2023-08-12 14:36:18 +01:00

458 lines
20 KiB

// @ts-check
///////////////////////// - Update Table Function - ////////////////////////////
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const defaultFieldsRegexp = /^id$|^date_created$|^date_created_code$|^date_created_timestamp$|^date_updated$|^date_updated_code$|^date_updated_timestamp$/;
const generateColumnDescription = require("./generateColumnDescription");
const varDatabaseDbHandler = require("./varDatabaseDbHandler");
const schemaPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "dsql.schema.json");
* Update table function
* ==============================================================================
* @param {object} params - Single object params
* @param {string} params.dbFullName - Database full name => "datasquirel_user_4394_db_name"
* @param {string} params.tableName - Table Name(slug)
* @param {import("../../../types/").DSQL_FieldSchemaType[]} params.tableInfoArray - Table Info Array
* @param {import("../../../types/").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType[]} params.dbSchema - Single post
* @param {import("../../../types/").DSQL_IndexSchemaType[]} [params.tableIndexes] - Table Indexes
* @param {boolean} [params.clone] - Is this a newly cloned table?
* @param {number} [params.tableIndex] - The number index of the table in the dbSchema array
* @returns {Promise<string|object[]|null>}
module.exports = async function updateTable({ dbFullName, tableName, tableInfoArray, dbSchema, tableIndexes, clone, tableIndex }) {
* Initialize
* ==========================================
* @description Initial setup
* @description Initialize table info array. This value will be
* changing depending on if a field is renamed or not.
let upToDateTableFieldsArray = tableInfoArray;
* Handle Table updates
* @description Try to undate table, catch error if anything goes wrong
try {
* @type {string[]}
* @description Table update query string array
const updateTableQueryArray = [];
* @type {string[]}
* @description Constriants query string array
const constraintsQueryArray = [];
* @description Push the query initial value
updateTableQueryArray.push(`ALTER TABLE \`${tableName}\``);
* @type {DSQL_MYSQL_SHOW_INDEXES_Type[] | null}
* @description All indexes from MYSQL db
const allExistingIndexes = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `SHOW INDEXES FROM \`${tableName}\``,
database: dbFullName,
* @type {DSQL_MYSQL_SHOW_COLUMNS_Type[] | null}
* @description All columns from MYSQL db
const allExistingColumns = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `SHOW COLUMNS FROM \`${tableName}\``,
database: dbFullName,
* @type {string[]}
* @description Updated column names Array
const updatedColumnsArray = [];
* @description Iterate through every existing column
if (allExistingColumns)
for (let e = 0; e < allExistingColumns.length; e++) {
const { Field } = allExistingColumns[e];
if (Field.match(defaultFieldsRegexp)) continue;
* @description This finds out whether the fieldName corresponds with the MSQL Field name
* if the fildName doesn't match any MYSQL Field name, the field is deleted.
