundUser[0].social_id,
image: foundUser[0].image,
image_thumbnail: foundUser[0].image_thumbnail,
verification_status: foundUser[0].verification_status,
social_login: foundUser[0].social_login,
social_platform: foundUser[0].social_platform,
csrf_k: csrfKey,
more_data: foundUser[0].more_user_data,
logged_in_status: true,
date: Date.now(),
if (additionalFields && Array.isArray(additionalFields) && additionalFields.length > 0) {
additionalFields.forEach((key) => {
// @ts-ignore
userPayload[key] = foundUser?.[0][key];
/** ********************* Send Response */
return {
success: true,
msg: "Login Successful",
payload: userPayload,
userId: "0",
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("Error in local login-user Request =>", error.message);
return {
success: false,
msg: "Login Failed",
module.exports = loginLocalUser;
// @ts-check
const hashPassword = require("../../functions/hashPassword");
const varDatabaseDbHandler = require("../engine/utils/varDatabaseDbHandler");
* @param {object} param0
* @param {{
* email?: string,
* username?: string,
* password: string,
* }} param0.payload
* @param {string[]} [param0.additionalFields]
* @param {import("../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType} [param0.dbSchema]
* @returns
async function loginLocalUser({ payload, additionalFields, dbSchema }) {
try {
* User auth
* @description Authenticate user
const { email, username, password } = payload;
const dbFullName = process.env.DSQL_DB_NAME || "";
const encryptionKey = process.env.DSQL_ENCRYPTION_KEY || "";
const encryptionSalt = process.env.DSQL_ENCRYPTION_SALT || "";
* Check input validity
* @description Check input validity
if (email?.match(/ /) || username?.match(/ /) || password?.match(/ /)) {
return {
success: false,
msg: "Invalid Email/Password format",
* Password hash
* @description Password hash
let hashedPassword = hashPassword({
password: password,
encryptionKey: encryptionKey,
const tableSchema = dbSchema?.tables.find((tb) => tb?.tableName === "users");
let foundUser = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = ? OR username = ?`,
queryValuesArray: [email || "", username || ""],
database: dbFullName.replace(/[^a-z0-9_]/g, ""),
if (!foundUser || !foundUser[0])
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
msg: "No user found",
let isPasswordCorrect = false;
if (foundUser && foundUser[0]) {
isPasswordCorrect = hashedPassword === foundUser[0].password;
let socialUserValid = false;
if (!isPasswordCorrect && !socialUserValid) {
return {
success: false,
msg: "Wrong password, no social login validity",
payload: null,
let csrfKey = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2) + "-" + Math.random().toString(36).substring(2);
let userPayload = {
id: foundUser[0].id,
first_name: foundUser[0].first_name,
last_name: foundUser[0].last_name,
username: foundUser[0].username,
email: foundUser[0].email,
phone: foundUser[0].phone,
social_id: foundUser[0].social_id,
image: foundUser[0].image,
image_thumbnail: foundUser[0].image_thumbnail,
verification_status: foundUser[0].verification_status,
social_login: foundUser[0].social_login,
social_platform: foundUser[0].social_platform,
csrf_k: csrfKey,
more_data: foundUser[0].more_user_data,
logged_in_status: true,
date: Date.now(),
if (additionalFields && Array.isArray(additionalFields) && additionalFields.length > 0) {
additionalFields.forEach((key) => {
// @ts-ignore
userPayload[key] = foundUser?.[0][key];
/** ********************* Send Response */
return {
success: true,
msg: "Login Successful",
payload: userPayload,
userId: "0",
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("Error in local login-user Request =>", error.message);
return {
success: false,
msg: "Login Failed",
module.exports = loginLocalUser;
@ -1,106 +1,106 @@
// @ts-check
const varDatabaseDbHandler = require("../engine/utils/varDatabaseDbHandler");
* @param {object} param0
* @param {*} param0.existingUser
* @param {string[]} [param0.additionalFields]
* @param {import("../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType} [param0.dbSchema]
* @returns
async function localReauthUser({ existingUser, additionalFields, dbSchema }) {
try {
* Grab data
* @description Grab data
const dbFullName = process.env.DSQL_DB_NAME || "";
* GRAB user
* @description GRAB user
const tableSchema = dbSchema?.tables.find((tb) => tb?.tableName === "users");
let foundUser =
existingUser?.id && existingUser.id.toString().match(/./)
? await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=?`,
queryValuesArray: [existingUser.id],
database: dbFullName.replace(/[^a-z0-9_]/g, ""),
: null;
if (!foundUser || !foundUser[0])
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
msg: "No user found",
let csrfKey = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2) + "-" + Math.random().toString(36).substring(2);
let userPayload = {
id: foundUser[0].id,
first_name: foundUser[0].first_name,
last_name: foundUser[0].last_name,
username: foundUser[0].username,
email: foundUser[0].email,
phone: foundUser[0].phone,
social_id: foundUser[0].social_id,
image: foundUser[0].image,
image_thumbnail: foundUser[0].image_thumbnail,
verification_status: foundUser[0].verification_status,
social_login: foundUser[0].social_login,
social_platform: foundUser[0].social_platform,
csrf_k: csrfKey,
more_data: foundUser[0].more_user_data,
logged_in_status: true,
date: Date.now(),
if (additionalFields && Array.isArray(additionalFields) && additionalFields.length > 0) {
additionalFields.forEach((key) => {
// @ts-ignore
userPayload[key] = foundUser?.[0][key];
/** ********************* Send Response */
return {
success: true,
msg: "Login Successful",
payload: userPayload,
userId: "0",
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("Error in local login-user Request =>", error.message);
return {
success: false,
msg: "Login Failed",
module.exports = localReauthUser;
// @ts-check
const varDatabaseDbHandler = require("../engine/utils/varDatabaseDbHandler");
* @param {object} param0
* @param {*} param0.existingUser
* @param {string[]} [param0.additionalFields]
* @param {import("../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType} [param0.dbSchema]
* @returns
async function localReauthUser({ existingUser, additionalFields, dbSchema }) {
try {
* Grab data
* @description Grab data
const dbFullName = process.env.DSQL_DB_NAME || "";
* GRAB user
* @description GRAB user
const tableSchema = dbSchema?.tables.find((tb) => tb?.tableName === "users");
let foundUser =
existingUser?.id && existingUser.id.toString().match(/./)
? await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=?`,
queryValuesArray: [existingUser.id],
database: dbFullName.replace(/[^a-z0-9_]/g, ""),
: null;
if (!foundUser || !foundUser[0])
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
msg: "No user found",
let csrfKey = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2) + "-" + Math.random().toString(36).substring(2);
let userPayload = {
id: foundUser[0].id,
first_name: foundUser[0].first_name,
last_name: foundUser[0].last_name,
username: foundUser[0].username,
email: foundUser[0].email,
phone: foundUser[0].phone,
social_id: foundUser[0].social_id,
image: foundUser[0].image,
image_thumbnail: foundUser[0].image_thumbnail,
verification_status: foundUser[0].verification_status,
social_login: foundUser[0].social_login,
social_platform: foundUser[0].social_platform,
csrf_k: csrfKey,
more_data: foundUser[0].more_user_data,
logged_in_status: true,
date: Date.now(),
if (additionalFields && Array.isArray(additionalFields) && additionalFields.length > 0) {
additionalFields.forEach((key) => {
// @ts-ignore
userPayload[key] = foundUser?.[0][key];
/** ********************* Send Response */
return {
success: true,
msg: "Login Successful",
payload: userPayload,
userId: "0",
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("Error in local login-user Request =>", error.message);
return {
success: false,
msg: "Login Failed",
module.exports = localReauthUser;
@ -1,134 +1,134 @@
// @ts-check
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const http = require("http");
const https = require("https");
const encrypt = require("../../../functions/encrypt");
const camelJoinedtoCamelSpace = require("../../engine/utils/camelJoinedtoCamelSpace");
const githubLogin = require("./utils/githubLogin");
const handleSocialDb = require("./utils/handleSocialDb");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
const database = process.env.DSQL_DB_NAME || "";
const encryptionKey = process.env.DSQL_ENCRYPTION_KEY || "";
const encryptionSalt = process.env.DSQL_ENCRYPTION_SALT || "";
* SERVER FUNCTION: Login with google Function
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {object} params - main params object
* @param {http.ServerResponse} params.res - HTTPS response object
* @param {string} params.code
* @param {string} [params.email]
* @param {string} params.clientId
* @param {string} params.clientSecret
* @param {object} [params.additionalFields]
* @param {import("../../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType} params.dbSchema
async function localGithubAuth({ res, code, email, clientId, clientSecret, additionalFields, dbSchema }) {
try {
* User auth
* @description Authenticate user
if (!code || !clientId || !clientSecret) {
return {
success: false,
msg: "Missing query params",
if (typeof code !== "string" || typeof clientId !== "string" || typeof clientSecret !== "string" || typeof database !== "string") {
return {
success: false,
msg: "Wrong Parameters",
* Create new user folder and file
* @description Create new user folder and file
const gitHubUser = await githubLogin({
code: code,
clientId: clientId,
clientSecret: clientSecret,
if (!gitHubUser) {
return {
success: false,
msg: "No github user returned",
const targetDbName = database;
const socialId = gitHubUser.name || gitHubUser.id || gitHubUser.login;
const targetName = gitHubUser.name || gitHubUser.login;
const nameArray = targetName?.match(/ /) ? targetName?.split(" ") : targetName?.match(/\-/) ? targetName?.split("-") : [targetName];
const payload = {
email: gitHubUser.email,
first_name: camelJoinedtoCamelSpace(nameArray[0]) || "",
last_name: camelJoinedtoCamelSpace(nameArray[1]) || "",
social_id: socialId,
social_platform: "github",
image: gitHubUser.avatar_url,
image_thumbnail: gitHubUser.avatar_url,
username: "github-user-" + socialId,
if (additionalFields && Object.keys(additionalFields).length > 0) {
Object.keys(additionalFields).forEach((key) => {
// @ts-ignore
payload[key] = additionalFields[key];
const loggedInGithubUser = await handleSocialDb({
database: targetDbName,
email: gitHubUser.email,
payload: payload,
social_platform: "github",
res: res,
social_id: socialId,
supEmail: email,
dbSchema: dbSchema,
return { ...loggedInGithubUser, dsqlUserId: "0" };
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("localGithubAuth error", error.message);
return { success: false, msg: "Failed!" };
module.exports = localGithubAuth;
// @ts-check
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const http = require("http");
const https = require("https");
const encrypt = require("../../../functions/encrypt");
const camelJoinedtoCamelSpace = require("../../engine/utils/camelJoinedtoCamelSpace");
const githubLogin = require("./utils/githubLogin");
const handleSocialDb = require("./utils/handleSocialDb");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
const database = process.env.DSQL_DB_NAME || "";
const encryptionKey = process.env.DSQL_ENCRYPTION_KEY || "";
const encryptionSalt = process.env.DSQL_ENCRYPTION_SALT || "";
* SERVER FUNCTION: Login with google Function
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {object} params - main params object
* @param {http.ServerResponse} params.res - HTTPS response object
* @param {string} params.code
* @param {string} [params.email]
* @param {string} params.clientId
* @param {string} params.clientSecret
* @param {object} [params.additionalFields]
* @param {import("../../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType} params.dbSchema
async function localGithubAuth({ res, code, email, clientId, clientSecret, additionalFields, dbSchema }) {
try {
* User auth
* @description Authenticate user
if (!code || !clientId || !clientSecret) {
return {
success: false,
msg: "Missing query params",
if (typeof code !== "string" || typeof clientId !== "string" || typeof clientSecret !== "string" || typeof database !== "string") {
return {
success: false,
msg: "Wrong Parameters",
* Create new user folder and file
* @description Create new user folder and file
const gitHubUser = await githubLogin({
code: code,
clientId: clientId,
clientSecret: clientSecret,
if (!gitHubUser) {
return {
success: false,
msg: "No github user returned",
const targetDbName = database;
const socialId = gitHubUser.name || gitHubUser.id || gitHubUser.login;
const targetName = gitHubUser.name || gitHubUser.login;
const nameArray = targetName?.match(/ /) ? targetName?.split(" ") : targetName?.match(/\-/) ? targetName?.split("-") : [targetName];
const payload = {
email: gitHubUser.email,
first_name: camelJoinedtoCamelSpace(nameArray[0]) || "",
last_name: camelJoinedtoCamelSpace(nameArray[1]) || "",
social_id: socialId,
social_platform: "github",
image: gitHubUser.avatar_url,
image_thumbnail: gitHubUser.avatar_url,
username: "github-user-" + socialId,
if (additionalFields && Object.keys(additionalFields).length > 0) {
Object.keys(additionalFields).forEach((key) => {
// @ts-ignore
payload[key] = additionalFields[key];
const loggedInGithubUser = await handleSocialDb({
database: targetDbName,
email: gitHubUser.email,
payload: payload,
social_platform: "github",
res: res,
social_id: socialId,
supEmail: email,
dbSchema: dbSchema,
return { ...loggedInGithubUser, dsqlUserId: "0" };
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("localGithubAuth error", error.message);
return { success: false, msg: "Failed!" };
module.exports = localGithubAuth;
@ -1,169 +1,169 @@
// @ts-check
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const http = require("http");
const https = require("https");
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const encrypt = require("../../../functions/encrypt");
const decrypt = require("../../../functions/decrypt");
const handleSocialDb = require("./utils/handleSocialDb");
const httpsRequest = require("./utils/httpsRequest");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* @typedef {object | null} FunctionReturn
* @property {boolean} success - Did the function run successfully?
* @property {import("../../types/user.td").DATASQUIREL_LoggedInUser | null} user - Returned User
* @property {number} [dsqlUserId] - Dsql User Id
* @property {string} [msg] - Response message
const database = process.env.DSQL_DB_NAME || "";
const encryptionKey = process.env.DSQL_ENCRYPTION_KEY || "";
const encryptionSalt = process.env.DSQL_ENCRYPTION_SALT || "";
* SERVER FUNCTION: Login with google Function
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {object} params - main params object
* @param {string} params.token - Google access token gotten from the client side
* @param {string} params.clientId - Google client id
* @param {http.ServerResponse} params.response - HTTPS response object
* @param {object} [params.additionalFields] - Additional Fields to be added to the user object
* @param {import("../../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType} [params.dbSchema] - Database Schema
* @returns { Promise<FunctionReturn> }
async function localGoogleAuth({ dbSchema, token, clientId, response, additionalFields }) {
* Send Response
* @description Send a boolean response
try {
* Grab User data
* @description Grab User data
* @type {{ success: boolean, payload: any, msg: string }}
const payloadResponse = await httpsRequest({
method: "POST",
hostname: "datasquirel.com",
path: "/user/grab-google-user-from-token",
body: {
token: token,
clientId: clientId,
headers: {
Authorization: process.env.DSQL_API_KEY,
const payload = payloadResponse.payload;
if (!payloadResponse.success || !payload) {
console.log("payloadResponse Failed =>", payloadResponse);
return {
success: false,
msg: "User fetch Error",
if (!database || typeof database != "string" || database?.match(/ /)) {
return {
success: false,
user: undefined,
msg: "Please provide a database slug(database name in lowercase with no spaces)",
* Create new user folder and file
* @description Create new user folder and file
const targetDbName = database;
if (!payload) {
return {
success: false,
msg: "No payload",
const { given_name, family_name, email, sub, picture, email_verified } = payload;
const payloadObject = {
email: email || "",
first_name: given_name || "",
last_name: family_name || "",
social_id: sub,
social_platform: "google",
image: picture || "",
image_thumbnail: picture || "",
username: `google-user-${sub}`,
if (additionalFields && Object.keys(additionalFields).length > 0) {
Object.keys(additionalFields).forEach((key) => {
// @ts-ignore
payloadObject[key] = additionalFields[key];
const loggedInGoogleUser = await handleSocialDb({
database: targetDbName,
email: email || "",
payload: payloadObject,
social_platform: "google",
res: response,
social_id: sub,
return { ...loggedInGoogleUser, dsqlUserId: "0" };
} catch (error) {
return {
success: false,
msg: "User fetch Error",
module.exports = localGoogleAuth;
// @ts-check
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const http = require("http");
const https = require("https");
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const encrypt = require("../../../functions/encrypt");
const decrypt = require("../../../functions/decrypt");
const handleSocialDb = require("./utils/handleSocialDb");
const httpsRequest = require("./utils/httpsRequest");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* @typedef {object | null} FunctionReturn
* @property {boolean} success - Did the function run successfully?
