2024-12-06 13:24:26 +00:00
"use strict" ; ( ( ) => { var e = { } ; e . id = 3409 , e . ids = [ 3409 ] , e . modules = { 75600 : e => { e . exports = require ( "next/dist/compiled/next-server/pages-api.runtime.prod.js" ) } , 21572 : e => { e . exports = require ( "nodemailer" ) } , 29021 : e => { e . exports = require ( "fs" ) } , 81630 : e => { e . exports = require ( "http" ) } , 96762 : ( e , r ) => { Object . defineProperty ( r , "M" , { enumerable : ! 0 , get : function ( ) { return function e ( r , t ) { return t in r ? r [ t ] : "then" in r && "function" == typeof r . then ? r . then ( r => e ( r , t ) ) : "function" == typeof r && "default" === t ? r : void 0 } } } ) } , 93987 : ( e , r , t ) => { t . r ( r ) , t . d ( r , { config : ( ) => p , default : ( ) => m , routeModule : ( ) => f } ) ; var s = { } ; t . r ( s ) , t . d ( s , { default : ( ) => d } ) ; var n = t ( 89947 ) , a = t ( 2706 ) , o = t ( 96762 ) , i = t ( 59474 ) , l = t . n ( i ) , c = t ( 48225 ) , u = t . n ( c ) ; async function d ( e , r ) { if ( "POST" !== e . method ) return r . json ( { msg : "Failed!" } ) ; let { name : t , email : s , message : n } = e . body ; if ( ! s . match ( /.*@.*\..*/ ) ) return r . json ( { success : ! 1 , msg : "Invalid Email" } ) ; if ( ! t . match ( /./ ) || ! n . match ( /./ ) ) return r . json ( { success : ! 1 , msg : "Please Fill in all Fields" } ) ; try { ( await l ( ) ( { to : process . env . DSQL _CONTACT _EMAIL , html : `
2024-12-05 07:03:33 +00:00
< h2 > Message From $ { t } , $ { s } < / h 2 >
< p > $ { n } < / p >
2024-12-06 13:24:26 +00:00
` ,subject:"Contact Form Submission",text: ` Message from $ { t } , $ { s } ` })).messageId?r.json({success:!0}):r.json({success:!1,msg:"Message Sending Failed"})}catch(e){u()({component:"/api/contact/main-catch-error",message:e.message}),r.json({success:!1,msg:"Database Files could not be written!"})}}let m=(0,o.M)(s,"default"),p=(0,o.M)(s,"config"),f=new n.PagesAPIRouteModule({definition:{kind:a.A.PAGES_API,page:"/api/contact",pathname:"/api/contact",bundlePath:"",filename:""},userland:s})},59474:(e,r,t)=>{let s=t(29021),n=t(21572).createTransport({host:process.env.DSQL_MAIL_HOST,port:465,secure:!0,auth:{user:process.env.DSQL_MAIL_EMAIL,pass:process.env.DSQL_MAIL_PASSWORD}});e.exports=async function({to:e,subject:r,text:t,html:a,alias:o}){let i;if(!process.env.DSQL_MAIL_HOST||!process.env.DSQL_MAIL_EMAIL||!process.env.DSQL_MAIL_PASSWORD)return null;let l=(o?.match(/support/i),process.env.DSQL_MAIL_EMAIL);if(!s.existsSync("./email/index.html"))return;let c=s.readFileSync("./email/index.html","utf8").replace(/{{email_body}}/,a||"").replace(/{{issue_date}}/,Date().substring(0,24));try{let s={};s.from= ` "Datasquirel" < $ { l } > ` ,s.sender=l,o&&(s["replyTo "]=l),s.to=e,s.subject=r,s.text=t,s.html=c,i=await n.sendMail(s)}catch(e){console.log("ERROR in handleNodemailer Function =>",e.message)}return i}},48225:(e,r,t)=>{let s=t(29021),{IncomingMessage:n}=t(81630);e.exports=async function({user:e,message:r,component:t,noMail:n,req:a}){let o=new Date,i=(()=>{if(!a)return null;try{let e=a.headers["x-forwarded-for"],r=a.headers["x-real-ip"],t=a.headers["cf-connecting-ip"],s=Array.isArray(e)?e[0]:e?.split(",")[0],n=t||s||r||a.socket.remoteAddress;if(!n)return null;return String(n)}catch(e){return null}})();try{let n= ` 🚀 SERVER ERROR === === === === === === === === ===
2024-12-05 07:03:33 +00:00
Error Message : $ { r }
Component : $ { t } ` ;e?.id&&e?.first_name&&e?.last_name&&e?.email&&(n+= `
User Id : $ { e ? . id }
User Name : $ { e ? . first _name } $ { e ? . last _name }
User Email : $ { e ? . email } ` ),a?.url&&(n+= `
URL : $ { a . url } ` ),a?.body&&(n+= `
Request Body : $ { JSON . stringify ( a . body , null , 4 ) } ` ),i&&(n+= `
IP : $ { i } ` ),n+= `
Date : $ { o . toDateString ( ) }
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === = ` ,s.existsSync("./.tmp/error.log")||s.writeFileSync("./.tmp/error.log","","utf-8");let l=s.readFileSync("./.tmp/error.log","utf-8");s.writeFileSync("./.tmp/error.log",n),s.appendFileSync("./.tmp/error.log", `
2024-11-05 11:12:42 +00:00
2024-12-05 07:03:33 +00:00
$ { l } ` )}catch(e){console.log("Server Error Reporting Error:",e.message)}}},2706:(e,r)=>{var t;Object.defineProperty(r,"A",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t}}),function(e){e.PAGES="PAGES",e.PAGES_API="PAGES_API",e.APP_PAGE="APP_PAGE",e.APP_ROUTE="APP_ROUTE",e.IMAGE="IMAGE"}(t||(t={}))},89947:(e,r,t)=>{e.exports=t(75600)}};var r=require("../../webpack-api-runtime.js");r.C(e);var t=r(r.s=93987);module.exports=t})();