/** * @typedef {string} DSQL_DatabaseFullName - Database full name(slug) including datasquirel data => "datasquirel_user_7_new_database" */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * @typedef {object} DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType * @property {string} dbName - Database Full name with spaces => "New Database" * @property {string} dbSlug - Database Slug => "new_database" * @property {string} dbFullName - Database full name(slug) including datasquirel data => "datasquirel_user_7_new_database" * @property {string} [dbDescription] - Database brief description * @property {string} [dbImage] - Database image - Defaults to "/images/default.png" * @property {DSQL_TableSchemaType[]} tables - List of database tables * @property {{ dbFullName: string }[]} [childrenDatabases] - List of children databases for current database which is parent * @property {boolean} [childDatabase] - If current database is a child of a different parent database * @property {string} [childDatabaseDbFullName] - Parent database full name => "datasquirel_user_7_new_database" */ //////////////////////////////////////// /** * @typedef {object} DSQL_TableSchemaType * @property {string} tableName - Table slug (blog_posts) * @property {string} tableFullName - Table full name with spaces => "Blog Posts" * @property {string} [tableDescription] - Brief description of table * @property {DSQL_FieldSchemaType[]} fields - List of table Fields * @property {DSQL_IndexSchemaType[]} [indexes] - List of table indexes, if available * @property {DSQL_ChildrenTablesType[]} childrenTables - List of children tables * @property {boolean} [childTable] -If current table is a child clone * @property {string} [childTableName] - Table slug of parent table => "blog_posts" * @property {string} [childTableDbFullName] - Database full name(slug) including datasquirel data => "datasquirel_user_7_new_database" * @property {string} [tableNameOld] - Old table name, incase of renaming table */ /** * @typedef {object} DSQL_ChildrenTablesType * @property {string} dbNameFull - Database full name(slug) including datasquirel data => "datasquirel_user_7_new_database" * @property {string} tableName - Table slug => "blog_posts" */ //////////////////////////////////////// /** * @typedef {object} DSQL_FieldSchemaType * @property {string} fieldName - Field Name(slug) => "long_description" * @property {string} [originName] - Field origin name(optional) * @property {boolean} [updatedField] - Has this field been renamed? * @property {string} dataType - Field Data type => "BIGIN" | "LONGTEXT" | "VARCHAR(***)" | ... * @property {boolean} [nullValue] - Is this a null value or not? * @property {boolean} [notNullValue] - Is this NOT a null value? * @property {boolean} [primaryKey] - Is this the primary key for table? * @property {boolean} [encrypted] - Is this field value encrypted? * @property {boolean} [autoIncrement] - Does this table primary key increment automatically? * @property {string|number} [defaultValue] - Value of field by default * @property {string} [defaultValueLiteral] - SQL key word which generates value automatically => "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" * @property {DSQL_ForeignKeyType} [foreignKey] - Field foreign key reference object */ /** * @typedef {object} DSQL_ForeignKeyType * @property {string} foreignKeyName - Unique Name of foreign key * @property {string} destinationTableName - Reference table name(slug) => "blog_posts" * @property {string} destinationTableColumnName - Reference column name(slug) => "id" * @property {string} destinationTableColumnType - Reference table field type => "BIGINT" | "VARCHAR(***)" | ... * @property {boolean} [cascadeDelete] - Does the reference table entry delete when this key is deleted? * @property {boolean} [cascadeUpdate] - Does the reference table entry update when this key is updated? */ //////////////////////////////////////// /** * @typedef {object} DSQL_IndexSchemaType * @property {string} indexName - Unique Name of index => "blog_text_index" * @property {string} indexType - "regular" or "fullText" * @property {DSQL_IndexTableFieldType[]} indexTableFields - List of Index table fields */ /** * @typedef {object} DSQL_IndexTableFieldType * @property {string} value - Table Field Name * @property {string} dataType - Table Field data type "VARCHAR(***)" | "BIGINT" | ... */ ////////////////////////////////////////