2025-01-14 15:27:08 +00:00
"use strict" ; exports . id = 2282 , exports . ids = [ 2282 ] , exports . modules = { 46083 : ( e , a , t ) => { t . d ( a , { A : ( ) => c } ) ; var l = t ( 8732 ) , s = t ( 82015 ) , i = t . n ( s ) , n = t ( 32251 ) , r = t ( 36138 ) , d = t ( 27825 ) , o = t . n ( d ) ; function c ( { targetField : e , fieldIndex : a , tableFields : s , setTableFields : d , refreshFieldsListRef : c , setActiveEdit : u , database : m , currentTable : x , user : p } ) { let h = e ? . dataType ? e . dataType . replace ( /\d|\(|\)/g , "" ) : null , f = e ? . dataType ? e . dataType . replace ( /[^\d]/g , "" ) : "200" , g = t ( 94327 ) , y = i ( ) . useRef ( o ( ) . cloneDeep ( e ) ) , v = i ( ) . useRef ( ) , [ j , N ] = i ( ) . useState ( e ) , [ w , b ] = i ( ) . useState ( e ? . fieldName ) , [ T , _ ] = i ( ) . useState ( h ) , [ F , S ] = i ( ) . useState ( f ) , [ C , A ] = i ( ) . useState ( "Varchar is simply letters and numbers within the range 0 - 255" ) , [ k , D ] = i ( ) . useState ( e ? . richText && ! e ? . encrypted ? "Yes" : "No" ) , V = ! ! T ? . match ( /uuid/i ) ; return ( 0 , l . jsx ) ( "div" , { className : "w-full -mt-3 bg-white dark:bg-slate-800 flex-wrap" , ref : v , children : ( 0 , l . jsxs ) ( "form" , { className : "flex flex-col xl:flex-row items-start gap-4 w-full justify-between border border-solid p-4 border-slate-200 dark:border-slate-600 rounded rounded-t-none focus:shadow-lg shadow-slate-700 dark:shadow-black relative flex-wrap" , onSubmit : e => { e . preventDefault ( ) , d ( e => ( e [ a ] = j , e ) ) , c . current ( e => e + 1 ) ; let t = e . target ; t . closest ( ".table-field-wrapper" ) ? . querySelector ( ".edit-table-field-section" ) ? . classList . toggle ( "hidden" ) } , children : [ ( 0 , l . jsxs ) ( "div" , { className : "gap-4 flex-wrap w-full md:w-auto flex-col xl:flex-row items-stretch" , children : [ ( 0 , l . jsxs ) ( "div" , { className : "flex flex-col items-start gap-0.5" , children : [ ( 0 , l . jsx ) ( "label" , { htmlFor : "new_field_name" , children : "Field Name" } ) , ( 0 , l . jsx ) ( "input" , { type : "text" , name : "new_field_name" , id : "new_field_name" , placeholder : "Eg. post_title" , onInput : async e => { let a = e . target ; a . value = a . value . toLowerCase ( ) . replace ( / /g , "_" ) , N ( e => ( e . fieldName = a . value , e . updatedField = ! 0 , e . originName || ( e . originName = w ) , e ) ) } , required : ! 0 , defaultValue : w } ) ] } ) , ( 0 , l . jsxs ) ( "div" , { className : "flex flex-col items-start gap-4 xl:gap-0.5" , children : [ ( 0 , l . jsxs ) ( "div" , { className : "flex-wrap xl:flex-nowrap w-full md:w-auto" , children : [ ( 0 , l . jsx ) ( "label" , { htmlFor : "new_field_data_type" , children : "Data Type" } ) , ( 0 , l . jsxs ) ( "div" , { className : "dropdown-wrapper reversed text-sm items-start" , children : [ ( 0 , l . jsx ) ( "span" , { className : "px-2 bg-slate-200 dark:bg-slate-700 rounded-full hover:bg-slate-100 dark:hover:bg-slate-600 hidden xl:flex" , children : "Info" } ) , ( 0 , l . jsx ) ( "div" , { className : "dropdown mt-0 xl:-mt-2" , children : ( 0 , l . jsx ) ( "span" , { children : C } ) } ) ] } ) ] } ) , ( 0 , l . jsxs ) ( "div" , { className : "w-auto" , children : [ ( 0 , l . jsx ) ( "select" , { name : "new_field_data_type" , id : "new_field_data_type" , className : "w-full xl-w-auto" , onChange : a => { let t = a . target ; _ ( t . value ) , t . childNodes . forEach ( e => { e . value === t . value && e . dataset . desc && A ( e . dataset . desc ) , e . value === t . value && e . dataset . literal ? ( j . defaultValueLiteral = e . dataset . literal , j . nullValue = ! 