2024-11-05 11:12:42 +00:00
"use strict" ;
exports . id = 9967 ;
exports . ids = [ 9967 ] ;
exports . modules = {
/***/ 9967 :
/***/ ( ( _ _unused _webpack _module , _ _webpack _exports _ _ , _ _webpack _require _ _ ) => {
/* harmony export */ _ _webpack _require _ _ . d ( _ _webpack _exports _ _ , {
/* harmony export */ "Z" : ( ) => ( /* binding */ ExistingFieldEdit )
/* harmony export */ } ) ;
/* harmony import */ var react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 997 ) ;
/* harmony import */ var react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ _default = /*#__PURE__*/ _ _webpack _require _ _ . n ( react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ ) ;
/* harmony import */ var react _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _1 _ _ = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 6689 ) ;
/* harmony import */ var react _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _1 _ _ _default = /*#__PURE__*/ _ _webpack _require _ _ . n ( react _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _1 _ _ ) ;
/* harmony import */ var _MoreOptionsModal _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _2 _ _ = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 4209 ) ;
/* harmony import */ var _fields _text _JSONTextOption _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _3 _ _ = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 4838 ) ;
/* harmony import */ var lodash _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _4 _ _ = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 6517 ) ;
/* harmony import */ var lodash _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _4 _ _ _default = /*#__PURE__*/ _ _webpack _require _ _ . n ( lodash _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _4 _ _ ) ;
// @ts-check
/ * *
* === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ===
* Imports
* === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ===
* /
/** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ let timeout ;
/** ****************************************************************************** */ / * *
* === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ===
* Main Component { Functional }
* === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ===
* @ param { Object } props - Server props
* @ param { import ( "@/package-shared/types" ) . DSQL _FieldSchemaType } props . targetField
* @ param { number } props . fieldIndex
* @ param { import ( "@/package-shared/types" ) . DSQL _FieldSchemaType [ ] } props . tableFields
* @ param { React . Dispatch < React . SetStateAction < import ( "@/package-shared/types" ) . DSQL _FieldSchemaType [ ] >> } props . setTableFields
* @ param { any } props . refreshFieldsListRef
* @ param { import ( "@/package-shared/types" ) . DSQL _MYSQL _user _databases _Type } props . database
* @ param { import ( "@/package-shared/types" ) . UserType } props . user
* @ param { React . Dispatch < React . SetStateAction < boolean >> } [ props . setActiveEdit ]
* @ param { import ( "@/package-shared/types" ) . DSQL _TableSchemaType } [ props . currentTable ]
* / f u n c t i o n E x i s t i n g F i e l d E d i t ( { t a r g e t F i e l d , f i e l d I n d e x , t a b l e F i e l d s , s e t T a b l e F i e l d s , r e f r e s h F i e l d s L i s t R e f , s e t A c t i v e E d i t , d a t a b a s e , c u r r e n t T a b l e , u s e r , } ) {
/ * *
* Get Contexts
* @ abstract { React . useContext }
* / / ///////////////////////////////////////
/ * *
* Javascript Variables
* @ abstract Non hook variables and functions
* / c o n s t v a r c h a r D e s c = " V a r c h a r i s s i m p l y l e t t e r s a n d n u m b e r s w i t h i n t h e r a n g e 0 - 2 5 5 " ;
let defaultType = targetField ? . dataType ? targetField . dataType . replace ( /\d|\(|\)/g , "" ) : null ;
let defaultDataTypeValue = targetField ? . dataType ? targetField . dataType . replace ( /[^\d]/g , "" ) : "200" ;
const dataTypes = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 9594 ) ;
/ * *
* React Hooks
* @ abstract { useState , useEffect , useRef , etc ... }
* / / * * @ type { React . Ref < import ( "@/package-shared/types" ) . DSQL _FieldSchemaType > } * / c o n s t i n i t i a l F i e l d = r e a c t _ _ W E B P A C K _ I M P O R T E D _ M O D U L E _ 1 _ _ _ d e f a u l t ( ) . u s e R e f ( l o d a s h _ _ W E B P A C K _ I M P O R T E D _ M O D U L E _ 4 _ _ _ d e f a u l t ( ) . c l o n e D e e p ( t a r g e t F i e l d ) ) ;
const newFieldRef = react _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _1 _ _ _default ( ) . useRef ( ) ;
const [ fieldData , setFieldData ] = react _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _1 _ _ _default ( ) . useState ( targetField ) ;
const [ fieldName , setFieldName ] = react _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _1 _ _ _default ( ) . useState ( targetField ? . fieldName ) ;
const [ dataType , setDataType ] = react _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _1 _ _ _default ( ) . useState ( defaultType ) ;
const [ dataTypeValue , setDataTypeValue ] = react _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _1 _ _ _default ( ) . useState ( defaultDataTypeValue ) ;
const [ dataTypeDesc , setDataTypeDesc ] = react _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _1 _ _ _default ( ) . useState ( varcharDesc ) ;
const [ isRichText , setIsRichText ] = react _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _1 _ _ _default ( ) . useState ( targetField ? . richText && ! targetField ? . encrypted ? "Yes" : "No" ) ;
const isLiteral = Boolean ( dataType ? . match ( /uuid/i ) ) ;
/ * *
* Function Return
* @ abstract Main Function Return
* / return / * # _ _PURE _ _ * / r e a c t _ j s x _ r u n t i m e _ _ W E B P A C K _ I M P O R T E D _ M O D U L E _ 0 _ _ . j s x ( " d i v " , {
className : "w-full -mt-3 bg-white dark:bg-slate-800 flex-wrap" ,
// @ts-ignore
ref : newFieldRef ,
children : /*#__PURE__*/ ( 0 , react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsxs ) ( "form" , {
className : "flex flex-col xl:flex-row items-start gap-4 w-full justify-between border border-solid p-4 border-slate-200 dark:border-slate-600 rounded rounded-t-none focus:shadow-lg shadow-slate-700 dark:shadow-black relative flex-wrap" ,
onSubmit : ( e ) => {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
setTableFields ( ( prev ) => {
let newArray = prev ;
newArray [ fieldIndex ] = fieldData ;
return newArray ;
} ) ;
refreshFieldsListRef . current ( ( /** @type {any} */ prev ) => prev + 1 ) ;
/** @type {HTMLFormElement} */ // @ts-ignore
const formEl = e . target ;
formEl . closest ( ".table-field-wrapper" ) ? . querySelector ( ".edit-table-field-section" ) ? . classList . toggle ( "hidden" ) ;
} ,
children : [
/*#__PURE__*/ ( 0 , react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsxs ) ( "div" , {
className : "gap-4 flex-wrap w-full md:w-auto flex-col xl:flex-row items-stretch" ,
children : [
/*#__PURE__*/ ( 0 , react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsxs ) ( "div" , {
className : "flex flex-col items-start gap-0.5" ,
children : [
/*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( "label" , {
htmlFor : "new_field_name" ,
children : "Field Name"
} ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( "input" , {
type : "text" ,