let existingEntry = upToDateTableFieldsArray.filter((column) => column.fieldName === Field || column.originName === Field);
if (existingEntry && existingEntry[0]) {
* @description Check if Field name has been updated
if (existingEntry[0].updatedField) {
const renameColumn = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `ALTER TABLE ${tableName} RENAME COLUMN \`${existingEntry[0].originName}\` TO \`${existingEntry[0].fieldName}\``,
database: dbFullName,
console.log(`Column Renamed from "${existingEntry[0].originName}" to "${existingEntry[0].fieldName}"`);
* Update Db Schema
* ===================================================
* @description Update Db Schema after renaming column
try {
const userSchemaData = dbSchema;
const targetDbIndex = userSchemaData.findIndex((db) => db.dbFullName === dbFullName);
const targetTableIndex = userSchemaData[targetDbIndex].tables.findIndex((table) => table.tableName === tableName);
const targetFieldIndex = userSchemaData[targetDbIndex].tables[targetTableIndex].fields.findIndex((field) => field.fieldName === existingEntry[0].fieldName);
delete userSchemaData[targetDbIndex].tables[targetTableIndex].fields[targetFieldIndex]["originName"];
delete userSchemaData[targetDbIndex].tables[targetTableIndex].fields[targetFieldIndex]["updatedField"];
* @description Set New Table Fields Array
upToDateTableFieldsArray = userSchemaData[targetDbIndex].tables[targetTableIndex].fields;
fs.writeFileSync(schemaPath, JSON.stringify(userSchemaData), "utf8");
} catch (error) {
console.log("Error in updating Table =>", error.message);
} else {
// console.log("Column Deleted =>", Field);
await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `ALTER TABLE ${tableName} DROP COLUMN \`${Field}\``,
database: dbFullName,
* Handle MYSQL Table Indexes
* ===================================================
* @description Iterate through each table index(if available)
* and perform operations
if (allExistingIndexes)
for (let f = 0; f < allExistingIndexes.length; f++) {
const { Key_name, Index_comment } = allExistingIndexes[f];
* @description Check if this index was specifically created
* by datasquirel
if (Index_comment?.match(/schema_index/)) {
try {
const existingKeyInSchema = tableIndexes ? tableIndexes.filter((indexObject) => indexObject.alias === Key_name) : null;
if (!existingKeyInSchema?.[0]) throw new Error(`This Index(${Key_name}) Has been Deleted!`);
} catch (error) {
* @description Drop Index: This happens when the MYSQL index is not
* present in the datasquirel DB schema
await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `ALTER TABLE ${tableName} DROP INDEX \`${Key_name}\``,
database: dbFullName,
* Handle DATASQUIREL Table Indexes
* ===================================================
* @description Iterate through each datasquirel schema
* table index(if available), and perform operations
if (tableIndexes && tableIndexes[0]) {
for (let g = 0; g < tableIndexes.length; g++) {
const { indexType, indexName, indexTableFields, alias } = tableIndexes[g];
if (!alias?.match(/./)) continue;
* @description Check for existing Index in MYSQL db
try {
const existingKeyInDb = allExistingIndexes?.filter((indexObject) => indexObject.Key_name === alias);
if (!existingKeyInDb?.[0]) throw new Error("This Index Does not Exist");
} catch (error) {
* @description Create new index if determined that it
* doesn't exist in MYSQL db
await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `CREATE${indexType.match(/fullText/i) ? " FULLTEXT" : ""} INDEX \`${alias}\` ON ${tableName}(${indexTableFields
.map((nm) => nm.value)
.map((nm) => `\`${nm}\``)
.join(",")}) COMMENT 'schema_index'`,
database: dbFullName,
* Handle MYSQL Foreign Keys
* ===================================================
* @description Iterate through each datasquirel schema
* table index(if available), and perform operations
* @description All MSQL Foreign Keys
* @type {DSQL_MYSQL_FOREIGN_KEYS_Type[] | null}
const allForeignKeys = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
database: dbFullName,
if (allForeignKeys)
for (let c = 0; c < allForeignKeys.length; c++) {
const { CONSTRAINT_NAME } = allForeignKeys[c];
* @description Skip if Key is the PRIMARY Key
if (CONSTRAINT_NAME.match(/PRIMARY/)) continue;
* @description Drop all foreign Keys to avoid MYSQL errors when adding/updating
* Foreign keys
const dropForeignKey = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: `ALTER TABLE ${tableName} DROP FOREIGN KEY \`${CONSTRAINT_NAME}\``,
