// @ts-check const encrypt = require("../../../functions/encrypt"); const dbHandler = require("../../engine/utils/dbHandler"); /** * Imports: Handle imports */ /** * Update DB Function * ============================================================================== * @description Description * @async * * @param {object} params - An object containing the function parameters. * @param {("Master" | "Dsql User")} [params.dbContext] - What is the database context? "Master" * or "Dsql User". Defaults to "Master" * @param {("Read Only" | "Full Access")} [params.paradigm] - What is the paradigm for "Dsql User"? * "Read only" or "Full Access"? Defaults to "Read Only" * @param {string} params.dbFullName - Database full name * @param {string} params.tableName - Table name * @param {*} params.data - Data to add * @param {import("../../../package-shared/types").DSQL_TableSchemaType} [params.tableSchema] - Table schema * @param {string} params.identifierColumnName - Update row identifier column name * @param {string | number} params.identifierValue - Update row identifier column value * @param {string} params.encryptionKey - Encryption key * @param {string} params.encryptionSalt - Encryption salt * * @returns {Promise} */ async function updateDbEntry({ dbContext, paradigm, dbFullName, tableName, data, tableSchema, identifierColumnName, identifierValue, encryptionKey, encryptionSalt, }) { /** * Check if data is valid */ if (!data || !Object.keys(data).length) return null; //////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////// /** * Declare variables * * @description Declare "results" variable */ const dataKeys = Object.keys(data); let updateKeyValueArray = []; let updateValues = []; /** * Declare variables * * @description Declare "results" variable */ for (let i = 0; i < dataKeys.length; i++) { try { const dataKey = dataKeys[i]; let value = data[dataKey]; const targetFieldSchemaArray = tableSchema ? tableSchema?.fields?.filter( (field) => field.fieldName === dataKey ) : null; const targetFieldSchema = targetFieldSchemaArray && targetFieldSchemaArray[0] ? targetFieldSchemaArray[0] : null; if (typeof value == "undefined") continue; if ( typeof value !== "string" && typeof value !== "number" && !value ) continue; if (targetFieldSchema?.encrypted) { value = encrypt({ data: value, encryptionKey, encryptionSalt }); } if (typeof value === "object") { value = JSON.stringify(value); } if (typeof value === "string" && value.match(/^null$/i)) { value = { toSqlString: function () { return "NULL"; }, }; } if (targetFieldSchema?.pattern) { const pattern = new RegExp( targetFieldSchema.pattern, targetFieldSchema.patternFlags || "" ); if (!value?.toString()?.match(pattern)) { console.log("DSQL: Pattern not matched =>", value); value = ""; } } if (typeof value === "string" && !value.match(/./i)) { value = { toSqlString: function () { return "NULL"; }, }; } if (!value && typeof value == "number" && value != 0) continue; updateKeyValueArray.push(`\`${dataKey}\`=?`); updateValues.push(value); //////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////// } catch (/** @type {*} */ error) { //////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////// console.log( "DSQL: Error in parsing data keys in update function =>", error.message ); continue; } } //////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////// updateKeyValueArray.push(`date_updated='${Date()}'`); updateKeyValueArray.push(`date_updated_code='${Date.now()}'`); //////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////// const query = `UPDATE ${tableName} SET ${updateKeyValueArray.join( "," )} WHERE \`${identifierColumnName}\`=?`; updateValues.push(identifierValue); const updatedEntry = await dbHandler({ database: dbFullName, query: query, values: updateValues, }); //////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////// /** * Return statement */ return updatedEntry; } //////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////// module.exports = updateDbEntry;