* @property {import("../../types/user.td").DATASQUIREL_LoggedInUser | null} user - Returned User
* @property {number} [dsqlUserId] - Dsql User Id
* @property {string} [msg] - Response message
const database = process.env.DSQL_DB_NAME || "";
const encryptionKey = process.env.DSQL_ENCRYPTION_KEY || "";
const encryptionSalt = process.env.DSQL_ENCRYPTION_SALT || "";
* SERVER FUNCTION: Login with google Function
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {object} params - main params object
* @param {string} params.token - Google access token gotten from the client side
* @param {string} params.clientId - Google client id
* @param {http.ServerResponse} params.response - HTTPS response object
* @param {object} [params.additionalFields] - Additional Fields to be added to the user object
* @param {import("../../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType} [params.dbSchema] - Database Schema
* @returns { Promise<FunctionReturn> }
async function localGoogleAuth({ dbSchema, token, clientId, response, additionalFields }) {
* Send Response
* @description Send a boolean response
try {
* Grab User data
* @description Grab User data
* @type {{ success: boolean, payload: any, msg: string }}
const payloadResponse = await httpsRequest({
method: "POST",
hostname: "datasquirel.com",
path: "/user/grab-google-user-from-token",
body: {
token: token,
clientId: clientId,
headers: {
Authorization: process.env.DSQL_API_KEY,
const payload = payloadResponse.payload;
if (!payloadResponse.success || !payload) {
console.log("payloadResponse Failed =>", payloadResponse);
return {
success: false,
msg: "User fetch Error",
if (!database || typeof database != "string" || database?.match(/ /)) {
return {
success: false,
user: undefined,
msg: "Please provide a database slug(database name in lowercase with no spaces)",
* Create new user folder and file
* @description Create new user folder and file
const targetDbName = database;
if (!payload) {
return {
success: false,
msg: "No payload",
const { given_name, family_name, email, sub, picture, email_verified } = payload;
const payloadObject = {
email: email || "",
first_name: given_name || "",
last_name: family_name || "",
social_id: sub,
social_platform: "google",
image: picture || "",
image_thumbnail: picture || "",
username: `google-user-${sub}`,
if (additionalFields && Object.keys(additionalFields).length > 0) {
Object.keys(additionalFields).forEach((key) => {
// @ts-ignore
payloadObject[key] = additionalFields[key];
const loggedInGoogleUser = await handleSocialDb({
database: targetDbName,
email: email || "",
payload: payloadObject,
social_platform: "google",
res: response,
social_id: sub,
return { ...loggedInGoogleUser, dsqlUserId: "0" };
} catch (error) {
return {
success: false,
msg: "User fetch Error",
module.exports = localGoogleAuth;
@ -1,164 +1,164 @@
// @ts-check
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const fs = require("fs");
const httpsRequest = require("./httpsRequest");
const dbHandler = require("../../../engine/utils/dbHandler");
* @typedef {object} GithubUserPayload
* @property {string} login - Full name merged eg. "JohnDoe"
* @property {number} id - github user id
* @property {string} node_id - Some other id
* @property {string} avatar_url - profile picture
* @property {string} gravatar_id - some other id
* @property {string} url - Github user URL
* @property {string} html_url - User html URL - whatever that means
* @property {string} followers_url - Followers URL
* @property {string} following_url - Following URL
* @property {string} gists_url - Gists URL
* @property {string} starred_url - Starred URL
* @property {string} subscriptions_url - Subscriptions URL
* @property {string} organizations_url - Organizations URL
* @property {string} repos_url - Repositories URL
* @property {string} received_events_url - Received Events URL
* @property {string} type - Common value => "User"
* @property {boolean} site_admin - Is site admin or not? Boolean
* @property {string} name - More like "username"
* @property {string} company - User company
* @property {string} blog - User blog URL
* @property {string} location - User Location
* @property {string} email - User Email
* @property {string} hireable - Is user hireable
* @property {string} bio - User bio
* @property {string} twitter_username - User twitter username
* @property {number} public_repos - Number of public repositories
* @property {number} public_gists - Number of public gists
* @property {number} followers - Number of followers
* @property {number} following - Number of following
* @property {string} created_at - Date created
* @property {string} updated_at - Date updated
* Login/signup a github user
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {Object} params - foundUser if any
* @param {string} params.code - github auth token
* @param {string} params.clientId - github client Id
* @param {string} params.clientSecret - github client Secret
* @returns {Promise<GithubUserPayload|null>}
async function githubLogin({ code, clientId, clientSecret }) {
/** @type {GithubUserPayload | null} */
let gitHubUser = null;
try {
* Create new user folder and file
* @description Create new user folder and file
// const response = await fetch(`https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token?client_id=${process.env.GITHUB_ID}`);
const response = await httpsRequest({
method: "POST",
hostname: "github.com",
path: `/login/oauth/access_token?client_id=${clientId}&client_secret=${clientSecret}&code=${code}`,
headers: {
Accept: "application/json",
"User-Agent": "*",
// `https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token?client_id=${process.env.GITHUB_ID}&client_secret=${process.env.GITHUB_SECRET}&code=${code}`,
// body: JSON.stringify({
// client_id: process.env.GITHUB_ID,
// client_secret: process.env.GITHUB_SECRET,
// code: code,
// }),
const accessTokenObject = JSON.parse(response);
if (!accessTokenObject?.access_token) {
return gitHubUser;
const userDataResponse = await httpsRequest({
method: "GET",
hostname: "api.github.com",
path: "/user",
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${accessTokenObject.access_token}`,
"User-Agent": "*",
gitHubUser = JSON.parse(userDataResponse);
if (!gitHubUser?.email) {
const existingGithubUser = await dbHandler({
query: `SELECT email FROM users WHERE social_login='1' AND social_platform='github' AND social_id= ?`,
values: [gitHubUser?.id || ""],
if (existingGithubUser && existingGithubUser[0] && gitHubUser) {
gitHubUser.email = existingGithubUser[0].email;
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("ERROR in githubLogin.js backend function =>", error.message);
// serverError({
// component: "/api/social-login/github-auth/catch-error",
// message: error.message,
// user: user,
// });
return gitHubUser;
module.exports = githubLogin;
// @ts-check
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const fs = require("fs");
const httpsRequest = require("./httpsRequest");
const dbHandler = require("../../../engine/utils/dbHandler");
* @typedef {object} GithubUserPayload
* @property {string} login - Full name merged eg. "JohnDoe"
* @property {number} id - github user id
* @property {string} node_id - Some other id
* @property {string} avatar_url - profile picture
* @property {string} gravatar_id - some other id
* @property {string} url - Github user URL
* @property {string} html_url - User html URL - whatever that means
* @property {string} followers_url - Followers URL
* @property {string} following_url - Following URL
* @property {string} gists_url - Gists URL
* @property {string} starred_url - Starred URL
* @property {string} subscriptions_url - Subscriptions URL
* @property {string} organizations_url - Organizations URL
* @property {string} repos_url - Repositories URL
* @property {string} received_events_url - Received Events URL
* @property {string} type - Common value => "User"
* @property {boolean} site_admin - Is site admin or not? Boolean
* @property {string} name - More like "username"
* @property {string} company - User company
* @property {string} blog - User blog URL
* @property {string} location - User Location
* @property {string} email - User Email
* @property {string} hireable - Is user hireable
* @property {string} bio - User bio
* @property {string} twitter_username - User twitter username
* @property {number} public_repos - Number of public repositories
* @property {number} public_gists - Number of public gists
* @property {number} followers - Number of followers
* @property {number} following - Number of following
* @property {string} created_at - Date created
* @property {string} updated_at - Date updated
* Login/signup a github user
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {Object} params - foundUser if any
* @param {string} params.code - github auth token
* @param {string} params.clientId - github client Id
* @param {string} params.clientSecret - github client Secret
* @returns {Promise<GithubUserPayload|null>}
async function githubLogin({ code, clientId, clientSecret }) {
/** @type {GithubUserPayload | null} */
let gitHubUser = null;
try {
* Create new user folder and file
* @description Create new user folder and file
// const response = await fetch(`https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token?client_id=${process.env.GITHUB_ID}`);
const response = await httpsRequest({
method: "POST",
hostname: "github.com",
path: `/login/oauth/access_token?client_id=${clientId}&client_secret=${clientSecret}&code=${code}`,
headers: {
Accept: "application/json",
"User-Agent": "*",
// `https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token?client_id=${process.env.GITHUB_ID}&client_secret=${process.env.GITHUB_SECRET}&code=${code}`,
// body: JSON.stringify({
// client_id: process.env.GITHUB_ID,
// client_secret: process.env.GITHUB_SECRET,
// code: code,
// }),
const accessTokenObject = JSON.parse(response);
if (!accessTokenObject?.access_token) {
return gitHubUser;
const userDataResponse = await httpsRequest({
method: "GET",
hostname: "api.github.com",
path: "/user",
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${accessTokenObject.access_token}`,
"User-Agent": "*",
gitHubUser = JSON.parse(userDataResponse);
if (!gitHubUser?.email) {
const existingGithubUser = await dbHandler({
query: `SELECT email FROM users WHERE social_login='1' AND social_platform='github' AND social_id= ?`,
values: [gitHubUser?.id || ""],
if (existingGithubUser && existingGithubUser[0] && gitHubUser) {
gitHubUser.email = existingGithubUser[0].email;
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("ERROR in githubLogin.js backend function =>", error.message);
// serverError({
// component: "/api/social-login/github-auth/catch-error",
// message: error.message,
// user: user,
// });
return gitHubUser;
module.exports = githubLogin;
@ -1,376 +1,376 @@
// @ts-check
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const fs = require("fs");
const http = require("http");
const varDatabaseDbHandler = require("../../../engine/utils/varDatabaseDbHandler");
const addDbEntry = require("../../../query/utils/addDbEntry");
const encrypt = require("../../../../functions/encrypt");
* @typedef {object} FunctionReturn
* @property {boolean} success - Did the operation complete successfully or not?
* @property {{
* id: number,
* first_name: string,
* last_name: string,
* }|null} user - User payload object: or "null"
* @property {string} [msg] - Message
* @property {string} [error] - Error Message
* @property {string | number} [social_id] - Social Id
* @property {string} [social_platform] - Social Platform
* @property {object} [payload] - Payload
* @property {boolean} [alert] - Alert
* @property {*} [newUser] - New User
const database = process.env.DSQL_DB_NAME || "";
const encryptionKey = process.env.DSQL_ENCRYPTION_KEY || "";
const encryptionSalt = process.env.DSQL_ENCRYPTION_SALT || "";
* Handle Social User Auth on Datasquirel Database
* ==============================================================================
* @description This function handles all social login logic after the social user
* has been authenticated and userpayload is present. The payload MUST contain the
* specified fields because this funciton will create a new user if the authenticated
* user does not exist.
* @param {{
* database: string|null|undefined,
* social_id: string|number,
* email: string,
* social_platform: string,
* payload: {
* social_id: string | number,
* email: string,
* social_platform: string,
* first_name: string,
* last_name: string,
* image: string,
* image_thumbnail: string,
* username: string,
* },
* res: http.ServerResponse,
* supEmail?: string | null,
* additionalFields?: object,
* dbSchema: import("../../../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType | undefined
* }} params - function parameters inside an object
* @returns {Promise<FunctionReturn>} - Response object
async function handleSocialDb({ social_id, email, social_platform, payload, res, supEmail, additionalFields, dbSchema }) {
const tableSchema = dbSchema?.tables.find((tb) => tb?.tableName === "users");
try {
let existingSocialIdUser = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
database: database ? database : "datasquirel",
queryString: `SELECT * FROM users WHERE social_id = ? AND social_login='1' AND social_platform = ? `,
queryValuesArray: [social_id.toString(), social_platform],
if (existingSocialIdUser && existingSocialIdUser[0]) {
return await loginSocialUser({
user: existingSocialIdUser[0],
const finalEmail = email ? email : supEmail ? supEmail : null;
if (!finalEmail) {
return {
success: false,
user: null,
msg: "No Email Present",
let existingEmailOnly = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
database: database ? database : "datasquirel",
queryString: `SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = ?`,
queryValuesArray: [finalEmail],
if (existingEmailOnly && existingEmailOnly[0]) {
return {
success: false,
user: null,
msg: "This Email is already taken",
alert: true,
const foundUser = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
database: database ? database : "datasquirel",
queryString: `SELECT * FROM users WHERE email='${finalEmail}' AND social_login='1' AND social_platform='${social_platform}' AND social_id='${social_id}'`,
if (foundUser && foundUser[0]) {
return await loginSocialUser({
user: payload,
const socialHashedPassword = encrypt({
data: social_id.toString(),
const data = {
social_login: "1",
verification_status: supEmail ? "0" : "1",
password: socialHashedPassword,
Object.keys(payload).forEach((key) => {
// @ts-ignore
data[key] = payload[key];
const newUser = await addDbEntry({
dbFullName: database ? database : "datasquirel",
tableName: "users",
duplicateColumnName: "email",
duplicateColumnValue: finalEmail,
data: {
email: finalEmail,
if (newUser?.insertId) {
const newUserQueried = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
database: database ? database : "datasquirel",
queryString: `SELECT * FROM users WHERE id='${newUser.insertId}'`,
if (!newUserQueried || !newUserQueried[0])
return {
success: false,
user: null,
msg: "User Insertion Failed!",
if (supEmail && database?.match(/^datasquirel$/)) {
* Send email Verification
* @description Send verification email to newly created agent
let generatedToken = encrypt({
data: JSON.stringify({
id: newUser.insertId,
email: supEmail,
dateCode: Date.now(),
return await loginSocialUser({
user: newUserQueried[0],
} else {
console.log("Social User Failed to insert in 'handleSocialDb.js' backend function =>", newUser);
return {
success: false,
user: null,
msg: "Social User Failed to insert in 'handleSocialDb.js' backend function => ",
newUser: newUser,
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("ERROR in 'handleSocialDb.js' backend function =>", error.message);
return {
success: false,
user: null,
error: error.message,
// serverError({
// component: "/functions/backend/social-login/handleSocialDb.js - main-catch-error",
// message: error.message,
// user: { first_name, last_name },
// });
* Function to login social user
* ==============================================================================
* @description This function logs in the user after 'handleSocialDb' function finishes
* the user creation or confirmation process
* @async
* @param {object} params - function parameters inside an object
* @param {{
* first_name: string,
* last_name: string,
* email: string,
* social_id: string|number,
* }} params.user - user object
* @param {string} params.social_platform - Whether its "google" or "facebook" or "github"
* @param {http.ServerResponse} params.res - Https response object
* @param {string|null} params.database - Target Database
* @param {object} [params.additionalFields] - Additional fields to be added to the user payload
* @returns {Promise<{
* success: boolean,
* user: { id: number, first_name: string, last_name: string } | null
* msg?: string
* }>}
async function loginSocialUser({ user, social_platform, res, database, additionalFields }) {
const foundUser = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
database: database ? database : "datasquirel",
queryString: `SELECT * FROM users WHERE email='${user.email}' AND social_id='${user.social_id}' AND social_platform='${social_platform}'`,
let csrfKey = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2) + "-" + Math.random().toString(36).substring(2);
if (!foundUser?.[0]) {
return {
success: false,
user: null,
msg: "User Not Found",
let userPayload = {
id: foundUser[0].id,
type: foundUser[0].type || "",
stripe_id: foundUser[0].stripe_id || "",
first_name: foundUser[0].first_name,
last_name: foundUser[0].last_name,
username: foundUser[0].username,
email: foundUser[0].email,
social_id: foundUser[0].social_id,
image: foundUser[0].image,
image_thumbnail: foundUser[0].image_thumbnail,
verification_status: foundUser[0].verification_status,
social_login: foundUser[0].social_login,
social_platform: foundUser[0].social_platform,
csrf_k: csrfKey,
logged_in_status: true,
date: Date.now(),
if (additionalFields && Object.keys(additionalFields).length > 0) {
Object.keys(additionalFields).forEach((key) => {
// @ts-ignore
userPayload[key] = foundUser[0][key];
let encryptedPayload = encrypt({
data: JSON.stringify(userPayload),
if (res?.setHeader) {
res.setHeader("Set-Cookie", [`datasquirelAuthKey=${encryptedPayload};samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true;Secure=true`, `csrf=${csrfKey};samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true`]);
return {
success: true,
user: userPayload,
module.exports = handleSocialDb;
// @ts-check
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const fs = require("fs");
const http = require("http");
const varDatabaseDbHandler = require("../../../engine/utils/varDatabaseDbHandler");
const addDbEntry = require("../../../query/utils/addDbEntry");
const encrypt = require("../../../../functions/encrypt");
* @typedef {object} FunctionReturn
* @property {boolean} success - Did the operation complete successfully or not?
* @property {{
* id: number,
* first_name: string,
* last_name: string,
* }|null} user - User payload object: or "null"
* @property {string} [msg] - Message
* @property {string} [error] - Error Message
* @property {string | number} [social_id] - Social Id
* @property {string} [social_platform] - Social Platform
* @property {object} [payload] - Payload
* @property {boolean} [alert] - Alert
* @property {*} [newUser] - New User
const database = process.env.DSQL_DB_NAME || "";
const encryptionKey = process.env.DSQL_ENCRYPTION_KEY || "";
const encryptionSalt = process.env.DSQL_ENCRYPTION_SALT || "";
* Handle Social User Auth on Datasquirel Database
* ==============================================================================
* @description This function handles all social login logic after the social user
* has been authenticated and userpayload is present. The payload MUST contain the
* specified fields because this funciton will create a new user if the authenticated
* user does not exist.
* @param {{
* database: string|null|undefined,
* social_id: string|number,
* email: string,
* social_platform: string,
* payload: {
* social_id: string | number,
* email: string,
* social_platform: string,
* first_name: string,
* last_name: string,
* image: string,
* image_thumbnail: string,
* username: string,
* },
* res: http.ServerResponse,
* supEmail?: string | null,
* additionalFields?: object,
* dbSchema: import("../../../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType | undefined
* }} params - function parameters inside an object
* @returns {Promise<FunctionReturn>} - Response object
async function handleSocialDb({ social_id, email, social_platform, payload, res, supEmail, additionalFields, dbSchema }) {
const tableSchema = dbSchema?.tables.find((tb) => tb?.tableName === "users");
try {
let existingSocialIdUser = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
database: database ? database : "datasquirel",
queryString: `SELECT * FROM users WHERE social_id = ? AND social_login='1' AND social_platform = ? `,
queryValuesArray: [social_id.toString(), social_platform],
if (existingSocialIdUser && existingSocialIdUser[0]) {
return await loginSocialUser({
user: existingSocialIdUser[0],
const finalEmail = email ? email : supEmail ? supEmail : null;
if (!finalEmail) {
return {
success: false,
user: null,
msg: "No Email Present",
let existingEmailOnly = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
database: database ? database : "datasquirel",
queryString: `SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = ?`,
queryValuesArray: [finalEmail],
if (existingEmailOnly && existingEmailOnly[0]) {
return {
success: false,
user: null,
msg: "This Email is already taken",
alert: true,
const foundUser = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
database: database ? database : "datasquirel",
queryString: `SELECT * FROM users WHERE email='${finalEmail}' AND social_login='1' AND social_platform='${social_platform}' AND social_id='${social_id}'`,
if (foundUser && foundUser[0]) {
return await loginSocialUser({
user: payload,
const socialHashedPassword = encrypt({
data: social_id.toString(),
const data = {
social_login: "1",
verification_status: supEmail ? "0" : "1",
password: socialHashedPassword,
Object.keys(payload).forEach((key) => {
// @ts-ignore
data[key] = payload[key];
const newUser = await addDbEntry({
dbFullName: database ? database : "datasquirel",
tableName: "users",
duplicateColumnName: "email",
duplicateColumnValue: finalEmail,
data: {
email: finalEmail,
if (newUser?.insertId) {
const newUserQueried = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
database: database ? database : "datasquirel",
queryString: `SELECT * FROM users WHERE id='${newUser.insertId}'`,
if (!newUserQueried || !newUserQueried[0])
return {
success: false,
user: null,
msg: "User Insertion Failed!",
if (supEmail && database?.match(/^datasquirel$/)) {
* Send email Verification
* @description Send verification email to newly created agent
let generatedToken = encrypt({
data: JSON.stringify({
id: newUser.insertId,
email: supEmail,
dateCode: Date.now(),
return await loginSocialUser({
user: newUserQueried[0],
} else {
console.log("Social User Failed to insert in 'handleSocialDb.js' backend function =>", newUser);
return {
success: false,
user: null,
msg: "Social User Failed to insert in 'handleSocialDb.js' backend function => ",
newUser: newUser,
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("ERROR in 'handleSocialDb.js' backend function =>", error.message);
return {
success: false,
user: null,
error: error.message,
// serverError({
// component: "/functions/backend/social-login/handleSocialDb.js - main-catch-error",
// message: error.message,
// user: { first_name, last_name },
// });
* Function to login social user
* ==============================================================================
* @description This function logs in the user after 'handleSocialDb' function finishes
* the user creation or confirmation process
* @async
* @param {object} params - function parameters inside an object
* @param {{
* first_name: string,
* last_name: string,
* email: string,
* social_id: string|number,
* }} params.user - user object
* @param {string} params.social_platform - Whether its "google" or "facebook" or "github"
* @param {http.ServerResponse} params.res - Https response object
* @param {string|null} params.database - Target Database
* @param {object} [params.additionalFields] - Additional fields to be added to the user payload
* @returns {Promise<{
* success: boolean,
* user: { id: number, first_name: string, last_name: string } | null
* msg?: string
* }>}
async function loginSocialUser({ user, social_platform, res, database, additionalFields }) {
const foundUser = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
database: database ? database : "datasquirel",
queryString: `SELECT * FROM users WHERE email='${user.email}' AND social_id='${user.social_id}' AND social_platform='${social_platform}'`,
let csrfKey = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2) + "-" + Math.random().toString(36).substring(2);
if (!foundUser?.[0]) {
return {
success: false,
user: null,
msg: "User Not Found",
let userPayload = {
id: foundUser[0].id,
type: foundUser[0].type || "",
stripe_id: foundUser[0].stripe_id || "",
first_name: foundUser[0].first_name,
last_name: foundUser[0].last_name,
username: foundUser[0].username,
email: foundUser[0].email,
social_id: foundUser[0].social_id,
image: foundUser[0].image,
image_thumbnail: foundUser[0].image_thumbnail,
verification_status: foundUser[0].verification_status,
social_login: foundUser[0].social_login,
social_platform: foundUser[0].social_platform,
csrf_k: csrfKey,
logged_in_status: true,
date: Date.now(),
if (additionalFields && Object.keys(additionalFields).length > 0) {
Object.keys(additionalFields).forEach((key) => {
// @ts-ignore
userPayload[key] = foundUser[0][key];
let encryptedPayload = encrypt({
data: JSON.stringify(userPayload),
if (res?.setHeader) {
res.setHeader("Set-Cookie", [`datasquirelAuthKey=${encryptedPayload};samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true;Secure=true`, `csrf=${csrfKey};samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true`]);
return {
success: true,
user: userPayload,
module.exports = handleSocialDb;
@ -1,105 +1,105 @@
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const https = require("https");
* Main Function
* ==============================================================================
* @param {{
* url?: string,
* method: string,
* hostname: string,
* path?: string,
* href?: string,
* headers?: object,
* body?: object,
* }} params - params
function httpsRequest({ url, method, hostname, path, href, headers, body }) {
const reqPayloadString = body ? JSON.stringify(body) : null;
let requestOptions = {
method: method,
hostname: hostname,
port: 443,
headers: {},
if (path) requestOptions.path = path;
if (href) requestOptions.href = href;
if (headers) requestOptions.headers = headers;
if (body) {
requestOptions.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json";
requestOptions.headers["Content-Length"] = Buffer.from(reqPayloadString || "").length;
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
const httpsRequest = https.request(
/* ====== Request Options object ====== */
// @ts-ignore
url ? url : requestOptions,
/* ====== Callback function ====== */
(response) => {
var str = "";
// ## another chunk of data has been received, so append it to `str`
response.on("data", function (chunk) {
str += chunk;
// ## the whole response has been received, so we just print it out here
response.on("end", function () {
response.on("error", (error) => {
console.log("HTTP response error =>", error.message);
if (body) httpsRequest.write(reqPayloadString);
httpsRequest.on("error", (error) => {
console.log("HTTPS request ERROR =>", error);
module.exports = httpsRequest;
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const https = require("https");
* Main Function
* ==============================================================================
* @param {{
* url?: string,
* method: string,
* hostname: string,
* path?: string,
* href?: string,
* headers?: object,
* body?: object,
* }} params - params
function httpsRequest({ url, method, hostname, path, href, headers, body }) {
const reqPayloadString = body ? JSON.stringify(body) : null;
let requestOptions = {
method: method,
hostname: hostname,
port: 443,
headers: {},
if (path) requestOptions.path = path;
if (href) requestOptions.href = href;
if (headers) requestOptions.headers = headers;
if (body) {
requestOptions.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json";
requestOptions.headers["Content-Length"] = Buffer.from(reqPayloadString || "").length;
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
const httpsRequest = https.request(
/* ====== Request Options object ====== */
// @ts-ignore
url ? url : requestOptions,
/* ====== Callback function ====== */
(response) => {
var str = "";
// ## another chunk of data has been received, so append it to `str`
response.on("data", function (chunk) {
str += chunk;
// ## the whole response has been received, so we just print it out here
response.on("end", function () {
response.on("error", (error) => {
console.log("HTTP response error =>", error.message);
if (body) httpsRequest.write(reqPayloadString);
httpsRequest.on("error", (error) => {
console.log("HTTPS request ERROR =>", error);
module.exports = httpsRequest;
@ -1,85 +1,85 @@
// @ts-check
const updateDbEntry = require("../query/utils/updateDbEntry");
* @typedef {Object} LocalPostReturn
* @property {boolean} success - Did the function run successfully?
