// @ts-check import http from "http"; import decrypt from "../package-shared/functions/dsql/decrypt"; import getAuthCookieNames from "../package-shared/functions/backend/cookies/get-auth-cookie-names"; import { checkAuthFile } from "../package-shared/functions/backend/auth/write-auth-files"; import parseCookies from "../package-shared/utils/backend/parseCookies"; import { AuthenticatedUser } from "../package-shared/types"; const minuteInMilliseconds = 60000; const hourInMilliseconds = minuteInMilliseconds * 60; const dayInMilliseconds = hourInMilliseconds * 24; const weekInMilliseconds = dayInMilliseconds * 7; const monthInMilliseconds = dayInMilliseconds * 30; const yearInMilliseconds = dayInMilliseconds * 365; type Param = { request?: http.IncomingMessage & { [s: string]: any }; req?: http.IncomingMessage & { [s: string]: any }; cookieString?: string; encryptedUserString?: string; encryptionKey?: string; encryptionSalt?: string; level?: "deep" | "normal"; database?: string; dsqlUserId?: string | number; expiry?: number; csrfHeaderName?: string; csrfHeaderIsValue?: boolean; }; /** * Authenticate User from request * ============================================================================== * @description This Function takes in a request object and returns a user object * with the user's data */ export default function userAuth({ request, req, encryptionKey, encryptionSalt, level, database, dsqlUserId, encryptedUserString, expiry = weekInMilliseconds, cookieString, csrfHeaderIsValue, csrfHeaderName, }: Param): AuthenticatedUser { try { const finalRequest = req || request; const finalEncryptionKey = encryptionKey || process.env.DSQL_ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD; const finalEncryptionSalt = encryptionSalt || process.env.DSQL_ENCRYPTION_SALT; const cookies = parseCookies({ request: finalRequest, cookieString, }); const keyNames = getAuthCookieNames({ userId: dsqlUserId || process.env.DSQL_API_USER_ID, database: database || process.env.DSQL_DB_NAME, }); const authKeyName = keyNames.keyCookieName; const csrfName = keyNames.csrfCookieName; const key = encryptedUserString ? encryptedUserString : cookies[authKeyName]; const csrf = cookies[csrfName]; /** * Grab the payload * * @description Grab the payload */ let userPayloadJSON = decrypt({ encryptedString: key, encryptionKey: finalEncryptionKey, encryptionSalt: finalEncryptionSalt, }); /** * Grab the payload * * @description Grab the payload */ if (!userPayloadJSON) { return { success: false, payload: null, msg: "Couldn't Decrypt cookie", }; } /** * Grab the payload * * @description Grab the payload */ /** @type {import("../package-shared/types").DATASQUIREL_LoggedInUser} */ let userObject: import("../package-shared/types").DATASQUIREL_LoggedInUser = JSON.parse(userPayloadJSON); if (!userObject.csrf_k) { return { success: false, payload: null, msg: "No CSRF_K in decrypted payload", }; } if (!checkAuthFile(userObject.csrf_k)) { return { success: false, payload: null, msg: "Auth file doesn't exist", }; } /** * Grab the payload * * @description Grab the payload */ if (level?.match(/deep/i) && finalRequest) { if ( csrfHeaderName && finalRequest.headers[csrfHeaderName] !== userObject.csrf_k ) { return { success: false, payload: null, msg: "CSRF_K mismatch", }; } const targetCsrfHeaderKey = Object.keys(finalRequest.headers) .map((k) => k.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-]/g, "")) .find((k) => k == userObject.csrf_k); if (csrfHeaderIsValue && !targetCsrfHeaderKey) { return { success: false, payload: null, msg: "CSRF_K Header Key mismatch", }; } } const payloadCreationDate = Number(userObject.date); if ( Number.isNaN(payloadCreationDate) || typeof payloadCreationDate !== "number" ) { return { success: false, payload: null, msg: "Payload Creation Date is not a number", }; } const timeElapsed = Date.now() - payloadCreationDate; const finalExpiry = process.env.DSQL_SESSION_EXPIRY_TIME ? Number(process.env.DSQL_SESSION_EXPIRY_TIME) : expiry; if (timeElapsed > finalExpiry) { return { success: false, payload: null, msg: "Session has expired", }; } /** * Return User Object * * @description Return User Object */ return { success: true, payload: userObject, }; } catch (/** @type {any} */ error: any) { /** * Return User Object * * @description Return User Object */ return { success: false, payload: null, msg: error.message, }; } }