name : "new_field_name" ,
id : "new_field_name" ,
placeholder : "Eg. post_title" ,
onInput : async ( e ) => {
/** @type {HTMLInputElement} */ // @ts-ignore
const inputEl = e . target ;
inputEl . value = inputEl . value . toLowerCase ( ) . replace ( / /g , "_" ) ;
setFieldData ( ( prev ) => {
let existingFieldData = prev ;
existingFieldData . fieldName = inputEl . value ;
existingFieldData . updatedField = true ;
if ( ! existingFieldData . originName ) existingFieldData . originName = fieldName ;
return existingFieldData ;
} ) ;
} ,
required : true ,
defaultValue : fieldName
} )
} ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ ( 0 , react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsxs ) ( "div" , {
className : "flex flex-col items-start gap-4 xl:gap-0.5" ,
children : [
/*#__PURE__*/ ( 0 , react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsxs ) ( "div" , {
className : "flex-wrap xl:flex-nowrap w-full md:w-auto" ,
children : [
/*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( "label" , {
htmlFor : "new_field_data_type" ,
children : "Data Type"
} ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ ( 0 , react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsxs ) ( "div" , {
className : "dropdown-wrapper reversed text-sm items-start" ,
children : [
/*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( "span" , {
className : "px-2 bg-slate-200 dark:bg-slate-700 rounded-full hover:bg-slate-100 dark:hover:bg-slate-600 hidden xl:flex" ,
children : "Info"
} ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( "div" , {
className : "dropdown mt-0 xl:-mt-2" ,
children : /*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( "span" , {
children : dataTypeDesc
} )
} )
} )
} ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ ( 0 , react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsxs ) ( "div" , {
className : "w-auto" ,
children : [
/*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( "select" , {
name : "new_field_data_type" ,
id : "new_field_data_type" ,
className : "w-full xl-w-auto" ,
onChange : ( e ) => {
/** @type {HTMLSelectElement} */ // @ts-ignore
const selectEl = e . target ;
setDataType ( selectEl . value ) ;
selectEl . childNodes . forEach ( ( /** @type {any} */ option ) => {
if ( option . value === selectEl . value && option . dataset . desc ) {
setDataTypeDesc ( option . dataset . desc ) ;
if ( option . value === selectEl . value && option . dataset . literal ) {
fieldData . defaultValueLiteral = option . dataset . literal ;
fieldData . nullValue = false ;
} else {
delete fieldData . defaultValueLiteral ;
} ) ;
targetField . dataType = selectEl . value + ( selectEl . value . match ( /VARCHAR/ ) ? ` ( ${ dataTypeValue ? dataTypeValue : 200 } ) ` : "" ) ;
} ,
defaultValue : dataType || undefined ,
children : dataTypes . map ( ( type , index ) => {
if ( type . name . match ( /VARCHAR/ ) ) {
return /*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( "option" , {
value : type . name ,
"data-desc" : type . description ,
children : type . title + "(" + ( dataTypeValue ? dataTypeValue : 200 ) + ")"
} , index + 1 ) ;
} else {
return /*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( "option" , {
value : type . name ,
"data-desc" : type . description ,
"data-literal" : type . valueLiteral || undefined ,
children : type . title
} , index + 1 ) ;
} )
} ) ,
dataType ? . match ( /VARCHAR/ ) && /*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( "input" , {
type : "number" ,
defaultValue : dataTypeValue ? dataTypeValue : 200 ,
className : "px-2" ,
style : {
maxWidth : "60px"
} ,
max : 255 ,
min : 5 ,
onChange : ( e ) => {
setDataTypeValue ( e . target . value ) ;
targetField . dataType = dataType + ` ( ${ e . target . value } ) ` ;
} )
} )
} ) ,
dataType ? . match ( /text/i ) && /*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( ( react _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _1 _ _ _default ( ) . Fragment ) , {
children : /*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( _fields _text _JSONTextOption _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _3 _ _ /* ["default"] */ . Z , {
targetField : targetField
} )
} ) ,
! targetField . dataType ? . match ( /text/i ) && ! isLiteral && /*#__PURE__*/ ( 0 , react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsxs ) ( "div" , {
className : "flex flex-col items-start gap-0.5" ,
style : {
minWidth : "70px"
} ,
children : [
/*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( "label" , {
htmlFor : "new_field_required" ,
children : "Required?"
} ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ ( 0 , react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsxs ) ( "select" , {
name : "new_field_required" ,
id : "new_field_required" ,
className : "px-2" ,
defaultValue : targetField ? . notNullValue ? "Yes" : "No" ,
onChange : ( e ) => {
console . log ( targetField ) ;
if ( e . target . value === "Yes" ) {
targetField . notNullValue = true ;
} else {
targetField . notNullValue = false ;
delete targetField . notNullValue ;
// if (!targetField?.dataType?.match(/text/i)) {
// targetField.nullValue = true;
// }
} ,
children : [
/*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( "option" , {
value : "No" ,
children : "No"
} ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( "option" , {
value : "Yes" ,
children : "Yes"
} )
} )
} ) ,
! isLiteral && /*#__PURE__*/ ( 0 , react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsxs ) ( "div" , {
className : "flex flex-col items-start gap-0.5" ,
children : [
/*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( "label" , {
htmlFor : "new_field_default_value" ,
children : fieldData ? . dataType ? . match ( /text$/i ) ? "Can't Set Default for text values" : "Default Value (optional)"
} ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( "input" , {
type : "text" ,
name : "new_field_default_value" ,
id : "new_field_default_value" ,
className : fieldData ? . dataType ? . match ( /text$/i ) ? "pointer-events-none opacity-50" : "" ,
placeholder : "Default Value" ,
defaultValue : fieldData ? . defaultValue ? fieldData . defaultValue : fieldData ? . nullValue ? "NULL" : "" ,
onInput : ( e ) => {
/** @type {HTMLInputElement} */ // @ts-ignore
const inputEl = e . target ;
if ( fieldData . dataType ? . match ( /text$/i ) ) return ;
setFieldData ( ( prev ) => {
let newFieldData = prev ;
if ( inputEl . value . match ( /./ ) ) {
delete newFieldData . notNullValue ;
} else {
delete newFieldData . defaultValue ;
delete newFieldData . nullValue ;
if ( inputEl . value . match ( /^null$/i ) ) {
delete newFieldData . defaultValue ;
newFieldData . nullValue = true ;
} else if ( inputEl . value . match ( /./ ) ) {
delete newFieldData . nullValue ;
newFieldData . defaultValue = inputEl . value ;
return newFieldData ;
} ) ;
} )
} ) ,
! isLiteral && /*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( _MoreOptionsModal _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _2 _ _ /* ["default"] */ . Z , {
database ,
setFieldData ,
setTableFields ,
tableFields ,
targetField ,
user ,
currentTable ,
} )
} ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ ( 0 , react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsxs ) ( "div" , {
className : "secondary mt-auto flex-wrap w-full xl:w-auto" ,
children : [