* @property {*} [payload] - GET request results
* @property {string} [msg] - Message
* @property {string} [error] - Error Message
* Make a get request to Datasquirel API
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {Object} params - Single object passed
* @param {*} params.payload - SQL Query
* @param {import("../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType} params.dbSchema - Name of the table to query
* @returns { Promise<LocalPostReturn> } - Return Object
async function localUpdateUser({ payload, dbSchema }) {
try {
* User auth
* @description Authenticate user
* Initialize Variables
const dbFullName = process.env.DSQL_DB_NAME || "";
const encryptionKey = process.env.DSQL_ENCRYPTION_KEY || "";
const encryptionSalt = process.env.DSQL_ENCRYPTION_SALT || "";
const data = (() => {
const reqBodyKeys = Object.keys(payload);
const finalData = {};
reqBodyKeys.forEach((key) => {
if (key?.match(/^date_|^id$/)) return;
// @ts-ignore
finalData[key] = payload[key];
return finalData;
const tableSchema = dbSchema.tables.find((tb) => tb?.tableName === "users");
const updateUser = await updateDbEntry({
dbContext: "Dsql User",
paradigm: "Full Access",
dbFullName: dbFullName,
tableName: "users",
identifierColumnName: "id",
identifierValue: payload.id,
data: data,
return {
success: true,
payload: updateUser,
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("Error in local add-user Request =>", error.message);
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
msg: "Something went wrong!",
module.exports = localUpdateUser;
// @ts-check
const updateDbEntry = require("../query/utils/updateDbEntry");
* @typedef {Object} LocalPostReturn
* @property {boolean} success - Did the function run successfully?
* @property {*} [payload] - GET request results
* @property {string} [msg] - Message
* @property {string} [error] - Error Message
* Make a get request to Datasquirel API
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {Object} params - Single object passed
* @param {*} params.payload - SQL Query
* @param {import("../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType} params.dbSchema - Name of the table to query
* @returns { Promise<LocalPostReturn> } - Return Object
async function localUpdateUser({ payload, dbSchema }) {
try {
* User auth
* @description Authenticate user
* Initialize Variables
const dbFullName = process.env.DSQL_DB_NAME || "";
const encryptionKey = process.env.DSQL_ENCRYPTION_KEY || "";
const encryptionSalt = process.env.DSQL_ENCRYPTION_SALT || "";
const data = (() => {
const reqBodyKeys = Object.keys(payload);
const finalData = {};
reqBodyKeys.forEach((key) => {
if (key?.match(/^date_|^id$/)) return;
// @ts-ignore
finalData[key] = payload[key];
return finalData;
const tableSchema = dbSchema.tables.find((tb) => tb?.tableName === "users");
const updateUser = await updateDbEntry({
dbContext: "Dsql User",
paradigm: "Full Access",
dbFullName: dbFullName,
tableName: "users",
identifierColumnName: "id",
identifierValue: payload.id,
data: data,
return {
success: true,
payload: updateUser,
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("Error in local add-user Request =>", error.message);
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
msg: "Something went wrong!",
module.exports = localUpdateUser;
@ -1,46 +1,46 @@
// @ts-check
const { scryptSync, createDecipheriv } = require("crypto");
const { Buffer } = require("buffer");
* @param {object} param0
* @param {string} param0.encryptedString
* @param {string} param0.encryptionKey
* @param {string} param0.encryptionSalt
* @returns
const decrypt = ({ encryptedString, encryptionKey, encryptionSalt }) => {
if (!encryptedString?.match(/./)) {
console.log("Encrypted string is invalid");
return encryptedString;
if (!encryptionKey?.match(/.{8,}/)) {
console.log("Decrption key is invalid");
return encryptedString;
if (!encryptionSalt?.match(/.{8,}/)) {
console.log("Decrption salt is invalid");
return encryptedString;
const algorithm = "aes-192-cbc";
let key = scryptSync(encryptionKey, encryptionSalt, 24);
let iv = Buffer.alloc(16, 0);
const decipher = createDecipheriv(algorithm, key, iv);
try {
let decrypted = decipher.update(encryptedString, "hex", "utf8");
decrypted += decipher.final("utf8");
return decrypted;
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("Error in decrypting =>", error.message);
return encryptedString;
module.exports = decrypt;
// @ts-check
const { scryptSync, createDecipheriv } = require("crypto");
const { Buffer } = require("buffer");
* @param {object} param0
* @param {string} param0.encryptedString
* @param {string} param0.encryptionKey
* @param {string} param0.encryptionSalt
* @returns
const decrypt = ({ encryptedString, encryptionKey, encryptionSalt }) => {
if (!encryptedString?.match(/./)) {
console.log("Encrypted string is invalid");
return encryptedString;
if (!encryptionKey?.match(/.{8,}/)) {
console.log("Decrption key is invalid");
return encryptedString;
if (!encryptionSalt?.match(/.{8,}/)) {
console.log("Decrption salt is invalid");
return encryptedString;
const algorithm = "aes-192-cbc";
let key = scryptSync(encryptionKey, encryptionSalt, 24);
let iv = Buffer.alloc(16, 0);
const decipher = createDecipheriv(algorithm, key, iv);
try {
let decrypted = decipher.update(encryptedString, "hex", "utf8");
decrypted += decipher.final("utf8");
return decrypted;
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("Error in decrypting =>", error.message);
return encryptedString;
module.exports = decrypt;
@ -1,45 +1,45 @@
// @ts-check
const { scryptSync, createCipheriv } = require("crypto");
const { Buffer } = require("buffer");
* @param {object} param0
* @param {string} param0.data
* @param {string} param0.encryptionKey
* @param {string} param0.encryptionSalt
* @returns {string | null}
const encrypt = ({ data, encryptionKey, encryptionSalt }) => {
if (!data?.match(/./)) {
console.log("Encryption string is invalid");
return data;
if (!encryptionKey?.match(/.{8,}/)) {
console.log("Encryption key is invalid");
return data;
if (!encryptionSalt?.match(/.{8,}/)) {
console.log("Encryption salt is invalid");
return data;
const algorithm = "aes-192-cbc";
const password = encryptionKey;
let key = scryptSync(password, encryptionSalt, 24);
let iv = Buffer.alloc(16, 0);
const cipher = createCipheriv(algorithm, key, iv);
try {
let encrypted = cipher.update(data, "utf8", "hex");
encrypted += cipher.final("hex");
return encrypted;
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("Error in encrypting =>", error.message);
return data;
module.exports = encrypt;
// @ts-check
const { scryptSync, createCipheriv } = require("crypto");
const { Buffer } = require("buffer");
* @param {object} param0
* @param {string} param0.data
* @param {string} param0.encryptionKey
* @param {string} param0.encryptionSalt
* @returns {string | null}
const encrypt = ({ data, encryptionKey, encryptionSalt }) => {
if (!data?.match(/./)) {
console.log("Encryption string is invalid");
return data;
if (!encryptionKey?.match(/.{8,}/)) {
console.log("Encryption key is invalid");
return data;
if (!encryptionSalt?.match(/.{8,}/)) {
console.log("Encryption salt is invalid");
return data;
const algorithm = "aes-192-cbc";
const password = encryptionKey;
let key = scryptSync(password, encryptionSalt, 24);
let iv = Buffer.alloc(16, 0);
const cipher = createCipheriv(algorithm, key, iv);
try {
let encrypted = cipher.update(data, "utf8", "hex");
encrypted += cipher.final("hex");
return encrypted;
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
console.log("Error in encrypting =>", error.message);
return data;
module.exports = encrypt;
@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
* Detected 4 files that call this module. The files are listed below:
* `require` Statement Found in [add-user.js] => file:///d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\user\add-user.js
* `require` Statement Found in [login-user.js] => file:///d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\user\login-user.js
* `require` Statement Found in [googleLogin.js] => file:///d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\user\social\utils\googleLogin.js
* `require` Statement Found in [update-user.js] => file:///d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\user\update-user.js
==== MODULE TRACE END ==== */
// @ts-check
const { createHmac } = require("crypto");
* # Hash password Function
* @param {object} param0
* @param {string} param0.password - Password to hash
* @param {string} param0.encryptionKey - Encryption key
* @returns {string}
module.exports = function hashPassword({ password, encryptionKey }) {
const hmac = createHmac("sha512", encryptionKey);
let hashed = hmac.digest("base64");
return hashed;
* Detected 4 files that call this module. The files are listed below:
* `require` Statement Found in [add-user.js] => file:///d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\user\add-user.js
* `require` Statement Found in [login-user.js] => file:///d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\user\login-user.js
* `require` Statement Found in [googleLogin.js] => file:///d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\user\social\utils\googleLogin.js
* `require` Statement Found in [update-user.js] => file:///d:\GitHub\dsql\engine\user\update-user.js
==== MODULE TRACE END ==== */
// @ts-check
const { createHmac } = require("crypto");
* # Hash password Function
* @param {object} param0
* @param {string} param0.password - Password to hash
* @param {string} param0.encryptionKey - Encryption key
* @returns {string}
module.exports = function hashPassword({ password, encryptionKey }) {
const hmac = createHmac("sha512", encryptionKey);
let hashed = hmac.digest("base64");
return hashed;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "datasquirel",
"version": "1.9.0",
"version": "1.9.2",
"description": "Cloud-based SQL data management tool",
"main": "index.js",
"bin": {
@ -1,95 +1,95 @@
* @typedef {string} DSQL_DatabaseFullName - Database full name(slug) including datasquirel data => "datasquirel_user_7_new_database"
* @typedef {object} DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType
* @property {string} dbName - Database Full name with spaces => "New Database"
* @property {string} dbSlug - Database Slug => "new_database"
* @property {string} dbFullName - Database full name(slug) including datasquirel data => "datasquirel_user_7_new_database"
* @property {string} [dbDescription] - Database brief description
* @property {string} [dbImage] - Database image - Defaults to "/images/default.png"
* @property {DSQL_TableSchemaType[]} tables - List of database tables
* @property {{ dbFullName: string }[]} [childrenDatabases] - List of children databases for current database which is parent
* @property {boolean} [childDatabase] - If current database is a child of a different parent database
* @property {string} [childDatabaseDbFullName] - Parent database full name => "datasquirel_user_7_new_database"
* @typedef {object} DSQL_TableSchemaType
* @property {string} tableName - Table slug (blog_posts)
* @property {string} tableFullName - Table full name with spaces => "Blog Posts"
* @property {string} [tableDescription] - Brief description of table
* @property {DSQL_FieldSchemaType[]} fields - List of table Fields
* @property {DSQL_IndexSchemaType[]} [indexes] - List of table indexes, if available
* @property {DSQL_ChildrenTablesType[]} [childrenTables] - List of children tables
* @property {boolean} [childTable] -If current table is a child clone
* @property {string} [childTableName] - Table slug of parent table => "blog_posts"
* @property {string} [childTableDbFullName] - Database full name(slug) including datasquirel data => "datasquirel_user_7_new_database"
* @property {string} [tableNameOld] - Old table name, incase of renaming table
* @typedef {object} DSQL_ChildrenTablesType
* @property {string} dbNameFull - Database full name(slug) including datasquirel data => "datasquirel_user_7_new_database"
* @property {string} tableName - Table slug => "blog_posts"
* @typedef {object} DSQL_FieldSchemaType
* @property {string} fieldName - Field Name(slug) => "long_description"
* @property {string} [originName] - Field origin name(optional)
* @property {boolean} [updatedField] - Has this field been renamed?
* @property {string} dataType - Field Data type => "BIGIN" | "LONGTEXT" | "VARCHAR(***)" | ...
* @property {boolean} [nullValue] - Is this a null value or not?
* @property {boolean} [notNullValue] - Is this NOT a null value?
* @property {boolean} [primaryKey] - Is this the primary key for table?
* @property {boolean} [encrypted] - Is this field value encrypted?
* @property {boolean} [autoIncrement] - Does this table primary key increment automatically?
* @property {string|number} [defaultValue] - Value of field by default
* @property {string} [defaultValueLiteral] - SQL key word which generates value automatically => "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"
* @property {DSQL_ForeignKeyType} [foreignKey] - Field foreign key reference object
* @property {boolean} [richText] - Rich text field
* @property {string | RegExp} [pattern] - Field pattern for validation. Can be a string or a regular expression. Example: "^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$"
* @property {string} [patternFlags] - Field pattern flags for validation. Example: "i"
* @typedef {object} DSQL_ForeignKeyType
* @property {string} foreignKeyName - Unique Name of foreign key
* @property {string} destinationTableName - Reference table name(slug) => "blog_posts"
* @property {string} destinationTableColumnName - Reference column name(slug) => "id"
* @property {string} destinationTableColumnType - Reference table field type => "BIGINT" | "VARCHAR(***)" | ...
* @property {boolean} [cascadeDelete] - Does the reference table entry delete when this key is deleted?
* @property {boolean} [cascadeUpdate] - Does the reference table entry update when this key is updated?
* @typedef {object} DSQL_IndexSchemaType
* @property {string} indexName - Unique Name of index => "blog_text_index"
* @property {string} indexType - "regular" or "fullText"
* @property {DSQL_IndexTableFieldType[]} indexTableFields - List of Index table fields
* @property {string} [alias] - List of Index table fields
* @typedef {object} DSQL_IndexTableFieldType
* @property {string} value - Table Field Name
* @property {string} dataType - Table Field data type "VARCHAR(***)" | "BIGINT" | ...
exports.DSQL_TableSchemaType = DSQL_TableSchemaType;
* @typedef {string} DSQL_DatabaseFullName - Database full name(slug) including datasquirel data => "datasquirel_user_7_new_database"
* @typedef {object} DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType
* @property {string} dbName - Database Full name with spaces => "New Database"
* @property {string} dbSlug - Database Slug => "new_database"
* @property {string} dbFullName - Database full name(slug) including datasquirel data => "datasquirel_user_7_new_database"
* @property {string} [dbDescription] - Database brief description
* @property {string} [dbImage] - Database image - Defaults to "/images/default.png"
* @property {DSQL_TableSchemaType[]} tables - List of database tables
* @property {{ dbFullName: string }[]} [childrenDatabases] - List of children databases for current database which is parent
* @property {boolean} [childDatabase] - If current database is a child of a different parent database
* @property {string} [childDatabaseDbFullName] - Parent database full name => "datasquirel_user_7_new_database"
* @typedef {object} DSQL_TableSchemaType
* @property {string} tableName - Table slug (blog_posts)
* @property {string} tableFullName - Table full name with spaces => "Blog Posts"
* @property {string} [tableDescription] - Brief description of table
* @property {DSQL_FieldSchemaType[]} fields - List of table Fields
* @property {DSQL_IndexSchemaType[]} [indexes] - List of table indexes, if available
* @property {DSQL_ChildrenTablesType[]} [childrenTables] - List of children tables
* @property {boolean} [childTable] -If current table is a child clone
* @property {string} [childTableName] - Table slug of parent table => "blog_posts"
* @property {string} [childTableDbFullName] - Database full name(slug) including datasquirel data => "datasquirel_user_7_new_database"
* @property {string} [tableNameOld] - Old table name, incase of renaming table
* @typedef {object} DSQL_ChildrenTablesType
* @property {string} dbNameFull - Database full name(slug) including datasquirel data => "datasquirel_user_7_new_database"
* @property {string} tableName - Table slug => "blog_posts"
* @typedef {object} DSQL_FieldSchemaType
* @property {string} fieldName - Field Name(slug) => "long_description"
* @property {string} [originName] - Field origin name(optional)
* @property {boolean} [updatedField] - Has this field been renamed?
