export = localGoogleAuth; /** * SERVER FUNCTION: Login with google Function * ============================================================================== * * @async * * @param {object} params - main params object * @param {string} params.token - Google access token gotten from the client side * @param {string} params.clientId - Google client id * @param {http.ServerResponse} params.response - HTTPS response object * @param {object} [params.additionalFields] - Additional Fields to be added to the user object * @param {import("../../../package-shared/types").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType} [params.dbSchema] - Database Schema * * @returns { Promise } */ declare function localGoogleAuth({ dbSchema, token, clientId, response, additionalFields, }: { token: string; clientId: string; response: http.ServerResponse; additionalFields?: object; dbSchema?: import("../../../package-shared/types").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType; }): Promise; declare namespace localGoogleAuth { export { FunctionReturn }; } import http = require("http"); type FunctionReturn = object | null;