/*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( "button" , {
type : "submit" ,
className : "secondary mt-auto py-3 w-full md:w-auto grow" ,
children : "Save Updates"
} ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( "div" , {
className : "button outlined gray mt-auto py-2.5 w-full md:w-auto justify-center grow" ,
onClick : ( e ) => {
if ( initialField . current ) targetField = lodash _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _4 _ _ _default ( ) . cloneDeep ( initialField . current ) ;
setTableFields ( ( prev ) => {
const newFields = lodash _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _4 _ _ _default ( ) . cloneDeep ( prev ) ;
if ( fieldIndex && initialField . current ) newFields [ fieldIndex ] = lodash _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _4 _ _ _default ( ) . cloneDeep ( initialField . current ) ;
return newFields ;
} ) ;
if ( setActiveEdit ) setActiveEdit ( false ) ;
} ,
children : "Cancel"
} )
} )
} )
} ) ;
} /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */
/***/ } ) ,
/***/ 4209 :
/***/ ( ( _ _unused _webpack _module , _ _webpack _exports _ _ , _ _webpack _require _ _ ) => {
_ _webpack _require _ _ . d ( _ _webpack _exports _ _ , {
"Z" : ( ) => ( /* binding */ MoreOptionsModal )
} ) ;
// EXTERNAL MODULE: external "react/jsx-runtime"
var jsx _runtime _ = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 997 ) ;
// EXTERNAL MODULE: external "react"
var external _react _ = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 6689 ) ;
var external _react _default = /*#__PURE__*/ _ _webpack _require _ _ . n ( external _react _ ) ;
// EXTERNAL MODULE: external "@mui/icons-material/Close"
var Close _ = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 4173 ) ;
// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./components/form/FormInput.jsx + 2 modules
var FormInput = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 7901 ) ;
// EXTERNAL MODULE: external "lucide-react"
var external _lucide _react _ = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 2423 ) ;
; // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./components/admin/databases/fields/fields-inputs/CSSFiles.jsx
// @ts-check
/ * *
* === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ===
* Imports
* === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ===
* /
/** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ let timeout ;
/** ****************************************************************************** */ / * *
* === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ===
* Main Component { Functional }
* === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ===
* @ param { Object } props - Server props
2024-11-06 12:06:51 +00:00
* @ param { import ( "@/package-shared/types" ) . DSQL _FieldSchemaType } props . targetField - Field object
2024-11-05 11:12:42 +00:00
* / f u n c t i o n C S S F i l e s ( { t a r g e t F i e l d } ) {
/ * *
* Get Contexts
* @ abstract { React . useContext }
* / / ///////////////////////////////////////
/ * *
* Javascript Variables
* @ abstract Non hook variables and functions
* / i f ( ! t a r g e t F i e l d ? . r i c h T e x t ) r e t u r n n u l l ;
/ * *
* React Hooks
* @ abstract { useState , useEffect , useRef , etc ... }
* / / * * @ type { [ state : string [ ] , dispatch : React . Dispatch < React . SetStateAction < string [ ] >> ] } * / / / @ ts - ignore
const [ cssFiles , setCssFiles ] = external _react _default ( ) . useState ( targetField . cssFiles || [ ] ) ;
/** @type {React.Ref<HTMLInputElement | null>} */ const cssFileInputRef = external _react _default ( ) . useRef ( null ) ;
external _react _default ( ) . useEffect ( ( ) => {
targetField . cssFiles = cssFiles ;
} , [
] ) ;
/ * *
* Function Return
* @ abstract Main Function Return
* / return / * # _ _PURE _ _ * / ( 0 , j s x _ r u n t i m e _ . j s x s ) ( " d i v " , {
className : "flex flex-col items-start gap-2 w-full my-4" ,
style : {
minWidth : "70px"
} ,
children : [
/*#__PURE__*/ jsx _runtime _ . jsx ( "span" , {
className : "label text-xs text-slate-500" ,
children : "Add CSS"
} ) ,
cssFiles . map ( ( url , index ) => /*#__PURE__*/ ( 0 , jsx _runtime _ . jsxs ) ( "div" , {
className : "relative border border-solid border-slate-300 text-xs px-2 py-1 rounded-full" ,
children : [
/*#__PURE__*/ jsx _runtime _ . jsx ( "span" , {
children : url
} ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ jsx _runtime _ . jsx ( external _lucide _react _ . X , {
size : 20 ,
onClick : ( ) => {
setCssFiles ( ( prev ) => prev . filter ( ( ln ) => ln !== url ) ) ;
} ,
className : "cursor-pointer hover:opacity-60 "
} )
} , index + 1 ) ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ ( 0 , jsx _runtime _ . jsxs ) ( "div" , {
className : "row w-full" ,
children : [
/*#__PURE__*/ jsx _runtime _ . jsx ( FormInput /* default */ . Z , {
name : "css-file" ,
placeholder : "CSS file URL" ,
elementRef : cssFileInputRef
} ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ jsx _runtime _ . jsx ( "button" , {
className : "secondary outlined" ,
onClick : ( ) => {
const url = cssFileInputRef . current ? . value ;
if ( url ? . match ( /./ ) ) {
setCssFiles ( ( prev ) => [
... new Set ( [
... prev ,
] )
] ) ;
} ,
children : "Add"
} )
} ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ jsx _runtime _ . jsx ( "span" , {
className : "text-sm text-slate-600" ,
children : "Add CSS files to your Rich Text field"
} )
} ) ;
} /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */
; // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./components/admin/databases/fields/fields-inputs/EncryptionSelect.jsx
// @ts-check
/ * *
* === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ===
* Imports
* === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ===
* /
/** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ let EncryptionSelect _timeout ;
/** ****************************************************************************** */ / * *
* === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ===
* Main Component { Functional }
* === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ===
* @ param { Object } props - Server props
2024-11-06 12:06:51 +00:00
* @ param { import ( "@/package-shared/types" ) . DSQL _FieldSchemaType } props . targetField - Field object
* @ param { React . Dispatch < React . SetStateAction < import ( "@/package-shared/types" ) . DSQL _FieldSchemaType >> } props . setFieldData - React state dispatch function
2024-11-05 11:12:42 +00:00
* / f u n c t i o n E n c r y p t i o n S e l e c t ( { t a r g e t F i e l d , s e t F i e l d D a t a } ) {
/ * *
* Get Contexts
* @ abstract { React . useContext }
* / / ///////////////////////////////////////
/ * *
* Javascript Variables
* @ abstract Non hook variables and functions
* / / ///////////////////////////////////////
/ * *
* React Hooks
* @ abstract { useState , useEffect , useRef , etc ... }
* / / ///////////////////////////////////////
/ * *
* Function Return
* @ abstract Main Function Return
* / return / * # _ _PURE _ _ * / ( 0 , j s x _ r u n t i m e _ . j s x s ) ( " d i v " , {
className : "flex flex-col items-start gap-0.5 w-full" ,
style : {
minWidth : "70px"
} ,
children : [
/*#__PURE__*/ jsx _runtime _ . jsx ( "label" , {
htmlFor : "encryption_field" ,
children : "Encrypt?"
} ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ ( 0 , jsx _runtime _ . jsxs ) ( "select" , {
name : "encryption_field" ,
id : "encryption_field" ,
className : "px-2" ,
defaultValue : targetField ? . encrypted ? "Yes" : "No" ,
onChange : ( e ) => {
if ( setFieldData ) {
setFieldData ( ( prev ) => {
let existingFieldData = prev ;
if ( e . target . value . match ( /yes/i ) ) {
existingFieldData . encrypted = true ;
} else {
existingFieldData . encrypted = false ;
delete existingFieldData . encrypted ;
return existingFieldData ;
} ) ;
} ,
children : [
/*#__PURE__*/ jsx _runtime _ . jsx ( "option" , {
value : "No" ,
children : "No"
} ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ jsx _runtime _ . jsx ( "option" , {
value : "Yes" ,
children : "Yes"
} )
} )
} ) ;
} /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */
// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./components/admin/databases/fields/fields-inputs/ForeignKey.jsx
var ForeignKey = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 3699 ) ;
; // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./components/admin/databases/fields/fields-inputs/AutoIncrement.jsx
// @ts-check
/ * *
* === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ===
* Imports
* === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ===
* /
/** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ let AutoIncrement _timeout ;
/** ****************************************************************************** */ / * *
* === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ===
* Main Component { Functional }
* === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ===
* @ param { Object } props - Server props
2024-11-06 12:06:51 +00:00
* @ param { import ( "@/package-shared/types" ) . DSQL _FieldSchemaType } props . targetField - Field object
* @ param { React . Dispatch < React . SetStateAction < import ( "@/package-shared/types" ) . DSQL _FieldSchemaType >> } [ props . setFieldData ] - React state dispatch function
2024-11-05 11:12:42 +00:00
* / f u n c t i o n A u t o I n c r e m e n t ( { t a r g e t F i e l d , s e t F i e l d D a t a } ) {
/ * *
* Get Contexts
* @ abstract { React . useContext }
* / / ///////////////////////////////////////
/ * *
* Javascript Variables
* @ abstract Non hook variables and functions
* / r e t u r n n u l l ;
if ( ! targetField ? . dataType ? . match ( /int$/i ) ) {
return null ;
/ * *
* React Hooks
* @ abstract { useState , useEffect , useRef , etc ... }
* / / ///////////////////////////////////////
/ * *
* Function Return
* @ abstract Main Function Return
* / return / * # _ _PURE _ _ * / ( 0 , j s x _ r u n t i m e _ . j s x s ) ( " d i v " , {
className : "flex flex-col items-start gap-0.5 w-full" ,
style : {
minWidth : "70px"
} ,
children : [
/*#__PURE__*/ jsx _runtime _ . jsx ( "label" , {
htmlFor : "encryption_field" ,
children : "Auto Increment?"
} ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ ( 0 , jsx _runtime _ . jsxs ) ( "select" , {
name : "encryption_field" ,
id : "encryption_field" ,
className : "px-2" ,
defaultValue : targetField ? . autoIncrement ? "Yes" : "No" ,
onChange : ( e ) => {
if ( targetField ) {
if ( e . target . value ? . match ( /yes/i ) ) {
targetField . autoIncrement = true ;
} else {
delete targetField . autoIncrement ;
} ,
children : [
/*#__PURE__*/ jsx _runtime _ . jsx ( "option" , {
value : "No" ,
children : "No"
} ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ jsx _runtime _ . jsx ( "option" , {
value : "Yes" ,
children : "Yes"
} )
} )
} ) ;
} /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */
; // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./components/admin/databases/fields/fields-inputs/RegexPattern.jsx
// @ts-check
/ * *
* === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ===
* Imports
* === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ===
* /
/** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ let RegexPattern _timeout ;
/** ****************************************************************************** */ / * *
* === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ===
* Main Component { Functional }
* === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ===
* @ param { Object } props - Server props
2024-11-06 12:06:51 +00:00
* @ param { import ( "@/package-shared/types" ) . DSQL _FieldSchemaType } props . targetField - Field object
2024-11-05 11:12:42 +00:00
* / f u n c t i o n R e g e x P a t t e r n ( { t a r g e t F i e l d } ) {
/ * *
* Get Contexts
* @ abstract { React . useContext }
* / / ///////////////////////////////////////
/ * *
* Javascript Variables
* @ abstract Non hook variables and functions
* / / ///////////////////////////////////////
/ * *
* React Hooks
* @ abstract { useState , useEffect , useRef , etc ... }
* / / ///////////////////////////////////////
/ * *
* Function Return
* @ abstract Main Function Return
* / return / * # _ _PURE _ _ * / ( 0 , j s x _ r u n t i m e _ . j s x s ) ( " d i v " , {
className : "flex flex-col items-start gap-2 w-full" ,
style : {
minWidth : "70px"
} ,
children : [
/*#__PURE__*/ jsx _runtime _ . jsx ( "label" , {
htmlFor : "encryption_field" ,
children : "Pattern"
} ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ jsx _runtime _ . jsx ( "span" , {
className : "text-sm text-slate-500" ,
children : 'This describes a pattern that must be matched for this field to be valid. If you add a pattern and make a db entry that doesn\'t match, the entry will be "NULL" or an empty string or the default value.'
} ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ jsx _runtime _ . jsx ( "input" , {
type : "text" ,
placeholder : "Regex Pattern. Eg: '\\\\.[a-z]+'" ,
onInput : ( e ) => {
/** @type {HTMLInputElement} */ // @ts-ignore
const inputEl = e . target ;
if ( inputEl ? . value ? . length > 0 ) {
targetField . pattern = inputEl . value ;
} else {
delete targetField . pattern ;
} ,
defaultValue : targetField ? . pattern
} ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ jsx _runtime _ . jsx ( "input" , {
type : "text" ,
placeholder : "Regex Pattern Flags. Eg: igm" ,
onInput : ( e ) => {
/** @type {HTMLInputElement} */ // @ts-ignore
const inputEl = e . target ;
if ( inputEl ? . value ? . length > 0 ) {
targetField . patternFlags = inputEl . value ;
} else {
delete targetField . patternFlags ;
} ,
defaultValue : targetField ? . patternFlags
} )
} ) ;
} /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */
// EXTERNAL MODULE: external "lodash"
var external _lodash _ = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 6517 ) ;
var external _lodash _default = /*#__PURE__*/ _ _webpack _require _ _ . n ( external _lodash _ ) ;
// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./components/general/Modal.jsx
var Modal = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 9471 ) ;
; // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./components/admin/databases/fields/fields-inputs/UniqueFieldSelect.jsx
// @ts-check
/ * *
* === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ===
* Imports
* === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ===
* /
/** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ / * *
* @ param { Object } props - Server props
* @ param { import ( "@/package-shared/types" ) . DSQL _FieldSchemaType } props . targetField - Field object
* @ param { React . Dispatch < React . SetStateAction < import ( "@/package-shared/types" ) . DSQL _FieldSchemaType >> } props . setFieldData - React state dispatch function
* / f u n c t i o n U n i q u e F i e l d S e l e c t ( { t a r g e t F i e l d , s e t F i e l d D a t a } ) {
/ * *
* Get Contexts
* @ abstract { React . useContext }
* / / ///////////////////////////////////////
/ * *
* Javascript Variables
* @ abstract Non hook variables and functions
* / / ///////////////////////////////////////
/ * *
* React Hooks
* @ abstract { useState , useEffect , useRef , etc ... }
* / / ///////////////////////////////////////
/ * *
* Function Return
* @ abstract Main Function Return
* / return / * # _ _PURE _ _ * / ( 0 , j s x _ r u n t i m e _ . j s x s ) ( " d i v " , {
className : "flex flex-col items-start gap-0.5 w-full" ,
style : {
minWidth : "70px"
} ,
children : [
/*#__PURE__*/ jsx _runtime _ . jsx ( "label" , {
htmlFor : "unique_field" ,
children : "Unique Field?"
} ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ ( 0 , jsx _runtime _ . jsxs ) ( "select" , {
name : "unique_field" ,
id : "unique_field" ,
className : "px-2" ,
defaultValue : targetField ? . unique ? "Yes" : "No" ,
onChange : ( e ) => {
if ( setFieldData ) {
setFieldData ( ( prev ) => {
let existingFieldData = prev ;
if ( e . target . value . match ( /yes/i ) ) {
existingFieldData . unique = true ;
} else {
existingFieldData . unique = false ;
delete existingFieldData . unique ;
return existingFieldData ;
} ) ;
} ,
children : [
/*#__PURE__*/ jsx _runtime _ . jsx ( "option" , {
value : "No" ,
children : "No"
} ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ jsx _runtime _ . jsx ( "option" , {
value : "Yes" ,
children : "Yes"
} )
} )
} ) ;
} /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */
; // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./components/admin/databases/MoreOptionsModal.jsx
// @ts-check
/ * * # M O D U L E T R A C E
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === =
* Detected 2 files that call this module . The files are listed below :
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === =
* ` import ` Statement Found in [ ExistingFieldEdit . jsx ] => file : ///d:\GitHub\datasquirel\components\admin\databases\ExistingFieldEdit.jsx
* ` import ` Statement Found in [ NewFieldTemp . jsx ] => file : ///d:\GitHub\datasquirel\components\admin\databases\NewFieldTemp.jsx
=== = MODULE TRACE END === = * / / * *
* === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ===
* Imports
* === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ===
* /
/** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ / * *
* @ param { Object } props
* @ param { import ( "@/package-shared/types" ) . DSQL _FieldSchemaType } props . targetField
* @ param { React . Dispatch < React . SetStateAction < import ( "@/package-shared/types" ) . DSQL _FieldSchemaType >> } props . setFieldData
* @ param { import ( "@/package-shared/types" ) . DSQL _TableSchemaType } [ props . currentTable ]
* @ param { import ( "@/package-shared/types" ) . DSQL _MYSQL _user _databases _Type } props . database
* @ param { import ( "@/package-shared/types" ) . DSQL _FieldSchemaType [ ] } [ props . tableFields ]
* @ param { React . Dispatch < React . SetStateAction < import ( "@/package-shared/types" ) . DSQL _FieldSchemaType [ ] >> } [ props . setTableFields ]
* @ param { import ( "@/package-shared/types" ) . UserType } props . user
* @ param { number } props . fieldIndex
* / f u n c t i o n M o r e O p t i o n s M o d a l ( { t a r g e t F i e l d , c u r r e n t T a b l e , d a t a b a s e , t a b l e F i e l d s , s e t T a b l e F i e l d s , s e t F i e l d D a t a , u s e r , f i e l d I n d e x , } ) {
/ * *
* Get Contexts
* @ abstract { React . useContext }
* / / ///////////////////////////////////////
/ * *
* Javascript Variables
* @ abstract Non hook variables and functions
* / / ///////////////////////////////////////
/ * *
* React Hooks
* @ abstract { useState , useEffect , useRef , etc ... }
* / c o n s t [ o p e n E x t r a O p t i o n s , s e t O p e n E x t r a O p t i o n s ] = e x t e r n a l _ r e a c t _ d e f a u l t ( ) . u s e S t a t e ( f a l s e ) ;
/** @type {React.Ref<import("@/package-shared/types").DSQL_FieldSchemaType>} */ const initialField = external _react _default ( ) . useRef ( external _lodash _default ( ) . cloneDeep ( targetField ) ) ;
external _react _default ( ) . useEffect ( ( ) => { } , [ ] ) ;
/ * *
* Function Return
* @ abstract Main Function Return
* / return / * # _ _PURE _ _ * / ( 0 , j s x _ r u n t i m e _ . j s x s ) ( ( e x t e r n a l _ r e a c t _ d e f a u l t ( ) ) . F r a g m e n t , {
children : [
/*#__PURE__*/ jsx _runtime _ . jsx ( "span" , {
className : "button outlined gray mt-5 w-full xl:w-auto" ,
onClick : ( ) => {
setOpenExtraOptions ( true ) ;
} ,
children : "More"
} ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ jsx _runtime _ . jsx ( Modal /* default */ . Z , {
open : openExtraOptions ,
onClose : ( ) => {
if ( initialField . current ) {
const oldTargetField = external _lodash _default ( ) . cloneDeep ( initialField . current ) ;
targetField = oldTargetField ;
setOpenExtraOptions ( false ) ;
} ,
maxWidth : "600px" ,
children : /*#__PURE__*/ ( 0 , jsx _runtime _ . jsxs ) ( "div" , {
className : "m-auto flex flex-col max-w-xl w-full max-h-[90vh] overflow-y-auto" ,
children : [
/*#__PURE__*/ jsx _runtime _ . jsx ( "div" , {
className : "w-full justify-between" ,
children : /*#__PURE__*/ jsx _runtime _ . jsx ( "span" , {
className : "text-xl" ,
children : "More Options"
} )
} ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ jsx _runtime _ . jsx ( CSSFiles , {
targetField : targetField
} ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ jsx _runtime _ . jsx ( UniqueFieldSelect , {
targetField : targetField ,
setFieldData : setFieldData
} ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ jsx _runtime _ . jsx ( EncryptionSelect , {
targetField : targetField ,
setFieldData : setFieldData
} ) ,
currentTable && /*#__PURE__*/ jsx _runtime _ . jsx ( ForeignKey /* default */ . Z , {
targetField : targetField ,
setFieldData : setFieldData ,
database : database ,
tableFields : tableFields ,
setTableFields : setTableFields ,
currentTable : currentTable ,
user : user
} ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ jsx _runtime _ . jsx ( AutoIncrement , {
targetField : targetField ,
setFieldData : setFieldData
} ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ jsx _runtime _ . jsx ( RegexPattern , {
targetField : targetField
} ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ jsx _runtime _ . jsx ( "button" , {
className : "w-full outlined more-padding" ,
onClick : ( ) => {
setOpenExtraOptions ( false ) ;
} ,
children : "Done"
} )
} )
} )
} ) ;
} /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */
/***/ } ) ,
/***/ 3699 :
/***/ ( ( _ _unused _webpack _module , _ _webpack _exports _ _ , _ _webpack _require _ _ ) => {
/* harmony export */ _ _webpack _require _ _ . d ( _ _webpack _exports _ _ , {
/* harmony export */ "Z" : ( ) => ( /* binding */ ForeignKey )
/* harmony export */ } ) ;
/* harmony import */ var react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 997 ) ;
/* harmony import */ var react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ _default = /*#__PURE__*/ _ _webpack _require _ _ . n ( react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ ) ;
/* harmony import */ var react _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _1 _ _ = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 6689 ) ;
/* harmony import */ var react _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _1 _ _ _default = /*#__PURE__*/ _ _webpack _require _ _ . n ( react _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _1 _ _ ) ;
/* harmony import */ var _functions _frontend _fetchApi _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _3 _ _ = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 6729 ) ;
/* harmony import */ var _general _LoadingBlock _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _2 _ _ = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 5264 ) ;
// @ts-check
/ * *
* === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ===
* Imports
* === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ===
* /
/** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ let timeout ;
/** ****************************************************************************** */ / * *
* === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ===
* Main Component { Functional }
* === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ===
* @ param { Object } props - Server props
* @ param { import ( "@/package-shared/types" ) . DSQL _FieldSchemaType } props . targetField - DSQL schema field object
* @ param { React . Dispatch < React . SetStateAction < import ( "@/package-shared/types" ) . DSQL _FieldSchemaType >> } [ props . setFieldData ] - React state dispatch function
* @ param { import ( "@/package-shared/types" ) . DSQL _FieldSchemaType [ ] } [ props . tableFields ] - All Fields Array
* @ param { React . Dispatch < React . SetStateAction < import ( "@/package-shared/types" ) . DSQL _FieldSchemaType [ ] >> } [ props . setTableFields ] - React state dispatch function
* @ param { import ( "@/package-shared/types" ) . DSQL _MYSQL _user _databases _Type } props . database - MYSQL user _databases object
* @ param { import ( "@/package-shared/types" ) . DSQL _TableSchemaType } [ props . currentTable ] - MYSQL user _databases object
* @ param { import ( "@/package-shared/types" ) . UserType } [ props . user ] - User object
* @ param { React . Dispatch < React . SetStateAction < boolean >> } [ props . setActiveEdit ] - React state dispatch function
* @ param { boolean } [ props . activeClonedTable ] - Is table an active clone ?
* / f u n c t i o n F o r e i g n K e y ( { t a r g e t F i e l d , s e t F i e l d D a t a , t a b l e F i e l d s , s e t T a b l e F i e l d s , d a t a b a s e , c u r r e n t T a b l e , u s e r , s e t A c t i v e E d i t , a c t i v e C l o n e d T a b l e , } ) {
/ * *
* Get Contexts
* @ abstract { React . useContext }
* / / ///////////////////////////////////////
/ * *
* Javascript Variables
* @ abstract Non hook variables and functions
* / / ///////////////////////////////////////
/ * *
* React Hooks
* @ abstract { useState , useEffect , useRef , etc ... }
* / c o n s t [ i s F o r e i g n K e y , s e t I s F o r e i g n K e y ] = r e a c t _ _ W E B P A C K _ I M P O R T E D _ M O D U L E _ 1 _ _ _ d e f a u l t ( ) . u s e S t a t e ( t a r g e t F i e l d ? . f o r e i g n K e y ? t r u e : f a l s e ) ;
/** @type {any} */ const tablesState = react _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _1 _ _ _default ( ) . useState ( null ) ;
/** @type {[import("@/package-shared/types").DSQL_TableSchemaType[] | null, React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<import("@/package-shared/types").DSQL_TableSchemaType[]>>]} */ const [ tables , setTables ] = tablesState ;
/** @type {any} */ const foreignKeyTableState = react _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _1 _ _ _default ( ) . useState ( null ) ;
/** @type {[import("@/package-shared/types").DSQL_TableSchemaType | null, React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<import("@/package-shared/types").DSQL_TableSchemaType>>]} */ const [ foreignKeyTable , setForeignKeyTable ] = foreignKeyTableState ;
/** @type {any} */ const columnsState = react _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _1 _ _ _default ( ) . useState ( null ) ;
/** @type {[import("@/package-shared/types").DSQL_FieldSchemaType[] | null, React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<import("@/package-shared/types").DSQL_FieldSchemaType[]>>]} */ const [ columns , setColumns ] = columnsState ;
/** @type {any} */ const foreignKeyTableColumnState = react _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _1 _ _ _default ( ) . useState ( null ) ;
/** @type {[import("@/package-shared/types").DSQL_FieldSchemaType | null, React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<import("@/package-shared/types").DSQL_FieldSchemaType>>]} */ const [ foreignKeyTableColumn , setForeignKeyTableColumn ] = foreignKeyTableColumnState ;
const [ loading , setLoading ] = react _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _1 _ _ _default ( ) . useState ( false ) ;
react _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _1 _ _ _default ( ) . useEffect ( ( ) => {
if ( ! isForeignKey && ! targetField ? . foreignKey ) return ;
// const fetchUrl =`/api/getUserSchemaData?dbSlug=${database.db_slug}${window.location.search.match("delegated=true") ? "&delegated=true" : ""}`;
( 0 , _functions _frontend _fetchApi _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _3 _ _ /* ["default"] */ . Z ) ( ` /api/getUserSchemaData ` ) . then ( ( res ) => {
if ( res . success ) {
try {
/** @type {import("@/package-shared/types").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType[]} */ const userSchemaData = res . schemaData ;
const targetDatabase = userSchemaData . filter ( ( db ) => db . dbFullName === database . db _full _name ) ;
const filteredTables = currentTable ? targetDatabase [ 0 ] . tables . filter ( ( table ) => table . tableName !== currentTable . tableName ) : targetDatabase [ 0 ] . tables ;
setTables ( filteredTables ) ;
if ( targetField ? . foreignKey ) {
const destinationTargetTable = filteredTables . filter ( ( table ) => table . tableName === targetField ? . foreignKey ? . destinationTableName ) ;
setForeignKeyTable ( destinationTargetTable [ 0 ] ) ;
if ( destinationTargetTable [ 0 ] ? . fields ) setColumns ( destinationTargetTable [ 0 ] . fields ) ;
// const targetTable = targetDatabase[0].tables.filter(table => table.tableName === "")
} catch ( /** @type {any} */ error ) {
( 0 , _functions _frontend _fetchApi _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _3 _ _ /* ["default"] */ . Z ) ( "/api/admin/clientError" , {
method : "post" ,
body : {
component : "ForeignKey/fetch-error-getUserSchemaData/lines-65-77" ,
message : error . message ,
user : user
} ) ;
} ) ;
} , [
] ) ;
/ * *
* Function Return
* @ abstract Main Function Return
* / return / * # _ _PURE _ _ * / ( 0 , r e a c t _ j s x _ r u n t i m e _ _ W E B P A C K _ I M P O R T E D _ M O D U L E _ 0 _ _ . j s x s ) ( " d i v " , {
className : "flex flex-col items-start gap-2 w-full mt-2 relative" ,
style : {
minWidth : "70px"
} ,
children : [
loading && /*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( _general _LoadingBlock _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _2 _ _ /* ["default"] */ . Z , { } ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ ( 0 , react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsxs ) ( "label" , {
htmlFor : "foreign_key_field" ,
className : "flex flex-wrap items-center gap-2 mt-2" ,
children : [
/*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( "span" , {
children : "Foreign Key?"
} ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ ( 0 , react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsxs ) ( "div" , {
className : "dropdown-wrapper reversed text-sm items-start" ,
children : [
/*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( "span" , {
className : "px-2 bg-slate-200 rounded-full hover:bg-slate-100 hidden xl:flex text-slate-600" ,
children : "Info"
} ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( "div" , {
className : "dropdown mt-0 xl:-mt-2" ,
children : /*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( "span" , {
children : "Foriegn key links the current table to another table"
} )
} )
} )
} ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ ( 0 , react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsxs ) ( "select" , {
name : "foreign_key_field" ,
id : "foreign_key_field" ,
className : "px-2" ,
defaultValue : targetField ? . foreignKey ? "Yes" : "No" ,
onChange : ( e ) => {
if ( e . target . value . match ( /yes/i ) ) {
setIsForeignKey ( true ) ;
if ( setFieldData ) {
setFieldData ( ( prev ) => {
let existingFieldData = prev ;
existingFieldData [ "foreignKey" ] = {
foreignKeyName : undefined ,
destinationTableName : undefined ,
destinationTableColumnName : undefined ,
cascadeDelete : true
} ;
return existingFieldData ;
} ) ;
} else {
setIsForeignKey ( false ) ;
if ( setFieldData ) {
setFieldData ( ( prev ) => {
let existingFieldData = prev ;
delete existingFieldData . foreignKey ;
return existingFieldData ;
} ) ;
} ,
children : [
/*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( "option" , {
value : "No" ,
children : "No"
} ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( "option" , {
value : "Yes" ,
children : "Yes"
} )
} ) ,
isForeignKey && tables && /*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( ( react _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _1 _ _ _default ( ) . Fragment ) , {
children : /*#__PURE__*/ ( 0 , react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsxs ) ( "select" , {
name : "foreign_key_destination_table_name" ,
id : "foreign_key_destination_table_name" ,
className : "px-2" ,
defaultValue : targetField ? . foreignKey ? . destinationTableName ? targetField . foreignKey . destinationTableName : undefined ,
onChange : ( e ) => {
/** @type {HTMLSelectElement} */ const selectEl = e . target ;
if ( e . target . value ? . match ( /--/ ) ) {
if ( setFieldData ) {
setFieldData ( ( prev ) => {
let existingFieldData = prev ;
/** @type {import("@/package-shared/types").DSQL_ForeignKeyType|undefined} */ const targetForeignKey = existingFieldData . foreignKey ;
if ( targetForeignKey ) targetForeignKey . destinationTableName = undefined ;
return existingFieldData ;
} ) ;
} else {
selectEl . dataset . destinationTableName = undefined ;
return ;
const targetTable = tables . filter ( ( tb ) => tb . tableName === e . target . value ) [ 0 ] ;
setForeignKeyTable ( targetTable ) ;
if ( targetTable ? . fields ) setColumns ( targetTable . fields ) ;
if ( setFieldData ) {
setFieldData ( ( prev ) => {
let existingFieldData = prev ;
/** @type {import("@/package-shared/types").DSQL_ForeignKeyType|undefined} */ const targetForeignKey = existingFieldData . foreignKey ;
if ( targetForeignKey ) targetForeignKey . destinationTableName = e . target . value ;
return existingFieldData ;
} ) ;
} else {
e . target . dataset . destinationTableName = e . target . value ;
} ,
children : [
/*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( "option" , {
value : "--" ,
children : "--Select Table--"
} ) ,
tables . map ( ( table , index ) => {
return /*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( "option" , {
value : table . tableName ,
children : table . tableFullName
} , index + 1 ) ;
} )
} )
} ) ,
foreignKeyTable && columns && /*#__PURE__*/ ( 0 , react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsxs ) ( ( react _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _1 _ _ _default ( ) . Fragment ) , {
children : [
/*#__PURE__*/ ( 0 , react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsxs ) ( "select" , {
name : "foreign_key_destination_table_column_name" ,
id : "foreign_key_destination_table_column_name" ,
className : "px-2" ,
defaultValue : targetField ? . foreignKey ? . destinationTableColumnName ? targetField . foreignKey . destinationTableColumnName : undefined ,
onChange : ( e ) => {
try {
const targetColumn = columns . filter ( ( column ) => column . fieldName === e . target . value ) [ 0 ] ;
setForeignKeyTableColumn ( targetColumn ) ;
if ( e . target . value ? . match ( /--/ ) ) {
if ( setFieldData ) {
setFieldData ( ( prev ) => {
let existingFieldData = prev ;
/** @type {import("@/package-shared/types").DSQL_ForeignKeyType|undefined} */ const targetForeignKey = existingFieldData . foreignKey ;
if ( targetForeignKey ) targetForeignKey . destinationTableColumnName = undefined ;
return existingFieldData ;
} ) ;
return ;
const keyName = ` dsql_ ${ database . user _id } _ ${ database . db _slug } _ ${ Date . now ( ) } ` ;
if ( setFieldData ) {
setFieldData ( ( prev ) => {
let existingFieldData = prev ;
existingFieldData . dataType = targetColumn . dataType ;
/** @type {import("@/package-shared/types").DSQL_ForeignKeyType|undefined} */ const targetForeignKey = existingFieldData . foreignKey ;
if ( targetForeignKey ) {
targetForeignKey . destinationTableColumnName = targetColumn . fieldName ;
targetForeignKey . destinationTableColumnType = targetColumn . dataType ;
targetForeignKey . foreignKeyName = keyName ;
return existingFieldData ;
} ) ;
} else {
e . target . dataset . dataType = targetColumn . dataType ;
e . target . dataset . destinationTableColumnName = targetColumn . fieldName ;
// e.target.dataset.foreignKeyName = `dsql_${user.id}_${tableName}_table_${targetField?.fieldName ? targetField.fieldName : "{{__tmp_field_name}}"}_${foreignKeyTable.tableName}_${targetColumn.fieldName}_ref`;
e . target . dataset . foreignKeyName = keyName ;
} catch ( /** @type {any} */ error ) {
( 0 , _functions _frontend _fetchApi _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _3 _ _ /* ["default"] */ . Z ) ( "/api/admin/clientError" , {
method : "post" ,
body : {
component : "ForeignKey/lines-232-264" ,
message : error . message ,
user : user
} ) ;
} ,
children : [