* @property {string} dataType - Field Data type => "BIGIN" | "LONGTEXT" | "VARCHAR(***)" | ...
* @property {boolean} [nullValue] - Is this a null value or not?
* @property {boolean} [notNullValue] - Is this NOT a null value?
* @property {boolean} [primaryKey] - Is this the primary key for table?
* @property {boolean} [encrypted] - Is this field value encrypted?
* @property {boolean} [autoIncrement] - Does this table primary key increment automatically?
* @property {string|number} [defaultValue] - Value of field by default
* @property {string} [defaultValueLiteral] - SQL key word which generates value automatically => "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"
* @property {DSQL_ForeignKeyType} [foreignKey] - Field foreign key reference object
* @property {boolean} [richText] - Rich text field
* @property {string | RegExp} [pattern] - Field pattern for validation. Can be a string or a regular expression. Example: "^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$"
* @property {string} [patternFlags] - Field pattern flags for validation. Example: "i"
* @typedef {object} DSQL_ForeignKeyType
* @property {string} foreignKeyName - Unique Name of foreign key
* @property {string} destinationTableName - Reference table name(slug) => "blog_posts"
* @property {string} destinationTableColumnName - Reference column name(slug) => "id"
* @property {string} destinationTableColumnType - Reference table field type => "BIGINT" | "VARCHAR(***)" | ...
* @property {boolean} [cascadeDelete] - Does the reference table entry delete when this key is deleted?
* @property {boolean} [cascadeUpdate] - Does the reference table entry update when this key is updated?
* @typedef {object} DSQL_IndexSchemaType
* @property {string} indexName - Unique Name of index => "blog_text_index"
* @property {string} indexType - "regular" or "fullText"
* @property {DSQL_IndexTableFieldType[]} indexTableFields - List of Index table fields
* @property {string} [alias] - List of Index table fields
* @typedef {object} DSQL_IndexTableFieldType
* @property {string} value - Table Field Name
* @property {string} dataType - Table Field data type "VARCHAR(***)" | "BIGINT" | ...
exports.DSQL_TableSchemaType = DSQL_TableSchemaType;
@ -1,89 +1,89 @@
* @typedef {string} DSQL_DatabaseFullName - Database full name(slug) including datasquirel data => "datasquirel_user_7_new_database"
* @typedef {object} DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType
* @property {string} dbName - Database Full name with spaces => "New Database"
* @property {string} dbSlug - Database Slug => "new_database"
* @property {string} dbFullName - Database full name(slug) including datasquirel data => "datasquirel_user_7_new_database"
* @property {string} [dbDescription] - Database brief description
* @property {string} [dbImage] - Database image - Defaults to "/images/default.png"
* @property {DSQL_TableSchemaType[]} tables - List of database tables
* @property {{ dbFullName: string }[]} [childrenDatabases] - List of children databases for current database which is parent
* @property {boolean} [childDatabase] - If current database is a child of a different parent database
* @property {string} [childDatabaseDbFullName] - Parent database full name => "datasquirel_user_7_new_database"
* @typedef {object} DSQL_TableSchemaType
* @property {string} tableName - Table slug (blog_posts)
* @property {string} tableFullName - Table full name with spaces => "Blog Posts"
* @property {string} [tableDescription] - Brief description of table
* @property {DSQL_FieldSchemaType[]} fields - List of table Fields
* @property {DSQL_IndexSchemaType[]} [indexes] - List of table indexes, if available
* @property {DSQL_ChildrenTablesType[]} childrenTables - List of children tables
* @property {boolean} [childTable] -If current table is a child clone
* @property {string} [childTableName] - Table slug of parent table => "blog_posts"
* @property {string} [childTableDbFullName] - Database full name(slug) including datasquirel data => "datasquirel_user_7_new_database"
* @property {string} [tableNameOld] - Old table name, incase of renaming table
* @typedef {object} DSQL_ChildrenTablesType
* @property {string} dbNameFull - Database full name(slug) including datasquirel data => "datasquirel_user_7_new_database"
* @property {string} tableName - Table slug => "blog_posts"
* @typedef {object} DSQL_FieldSchemaType
* @property {string} fieldName - Field Name(slug) => "long_description"
* @property {string} [originName] - Field origin name(optional)
* @property {boolean} [updatedField] - Has this field been renamed?
* @property {string} dataType - Field Data type => "BIGIN" | "LONGTEXT" | "VARCHAR(***)" | ...
* @property {boolean} [nullValue] - Is this a null value or not?
* @property {boolean} [notNullValue] - Is this NOT a null value?
* @property {boolean} [primaryKey] - Is this the primary key for table?
* @property {boolean} [encrypted] - Is this field value encrypted?
* @property {boolean} [autoIncrement] - Does this table primary key increment automatically?
* @property {string|number} [defaultValue] - Value of field by default
* @property {string} [defaultValueLiteral] - SQL key word which generates value automatically => "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"
* @property {DSQL_ForeignKeyType} [foreignKey] - Field foreign key reference object
* @typedef {object} DSQL_ForeignKeyType
* @property {string} foreignKeyName - Unique Name of foreign key
* @property {string} destinationTableName - Reference table name(slug) => "blog_posts"
* @property {string} destinationTableColumnName - Reference column name(slug) => "id"
* @property {string} destinationTableColumnType - Reference table field type => "BIGINT" | "VARCHAR(***)" | ...
* @property {boolean} [cascadeDelete] - Does the reference table entry delete when this key is deleted?
* @property {boolean} [cascadeUpdate] - Does the reference table entry update when this key is updated?
* @typedef {object} DSQL_IndexSchemaType
* @property {string} indexName - Unique Name of index => "blog_text_index"
* @property {string} indexType - "regular" or "fullText"
* @property {DSQL_IndexTableFieldType[]} indexTableFields - List of Index table fields
* @typedef {object} DSQL_IndexTableFieldType
* @property {string} value - Table Field Name
* @property {string} dataType - Table Field data type "VARCHAR(***)" | "BIGINT" | ...
* @typedef {string} DSQL_DatabaseFullName - Database full name(slug) including datasquirel data => "datasquirel_user_7_new_database"
* @typedef {object} DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType
* @property {string} dbName - Database Full name with spaces => "New Database"
* @property {string} dbSlug - Database Slug => "new_database"
* @property {string} dbFullName - Database full name(slug) including datasquirel data => "datasquirel_user_7_new_database"
* @property {string} [dbDescription] - Database brief description
* @property {string} [dbImage] - Database image - Defaults to "/images/default.png"
* @property {DSQL_TableSchemaType[]} tables - List of database tables
* @property {{ dbFullName: string }[]} [childrenDatabases] - List of children databases for current database which is parent
* @property {boolean} [childDatabase] - If current database is a child of a different parent database
* @property {string} [childDatabaseDbFullName] - Parent database full name => "datasquirel_user_7_new_database"
* @typedef {object} DSQL_TableSchemaType
* @property {string} tableName - Table slug (blog_posts)
* @property {string} tableFullName - Table full name with spaces => "Blog Posts"
* @property {string} [tableDescription] - Brief description of table
* @property {DSQL_FieldSchemaType[]} fields - List of table Fields
* @property {DSQL_IndexSchemaType[]} [indexes] - List of table indexes, if available
* @property {DSQL_ChildrenTablesType[]} childrenTables - List of children tables
* @property {boolean} [childTable] -If current table is a child clone
* @property {string} [childTableName] - Table slug of parent table => "blog_posts"
* @property {string} [childTableDbFullName] - Database full name(slug) including datasquirel data => "datasquirel_user_7_new_database"
* @property {string} [tableNameOld] - Old table name, incase of renaming table
* @typedef {object} DSQL_ChildrenTablesType
* @property {string} dbNameFull - Database full name(slug) including datasquirel data => "datasquirel_user_7_new_database"
* @property {string} tableName - Table slug => "blog_posts"
* @typedef {object} DSQL_FieldSchemaType
* @property {string} fieldName - Field Name(slug) => "long_description"
* @property {string} [originName] - Field origin name(optional)
* @property {boolean} [updatedField] - Has this field been renamed?
* @property {string} dataType - Field Data type => "BIGIN" | "LONGTEXT" | "VARCHAR(***)" | ...
* @property {boolean} [nullValue] - Is this a null value or not?
* @property {boolean} [notNullValue] - Is this NOT a null value?
* @property {boolean} [primaryKey] - Is this the primary key for table?
* @property {boolean} [encrypted] - Is this field value encrypted?
* @property {boolean} [autoIncrement] - Does this table primary key increment automatically?
* @property {string|number} [defaultValue] - Value of field by default
* @property {string} [defaultValueLiteral] - SQL key word which generates value automatically => "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"
* @property {DSQL_ForeignKeyType} [foreignKey] - Field foreign key reference object
* @typedef {object} DSQL_ForeignKeyType
* @property {string} foreignKeyName - Unique Name of foreign key
* @property {string} destinationTableName - Reference table name(slug) => "blog_posts"
* @property {string} destinationTableColumnName - Reference column name(slug) => "id"
* @property {string} destinationTableColumnType - Reference table field type => "BIGINT" | "VARCHAR(***)" | ...
* @property {boolean} [cascadeDelete] - Does the reference table entry delete when this key is deleted?
* @property {boolean} [cascadeUpdate] - Does the reference table entry update when this key is updated?
* @typedef {object} DSQL_IndexSchemaType
* @property {string} indexName - Unique Name of index => "blog_text_index"
* @property {string} indexType - "regular" or "fullText"
* @property {DSQL_IndexTableFieldType[]} indexTableFields - List of Index table fields
* @typedef {object} DSQL_IndexTableFieldType
* @property {string} value - Table Field Name
* @property {string} dataType - Table Field data type "VARCHAR(***)" | "BIGINT" | ...
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
const http = require("http");
* @typedef {http.IncomingMessage} Request
* @typedef {http.ServerResponse} Response
module.exports = { Request, Response };
const http = require("http");
* @typedef {http.IncomingMessage} Request
* @typedef {http.ServerResponse} Response
module.exports = { Request, Response };
@ -1,48 +1,48 @@
* @typedef {object} DSQL_MYSQL_SHOW_INDEXES_Type
* @property {string} Key_name - MYSQL Index Name
* @property {string} Table - Table Name(slug)
* @property {string} Column_name
* @property {string} Collation
* @property {string} Index_type - "FULL_TEXT" | ...
* @property {string} Cardinality
* @property {string} Index_comment
* @property {string} Comment
* @typedef {object} DSQL_MYSQL_SHOW_COLUMNS_Type
* @property {string} Field - Field Name as represented in MSQL database
* @property {string} Type - varchar(***) | tinyint | bigint | ...
* @property {string} Null
* @property {string} Key
* @property {string} Default
* @property {string} Extra
* @typedef {object} DSQL_MYSQL_FOREIGN_KEYS_Type
* @property {string} CONSTRAINT_NAME - Constraint Name => "PRIMARY" | "MUL" | null | ...
* @property {string} CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA - Database name
* @property {string} TABLE_NAME - Table name
* @typedef {object} DSQL_MYSQL_user_databases_Type
* @property {number} user_id - User Id
* @property {string} db_full_name - Database full name => eg. (dataasquirel_user_2_new_database)
* @property {string} db_name - Database name with spaces => eg. (New Database)
* @property {string} db_slug - Database slug => eg. (new_database)
* @property {string} db_image - Database image path
* @property {string} db_description - Database description
* @property {number} active_clone - is Database active clone => 0 or 1
* @property {string} active_clone_parent_db - Database parent db full name => eg. "datasquirel_user_7_wexculture"
* @typedef {object} DSQL_MYSQL_SHOW_INDEXES_Type
* @property {string} Key_name - MYSQL Index Name
* @property {string} Table - Table Name(slug)
* @property {string} Column_name
* @property {string} Collation
* @property {string} Index_type - "FULL_TEXT" | ...
* @property {string} Cardinality
* @property {string} Index_comment
* @property {string} Comment
* @typedef {object} DSQL_MYSQL_SHOW_COLUMNS_Type
* @property {string} Field - Field Name as represented in MSQL database
* @property {string} Type - varchar(***) | tinyint | bigint | ...
* @property {string} Null
* @property {string} Key
* @property {string} Default
* @property {string} Extra
* @typedef {object} DSQL_MYSQL_FOREIGN_KEYS_Type
* @property {string} CONSTRAINT_NAME - Constraint Name => "PRIMARY" | "MUL" | null | ...
* @property {string} CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA - Database name
* @property {string} TABLE_NAME - Table name
* @typedef {object} DSQL_MYSQL_user_databases_Type
* @property {number} user_id - User Id
* @property {string} db_full_name - Database full name => eg. (dataasquirel_user_2_new_database)
* @property {string} db_name - Database name with spaces => eg. (New Database)
* @property {string} db_slug - Database slug => eg. (new_database)
* @property {string} db_image - Database image path
* @property {string} db_description - Database description
* @property {number} active_clone - is Database active clone => 0 or 1
* @property {string} active_clone_parent_db - Database parent db full name => eg. "datasquirel_user_7_wexculture"
@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
* @typedef {object} DATASQUIREL_LoggedInUser
* @property {number} id - user id (number)
* @property {string} first_name - User First Name
* @property {string} last_name - User Last Name
* @property {string} image - User Full Image
* @property {string} image_thumbnail - User Image Thumbnail
* @property {string} [social_id] - User Social id if available
* @property {number} social_login - 0 or 1 => is this user a social user(1) or not(0)
* @property {string} csrf_k - CSRF key
* @property {boolean} logged_in_status - Is user logged in or not
* @property {boolean} [date] - Time of session creation
module.exports = { DATASQUIREL_LoggedInUser };
* @typedef {object} DATASQUIREL_LoggedInUser
* @property {number} id - user id (number)
* @property {string} first_name - User First Name
* @property {string} last_name - User Last Name
* @property {string} image - User Full Image
* @property {string} image_thumbnail - User Image Thumbnail
* @property {string} [social_id] - User Social id if available
* @property {number} social_login - 0 or 1 => is this user a social user(1) or not(0)
* @property {string} csrf_k - CSRF key
* @property {boolean} logged_in_status - Is user logged in or not
* @property {boolean} [date] - Time of session creation
module.exports = { DATASQUIREL_LoggedInUser };
@ -1,134 +1,134 @@
// @ts-check
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const https = require("https");
const path = require("path");
const fs = require("fs");
const localAddUser = require("../engine/user/add-user");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* @typedef {object} FunctionReturn
* @property {boolean} success - Did the function run successfully?
* @property {(Object[]|string)} [payload=[]] - Payload
* @typedef {object} UserDataPayload
* @property {string} first_name - First Name *Required
* @property {string} last_name - Last Name *Required
* @property {string} email - Email *Required
* @property {string} password - Password *Required
* @property {string?} username - Username (Optional)
* Add User to Database
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {object} props - Single object passed
* @param {string} props.key - FULL ACCESS API Key
* @param {string} props.database - Database Name
* @param {UserDataPayload} props.payload - User Data Payload
* @returns { Promise<FunctionReturn> }
async function addUser({ key, payload, database }) {
* Check for local DB settings
* @description Look for local db settings in `.env` file and by pass the http request if available
if (DSQL_HOST?.match(/./) && DSQL_USER?.match(/./) && DSQL_PASS?.match(/./) && DSQL_DB_NAME?.match(/./)) {
/** @type {import("../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType | undefined} */
let dbSchema;
try {
const localDbSchemaPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "dsql.schema.json");
dbSchema = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(localDbSchemaPath, "utf8"));
} catch (error) {}
console.log("Reading from local database ...");
if (dbSchema) {
return await localAddUser({
dbSchema: dbSchema,
payload: payload,
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
const httpResponse = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reqPayload = JSON.stringify({
const httpsRequest = https.request(
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Content-Length": Buffer.from(reqPayload).length,
Authorization: key,
port: 443,
hostname: "datasquirel.com",
path: `/api/user/add-user`,
* Callback Function
* @description https request callback
(response) => {
var str = "";
response.on("data", function (chunk) {
str += chunk;
response.on("end", function () {
response.on("error", (err) => {
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
return httpResponse;
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
module.exports = addUser;
// @ts-check
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const https = require("https");
const path = require("path");
const fs = require("fs");
const localAddUser = require("../engine/user/add-user");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* @typedef {object} FunctionReturn
* @property {boolean} success - Did the function run successfully?
* @property {(Object[]|string)} [payload=[]] - Payload
* @typedef {object} UserDataPayload
* @property {string} first_name - First Name *Required
* @property {string} last_name - Last Name *Required
* @property {string} email - Email *Required
* @property {string} password - Password *Required
* @property {string?} username - Username (Optional)
* Add User to Database
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {object} props - Single object passed
* @param {string} props.key - FULL ACCESS API Key
* @param {string} props.database - Database Name
* @param {UserDataPayload} props.payload - User Data Payload
* @returns { Promise<FunctionReturn> }
async function addUser({ key, payload, database }) {
* Check for local DB settings
* @description Look for local db settings in `.env` file and by pass the http request if available
if (DSQL_HOST?.match(/./) && DSQL_USER?.match(/./) && DSQL_PASS?.match(/./) && DSQL_DB_NAME?.match(/./)) {
/** @type {import("../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType | undefined} */
let dbSchema;
try {
const localDbSchemaPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "dsql.schema.json");
dbSchema = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(localDbSchemaPath, "utf8"));
} catch (error) {}
console.log("Reading from local database ...");
if (dbSchema) {
return await localAddUser({
dbSchema: dbSchema,
payload: payload,
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
const httpResponse = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reqPayload = JSON.stringify({
const httpsRequest = https.request(
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Content-Length": Buffer.from(reqPayload).length,
Authorization: key,
port: 443,
hostname: "datasquirel.com",
path: `/api/user/add-user`,
* Callback Function
* @description https request callback
(response) => {
var str = "";
response.on("data", function (chunk) {
str += chunk;
response.on("end", function () {
response.on("error", (err) => {
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
return httpResponse;
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
module.exports = addUser;
@ -1,106 +1,106 @@
// @ts-check
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const http = require("http");
const decrypt = require("../functions/decrypt");
const parseCookies = require("../utils/functions/parseCookies");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* Get just the access token for user
* ==============================================================================
* @description This Function takes in a request object and returns a user token
* string and csrf token string
* @param {Object} params - Arg
* @param {http.IncomingMessage} params.request - Http request object
* @param {string} params.encryptionKey - Encryption Key
* @param {string} params.encryptionSalt - Encryption Salt
* @param {string} params.database - Database Name
* @returns {{ key: string | undefined, csrf: string | undefined }}
function getToken({ request, encryptionKey, encryptionSalt, database }) {
try {
* Grab the payload
* @description Grab the payload
const cookies = parseCookies({ request });
const dsqluid = cookies.dsqluid;
const authKeyName = `datasquirel_${dsqluid}_${database}_auth_key`;
const csrfName = `datasquirel_${dsqluid}_${database}_csrf`;
const key = cookies[authKeyName];
const csrf = cookies[csrfName];
* Grab the payload
* @description Grab the payload
let userPayload = decrypt({
encryptedString: key,
* Grab the payload
* @description Grab the payload
if (!userPayload) {
return { key: undefined, csrf: undefined };
* Grab the payload
* @description Grab the payload
let userObject = JSON.parse(userPayload);
if (!userObject.csrf_k) {
return { key: undefined, csrf: undefined };
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
* Return User Object
* @description Return User Object
return { key, csrf };
} catch (error) {
* Return User Object
* @description Return User Object
return {
key: undefined,
csrf: undefined,
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
module.exports = getToken;
// @ts-check
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const http = require("http");
const decrypt = require("../functions/decrypt");
const parseCookies = require("../utils/functions/parseCookies");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* Get just the access token for user
* ==============================================================================
* @description This Function takes in a request object and returns a user token
* string and csrf token string
* @param {Object} params - Arg
* @param {http.IncomingMessage} params.request - Http request object
* @param {string} params.encryptionKey - Encryption Key
* @param {string} params.encryptionSalt - Encryption Salt
* @param {string} params.database - Database Name
* @returns {{ key: string | undefined, csrf: string | undefined }}
function getToken({ request, encryptionKey, encryptionSalt, database }) {
try {
* Grab the payload
* @description Grab the payload
const cookies = parseCookies({ request });
const dsqluid = cookies.dsqluid;
const authKeyName = `datasquirel_${dsqluid}_${database}_auth_key`;
const csrfName = `datasquirel_${dsqluid}_${database}_csrf`;
const key = cookies[authKeyName];
const csrf = cookies[csrfName];
* Grab the payload
* @description Grab the payload
let userPayload = decrypt({
encryptedString: key,
* Grab the payload
* @description Grab the payload
if (!userPayload) {
return { key: undefined, csrf: undefined };
* Grab the payload
* @description Grab the payload
let userObject = JSON.parse(userPayload);
if (!userObject.csrf_k) {
return { key: undefined, csrf: undefined };
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
* Return User Object
* @description Return User Object
return { key, csrf };
} catch (error) {
* Return User Object
* @description Return User Object
return {
key: undefined,
csrf: undefined,
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
module.exports = getToken;
@ -1,144 +1,144 @@
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const https = require("https");
const getLocalUser = require("../engine/user/get-user");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* @typedef {object} FunctionReturn
* @property {boolean} success - Did the function run successfully?