1 ) : delete j . defaultValueLiteral } ) , e . dataType = t . value + ( t . value . match ( /VARCHAR/ ) ? ` ( ${ F || 200 } ) ` : "" ) } , defaultValue : T || void 0 , children : g . map ( ( e , a ) => e . name . match ( /VARCHAR/ ) ? ( 0 , l . jsx ) ( "option" , { value : e . name , "data-desc" : e . description , children : e . title + "(" + ( F || 200 ) + ")" } , a + 1 ) : ( 0 , l . jsx ) ( "option" , { value : e . name , "data-desc" : e . description , "data-literal" : e . valueLiteral || void 0 , children : e . title } , a + 1 ) ) } ) , T ? . match ( /VARCHAR/ ) && ( 0 , l . jsx ) ( "input" , { type : "number" , defaultValue : F || 200 , className : "px-2" , style : { maxWidth : "60px" } , max : 255 , min : 5 , onChange : a => { S ( a . target . value ) , e . dataType = T + ` ( ${ a . target . value } ) ` } } ) ] } ) ] } ) , T ? . match ( /text/i ) && ( 0 , l . jsx ) ( i ( ) . Fragment , { children : ( 0 , l . jsx ) ( r . A , { targetField : e } ) } ) , ! e . dataType ? . match ( /text/i ) && ! V && ( 0 , l . jsxs ) ( "div" , { className : "flex flex-col items-start gap-0.5" , style : { minWidth : "70px" } , children : [ ( 0 , l . jsx ) ( "label" , { htmlFor : "new_field_required" , children : "Required?" } ) , ( 0 , l . jsxs ) ( "select" , { name : "new_field_required" , id : "new_field_required" , className : "px-2" , defaultValue : e ? . notNullValue ? "Yes" : "No" , onChange : a => { console . log ( e ) , "Yes" === a . target . value ? e . notNullValue = ! 0 : ( e . notNullValue = ! 1 , delete e . notNullValue ) } , children : [ ( 0 , l . jsx ) ( "option" , { value : "No" , children : "No" } ) , ( 0 , l . jsx ) ( "option" , { value : "Yes" , children : "Yes" } ) ] } ) ] } ) , ! V && ( 0 , l . jsxs ) ( "div" , { className : "flex flex-col items-start gap-0.5" , children : [ ( 0 , l
* @ typedef { object } $ { s } ` ),r.forEach(e=>{let a=e.nullValue?"?":e.fieldName?.match(l.A)?"?":"";d.push( ` $ { e . fieldName } $ { a } : $ { n ( e . dataType || "" ) } ; ` ),o.push( ` * @ property { $ { n ( e . dataType || "" ) } $ { a } } $ { e . fieldName } ` )}),d.push("}"),o.push(" */"),e?.match(/javascript/i)&&(i=o.join(" \n ")),e?.match(/typescript/i)&&(i=d.join(" \n "))}catch(e){console.log(e.message),i=null}return i}},2913:(e,a,t)=>{t.d(a,{A:()=>s});var l=t(8732);function s({name:e,checkBoxValues:a,setAlert:t,labelColor:s,flexRow:i,baseText:n,smallText:r,className:d}){return(0,l.jsx)("div",{className:"flex items-start gap-x-4"+(i?" flex-row flex-wrap gap-y-2 ":" flex-col gap-y-4 ")+(d||""),children:a.map((a,i)=>{let{payload:d,title:o,onChangeHandler:c,fixed:u,jsx:m}=a,x=a.name? ` $ { e } - $ { a . name } ` :d?e+"-"+d:e;return(0,l.jsxs)("div",{className:"flex items-center"+(a.default&&u?" pointer-events-none":"")+(r?" gap-1 ":" gap-2 ")+(a?.className?a.className:""),children:[(0,l.jsx)("input",{className:"m-0"+(r?" w-4 h-4":" w-5 h-5"),type:"checkbox",defaultChecked:!!a.default,name:x,id:x,onChange:e=>{t&&t(null),c&&c(e,a)},value:d,style:{minWidth:"20px"},...a.props}),m||(0,l.jsx)("label",{htmlFor:x,className:"m-0 "+(s||"text-slate-800 dark:text-white/80")+(n||r?" text-base":" text-lg"),children:o})]},i+1)})})}t(82015)},51339:(e,a,t)=>{t.d(a,{A:()=>s});var l=t(8732);function s({collapse:e,setCollapse:a}){return(0,l.jsxs)("div",{className:"collapse-block"+(e?" -mt-16 -mb-6 pt-10":" mt-0 mb-0 p-0"),onClick:t=>{e?a(!1):a(!0)},children:[(0,l.jsx)("span",{children:e?"Expand":"Collapse"}),(0,l.jsx)("img",{src:"/images/down-arrow-dark.svg",alt:"Down Arrow",width:16,className:"dark:hidden opacity-30 "+(e?"":"rotate-180")}),(0,l.jsx)("img",{src:"/images/down-arrow-white.svg",alt:"Down