/*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( "option" , {
value : "--" ,
children : "--Select Column--"
} ) ,
columns . map ( ( field , index ) => {
return /*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( "option" , {
value : field . fieldName ,
children : field . fieldName
} , index + 1 ) ;
} )
} ) ,
activeClonedTable && foreignKeyTableColumn && /*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( "button" , {
className : "secondary w-full" ,
onClick : ( e ) => {
setLoading ( true ) ;
( 0 , _functions _frontend _fetchApi _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _3 _ _ /* ["default"] */ . Z ) ( "/api/updateClonedTableForeignKeys" , {
method : "post" ,
body : {
tableData : currentTable ,
database : database . db _full _name ,
dbSlug : database . db _slug ,
delegated : window . location ? . search ? . match ( /delegated=true/i ) ? true : false
} , true ) . then ( ( res ) => {
if ( res . success ) {
window . alert ( "Foreign Key Added Successfully!" ) ;
} else {
window . alert ( "Update Failed, Please Try again." ) ;
setTimeout ( ( ) => {
if ( setActiveEdit ) setActiveEdit ( false ) ;
} , 1000 ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
children : "Add Foreign Key"
} )
} ) ,
activeClonedTable && /*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( "button" , {
className : "light-gray w-full" ,
onClick : ( e ) => {
delete targetField . foreignKey ;
setActiveEdit && setActiveEdit ( false ) ;
} ,
children : "Cancel"
} )
} ) ;
} /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */
/***/ } ) ,
/***/ 4838 :
/***/ ( ( _ _unused _webpack _module , _ _webpack _exports _ _ , _ _webpack _require _ _ ) => {
/* harmony export */ _ _webpack _require _ _ . d ( _ _webpack _exports _ _ , {
/* harmony export */ "Z" : ( ) => ( /* binding */ JSONTextOption )
/* harmony export */ } ) ;
/* harmony import */ var react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 997 ) ;
/* harmony import */ var react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ _default = /*#__PURE__*/ _ _webpack _require _ _ . n ( react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ ) ;
/* harmony import */ var react _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _1 _ _ = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 6689 ) ;
/* harmony import */ var react _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _1 _ _ _default = /*#__PURE__*/ _ _webpack _require _ _ . n ( react _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _1 _ _ ) ;
// @ts-check
/ * *
* === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ===
* Imports
* === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ===
* /
/** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ let timeout ;
/** ****************************************************************************** */ / * *
* === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ===
* Main Component { Functional }
* === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ===
* @ param { Object } props - Server props
* @ param { import ( "@/package-shared/types" ) . DSQL _FieldSchemaType } props . targetField - Field object
* / f u n c t i o n J S O N T e x t O p t i o n ( { t a r g e t F i e l d } ) {
/ * *
* Get Contexts
* @ abstract { React . useContext }
* / / ///////////////////////////////////////
/ * *
* Javascript Variables
* @ abstract Non hook variables and functions
* / / ///////////////////////////////////////
/ * *
* React Hooks
* @ abstract { useState , useEffect , useRef , etc ... }
* / / ///////////////////////////////////////
/ * *
* Function Return
* @ abstract Main Function Return
* / return / * # _ _PURE _ _ * / ( 0 , r e a c t _ j s x _ r u n t i m e _ _ W E B P A C K _ I M P O R T E D _ M O D U L E _ 0 _ _ . j s x s ) ( " d i v " , {
className : "flex flex-col items-start gap-0.5" ,
style : {
minWidth : "70px"
} ,
children : [
/*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( "label" , {
htmlFor : "rich_text_option" ,
children : "Text Type"
} ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ ( 0 , react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsxs ) ( "select" , {
name : "rich_text_option" ,
id : "rich_text_option" ,
className : "px-2" ,
onChange : ( e ) => {
delete targetField . json ;
delete targetField . richText ;
delete targetField . yaml ;
delete targetField . html ;
delete targetField . javascript ;
delete targetField . shell ;
switch ( e . target . value ) {
case "plain" :
break ;
case "rte" :
targetField . richText = true ;
break ;
case "json" :
targetField . json = true ;
break ;
case "yaml" :
targetField . yaml = true ;
break ;
case "html" :
targetField . html = true ;
break ;
case "css" :
targetField . css = true ;
break ;
case "javascript" :
targetField . javascript = true ;
break ;
case "shell" :
targetField . shell = true ;
break ;
default :
break ;
} ,
defaultValue : ( ( ) => {
if ( targetField . richText ) return "rte" ;
if ( targetField . json ) return "json" ;
if ( targetField . yaml ) return "yaml" ;
if ( targetField . html ) return "html" ;
if ( targetField . javascript ) return "javascript" ;
if ( targetField . shell ) return "shell" ;
if ( targetField . css ) return "css" ;
return "plain" ;
} ) ( ) ,
children : [
/*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( "option" , {
value : "plain" ,
children : "Plain Text"
} ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( "option" , {
value : "rte" ,
children : "Rich Text"
} ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( "option" , {
value : "json" ,
children : "JSON"
} ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( "option" , {
value : "yaml" ,
children : "YAML"
} ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( "option" , {
value : "html" ,
children : "HTML"
} ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( "option" , {
value : "css" ,
children : "CSS"
} ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( "option" , {
value : "javascript" ,
children : "Javascript"
} ) ,
/*#__PURE__*/ react _jsx _runtime _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . jsx ( "option" , {
value : "shell" ,
children : "Shell"
} )
} )
} ) ;
} /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */ /** ****************************************************************************** */
/***/ } )
} ;