* @property {{
* id: number,
* first_name: string,
* last_name: string,
* username: string,
* email: string,
* phone: string,
* social_id: [string],
* image: string,
* image_thumbnail: string,
* verification_status: [number=0],
* }} payload - Payload
* ==============================================================================
* Main Function
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {object} params - Single Param object containing params
* @param {String} params.key - API Key
* @param {String} params.database - Target Database
* @param {number} params.userId - user id
* @param {string[]} [params.fields] - fields to select
* @returns { Promise<FunctionReturn>}
async function getUser({ key, userId, database, fields }) {
* Initialize
const defaultFields = ["id", "first_name", "last_name", "email", "username", "image", "image_thumbnail", "verification_status", "date_created", "date_created_code", "date_created_timestamp", "date_updated", "date_updated_code", "date_updated_timestamp"];
const updatedFields = fields && fields[0] ? [...defaultFields, ...fields] : defaultFields;
const reqPayload = JSON.stringify({
fields: [...new Set(updatedFields)],
* Check for local DB settings
* @description Look for local db settings in `.env` file and by pass the http request if available
if (DSQL_HOST?.match(/./) && DSQL_USER?.match(/./) && DSQL_PASS?.match(/./) && DSQL_DB_NAME?.match(/./)) {
/** @type {import("../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType | undefined} */
let dbSchema;
try {
const localDbSchemaPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "dsql.schema.json");
dbSchema = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(localDbSchemaPath, "utf8"));
} catch (error) {}
console.log("Reading from local database ...");
if (dbSchema) {
return await getLocalUser({
fields: [...new Set(updatedFields)],
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
const httpResponse = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const httpsRequest = https.request(
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Content-Length": Buffer.from(reqPayload).length,
Authorization: key,
port: 443,
hostname: "datasquirel.com",
path: `/api/user/get-user`,
* Callback Function
* @description https request callback
(response) => {
var str = "";
response.on("data", function (chunk) {
str += chunk;
response.on("end", function () {
response.on("error", (err) => {
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
return httpResponse;
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
module.exports = getUser;
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const https = require("https");
const getLocalUser = require("../engine/user/get-user");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* @typedef {object} FunctionReturn
* @property {boolean} success - Did the function run successfully?
* @property {{
* id: number,
* first_name: string,
* last_name: string,
* username: string,
* email: string,
* phone: string,
* social_id: [string],
* image: string,
* image_thumbnail: string,
* verification_status: [number=0],
* }} payload - Payload
* ==============================================================================
* Main Function
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {object} params - Single Param object containing params
* @param {String} params.key - API Key
* @param {String} params.database - Target Database
* @param {number} params.userId - user id
* @param {string[]} [params.fields] - fields to select
* @returns { Promise<FunctionReturn>}
async function getUser({ key, userId, database, fields }) {
* Initialize
const defaultFields = ["id", "first_name", "last_name", "email", "username", "image", "image_thumbnail", "verification_status", "date_created", "date_created_code", "date_created_timestamp", "date_updated", "date_updated_code", "date_updated_timestamp"];
const updatedFields = fields && fields[0] ? [...defaultFields, ...fields] : defaultFields;
const reqPayload = JSON.stringify({
fields: [...new Set(updatedFields)],
* Check for local DB settings
* @description Look for local db settings in `.env` file and by pass the http request if available
if (DSQL_HOST?.match(/./) && DSQL_USER?.match(/./) && DSQL_PASS?.match(/./) && DSQL_DB_NAME?.match(/./)) {
/** @type {import("../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType | undefined} */
let dbSchema;
try {
const localDbSchemaPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "dsql.schema.json");
dbSchema = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(localDbSchemaPath, "utf8"));
} catch (error) {}
console.log("Reading from local database ...");
if (dbSchema) {
return await getLocalUser({
fields: [...new Set(updatedFields)],
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
const httpResponse = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const httpsRequest = https.request(
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Content-Length": Buffer.from(reqPayload).length,
Authorization: key,
port: 443,
hostname: "datasquirel.com",
path: `/api/user/get-user`,
* Callback Function
* @description https request callback
(response) => {
var str = "";
response.on("data", function (chunk) {
str += chunk;
response.on("end", function () {
response.on("error", (err) => {
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
return httpResponse;
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
module.exports = getUser;
@ -1,204 +1,204 @@
// @ts-check
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const http = require("http");
const https = require("https");
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const encrypt = require("../functions/encrypt");
const loginLocalUser = require("../engine/user/login-user");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* @typedef {object} AuthenticatedUser
* @property {boolean} success - Did the function run successfully?
* @property {import("../types/user.td").DATASQUIREL_LoggedInUser | null} payload - Payload of the response
* @property {string} [msg] - An optional message
* @property {number} [userId] - An optional message
* Login A user
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {object} params - Single Param object containing params
* @param {String} params.key - FULL ACCESS API Key
* @param {String} params.database - Target Database
* @param {{
* email?: string,
* username?: string,
* password: string,
* }} params.payload Login Email/Username and Password
* @param {string[]} [params.additionalFields] - Additional Fields to be added to the user object
* @param {http.ServerResponse} params.response - Http response object
* @param {String} params.encryptionKey - Encryption Key
* @param {String} params.encryptionSalt - Encryption Salt
* @returns { Promise<AuthenticatedUser>}
async function loginUser({ key, payload, database, additionalFields, response, encryptionKey, encryptionSalt }) {
* Check Encryption Keys
* @description Check Encryption Keys
if (!encryptionKey?.match(/./))
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
msg: "Encryption Key Required",
if (!encryptionSalt?.match(/./))
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
msg: "Encryption Salt Required",
if (encryptionKey.length < 24)
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
msg: "Encryption Key must be at least 24 characters",
if (encryptionSalt.length < 8)
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
msg: "Encryption Salt must be at least 8 characters",
* Initialize HTTP response variable
let httpResponse;
* Check for local DB settings
* @description Look for local db settings in `.env` file and by pass the http request if available
if (DSQL_HOST?.match(/./) && DSQL_USER?.match(/./) && DSQL_PASS?.match(/./) && DSQL_DB_NAME?.match(/./)) {
/** @type {import("../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType | undefined} */
let dbSchema;
try {
const localDbSchemaPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "dsql.schema.json");
dbSchema = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(localDbSchemaPath, "utf8"));
} catch (error) {}
console.log("Reading from local database ...");
if (dbSchema) {
httpResponse = await loginLocalUser({
} else {
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
* @type {{ success: boolean, payload: import("../types/user.td").DATASQUIREL_LoggedInUser | null, userId?: number, msg?: string }}
httpResponse = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reqPayload = JSON.stringify({
const httpsRequest = https.request(
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Content-Length": Buffer.from(reqPayload).length,
Authorization: key,
port: 443,
hostname: "datasquirel.com",
path: `/api/user/login-user`,
* Callback Function
* @description https request callback
(response) => {
var str = "";
response.on("data", function (chunk) {
str += chunk;
response.on("end", function () {
response.on("error", (err) => {
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
if (httpResponse?.success) {
let encryptedPayload = encrypt({
data: JSON.stringify(httpResponse.payload),
const { userId } = httpResponse;
const authKeyName = `datasquirel_${userId}_${database}_auth_key`;
const csrfName = `datasquirel_${userId}_${database}_csrf`;
response.setHeader("Set-Cookie", [`${authKeyName}=${encryptedPayload};samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true;Secure=true`, `${csrfName}=${httpResponse.payload?.csrf_k};samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true`, `dsqluid=${userId};samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true`]);
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
return httpResponse;
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
module.exports = loginUser;
// @ts-check
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const http = require("http");
const https = require("https");
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const encrypt = require("../functions/encrypt");
const loginLocalUser = require("../engine/user/login-user");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* @typedef {object} AuthenticatedUser
* @property {boolean} success - Did the function run successfully?
* @property {import("../types/user.td").DATASQUIREL_LoggedInUser | null} payload - Payload of the response
* @property {string} [msg] - An optional message
* @property {number} [userId] - An optional message
* Login A user
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {object} params - Single Param object containing params
* @param {String} params.key - FULL ACCESS API Key
* @param {String} params.database - Target Database
* @param {{
* email?: string,
* username?: string,
* password: string,
* }} params.payload Login Email/Username and Password
* @param {string[]} [params.additionalFields] - Additional Fields to be added to the user object
* @param {http.ServerResponse} params.response - Http response object
* @param {String} params.encryptionKey - Encryption Key
* @param {String} params.encryptionSalt - Encryption Salt
* @returns { Promise<AuthenticatedUser>}
async function loginUser({ key, payload, database, additionalFields, response, encryptionKey, encryptionSalt }) {
* Check Encryption Keys
* @description Check Encryption Keys
if (!encryptionKey?.match(/./))
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
msg: "Encryption Key Required",
if (!encryptionSalt?.match(/./))
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
msg: "Encryption Salt Required",
if (encryptionKey.length < 24)
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
msg: "Encryption Key must be at least 24 characters",
if (encryptionSalt.length < 8)
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
msg: "Encryption Salt must be at least 8 characters",
* Initialize HTTP response variable
let httpResponse;
* Check for local DB settings
* @description Look for local db settings in `.env` file and by pass the http request if available
if (DSQL_HOST?.match(/./) && DSQL_USER?.match(/./) && DSQL_PASS?.match(/./) && DSQL_DB_NAME?.match(/./)) {
/** @type {import("../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType | undefined} */
let dbSchema;
try {
const localDbSchemaPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "dsql.schema.json");
dbSchema = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(localDbSchemaPath, "utf8"));
} catch (error) {}
console.log("Reading from local database ...");
if (dbSchema) {
httpResponse = await loginLocalUser({
} else {
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
* @type {{ success: boolean, payload: import("../types/user.td").DATASQUIREL_LoggedInUser | null, userId?: number, msg?: string }}
httpResponse = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reqPayload = JSON.stringify({
const httpsRequest = https.request(
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Content-Length": Buffer.from(reqPayload).length,
Authorization: key,
port: 443,
hostname: "datasquirel.com",
path: `/api/user/login-user`,
* Callback Function
* @description https request callback
(response) => {
var str = "";
response.on("data", function (chunk) {
str += chunk;
response.on("end", function () {
response.on("error", (err) => {
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
if (httpResponse?.success) {
let encryptedPayload = encrypt({
data: JSON.stringify(httpResponse.payload),
const { userId } = httpResponse;
const authKeyName = `datasquirel_${userId}_${database}_auth_key`;
const csrfName = `datasquirel_${userId}_${database}_csrf`;
response.setHeader("Set-Cookie", [`${authKeyName}=${encryptedPayload};samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true;Secure=true`, `${csrfName}=${httpResponse.payload?.csrf_k};samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true`, `dsqluid=${userId};samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true`]);
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
return httpResponse;
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
module.exports = loginUser;
@ -1,74 +1,74 @@
// @ts-check
const http = require("http");
const parseCookies = require("../utils/functions/parseCookies");
* Logout user
* ==============================================================================
* @param {object} params - Single Param object containing params
* @param {http.IncomingMessage} params.request - Http request object
* @param {http.ServerResponse} params.response - Http response object
* @param {string} [params.database] - Target database name(slug): optional => If you don't
* include this you will be logged out of all datasquirel websites instead of just the target
* database
* @returns {{success: boolean, payload: string}}
function logoutUser({ request, response, database }) {
* Check Encryption Keys
* @description Check Encryption Keys
try {
const cookies = parseCookies({ request });
const cookiesKeys = Object.keys(cookies);
const dbUid = cookies.dsqluid;
const keyRegexp = new RegExp(`datasquirel_${dbUid}_${database}_auth_key`);
const csrfRegexp = new RegExp(`datasquirel_${dbUid}_${database}_csrf`);
const authKeyName = cookiesKeys.filter((cookieKey) => cookieKey.match(keyRegexp))[0];
const csrfName = cookiesKeys.filter((cookieKey) => cookieKey.match(csrfRegexp))[0];
if (authKeyName && csrfName) {
response.setHeader("Set-Cookie", [`${authKeyName}=null;samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true;Secure=true`, `${csrfName}=null;samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true`, `dsqluid=null;samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true`]);
} else {
const allKeys = cookiesKeys.filter((cookieKey) => cookieKey.match(/datasquirel_.*_auth_key/));
const allCsrfs = cookiesKeys.filter((cookieKey) => cookieKey.match(/datasquirel_.*_csrf/));
response.setHeader("Set-Cookie", [...allKeys.map((key) => `${key}=null;samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true;Secure=true`), ...allCsrfs.map((csrf) => `${csrf}=null;samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true`), `dsqluid=null;samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true`]);
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
return {
success: true,
payload: "User Logged Out",
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
} catch (error) {
return {
success: false,
payload: "Logout Failed",
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
module.exports = logoutUser;
// @ts-check
const http = require("http");
const parseCookies = require("../utils/functions/parseCookies");
* Logout user
* ==============================================================================
* @param {object} params - Single Param object containing params
* @param {http.IncomingMessage} params.request - Http request object
* @param {http.ServerResponse} params.response - Http response object
* @param {string} [params.database] - Target database name(slug): optional => If you don't
* include this you will be logged out of all datasquirel websites instead of just the target
* database
* @returns {{success: boolean, payload: string}}
function logoutUser({ request, response, database }) {
* Check Encryption Keys
* @description Check Encryption Keys
try {
const cookies = parseCookies({ request });
const cookiesKeys = Object.keys(cookies);
const dbUid = cookies.dsqluid;
const keyRegexp = new RegExp(`datasquirel_${dbUid}_${database}_auth_key`);
const csrfRegexp = new RegExp(`datasquirel_${dbUid}_${database}_csrf`);
const authKeyName = cookiesKeys.filter((cookieKey) => cookieKey.match(keyRegexp))[0];
const csrfName = cookiesKeys.filter((cookieKey) => cookieKey.match(csrfRegexp))[0];
if (authKeyName && csrfName) {
response.setHeader("Set-Cookie", [`${authKeyName}=null;samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true;Secure=true`, `${csrfName}=null;samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true`, `dsqluid=null;samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true`]);
} else {
const allKeys = cookiesKeys.filter((cookieKey) => cookieKey.match(/datasquirel_.*_auth_key/));
const allCsrfs = cookiesKeys.filter((cookieKey) => cookieKey.match(/datasquirel_.*_csrf/));
response.setHeader("Set-Cookie", [...allKeys.map((key) => `${key}=null;samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true;Secure=true`), ...allCsrfs.map((csrf) => `${csrf}=null;samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true`), `dsqluid=null;samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true`]);
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
return {
success: true,
payload: "User Logged Out",
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
} catch (error) {
return {
success: false,
payload: "Logout Failed",
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
module.exports = logoutUser;
@ -1,190 +1,190 @@
// @ts-check
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const http = require("http");
const https = require("https");
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const encrypt = require("../functions/encrypt");
const userAuth = require("./user-auth");
const localReauthUser = require("../engine/user/reauth-user");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* @typedef {object} FunctionReturn
* @property {boolean} success - Did the function run successfully?
* @property {import("../types/user.td").DATASQUIREL_LoggedInUser | null} payload - Payload
* @property {string} [msg] - Response Message
* @property {number} [userId] - user ID
* ==============================================================================
* Main Function
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {object} params - Single Param object containing params
* @param {String} params.key - API Key
* @param {String} params.database - Target Database
* @param {http.ServerResponse} params.response - Http response object
* @param {http.IncomingMessage} params.request - Http request object
* @param {("deep" | "normal")} [params.level] - Authentication level
* @param {String} params.encryptionKey - Encryption Key
* @param {String} params.encryptionSalt - Encryption Salt
* @param {string[]} [params.additionalFields] - Additional Fields to be added to the user object
* @returns { Promise<FunctionReturn> }
async function reauthUser({ key, database, response, request, level, encryptionKey, encryptionSalt, additionalFields }) {
* Check Encryption Keys
* @description Check Encryption Keys
const existingUser = userAuth({
if (!existingUser?.payload?.id) {
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
msg: "Cookie Credentials Invalid",
* Initialize HTTP response variable
let httpResponse;
* Check for local DB settings
* @description Look for local db settings in `.env` file and by pass the http request if available
if (DSQL_HOST?.match(/./) && DSQL_USER?.match(/./) && DSQL_PASS?.match(/./) && DSQL_DB_NAME?.match(/./)) {
/** @type {import("../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType | undefined} */
let dbSchema;
try {
const localDbSchemaPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "dsql.schema.json");
dbSchema = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(localDbSchemaPath, "utf8"));
} catch (error) {}
console.log("Reading from local database ...");
if (dbSchema) {
httpResponse = await localReauthUser({
existingUser: existingUser.payload,
} else {
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
httpResponse = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reqPayload = JSON.stringify({
existingUser: existingUser.payload,
const httpsRequest = https.request(
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Content-Length": Buffer.from(reqPayload).length,
Authorization: key,
port: 443,
hostname: "datasquirel.com",
path: `/api/user/reauth-user`,
* Callback Function
* @description https request callback
(response) => {
var str = "";
response.on("data", function (chunk) {
str += chunk;
response.on("end", function () {
response.on("error", (err) => {
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
if (httpResponse?.success) {
let encryptedPayload = encrypt({
data: JSON.stringify(httpResponse.payload),
const { userId } = httpResponse;
const authKeyName = `datasquirel_${userId}_${database}_auth_key`;
const csrfName = `datasquirel_${userId}_${database}_csrf`;
response.setHeader("Set-Cookie", [`${authKeyName}=${encryptedPayload};samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true;Secure=true`, `${csrfName}=${httpResponse.payload.csrf_k};samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true`, `dsqluid=${userId};samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true`]);
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
return httpResponse;
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
module.exports = reauthUser;
// @ts-check
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const http = require("http");
const https = require("https");
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const encrypt = require("../functions/encrypt");
const userAuth = require("./user-auth");
const localReauthUser = require("../engine/user/reauth-user");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* @typedef {object} FunctionReturn
* @property {boolean} success - Did the function run successfully?
