import path from "path"; require("dotenv").config({ path: "../../../.env" }); import fs from "fs"; import { execSync } from "child_process"; import EJSON from "../../../utils/ejson"; import DB_HANDLER from "../../../utils/backend/global-db/DB_HANDLER"; import addDbEntry from "../../../functions/backend/db/addDbEntry"; import addMariadbUser from "../../../functions/backend/addMariadbUser"; import updateDbEntry from "../../../functions/backend/db/updateDbEntry"; import hashPassword from "../../../functions/dsql/hashPassword"; const tmpDir = process.argv[process.argv.length - 1]; /** * # Create New User */ async function createUser() { /** * Validate Form * * @description Check if request body is valid */ try { const isTmpDir = Boolean(tmpDir?.match(/\.json$/)); const targetPath = isTmpDir ? path.resolve(process.cwd(), tmpDir) : path.resolve(__dirname, "./new-user.json"); const userObj = EJSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(targetPath, "utf-8")); if (typeof userObj !== "object" || Array.isArray(userObj)) throw new Error("User Object Invalid!"); const ROOT_DIR = path.resolve(__dirname, "../../../"); /** * Validate Form * * @description Check if request body is valid */ const first_name = userObj.first_name; const last_name = userObj.last_name; const email =; const password = userObj.password; const username = userObj.username; if (!email?.match(/.*@.*\..*/)) return false; if ( !first_name?.match(/^[a-zA-Z]+$/) || !last_name?.match(/^[a-zA-Z]+$/) ) return false; if (password?.match(/ /)) return false; if (username?.match(/ /)) return false; let hashedPassword = hashPassword({ encryptionKey: process.env.DSQL_ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD || "", password: password, }); let existingUser = await DB_HANDLER( `SELECT * FROM users WHERE email='${email}'` ); if (existingUser?.[0]) { console.log("User Exists"); return false; } const newUser = await addDbEntry({ dbFullName: "datasquirel", tableName: "users", data: { ...userObj, password: hashedPassword }, }); if (!newUser?.insertId) return false; /** * Add a Mariadb User for this User */ await addMariadbUser({ userId: newUser.insertId }); const STATIC_ROOT = process.env.DSQL_STATIC_SERVER_DIR; if (!STATIC_ROOT) { console.log("Static File ENV not Found!"); throw new Error("No Static Path"); } /** * Create new user folder and file * * @description Create new user folder and file */ let newUserSchemaFolderPath = `${process.env.DSQL_USER_DB_SCHEMA_PATH}/user-${newUser.insertId}`; let newUserMediaFolderPath = path.join( STATIC_ROOT, `images/user-images/user-${newUser.insertId}` ); fs.mkdirSync(newUserSchemaFolderPath, { recursive: true }); fs.mkdirSync(newUserMediaFolderPath, { recursive: true }); fs.writeFileSync( `${newUserSchemaFolderPath}/main.json`, JSON.stringify([]), "utf8" ); const imageBasePath = path.join( STATIC_ROOT, `images/user-images/user-${newUser.insertId}` ); if (!fs.existsSync(imageBasePath)) { fs.mkdirSync(imageBasePath, { recursive: true }); } let imagePath = path.join( STATIC_ROOT, `images/user-images/user-${newUser.insertId}/user-${newUser.insertId}-profile.jpg` ); let imageThumbnailPath = path.join( STATIC_ROOT, `images/user-images/user-${newUser.insertId}/user-${newUser.insertId}-profile-thumbnail.jpg` ); let prodImageUrl = imagePath.replace( STATIC_ROOT, process.env.DSQL_STATIC_HOST || "" ); let prodImageThumbnailUrl = imageThumbnailPath.replace( STATIC_ROOT, process.env.DSQL_STATIC_HOST || "" ); fs.copyFileSync( path.join(ROOT_DIR, "/public/images/user-preset.png"), imagePath ); fs.copyFileSync( path.join(ROOT_DIR, "/public/images/user-preset-thumbnail.png"), imageThumbnailPath ); execSync(`chmod 644 ${imagePath} ${imageThumbnailPath}`); const updateImages = await updateDbEntry({ dbFullName: "datasquirel", tableName: "users", identifierColumnName: "id", identifierValue: newUser.insertId, data: { image: prodImageUrl, image_thumbnail: prodImageThumbnailUrl, }, }); if (isTmpDir) { try { fs.unlinkSync(path.resolve(process.cwd(), tmpDir)); } catch (error) {} } return true; } catch (error: any) { console.log(`Error in creating user => ${error.message}`); return false; } } createUser().then((res) => { if (res) { console.log("User Creation Success!!!"); } else { console.log("User Creation Failed!"); } process.exit(); });