Arrow",width:16,className:"opacity-30 hidden dark:flex "+(e?"":"rotate-180")})]})}t(82015)},84483:(e,a,t)=>{t.d(a,{A:()=>s});var l=t(8732);function s({children:e,open:a,setOpen:t,onClose:s,maxWidth:i}){return(0,l.jsx)(l.Fragment,{})}t(82015),t(1976),t(58150)},42960:(e,a,t)=>{t.d(a,{A:()=>l});let l=/^id $ |^uuid $ |^date_created $ |^date_created_code $ |^date_created_timestamp $ |^date_updated $ |^date_updated_code $ |^date_updated_timestamp $ /},72272:(e,a,t)=>{t.d(a,{A:()=>d});var l=t(77047),s=t(29021),i=t.n(s),n=t(33873),r=t.n(n);function d({userId:e}){try{let a=r().resolve(process.cwd(), ` $ { process . env . DSQL _USER _DB _SCHEMA _PATH } / user - $ { e } / main . json ` );return JSON.parse(i().readFileSync(a,"utf-8"))}catch(e){return(0,l.A)({component:"grabUserSchemaData",message:e.message}),null}}},77047:(e,a,t)=>{t.d(a,{A:()=>i});var l=t(29021),s=t.n(l);async function i({user:e,message:a,component:t,noMail:l,req:i}){let n=new Date,r=(()=>{if(!i)return null;try{let e=i.headers["x-forwarded-for"],a=i.headers["x-real-ip"],t=i.headers["cf-connecting-ip"],l=Array.isArray(e)?e[0]:e?.split(",")[0],s=t||l||a||i.socket.remoteAddress;if(!s)return null;return String(s)}catch(e){return null}})();try{let l= ` 🚀 SERVER ERROR === === === === === === === === ===
2025-01-13 08:00:21 +00:00
Error Message : $ { a }
Component : $ { t } ` ;e?.id&&e?.first_name&&e?.last_name&&e?.email&&(l+= `
User Id : $ { e ? . id }
User Name : $ { e ? . first _name } $ { e ? . last _name }
User Email : $ { e ? . email } ` ),i?.url&&(l+= `
URL : $ { i . url } ` ),i?.body&&(l+= `
2025-01-14 15:27:08 +00:00
Request Body : $ { JSON . stringify ( i . body , null , 4 ) } ` ),r&&(l+= `
IP : $ { r } ` ),l+= `
2025-01-13 08:00:21 +00:00
Date : $ { n . toDateString ( ) }
2025-01-14 15:27:08 +00:00
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === = ` ,s().existsSync("./.tmp/error.log")||s().writeFileSync("./.tmp/error.log","","utf-8");let d=s().readFileSync("./.tmp/error.log","utf-8");s().writeFileSync("./.tmp/error.log",l),s().appendFileSync("./.tmp/error.log", `
2025-01-13 08:00:21 +00:00
2025-01-14 15:27:08 +00:00
$ { d } ` )}catch(e){console.log("Server Error Reporting Error:",e.message)}}},94327:e=>{e.exports=JSON.parse('[{"title":"VARCHAR","name":"VARCHAR","value":"0-255","argument":true,"description":"Varchar is simply letters and numbers within the range 0 - 255","maxValue":255},{"title":"TINYINT","name":"TINYINT","value":"0-100","description":"TINYINT means Integers: 0 to 100","maxValue":127},{"title":"SMALLINT","name":"SMALLINT","value":"0-255","description":"SMALLINT means Integers: 0 to 240933","maxValue":32767},{"title":"MEDIUMINT","name":"MEDIUMINT","value":"0-255","description":"MEDIUMINT means Integers: 0 to 1245568545560","maxValue":8388607},{"title":"INT","name":"INT","value":"0-255","description":"INT means Integers: 0 to 12560","maxValue":2147483647},{"title":"BIGINT","name":"BIGINT","value":"0-255","description":"BIGINT means Integers: 0 to 1245569056767568545560","maxValue":2e+63},{"title":"TINYTEXT","name":"TINYTEXT","value":"0-255","description":"Text with 255 max characters","maxValue":127},{"title":"TEXT","name":"TEXT","value":"0-100","description":"MEDIUMTEXT is just text with max length 16,777,215","maxValue":127},{"title":"MEDIUMTEXT","name":"MEDIUMTEXT","value":"0-255","description":"MEDIUMTEXT is just text with max length 16,777,215","maxValue":127},{"title":"LONGTEXT","name":"LONGTEXT","value":"0-255","description":"LONGTEXT is just text with max length 4,294,967,295","maxValue":127},{"title":"UUID","name":"UUID","valueLiteral":"UUID()","description":"A Unique ID"}]')}};