* @property {import("../types/user.td").DATASQUIREL_LoggedInUser | null} payload - Payload
* @property {string} [msg] - Response Message
* @property {number} [userId] - user ID
* ==============================================================================
* Main Function
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {object} params - Single Param object containing params
* @param {String} params.key - API Key
* @param {String} params.database - Target Database
* @param {http.ServerResponse} params.response - Http response object
* @param {http.IncomingMessage} params.request - Http request object
* @param {("deep" | "normal")} [params.level] - Authentication level
* @param {String} params.encryptionKey - Encryption Key
* @param {String} params.encryptionSalt - Encryption Salt
* @param {string[]} [params.additionalFields] - Additional Fields to be added to the user object
* @returns { Promise<FunctionReturn> }
async function reauthUser({ key, database, response, request, level, encryptionKey, encryptionSalt, additionalFields }) {
* Check Encryption Keys
* @description Check Encryption Keys
const existingUser = userAuth({
if (!existingUser?.payload?.id) {
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
msg: "Cookie Credentials Invalid",
* Initialize HTTP response variable
let httpResponse;
* Check for local DB settings
* @description Look for local db settings in `.env` file and by pass the http request if available
if (DSQL_HOST?.match(/./) && DSQL_USER?.match(/./) && DSQL_PASS?.match(/./) && DSQL_DB_NAME?.match(/./)) {
/** @type {import("../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType | undefined} */
let dbSchema;
try {
const localDbSchemaPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "dsql.schema.json");
dbSchema = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(localDbSchemaPath, "utf8"));
} catch (error) {}
console.log("Reading from local database ...");
if (dbSchema) {
httpResponse = await localReauthUser({
existingUser: existingUser.payload,
} else {
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
httpResponse = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reqPayload = JSON.stringify({
existingUser: existingUser.payload,
const httpsRequest = https.request(
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Content-Length": Buffer.from(reqPayload).length,
Authorization: key,
port: 443,
hostname: "datasquirel.com",
path: `/api/user/reauth-user`,
* Callback Function
* @description https request callback
(response) => {
var str = "";
response.on("data", function (chunk) {
str += chunk;
response.on("end", function () {
response.on("error", (err) => {
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
if (httpResponse?.success) {
let encryptedPayload = encrypt({
data: JSON.stringify(httpResponse.payload),
const { userId } = httpResponse;
const authKeyName = `datasquirel_${userId}_${database}_auth_key`;
const csrfName = `datasquirel_${userId}_${database}_csrf`;
response.setHeader("Set-Cookie", [`${authKeyName}=${encryptedPayload};samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true;Secure=true`, `${csrfName}=${httpResponse.payload.csrf_k};samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true`, `dsqluid=${userId};samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true`]);
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
return httpResponse;
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
module.exports = reauthUser;
@ -1,251 +1,251 @@
// @ts-check
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const http = require("http");
const https = require("https");
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const encrypt = require("../../functions/encrypt");
const localGithubAuth = require("../../engine/user/social/github-auth");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* @typedef {object} FunctionReturn
* @property {boolean} success - Did the function run successfully?
* @property {{id: number, first_name: string, last_name: string, csrf_k: string, social_id: string} | null} user - Returned User
* @property {number} [dsqlUserId] - Dsql User Id
* @property {string} [msg] - Response message
* SERVER FUNCTION: Login with google Function
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {object} params - main params object
* @param {string} params.key - API full access key
* @param {string} params.code - Github access code gotten from the client side
* @param {string?} params.email - Email gotten from the client side if available
* @param {string} params.database - Target database name(slug)
* @param {string} params.clientId - Github client id
* @param {string} params.clientSecret - Github client Secret
* @param {http.ServerResponse} params.response - HTTPS response object
* @param {string} params.encryptionKey - Encryption key
* @param {string} params.encryptionSalt - Encryption salt
* @param {object} [params.additionalFields] - Additional Fields to be added to the user object
* @returns { Promise<FunctionReturn | undefined> }
async function githubAuth({ key, code, email, database, clientId, clientSecret, response, encryptionKey, encryptionSalt, additionalFields }) {
* Check inputs
* @description Check inputs
if (!key || key?.match(/ /)) {
return {
success: false,
user: null,
msg: "Please enter API full access Key",
if (!code || code?.match(/ /)) {
return {
success: false,
user: null,
msg: "Please enter Github Access Token",
if (!database || database?.match(/ /)) {
return {
success: false,
user: null,
msg: "Please provide database slug name you want to access",
if (!clientId || clientId?.match(/ /)) {
return {
success: false,
user: null,
msg: "Please enter Github OAUTH client ID",
if (!response || !response?.setHeader) {
return {
success: false,
user: null,
msg: "Please provide a valid HTTPS response object",
if (!encryptionKey || encryptionKey?.match(/ /)) {
return {
success: false,
user: null,
msg: "Please provide a valid encryption key",
if (!encryptionSalt || encryptionSalt?.match(/ /)) {
return {
success: false,
user: null,
msg: "Please provide a valid encryption salt",
* Initialize HTTP response variable
let httpResponse;
* Check for local DB settings
* @description Look for local db settings in `.env` file and by pass the http request if available
if (DSQL_HOST?.match(/./) && DSQL_USER?.match(/./) && DSQL_PASS?.match(/./) && DSQL_DB_NAME?.match(/./)) {
/** @type {import("../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType | undefined} */
let dbSchema;
try {
const localDbSchemaPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "dsql.schema.json");
dbSchema = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(localDbSchemaPath, "utf8"));
} catch (error) {}
console.log("Reading from local database ...");
if (dbSchema) {
httpResponse = await localGithubAuth({
dbSchema: dbSchema,
email: email || undefined,
res: response,
} else {
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
* @type {FunctionReturn} - Https response object
httpResponse = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reqPayload = JSON.stringify({
const httpsRequest = https.request(
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Content-Length": Buffer.from(reqPayload).length,
Authorization: key,
port: 443,
hostname: "datasquirel.com",
path: `/api/user/github-login`,
* Callback Function
* @description https request callback
(response) => {
var str = "";
response.on("data", function (chunk) {
str += chunk;
response.on("end", function () {
try {
} catch (error) {
success: false,
user: null,
msg: "Something went wrong",
response.on("error", (err) => {
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
if (httpResponse?.success && httpResponse?.user) {
let encryptedPayload = encrypt({
data: JSON.stringify(httpResponse.user),
const { user, dsqlUserId } = httpResponse;
const authKeyName = `datasquirel_${dsqlUserId}_${database}_auth_key`;
const csrfName = `datasquirel_${dsqlUserId}_${database}_csrf`;
response.setHeader("Set-Cookie", [`${authKeyName}=${encryptedPayload};samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true;Secure=true`, `${csrfName}=${user.csrf_k};samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true`, `dsqluid=${dsqlUserId};samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true`, `datasquirel_social_id=${user.social_id};samesite=strict;path=/`]);
return httpResponse;
module.exports = githubAuth;
// @ts-check
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const http = require("http");
const https = require("https");
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const encrypt = require("../../functions/encrypt");
const localGithubAuth = require("../../engine/user/social/github-auth");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* @typedef {object} FunctionReturn
* @property {boolean} success - Did the function run successfully?
* @property {{id: number, first_name: string, last_name: string, csrf_k: string, social_id: string} | null} user - Returned User
* @property {number} [dsqlUserId] - Dsql User Id
* @property {string} [msg] - Response message
* SERVER FUNCTION: Login with google Function
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {object} params - main params object
* @param {string} params.key - API full access key
* @param {string} params.code - Github access code gotten from the client side
* @param {string?} params.email - Email gotten from the client side if available
* @param {string} params.database - Target database name(slug)
* @param {string} params.clientId - Github client id
* @param {string} params.clientSecret - Github client Secret
* @param {http.ServerResponse} params.response - HTTPS response object
* @param {string} params.encryptionKey - Encryption key
* @param {string} params.encryptionSalt - Encryption salt
* @param {object} [params.additionalFields] - Additional Fields to be added to the user object
* @returns { Promise<FunctionReturn | undefined> }
async function githubAuth({ key, code, email, database, clientId, clientSecret, response, encryptionKey, encryptionSalt, additionalFields }) {
* Check inputs
* @description Check inputs
if (!key || key?.match(/ /)) {
return {
success: false,
user: null,
msg: "Please enter API full access Key",
if (!code || code?.match(/ /)) {
return {
success: false,
user: null,
msg: "Please enter Github Access Token",
if (!database || database?.match(/ /)) {
return {
success: false,
user: null,
msg: "Please provide database slug name you want to access",
if (!clientId || clientId?.match(/ /)) {
return {
success: false,
user: null,
msg: "Please enter Github OAUTH client ID",
if (!response || !response?.setHeader) {
return {
success: false,
user: null,
msg: "Please provide a valid HTTPS response object",
if (!encryptionKey || encryptionKey?.match(/ /)) {
return {
success: false,
user: null,
msg: "Please provide a valid encryption key",
if (!encryptionSalt || encryptionSalt?.match(/ /)) {
return {
success: false,
user: null,
msg: "Please provide a valid encryption salt",
* Initialize HTTP response variable
let httpResponse;
* Check for local DB settings
* @description Look for local db settings in `.env` file and by pass the http request if available
if (DSQL_HOST?.match(/./) && DSQL_USER?.match(/./) && DSQL_PASS?.match(/./) && DSQL_DB_NAME?.match(/./)) {
/** @type {import("../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType | undefined} */
let dbSchema;
try {
const localDbSchemaPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "dsql.schema.json");
dbSchema = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(localDbSchemaPath, "utf8"));
} catch (error) {}
console.log("Reading from local database ...");
if (dbSchema) {
httpResponse = await localGithubAuth({
dbSchema: dbSchema,
email: email || undefined,
res: response,
} else {
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
* @type {FunctionReturn} - Https response object
httpResponse = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reqPayload = JSON.stringify({
const httpsRequest = https.request(
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Content-Length": Buffer.from(reqPayload).length,
Authorization: key,
port: 443,
hostname: "datasquirel.com",
path: `/api/user/github-login`,
* Callback Function
* @description https request callback
(response) => {
var str = "";
response.on("data", function (chunk) {
str += chunk;
response.on("end", function () {
try {
} catch (error) {
success: false,
user: null,
msg: "Something went wrong",
response.on("error", (err) => {
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
if (httpResponse?.success && httpResponse?.user) {
let encryptedPayload = encrypt({
data: JSON.stringify(httpResponse.user),
const { user, dsqlUserId } = httpResponse;
const authKeyName = `datasquirel_${dsqlUserId}_${database}_auth_key`;
const csrfName = `datasquirel_${dsqlUserId}_${database}_csrf`;
response.setHeader("Set-Cookie", [`${authKeyName}=${encryptedPayload};samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true;Secure=true`, `${csrfName}=${user.csrf_k};samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true`, `dsqluid=${dsqlUserId};samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true`, `datasquirel_social_id=${user.social_id};samesite=strict;path=/`]);
return httpResponse;
module.exports = githubAuth;
@ -1,239 +1,239 @@
// @ts-check
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const http = require("http");
const https = require("https");
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const encrypt = require("../../functions/encrypt");
const localGoogleAuth = require("../../engine/user/social/google-auth");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* @typedef {object | null} FunctionReturn
* @property {boolean} success - Did the function run successfully?
* @property {import("../../types/user.td").DATASQUIREL_LoggedInUser | null} user - Returned User
* @property {number} [dsqlUserId] - Dsql User Id
* @property {string} [msg] - Response message
* SERVER FUNCTION: Login with google Function
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {object} params - main params object
* @param {string} params.key - API full access key
* @param {string} params.token - Google access token gotten from the client side
* @param {string} params.database - Target database name(slug)
* @param {string} params.clientId - Google client id
* @param {http.ServerResponse} params.response - HTTPS response object
* @param {string} params.encryptionKey - Encryption key
* @param {string} params.encryptionSalt - Encryption salt
* @param {object} [params.additionalFields] - Additional Fields to be added to the user object
* @returns { Promise<FunctionReturn> }
async function googleAuth({ key, token, database, clientId, response, encryptionKey, encryptionSalt, additionalFields }) {
* Check inputs
* @description Check inputs
if (!key || key?.match(/ /)) {
return {
success: false,
user: null,
msg: "Please enter API full access Key",
if (!token || token?.match(/ /)) {
return {
success: false,
user: null,
msg: "Please enter Google Access Token",
if (!database || database?.match(/ /)) {
return {
success: false,
user: null,
msg: "Please provide database slug name you want to access",
if (!clientId || clientId?.match(/ /)) {
return {
success: false,
user: null,
msg: "Please enter Google OAUTH client ID",
if (!response || !response?.setHeader) {
return {
success: false,
user: null,
msg: "Please provide a valid HTTPS response object",
if (!encryptionKey || encryptionKey?.match(/ /)) {
return {
success: false,
user: null,
msg: "Please provide a valid encryption key",
if (!encryptionSalt || encryptionSalt?.match(/ /)) {
return {
success: false,
user: null,
msg: "Please provide a valid encryption salt",
* Initialize HTTP response variable
let httpResponse;
* Check for local DB settings
* @description Look for local db settings in `.env` file and by pass the http request if available
if (DSQL_HOST?.match(/./) && DSQL_USER?.match(/./) && DSQL_PASS?.match(/./) && DSQL_DB_NAME?.match(/./)) {
/** @type {import("../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType | undefined} */
let dbSchema;
try {
const localDbSchemaPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "dsql.schema.json");
dbSchema = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(localDbSchemaPath, "utf8"));
} catch (error) {}
console.log("Reading from local database ...");
if (dbSchema) {
httpResponse = await localGoogleAuth({
dbSchema: dbSchema,
response: response,
} else {
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
* @type {{ success: boolean, user: import("../../types/user.td").DATASQUIREL_LoggedInUser | null, msg?: string, dsqlUserId?: number } | null } - Https response object
httpResponse = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reqPayload = JSON.stringify({
const httpsRequest = https.request(
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Content-Length": Buffer.from(reqPayload).length,
Authorization: key,
port: 443,
hostname: "datasquirel.com",
path: `/api/user/google-login`,
* Callback Function
* @description https request callback
(response) => {
var str = "";
response.on("data", function (chunk) {
str += chunk;
response.on("end", function () {
response.on("error", (err) => {
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
if (httpResponse?.success && httpResponse?.user) {
let encryptedPayload = encrypt({
data: JSON.stringify(httpResponse.user),
const { user, dsqlUserId } = httpResponse;
const authKeyName = `datasquirel_${dsqlUserId}_${database}_auth_key`;
const csrfName = `datasquirel_${dsqlUserId}_${database}_csrf`;
response.setHeader("Set-Cookie", [`${authKeyName}=${encryptedPayload};samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true;Secure=true`, `${csrfName}=${user.csrf_k};samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true`, `dsqluid=${dsqlUserId};samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true`, `datasquirel_social_id=${user.social_id};samesite=strict;path=/`]);
return httpResponse;
module.exports = googleAuth;
// @ts-check
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const http = require("http");
const https = require("https");
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const encrypt = require("../../functions/encrypt");
const localGoogleAuth = require("../../engine/user/social/google-auth");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* @typedef {object | null} FunctionReturn
* @property {boolean} success - Did the function run successfully?
* @property {import("../../types/user.td").DATASQUIREL_LoggedInUser | null} user - Returned User
* @property {number} [dsqlUserId] - Dsql User Id
* @property {string} [msg] - Response message
* SERVER FUNCTION: Login with google Function
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {object} params - main params object
* @param {string} params.key - API full access key
* @param {string} params.token - Google access token gotten from the client side
* @param {string} params.database - Target database name(slug)
* @param {string} params.clientId - Google client id
* @param {http.ServerResponse} params.response - HTTPS response object
* @param {string} params.encryptionKey - Encryption key
* @param {string} params.encryptionSalt - Encryption salt
* @param {object} [params.additionalFields] - Additional Fields to be added to the user object
* @returns { Promise<FunctionReturn> }
async function googleAuth({ key, token, database, clientId, response, encryptionKey, encryptionSalt, additionalFields }) {
* Check inputs
* @description Check inputs
if (!key || key?.match(/ /)) {
return {
success: false,
user: null,
msg: "Please enter API full access Key",
if (!token || token?.match(/ /)) {
return {
success: false,
user: null,
msg: "Please enter Google Access Token",
if (!database || database?.match(/ /)) {
return {
success: false,
user: null,
msg: "Please provide database slug name you want to access",
if (!clientId || clientId?.match(/ /)) {
return {
success: false,
user: null,
msg: "Please enter Google OAUTH client ID",
if (!response || !response?.setHeader) {
return {
success: false,
user: null,
msg: "Please provide a valid HTTPS response object",
if (!encryptionKey || encryptionKey?.match(/ /)) {
return {
success: false,
user: null,
msg: "Please provide a valid encryption key",
if (!encryptionSalt || encryptionSalt?.match(/ /)) {
return {
success: false,
user: null,
msg: "Please provide a valid encryption salt",
* Initialize HTTP response variable
let httpResponse;
* Check for local DB settings
* @description Look for local db settings in `.env` file and by pass the http request if available
if (DSQL_HOST?.match(/./) && DSQL_USER?.match(/./) && DSQL_PASS?.match(/./) && DSQL_DB_NAME?.match(/./)) {
/** @type {import("../../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType | undefined} */
let dbSchema;
try {
const localDbSchemaPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "dsql.schema.json");
dbSchema = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(localDbSchemaPath, "utf8"));
} catch (error) {}
console.log("Reading from local database ...");
if (dbSchema) {
httpResponse = await localGoogleAuth({
dbSchema: dbSchema,
response: response,
} else {
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
* @type {{ success: boolean, user: import("../../types/user.td").DATASQUIREL_LoggedInUser | null, msg?: string, dsqlUserId?: number } | null } - Https response object
httpResponse = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reqPayload = JSON.stringify({
const httpsRequest = https.request(
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Content-Length": Buffer.from(reqPayload).length,
Authorization: key,
port: 443,
hostname: "datasquirel.com",
path: `/api/user/google-login`,
* Callback Function
* @description https request callback
(response) => {
var str = "";
response.on("data", function (chunk) {
str += chunk;
response.on("end", function () {
response.on("error", (err) => {
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
if (httpResponse?.success && httpResponse?.user) {
let encryptedPayload = encrypt({
data: JSON.stringify(httpResponse.user),
const { user, dsqlUserId } = httpResponse;
const authKeyName = `datasquirel_${dsqlUserId}_${database}_auth_key`;
const csrfName = `datasquirel_${dsqlUserId}_${database}_csrf`;
response.setHeader("Set-Cookie", [`${authKeyName}=${encryptedPayload};samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true;Secure=true`, `${csrfName}=${user.csrf_k};samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true`, `dsqluid=${dsqlUserId};samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true`, `datasquirel_social_id=${user.social_id};samesite=strict;path=/`]);
return httpResponse;
module.exports = googleAuth;
@ -1,126 +1,126 @@
// @ts-check
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const https = require("https");
const path = require("path");
const fs = require("fs");
const localUpdateUser = require("../engine/user/update-user");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* @typedef {object} FunctionReturn
* @property {boolean} success - Did the function run successfully?
