interface GoogleGetAccessTokenFunctionParams { clientId: string; triggerPrompt?: boolean; setLoading?: React.Dispatch>; } let interval: any; /** * Login with Google Function * =============================================================================== * @description This function uses google identity api to login a user with datasquirel */ export default async function getAccessToken( params: GoogleGetAccessTokenFunctionParams ): Promise { params.setLoading?.(true); const response = (await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { interval = setInterval(() => { // @ts-ignore let google =; if (google) { window.clearInterval(interval); resolve(googleLogin({ ...params, google })); } }, 500); })) as any; params.setLoading?.(false); return response; } /** * # Google Login Function */ export function googleLogin({ google, clientId, setLoading, triggerPrompt, }: GoogleGetAccessTokenFunctionParams & { google: any }) { setTimeout(() => { setLoading?.(false); }, 3000); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { /** * # Callback Function * @param {import("../../../package-shared/types").GoogleAccessTokenObject} response */ function handleCredentialResponse( response: import("../../../package-shared/types").GoogleAccessTokenObject ) { resolve(response.access_token); } const googleAuth = google.accounts.oauth2.initTokenClient({ client_id: clientId, scope: "email profile", callback: handleCredentialResponse, }); googleAuth.requestAccessToken(); if (triggerPrompt) {; } /** * Google prompt notification callback * ======================================================== * @param {import("../../../package-shared/types").GoogleIdentityPromptNotification} notification */ function triggerGooglePromptCallback( notification: import("../../../package-shared/types").GoogleIdentityPromptNotification ) { console.log(notification); } }); }