database: dbFullName,
* Handle DATASQUIREL schema fields for current table
* ===================================================
* @description Iterate through each field object and
* perform operations
for (let i = 0; i < upToDateTableFieldsArray.length; i++) {
const column = upToDateTableFieldsArray[i];
const prevColumn = upToDateTableFieldsArray[i - 1];
const nextColumn = upToDateTableFieldsArray[i + 1];
const { fieldName, dataType, nullValue, primaryKey, autoIncrement, defaultValue, defaultValueLiteral, foreignKey, updatedField } = column;
* @description Skip default fields
if (fieldName.match(/^id$|^date_/)) continue;
* @description Skip columns that have been updated recently
// if (updatedColumnsArray.includes(fieldName)) continue;
let updateText = "";
let existingColumnIndex;
* @description Existing MYSQL field object
let existingColumn =
allExistingColumns && allExistingColumns[0]
? allExistingColumns.filter((_column, _index) => {
if (_column.Field === fieldName) {
existingColumnIndex = _index;
return true;
: null;
* @description Construct SQL text snippet for this field
let { fieldEntryText } = generateColumnDescription({ columnData: column });
* @description Modify Column(Field) if it already exists
* in MYSQL database
if (existingColumn && existingColumn[0]?.Field) {
const { Field, Type, Null, Key, Default, Extra } = existingColumn[0];
let isColumnReordered = existingColumnIndex ? i < existingColumnIndex : false;
if (Field === fieldName && !isColumnReordered && dataType.toUpperCase() === Type.toUpperCase()) {
updateText += `MODIFY COLUMN ${fieldEntryText}`;
// continue;
} else {
updateText += `MODIFY COLUMN ${fieldEntryText}${isColumnReordered ? (prevColumn?.fieldName ? " AFTER `" + prevColumn.fieldName + "`" : nextColumn?.fieldName ? " BEFORE `" + nextColumn.fieldName + "`" : "") : ""}`;
// if (userId) {
// } else {
// updateText += `MODIFY COLUMN ${fieldEntryText}`;
// }
} else if (prevColumn && prevColumn.fieldName) {
* @description Add new Column AFTER previous column, if
* previous column exists
updateText += `ADD COLUMN ${fieldEntryText} AFTER \`${prevColumn.fieldName}\``;
} else if (nextColumn && nextColumn.fieldName) {
* @description Add new Column BEFORE next column, if
* next column exists
updateText += `ADD COLUMN ${fieldEntryText} BEFORE \`${nextColumn.fieldName}\``;
} else {
* @description Append new column to the end of existing columns
updateText += `ADD COLUMN ${fieldEntryText}`;
* @description Pust SQL code snippet to updateTableQueryArray Array
* Add a comma(,) to separate from the next snippet
updateTableQueryArray.push(updateText + ",");
* @description Handle foreing keys if available, and if there is no
* "clone" boolean = true
if (!clone && foreignKey) {
const { destinationTableName, destinationTableColumnName, cascadeDelete, cascadeUpdate, foreignKeyName } = foreignKey;
const foreinKeyText = `ADD CONSTRAINT \`${foreignKeyName}\` FOREIGN KEY (${fieldName}) REFERENCES ${destinationTableName}(${destinationTableColumnName})${cascadeDelete ? " ON DELETE CASCADE" : ""}${cascadeUpdate ? " ON UPDATE CASCADE" : ""}`;
// const foreinKeyText = `ADD CONSTRAINT \`${foreignKeyName}\` FOREIGN KEY (${fieldName}) REFERENCES ${destinationTableName}(${destinationTableColumnName})${cascadeDelete ? " ON DELETE CASCADE" : ""}${cascadeUpdate ? " ON UPDATE CASCADE" : ""}` + ",";
const finalQueryString = `ALTER TABLE \`${tableName}\` ${foreinKeyText}`;
const addForeignKey = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
database: dbFullName,
queryString: finalQueryString,
* @description Construct final SQL query by combning all SQL snippets in
* updateTableQueryArray Arry, and trimming the final comma(,)
const updateTableQuery = updateTableQueryArray.join(" ").replace(/,$/, "");
* @description Check if SQL snippets array has more than 1 entries
* This is because 1 entry means "ALTER TABLE table_name" only, without any
* Alter directives like "ADD COLUMN" or "MODIFY COLUMN"
if (updateTableQueryArray.length > 1) {
const updateTable = await varDatabaseDbHandler({
queryString: updateTableQuery,
database: dbFullName,
return updateTable;
} else {
* @description If only 1 SQL snippet is left in updateTableQueryArray, this
* means that no updates have been made to the table
return "No Changes Made to Table";
} catch (error) {
console.log('Error in "updateTable" function =>', error.message);
return "Error in Updating Table";