* @property {(Object[]|string)} [payload=[]] - Payload
* ==============================================================================
* Main Function
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {object} params - API Key
* @param {String} params.key - API Key
* @param {String} params.database - Target Database
* @param {{ id: number }} params.payload - User Object
* @returns { Promise<FunctionReturn>}
async function updateUser({ key, payload, database }) {
* Check for local DB settings
* @description Look for local db settings in `.env` file and by pass the http request if available
if (DSQL_HOST?.match(/./) && DSQL_USER?.match(/./) && DSQL_PASS?.match(/./) && DSQL_DB_NAME?.match(/./)) {
/** @type {import("../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType | undefined} */
let dbSchema;
try {
const localDbSchemaPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "dsql.schema.json");
dbSchema = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(localDbSchemaPath, "utf8"));
} catch (error) {}
console.log("Reading from local database ...");
if (dbSchema) {
return await localUpdateUser({
dbSchema: dbSchema,
payload: payload,
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
const httpResponse = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reqPayload = JSON.stringify({
const httpsRequest = https.request(
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Content-Length": Buffer.from(reqPayload).length,
Authorization: key,
port: 443,
hostname: "datasquirel.com",
path: `/api/user/update-user`,
* Callback Function
* @description https request callback
(response) => {
var str = "";
response.on("data", function (chunk) {
str += chunk;
response.on("end", function () {
response.on("error", (err) => {
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
return httpResponse;
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
module.exports = updateUser;
// @ts-check
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const https = require("https");
const path = require("path");
const fs = require("fs");
const localUpdateUser = require("../engine/user/update-user");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* @typedef {object} FunctionReturn
* @property {boolean} success - Did the function run successfully?
* @property {(Object[]|string)} [payload=[]] - Payload
* ==============================================================================
* Main Function
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {object} params - API Key
* @param {String} params.key - API Key
* @param {String} params.database - Target Database
* @param {{ id: number }} params.payload - User Object
* @returns { Promise<FunctionReturn>}
async function updateUser({ key, payload, database }) {
* Check for local DB settings
* @description Look for local db settings in `.env` file and by pass the http request if available
if (DSQL_HOST?.match(/./) && DSQL_USER?.match(/./) && DSQL_PASS?.match(/./) && DSQL_DB_NAME?.match(/./)) {
/** @type {import("../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType | undefined} */
let dbSchema;
try {
const localDbSchemaPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "dsql.schema.json");
dbSchema = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(localDbSchemaPath, "utf8"));
} catch (error) {}
console.log("Reading from local database ...");
if (dbSchema) {
return await localUpdateUser({
dbSchema: dbSchema,
payload: payload,
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
const httpResponse = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reqPayload = JSON.stringify({
const httpsRequest = https.request(
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Content-Length": Buffer.from(reqPayload).length,
Authorization: key,
port: 443,
hostname: "datasquirel.com",
path: `/api/user/update-user`,
* Callback Function
* @description https request callback
(response) => {
var str = "";
response.on("data", function (chunk) {
str += chunk;
response.on("end", function () {
response.on("error", (err) => {
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
return httpResponse;
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
module.exports = updateUser;
@ -1,143 +1,143 @@
// @ts-check
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const http = require("http");
const decrypt = require("../functions/decrypt");
const parseCookies = require("../utils/functions/parseCookies");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* @typedef {object} AuthenticatedUserObject
* @property {boolean} success - Did the function run successfully?
* @property {import("../types/user.td").DATASQUIREL_LoggedInUser | null} payload - Payload
* @property {string | unknown} [msg] - Response Message
* Authenticate User from request
* ==============================================================================
* @description This Function takes in a request object and returns a user object
* with the user's data
* @param {Object} params - Arg
* @param {http.IncomingMessage} params.request - Http request object
* @param {string} params.encryptionKey - Encryption Key
* @param {string} params.encryptionSalt - Encryption Salt
* @param {("deep" | "normal")} [params.level] - Optional. "Deep" value indicates an extra layer of security
* @param {string} params.database - Database Name
* @returns { AuthenticatedUserObject }
function userAuth({ request, encryptionKey, encryptionSalt, level, database }) {
try {
* Grab the payload
* @description Grab the payload
const cookies = parseCookies({ request });
const dsqluid = cookies.dsqluid;
const authKeyName = `datasquirel_${dsqluid}_${database}_auth_key`;
const csrfName = `datasquirel_${dsqluid}_${database}_csrf`;
const key = cookies[authKeyName];
const csrf = cookies[csrfName];
* Grab the payload
* @description Grab the payload
let userPayload = decrypt({
encryptedString: key,
* Grab the payload
* @description Grab the payload
if (!userPayload) {
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
msg: "Couldn't Decrypt cookie",
* Grab the payload
* @description Grab the payload
let userObject = JSON.parse(userPayload);
if (!userObject.csrf_k) {
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
msg: "No CSRF_K in decrypted payload",
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
* Grab the payload
* @description Grab the payload
if (level?.match(/deep/i) && !csrf?.match(new RegExp(`${userObject.csrf_k}`))) {
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
msg: "CSRF_K requested but does not match payload",
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
* Return User Object
* @description Return User Object
return {
success: true,
payload: userObject,
} catch (error) {
* Return User Object
* @description Return User Object
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
msg: error,
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
module.exports = userAuth;
// @ts-check
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const http = require("http");
const decrypt = require("../functions/decrypt");
const parseCookies = require("../utils/functions/parseCookies");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* @typedef {object} AuthenticatedUserObject
* @property {boolean} success - Did the function run successfully?
* @property {import("../types/user.td").DATASQUIREL_LoggedInUser | null} payload - Payload
* @property {string | unknown} [msg] - Response Message
* Authenticate User from request
* ==============================================================================
* @description This Function takes in a request object and returns a user object
* with the user's data
* @param {Object} params - Arg
* @param {http.IncomingMessage} params.request - Http request object
* @param {string} params.encryptionKey - Encryption Key
* @param {string} params.encryptionSalt - Encryption Salt
* @param {("deep" | "normal")} [params.level] - Optional. "Deep" value indicates an extra layer of security
* @param {string} params.database - Database Name
* @returns { AuthenticatedUserObject }
function userAuth({ request, encryptionKey, encryptionSalt, level, database }) {
try {
* Grab the payload
* @description Grab the payload
const cookies = parseCookies({ request });
const dsqluid = cookies.dsqluid;
const authKeyName = `datasquirel_${dsqluid}_${database}_auth_key`;
const csrfName = `datasquirel_${dsqluid}_${database}_csrf`;
const key = cookies[authKeyName];
const csrf = cookies[csrfName];
* Grab the payload
* @description Grab the payload
let userPayload = decrypt({
encryptedString: key,
* Grab the payload
* @description Grab the payload
if (!userPayload) {
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
msg: "Couldn't Decrypt cookie",
* Grab the payload
* @description Grab the payload
let userObject = JSON.parse(userPayload);
if (!userObject.csrf_k) {
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
msg: "No CSRF_K in decrypted payload",
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
* Grab the payload
* @description Grab the payload
if (level?.match(/deep/i) && !csrf?.match(new RegExp(`${userObject.csrf_k}`))) {
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
msg: "CSRF_K requested but does not match payload",
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
* Return User Object
* @description Return User Object
return {
success: true,
payload: userObject,
} catch (error) {
* Return User Object
* @description Return User Object
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
msg: error,
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
module.exports = userAuth;
@ -1,96 +1,96 @@
// @ts-check
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const http = require("http");
const decrypt = require("../functions/decrypt");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* Validate Token
* ==============================================================================
* @description This Function takes in a encrypted token and returns a user object
* @param {Object} params - Arg
* @param {string} params.token - Encrypted Token
* @param {string} params.encryptionKey - Encryption Key
* @param {string} params.encryptionSalt - Encryption Salt
* @param {("deep" | "normal")?} [params.level] - Optional. "Deep" value indicates an extra layer of security
* @param {string} params.database - Database Name
* @returns { import("../types/user.td").DATASQUIREL_LoggedInUser | null}
function validateToken({ token, encryptionKey, encryptionSalt }) {
try {
* Grab the payload
* @description Grab the payload
const key = token;
* Grab the payload
* @description Grab the payload
let userPayload = decrypt({
encryptedString: key,
* Grab the payload
* @description Grab the payload
if (!userPayload) {
return null;
* Grab the payload
* @description Grab the payload
let userObject = JSON.parse(userPayload);
if (!userObject.csrf_k) {
return null;
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
* Return User Object
* @description Return User Object
return userObject;
} catch (error) {
* Return User Object
* @description Return User Object
return null;
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
module.exports = validateToken;
// @ts-check
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const http = require("http");
const decrypt = require("../functions/decrypt");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* Validate Token
* ==============================================================================
* @description This Function takes in a encrypted token and returns a user object
* @param {Object} params - Arg
* @param {string} params.token - Encrypted Token
* @param {string} params.encryptionKey - Encryption Key
* @param {string} params.encryptionSalt - Encryption Salt
* @param {("deep" | "normal")?} [params.level] - Optional. "Deep" value indicates an extra layer of security
* @param {string} params.database - Database Name
* @returns { import("../types/user.td").DATASQUIREL_LoggedInUser | null}
function validateToken({ token, encryptionKey, encryptionSalt }) {
try {
* Grab the payload
* @description Grab the payload
const key = token;
* Grab the payload
* @description Grab the payload
let userPayload = decrypt({
encryptedString: key,
* Grab the payload
* @description Grab the payload
if (!userPayload) {
return null;
* Grab the payload
* @description Grab the payload
let userObject = JSON.parse(userPayload);
if (!userObject.csrf_k) {
return null;
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
* Return User Object
* @description Return User Object
return userObject;
} catch (error) {
* Return User Object
* @description Return User Object
return null;
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
module.exports = validateToken;
@ -1,110 +1,110 @@
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const https = require("https");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* @typedef {Object} FunctionReturn
* @property {boolean} success - Did the function run successfully?
* @property {{
* urlPath: string,
* urlThumbnailPath: string
* }} payload - Payload containing the url for the image and its thumbnail
* @property {string} [msg] - An optional message
* ==============================================================================
* Main Function
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {Object} params - Single Param object containing params
* @param {String} params.key - *FULL ACCESS API Key
* @param { string } params.url - File URL
* @returns { Promise<FunctionReturn> } - Image Url
async function uploadImage({ key, url }) {
try {
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
const httpResponse = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reqPayload = JSON.stringify({ url: url });
const httpsRequest = https.request(
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Content-Length": Buffer.from(reqPayload).length,
Authorization: key,
port: 443,
hostname: "datasquirel.com",
path: `/api/query/delete-file`,
* Callback Function
* @description https request callback
(response) => {
var str = "";
response.on("data", function (chunk) {
str += chunk;
response.on("end", function () {
response.on("error", (err) => {
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
return httpResponse;
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
console.log("Error deleting file: ", error.message);
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
msg: error.message,
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
module.exports = uploadImage;
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const https = require("https");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* @typedef {Object} FunctionReturn
* @property {boolean} success - Did the function run successfully?
* @property {{
* urlPath: string,
* urlThumbnailPath: string
* }} payload - Payload containing the url for the image and its thumbnail
* @property {string} [msg] - An optional message
* ==============================================================================
* Main Function
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {Object} params - Single Param object containing params
* @param {String} params.key - *FULL ACCESS API Key
* @param { string } params.url - File URL
* @returns { Promise<FunctionReturn> } - Image Url
async function uploadImage({ key, url }) {
try {
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
const httpResponse = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reqPayload = JSON.stringify({ url: url });
const httpsRequest = https.request(
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Content-Length": Buffer.from(reqPayload).length,
Authorization: key,
port: 443,
hostname: "datasquirel.com",
path: `/api/query/delete-file`,
* Callback Function
* @description https request callback
(response) => {
var str = "";
response.on("data", function (chunk) {
str += chunk;
response.on("end", function () {
response.on("error", (err) => {
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
return httpResponse;
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
console.log("Error deleting file: ", error.message);
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
msg: error.message,
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
module.exports = uploadImage;
@ -1,69 +1,69 @@
// @ts-check
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const http = require("http");
* Parse request cookies
* ==============================================================================
* @description This function takes in a request object and returns the cookies as a JS object
* @async
* @param {object} params - main params object
* @param {http.IncomingMessage} params.request - HTTPS request object
* @returns {* | null}
module.exports = function ({ request }) {
* Check inputs
* @description Check inputs
/** @type {string | undefined} */
const cookieString = request.headers.cookie;
if (!cookieString || typeof cookieString !== "string") {
return null;
/** @type {string[]} */
const cookieSplitArray = cookieString.split(";");
/** @type {*} */
let cookieObject = {};
cookieSplitArray.forEach((keyValueString) => {
const [key, value] = keyValueString.split("=");
if (key && typeof key == "string") {
cookieObject[key.replace(/^ +| +$/, "")] = value && typeof value == "string" ? value.replace(/^ +| +$/, "") : null;
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
return cookieObject;
// @ts-check
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const http = require("http");
* Parse request cookies
* ==============================================================================
* @description This function takes in a request object and returns the cookies as a JS object
* @async
* @param {object} params - main params object
* @param {http.IncomingMessage} params.request - HTTPS request object
* @returns {* | null}
module.exports = function ({ request }) {
* Check inputs
* @description Check inputs
/** @type {string | undefined} */
const cookieString = request.headers.cookie;
if (!cookieString || typeof cookieString !== "string") {
return null;
/** @type {string[]} */
const cookieSplitArray = cookieString.split(";");
/** @type {*} */
let cookieObject = {};
cookieSplitArray.forEach((keyValueString) => {
const [key, value] = keyValueString.split("=");
if (key && typeof key == "string") {
cookieObject[key.replace(/^ +| +$/, "")] = value && typeof value == "string" ? value.replace(/^ +| +$/, "") : null;
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
return cookieObject;
@ -1,184 +1,184 @@
* Sanitize SQL function
* ==============================================================================
* @description this function takes in a text(or number) or object or array or
* boolean and returns a sanitized version of the same input.
* @param {string|number|object|boolean} input - Text or number or object or boolean
* @param {boolean?} spaces - Allow spaces?
* @returns {string|number|object|boolean}
function sanitizeSql(input, spaces) {
* Initial Checks
* @description Initial Checks
if (!input) return "";
if (typeof input == "number" || typeof input == "boolean") return input;
if (typeof input == "string" && !input?.toString()?.match(/./)) return "";
if (typeof input == "object" && !Array.isArray(input)) {
const newObject = sanitizeObjects(input, spaces);
return newObject;
} else if (typeof input == "object" && Array.isArray(input)) {
const newArray = sanitizeArrays(input, spaces);
return newArray;
* Declare variables
* @description Declare "results" variable
let finalText = input;
if (spaces) {
} else {
finalText = input
.replace(/\n|\r|\n\r|\r\n/g, "")
.replace(/ /g, "");
const escapeRegex = /select |insert |drop |delete |alter |create |exec | union | or | like | concat|LOAD_FILE|ASCII| COLLATE | HAVING | information_schema|DECLARE |\#|WAITFOR |delay |BENCHMARK |\/\*.*\*\//gi;
finalText = finalText
.replace(/(?<!\\)\'/g, "\\'")
.replace(/(?<!\\)\`/g, "\\`")
// .replace(/(?<!\\)\"/g, '\\"')
.replace(/\/\*\*\//g, "")
.replace(escapeRegex, "\\$&");
return finalText;
* Sanitize Objects Function
* ==============================================================================
* @description Sanitize objects in the form { key: "value" }
* @param {object} object - Database Full Name
* @param {boolean?} spaces - Allow spaces
* @returns {object}
function sanitizeObjects(object, spaces) {
let objectUpdated = { ...object };
const keys = Object.keys(objectUpdated);
keys.forEach((key) => {
const value = objectUpdated[key];
if (!value) {
delete objectUpdated[key];
if (typeof value == "string" || typeof value == "number") {
objectUpdated[key] = sanitizeSql(value, spaces);
} else if (typeof value == "object" && !Array.isArray(value)) {
objectUpdated[key] = sanitizeObjects(value, spaces);
} else if (typeof value == "object" && Array.isArray(value)) {
objectUpdated[key] = sanitizeArrays(value, spaces);
return objectUpdated;
* Sanitize Objects Function
* ==============================================================================
* @description Sanitize objects in the form { key: "value" }
* @param {string[]|number[]|object[]} array - Database Full Name
* @param {boolean?} spaces - Allow spaces
* @returns {string[]|number[]|object[]}
function sanitizeArrays(array, spaces) {
let arrayUpdated = [...array];
arrayUpdated.forEach((item, index) => {
const value = item;
if (!value) {
arrayUpdated.splice(index, 1);
if (typeof item == "string" || typeof item == "number") {
arrayUpdated[index] = sanitizeSql(value, spaces);
} else if (typeof item == "object" && !Array.isArray(value)) {
arrayUpdated[index] = sanitizeObjects(value, spaces);
} else if (typeof item == "object" && Array.isArray(value)) {
arrayUpdated[index] = sanitizeArrays(item, spaces);
return arrayUpdated;
module.exports = sanitizeSql;
* Sanitize SQL function
* ==============================================================================
* @description this function takes in a text(or number) or object or array or
* boolean and returns a sanitized version of the same input.
* @param {string|number|object|boolean} input - Text or number or object or boolean
* @param {boolean?} spaces - Allow spaces?
