// @ts-check /** * ============================================================================== * Imports * ============================================================================== */ const path = require("path"); const fs = require("fs"); const https = require("https"); const http = require("http"); const grabHostNames = require("../package-shared/utils/grab-host-names"); const apiGetUser = require("../package-shared/functions/api/users/api-get-user"); /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** * ============================================================================== * Main Function * ============================================================================== * @async * * @param {object} params - Single Param object containing params * @param {String} params.key - API Key * @param {String} params.database - Target Database * @param {number} params.userId - user id * @param {string[]} [params.fields] - fields to select * @param {boolean} [params.user_id] - User ID * @param {boolean} [params.useLocal] - Whether to use a remote database instead of API * * @returns { Promise} */ async function getUser({ key, userId, database, fields, user_id, useLocal }) { /** * Initialize */ const defaultFields = [ "id", "first_name", "last_name", "email", "username", "image", "image_thumbnail", "verification_status", "date_created", "date_created_code", "date_created_timestamp", "date_updated", "date_updated_code", "date_updated_timestamp", ]; const updatedFields = fields && fields[0] ? [...defaultFields, ...fields] : defaultFields; const reqPayload = JSON.stringify({ userId, database, fields: [...new Set(updatedFields)], }); const grabedHostNames = grabHostNames(); const { host, port, scheme } = grabedHostNames; /** * Check for local DB settings * * @description Look for local db settings in `.env` file and by pass the http request if available */ const { DSQL_HOST, DSQL_USER, DSQL_PASS, DSQL_DB_NAME } = process.env; if ( DSQL_HOST?.match(/./) && DSQL_USER?.match(/./) && DSQL_PASS?.match(/./) && DSQL_DB_NAME?.match(/./) && useLocal ) { /** @type {import("../package-shared/types").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType | undefined} */ let dbSchema; try { const localDbSchemaPath = path.resolve( process.cwd(), "dsql.schema.json" ); dbSchema = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(localDbSchemaPath, "utf8")); } catch (error) {} if (dbSchema) { return await apiGetUser({ userId, fields: [...new Set(updatedFields)], dbFullName: DSQL_DB_NAME, useLocal, }); } } /** * Make https request * * @description make a request to datasquirel.com */ const httpResponse = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const httpsRequest = scheme.request( { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Content-Length": Buffer.from(reqPayload).length, Authorization: key || process.env.DSQL_FULL_ACCESS_API_KEY || process.env.DSQL_API_KEY, }, port, hostname: host, path: `/api/user/${ user_id || grabedHostNames.user_id }/get-user`, }, /** * Callback Function * * @description https request callback */ (response) => { var str = ""; response.on("data", function (chunk) { str += chunk; }); response.on("end", function () { resolve(JSON.parse(str)); }); response.on("error", (err) => { reject(err); }); } ); httpsRequest.write(reqPayload); httpsRequest.end(); }); /** ********************************************** */ /** ********************************************** */ /** ********************************************** */ return httpResponse; } /** ********************************************** */ /** ********************************************** */ /** ********************************************** */ module.exports = getUser;