* @returns {string|number|object|boolean}
function sanitizeSql(input, spaces) {
* Initial Checks
* @description Initial Checks
if (!input) return "";
if (typeof input == "number" || typeof input == "boolean") return input;
if (typeof input == "string" && !input?.toString()?.match(/./)) return "";
if (typeof input == "object" && !Array.isArray(input)) {
const newObject = sanitizeObjects(input, spaces);
return newObject;
} else if (typeof input == "object" && Array.isArray(input)) {
const newArray = sanitizeArrays(input, spaces);
return newArray;
* Declare variables
* @description Declare "results" variable
let finalText = input;
if (spaces) {
} else {
finalText = input
.replace(/\n|\r|\n\r|\r\n/g, "")
.replace(/ /g, "");
const escapeRegex = /select |insert |drop |delete |alter |create |exec | union | or | like | concat|LOAD_FILE|ASCII| COLLATE | HAVING | information_schema|DECLARE |\#|WAITFOR |delay |BENCHMARK |\/\*.*\*\//gi;
finalText = finalText
.replace(/(?<!\\)\'/g, "\\'")
.replace(/(?<!\\)\`/g, "\\`")
// .replace(/(?<!\\)\"/g, '\\"')
.replace(/\/\*\*\//g, "")
.replace(escapeRegex, "\\$&");
return finalText;
* Sanitize Objects Function
* ==============================================================================
* @description Sanitize objects in the form { key: "value" }
* @param {object} object - Database Full Name
* @param {boolean?} spaces - Allow spaces
* @returns {object}
function sanitizeObjects(object, spaces) {
let objectUpdated = { ...object };
const keys = Object.keys(objectUpdated);
keys.forEach((key) => {
const value = objectUpdated[key];
if (!value) {
delete objectUpdated[key];
if (typeof value == "string" || typeof value == "number") {
objectUpdated[key] = sanitizeSql(value, spaces);
} else if (typeof value == "object" && !Array.isArray(value)) {
objectUpdated[key] = sanitizeObjects(value, spaces);
} else if (typeof value == "object" && Array.isArray(value)) {
objectUpdated[key] = sanitizeArrays(value, spaces);
return objectUpdated;
* Sanitize Objects Function
* ==============================================================================
* @description Sanitize objects in the form { key: "value" }
* @param {string[]|number[]|object[]} array - Database Full Name
* @param {boolean?} spaces - Allow spaces
* @returns {string[]|number[]|object[]}
function sanitizeArrays(array, spaces) {
let arrayUpdated = [...array];
arrayUpdated.forEach((item, index) => {
const value = item;
if (!value) {
arrayUpdated.splice(index, 1);
if (typeof item == "string" || typeof item == "number") {
arrayUpdated[index] = sanitizeSql(value, spaces);
} else if (typeof item == "object" && !Array.isArray(value)) {
arrayUpdated[index] = sanitizeObjects(value, spaces);
} else if (typeof item == "object" && Array.isArray(value)) {
arrayUpdated[index] = sanitizeArrays(item, spaces);
return arrayUpdated;
module.exports = sanitizeSql;
@ -1,89 +1,89 @@
// @ts-check
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const https = require("https");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* @typedef {Object} GetSchemaReturn
* @property {boolean} success - Did the function run successfully?
* @property {import("../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType[] | import("../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType | null} payload - Response payload
* Make a get request to Datasquirel API
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {Object} params - Single object passed
* @param {string} params.key - `FULL ACCESS` API Key
* @param {string} [params.database] - The database schema to get
* @returns { Promise<GetSchemaReturn> } - Return Object
async function getSchema({ key, database }) {
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
const httpResponse = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
method: "GET",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
Authorization: key,
port: 443,
hostname: "datasquirel.com",
path: "/api/query/get-schema" + (database ? `?database=${database}` : ""),
* Callback Function
* @description https request callback
(response) => {
var str = "";
response.on("data", function (chunk) {
str += chunk;
response.on("end", function () {
response.on("error", (err) => {
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
return httpResponse;
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
module.exports = getSchema;
// @ts-check
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const https = require("https");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* @typedef {Object} GetSchemaReturn
* @property {boolean} success - Did the function run successfully?
* @property {import("../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType[] | import("../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType | null} payload - Response payload
* Make a get request to Datasquirel API
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {Object} params - Single object passed
* @param {string} params.key - `FULL ACCESS` API Key
* @param {string} [params.database] - The database schema to get
* @returns { Promise<GetSchemaReturn> } - Return Object
async function getSchema({ key, database }) {
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
const httpResponse = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
method: "GET",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
Authorization: key,
port: 443,
hostname: "datasquirel.com",
path: "/api/query/get-schema" + (database ? `?database=${database}` : ""),
* Callback Function
* @description https request callback
(response) => {
var str = "";
response.on("data", function (chunk) {
str += chunk;
response.on("end", function () {
response.on("error", (err) => {
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
return httpResponse;
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
module.exports = getSchema;
@ -1,134 +1,134 @@
// @ts-check
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const https = require("https");
const path = require("path");
const fs = require("fs");
const localGet = require("../engine/query/get");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* @typedef {Object} GetReturn
* @property {boolean} success - Did the function run successfully?
* @property {*} [payload] - GET request results
* @property {string} [msg] - Message
* @property {string} [error] - Error Message
* Make a get request to Datasquirel API
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {Object} params - Single object passed
* @param {string} [params.key] - API Key
* @param {string} [params.db] - Database Name
* @param {string} params.query - SQL Query
* @param {string[]} [params.queryValues] - An array of query values if using "?" placeholders
* @param {string} [params.tableName] - Name of the table to query
* @returns { Promise<GetReturn> } - Return Object
async function get({ key, db, query, queryValues, tableName }) {
* Check for local DB settings
* @description Look for local db settings in `.env` file and by pass the http request if available
if (DSQL_HOST?.match(/./) && DSQL_USER?.match(/./) && DSQL_PASS?.match(/./) && DSQL_DB_NAME?.match(/./)) {
/** @type {import("../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType | undefined} */
let dbSchema;
try {
const localDbSchemaPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "dsql.schema.json");
dbSchema = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(localDbSchemaPath, "utf8"));
} catch (error) {}
console.log("Reading from local database ...");
return await localGet({
dbSchema: dbSchema,
options: {
query: query,
queryValues: queryValues,
tableName: tableName,
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
const httpResponse = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let path = `/api/query/get?db=${db}&query=${query
.replace(/\n|\r|\n\r/g, "")
.replace(/ {2,}/g, " ")
.replace(/ /g, "+")}`;
if (queryValues) {
path += `&queryValues=${JSON.stringify(queryValues)}${tableName ? `&tableName=${tableName}` : ""}`;
method: "GET",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
Authorization: key,
port: 443,
hostname: "datasquirel.com",
path: path,
* Callback Function
* @description https request callback
(response) => {
var str = "";
response.on("data", function (chunk) {
str += chunk;
response.on("end", function () {
response.on("error", (err) => {
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
return httpResponse;
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
module.exports = get;
// @ts-check
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const https = require("https");
const path = require("path");
const fs = require("fs");
const localGet = require("../engine/query/get");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* @typedef {Object} GetReturn
* @property {boolean} success - Did the function run successfully?
* @property {*} [payload] - GET request results
* @property {string} [msg] - Message
* @property {string} [error] - Error Message
* Make a get request to Datasquirel API
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {Object} params - Single object passed
* @param {string} [params.key] - API Key
* @param {string} [params.db] - Database Name
* @param {string} params.query - SQL Query
* @param {string[]} [params.queryValues] - An array of query values if using "?" placeholders
* @param {string} [params.tableName] - Name of the table to query
* @returns { Promise<GetReturn> } - Return Object
async function get({ key, db, query, queryValues, tableName }) {
* Check for local DB settings
* @description Look for local db settings in `.env` file and by pass the http request if available
if (DSQL_HOST?.match(/./) && DSQL_USER?.match(/./) && DSQL_PASS?.match(/./) && DSQL_DB_NAME?.match(/./)) {
/** @type {import("../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType | undefined} */
let dbSchema;
try {
const localDbSchemaPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "dsql.schema.json");
dbSchema = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(localDbSchemaPath, "utf8"));
} catch (error) {}
console.log("Reading from local database ...");
return await localGet({
dbSchema: dbSchema,
options: {
query: query,
queryValues: queryValues,
tableName: tableName,
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
const httpResponse = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let path = `/api/query/get?db=${db}&query=${query
.replace(/\n|\r|\n\r/g, "")
.replace(/ {2,}/g, " ")
.replace(/ /g, "+")}`;
if (queryValues) {
path += `&queryValues=${JSON.stringify(queryValues)}${tableName ? `&tableName=${tableName}` : ""}`;
method: "GET",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
Authorization: key,
port: 443,
hostname: "datasquirel.com",
path: path,
* Callback Function
* @description https request callback
(response) => {
var str = "";
response.on("data", function (chunk) {
str += chunk;
response.on("end", function () {
response.on("error", (err) => {
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
return httpResponse;
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
module.exports = get;
@ -1,181 +1,181 @@
// @ts-check
* Imports
const https = require("https");
const path = require("path");
const fs = require("fs");
const localPost = require("../engine/query/post");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* @typedef {Object} PostReturn
* @property {boolean} success - Did the function run successfully?
* @property {(Object[]|string)} [payload=[]] - The Y Coordinate
* @typedef {object} PostDataPayload
* @property {"insert" | "update" | "delete"} action - The target action to take
* @property {string} table - Table name(slug) eg "blog_posts"
* @property {object} [data] - Table insert payload object => This must have keys that match
* table fields
* @property {string?} [identifierColumnName] - Table identifier field name => eg. "id" OR "email"
* @property {string?} [identifierValue] - Corresponding value of the selected field name => This
* checks identifies a the target row for "update" or "delete". Not needed for "insert"
* @property {string?} [duplicateColumnName] - Duplicate column name to check for
* @property {string?} [duplicateColumnValue] - Duplicate column value to match. If no "update" param
* provided, function will return null
* @property {boolean?} [update] - Should the "insert" action update the existing entry if indeed
* the entry with "duplicateColumnValue" exists?
* Make a post request to Datasquirel API
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {Object} params - Single object passed
* @param {string} [params.key] - FULL ACCESS API Key
* @param {string} [params.database] - Database Name
* @param {PostDataPayload | string} params.query - SQL query String or Request Object
* @param {any[]} [params.queryValues] - Query Values if using "?" placeholders
* @param {string} [params.tableName] - Name of the table to query
* @returns { Promise<PostReturn> } - Return Object
async function post({ key, query, queryValues, database, tableName }) {
* Check for local DB settings
* @description Look for local db settings in `.env` file and by pass the http request if available
if (DSQL_HOST?.match(/./) && DSQL_USER?.match(/./) && DSQL_PASS?.match(/./) && DSQL_DB_NAME?.match(/./)) {
/** @type {import("../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType | undefined} */
let dbSchema;
try {
const localDbSchemaPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "dsql.schema.json");
dbSchema = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(localDbSchemaPath, "utf8"));
} catch (error) {}
console.log("Reading from local database ...");
return await localPost({
dbSchema: dbSchema,
options: {
query: query,
queryValues: queryValues,
tableName: tableName,
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
const httpResponse = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reqPayloadString = JSON.stringify({
tableName: tableName ? tableName : null,
}).replace(/\n|\r|\n\r/gm, "");
try {
} catch (error) {
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
error: "Query object is invalid. Please Check query data values",
const reqPayload = reqPayloadString;
const httpsRequest = https.request(
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Content-Length": Buffer.from(reqPayload).length,
Authorization: key,
port: 443,
hostname: "datasquirel.com",
path: `/api/query/post`,
* Callback Function
* @description https request callback
(response) => {
var str = "";
response.on("data", function (chunk) {
str += chunk;
response.on("end", function () {
try {
} catch (error) {
console.log("Fetched Payload =>", str);
success: false,
payload: null,
error: error,
response.on("error", (err) => {
success: false,
payload: null,
error: err.message,
httpsRequest.on("error", (error) => {
console.log("HTTPS request ERROR =>", error);
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
return httpResponse;
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
module.exports = post;
// @ts-check
* Imports
const https = require("https");
const path = require("path");
const fs = require("fs");
const localPost = require("../engine/query/post");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* @typedef {Object} PostReturn
* @property {boolean} success - Did the function run successfully?
* @property {(Object[]|string)} [payload=[]] - The Y Coordinate
* @typedef {object} PostDataPayload
* @property {"insert" | "update" | "delete"} action - The target action to take
* @property {string} table - Table name(slug) eg "blog_posts"
* @property {object} [data] - Table insert payload object => This must have keys that match
* table fields
* @property {string?} [identifierColumnName] - Table identifier field name => eg. "id" OR "email"
* @property {string?} [identifierValue] - Corresponding value of the selected field name => This
* checks identifies a the target row for "update" or "delete". Not needed for "insert"
* @property {string?} [duplicateColumnName] - Duplicate column name to check for
* @property {string?} [duplicateColumnValue] - Duplicate column value to match. If no "update" param
* provided, function will return null
* @property {boolean?} [update] - Should the "insert" action update the existing entry if indeed
* the entry with "duplicateColumnValue" exists?
* Make a post request to Datasquirel API
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {Object} params - Single object passed
* @param {string} [params.key] - FULL ACCESS API Key
* @param {string} [params.database] - Database Name
* @param {PostDataPayload | string} params.query - SQL query String or Request Object
* @param {any[]} [params.queryValues] - Query Values if using "?" placeholders
* @param {string} [params.tableName] - Name of the table to query
* @returns { Promise<PostReturn> } - Return Object
async function post({ key, query, queryValues, database, tableName }) {
* Check for local DB settings
* @description Look for local db settings in `.env` file and by pass the http request if available
if (DSQL_HOST?.match(/./) && DSQL_USER?.match(/./) && DSQL_PASS?.match(/./) && DSQL_DB_NAME?.match(/./)) {
/** @type {import("../types/database-schema.td").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType | undefined} */
let dbSchema;
try {
const localDbSchemaPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "dsql.schema.json");
dbSchema = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(localDbSchemaPath, "utf8"));
} catch (error) {}
console.log("Reading from local database ...");
return await localPost({
dbSchema: dbSchema,
options: {
query: query,
queryValues: queryValues,
tableName: tableName,
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
const httpResponse = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reqPayloadString = JSON.stringify({
tableName: tableName ? tableName : null,
}).replace(/\n|\r|\n\r/gm, "");
try {
} catch (error) {
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
error: "Query object is invalid. Please Check query data values",
const reqPayload = reqPayloadString;
const httpsRequest = https.request(
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Content-Length": Buffer.from(reqPayload).length,
Authorization: key,
port: 443,
hostname: "datasquirel.com",
path: `/api/query/post`,
* Callback Function
* @description https request callback
(response) => {
var str = "";
response.on("data", function (chunk) {
str += chunk;
response.on("end", function () {
try {
} catch (error) {
console.log("Fetched Payload =>", str);
success: false,
payload: null,
error: error,
response.on("error", (err) => {
success: false,
payload: null,
error: err.message,
httpsRequest.on("error", (error) => {
console.log("HTTPS request ERROR =>", error);
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
return httpResponse;
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
module.exports = post;
@ -1,115 +1,115 @@
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const https = require("https");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* @typedef {Object} FunctionReturn
* @property {boolean} success - Did the function run successfully?
* @property {{
* urlPath: string,
* }} payload - Payload containing the url for the image and its thumbnail
* @property {string} [msg] - An optional message
* ==============================================================================
* Main Function
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {Object} params - Single Param object containing params
* @param {String} params.key - *FULL ACCESS API Key
* @param {{
* fileData: string,
* fileName: string,
* mimeType?: string,
* folder?: string,
* isPrivate?: boolean,
* }} params.payload - Image Data Eg.
* @returns { Promise<FunctionReturn> } - Return Object
async function uploadImage({ key, payload }) {
try {
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
const httpResponse = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reqPayload = JSON.stringify(payload);
const httpsRequest = https.request(
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Content-Length": Buffer.from(reqPayload).length,
Authorization: key,
port: 443,
hostname: "datasquirel.com",
path: `/api/query/add-file`,
* Callback Function
* @description https request callback
(response) => {
var str = "";
response.on("data", function (chunk) {
str += chunk;
response.on("end", function () {
response.on("error", (err) => {
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
return httpResponse;
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
console.log("Error in uploading file: ", error.message);
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
msg: error.message,
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
module.exports = uploadImage;
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const https = require("https");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* @typedef {Object} FunctionReturn
* @property {boolean} success - Did the function run successfully?
* @property {{
* urlPath: string,
* }} payload - Payload containing the url for the image and its thumbnail
* @property {string} [msg] - An optional message
* ==============================================================================
* Main Function
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {Object} params - Single Param object containing params
* @param {String} params.key - *FULL ACCESS API Key
* @param {{
* fileData: string,
* fileName: string,
* mimeType?: string,
* folder?: string,
* isPrivate?: boolean,
* }} params.payload - Image Data Eg.
* @returns { Promise<FunctionReturn> } - Return Object
async function uploadImage({ key, payload }) {
try {
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
const httpResponse = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reqPayload = JSON.stringify(payload);
const httpsRequest = https.request(
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Content-Length": Buffer.from(reqPayload).length,
Authorization: key,
port: 443,
hostname: "datasquirel.com",
path: `/api/query/add-file`,
* Callback Function
* @description https request callback
(response) => {
var str = "";
response.on("data", function (chunk) {
str += chunk;
response.on("end", function () {
response.on("error", (err) => {
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
return httpResponse;
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
console.log("Error in uploading file: ", error.message);
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
msg: error.message,
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
module.exports = uploadImage;
@ -1,117 +1,117 @@
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const https = require("https");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* @typedef {Object} FunctionReturn
* @property {boolean} success - Did the function run successfully?
* @property {{
* urlPath: string,
* urlThumbnailPath: string
* }} payload - Payload containing the url for the image and its thumbnail
* @property {string} [msg] - An optional message
* ==============================================================================
* Main Function
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {Object} params - Single Param object containing params
* @param {String} params.key - *FULL ACCESS API Key
* @param {{
* imageData: string,
* imageName: string,
* mimeType?: string,
* thumbnailSize?: number,
* folder?: string,
* isPrivate?: boolean,
* }} params.payload - Image Data Eg.
* @returns { Promise<FunctionReturn> } - Return Object
async function uploadImage({ key, payload }) {
try {
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
const httpResponse = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reqPayload = JSON.stringify(payload);
const httpsRequest = https.request(
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Content-Length": Buffer.from(reqPayload).length,
Authorization: key,
port: 443,
hostname: "datasquirel.com",
path: `/api/query/add-image`,
* Callback Function
* @description https request callback
(response) => {
var str = "";
response.on("data", function (chunk) {
str += chunk;
response.on("end", function () {
response.on("error", (err) => {
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
return httpResponse;
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
console.log("Error in uploading image: ", error.message);
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
msg: error.message,
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
module.exports = uploadImage;
* ==============================================================================
* Imports
* ==============================================================================
const https = require("https");
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
/** ****************************************************************************** */
* @typedef {Object} FunctionReturn
* @property {boolean} success - Did the function run successfully?
* @property {{
* urlPath: string,
* urlThumbnailPath: string
* }} payload - Payload containing the url for the image and its thumbnail
* @property {string} [msg] - An optional message
* ==============================================================================
* Main Function
* ==============================================================================
* @async
* @param {Object} params - Single Param object containing params
* @param {String} params.key - *FULL ACCESS API Key
* @param {{
* imageData: string,
* imageName: string,
* mimeType?: string,
* thumbnailSize?: number,
* folder?: string,
* isPrivate?: boolean,
* }} params.payload - Image Data Eg.
* @returns { Promise<FunctionReturn> } - Return Object
async function uploadImage({ key, payload }) {
try {
* Make https request
* @description make a request to datasquirel.com
const httpResponse = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reqPayload = JSON.stringify(payload);
const httpsRequest = https.request(
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Content-Length": Buffer.from(reqPayload).length,
Authorization: key,
port: 443,
hostname: "datasquirel.com",
path: `/api/query/add-image`,
* Callback Function
* @description https request callback
(response) => {
var str = "";
response.on("data", function (chunk) {
str += chunk;
response.on("end", function () {
response.on("error", (err) => {
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
return httpResponse;
} catch (/** @type {*} */ error) {
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
console.log("Error in uploading image: ", error.message);
return {
success: false,
payload: null,
msg: error.message,
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
/** ********************************************** */
module.exports = uploadImage;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user