import http from "http"; import encrypt from "../../../functions/dsql/encrypt"; import grabHostNames from "../../../utils/grab-host-names"; import apiGoogleLogin from "../../../functions/api/users/social/api-google-login"; import getAuthCookieNames from "../../../functions/backend/cookies/get-auth-cookie-names"; import { writeAuthFile } from "../../../functions/backend/auth/write-auth-files"; import { APILoginFunctionReturn } from "../../../types"; type Param = { key?: string; token: string; database?: string; response?: http.ServerResponse; encryptionKey?: string; encryptionSalt?: string; additionalFields?: string[]; additionalData?: { [s: string]: string | number }; apiUserID?: string | number; debug?: boolean; }; /** * # SERVER FUNCTION: Login with google Function */ export default async function googleAuth({ key, token, database, response, encryptionKey, encryptionSalt, additionalFields, additionalData, apiUserID, debug, }: Param): Promise { const grabedHostNames = grabHostNames(); const { host, port, scheme } = grabedHostNames; const finalEncryptionKey = encryptionKey || process.env.DSQL_ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD; const finalEncryptionSalt = encryptionSalt || process.env.DSQL_ENCRYPTION_SALT; if (!finalEncryptionKey?.match(/.{8,}/)) { console.log("Encryption key is invalid"); return { success: false, payload: null, msg: "Encryption key is invalid", }; } if (!finalEncryptionSalt?.match(/.{8,}/)) { console.log("Encryption salt is invalid"); return { success: false, payload: null, msg: "Encryption salt is invalid", }; } /** * Check inputs * * @description Check inputs */ if (!token || token?.match(/ /)) { return { success: false, payload: null, msg: "Please enter Google Access Token", }; } /** * Initialize HTTP response variable */ let httpResponse: APILoginFunctionReturn = { success: false, }; /** * Check for local DB settings * * @description Look for local db settings in `.env` file and by pass the http request if available */ const { DSQL_DB_HOST, DSQL_DB_USERNAME, DSQL_DB_PASSWORD, DSQL_DB_NAME } = process.env; if ( DSQL_DB_HOST?.match(/./) && DSQL_DB_USERNAME?.match(/./) && DSQL_DB_PASSWORD?.match(/./) && DSQL_DB_NAME?.match(/./) && global.DSQL_USE_LOCAL ) { if (debug) { console.log(`Google login with Local Paradigm ...`); } httpResponse = await apiGoogleLogin({ token, additionalFields, additionalData, debug, }); } else { /** * Make https request * * @description make a request to * @type {{ success: boolean, user: import("../../../types").DATASQUIREL_LoggedInUser | null, msg?: string, dsqlUserId?: number } | null } - Https response object */ httpResponse = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const reqPayload = JSON.stringify({ token, database, additionalFields, additionalData, }); const httpsRequest = scheme.request( { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Content-Length": Buffer.from(reqPayload).length, Authorization: key || process.env.DSQL_FULL_ACCESS_API_KEY || process.env.DSQL_API_KEY, }, port, hostname: host, path: `/api/user/${ apiUserID || grabedHostNames.user_id }/google-login`, }, /** * Callback Function * * @description https request callback */ (response) => { var str = ""; response.on("data", function (chunk) { str += chunk; }); response.on("end", function () { resolve(JSON.parse(str)); }); response.on("error", (err) => { reject(err); }); } ); httpsRequest.write(reqPayload); httpsRequest.end(); }); } /** * Make https request * * @description make a request to */ if (httpResponse?.success && httpResponse?.payload) { let encryptedPayload = encrypt({ data: JSON.stringify(httpResponse.payload), encryptionKey: finalEncryptionKey, encryptionSalt: finalEncryptionSalt, }); const cookieNames = getAuthCookieNames({ database, userId: apiUserID || process.env.DSQL_API_USER_ID, }); if (httpResponse.csrf) { writeAuthFile( httpResponse.csrf, JSON.stringify(httpResponse.payload) ); } httpResponse["cookieNames"] = cookieNames; httpResponse["key"] = String(encryptedPayload); const authKeyName = cookieNames.keyCookieName; const csrfName = cookieNames.csrfCookieName; response?.setHeader("Set-Cookie", [ `${authKeyName}=${encryptedPayload};samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true;Secure=true`, `${csrfName}=${httpResponse.payload?.csrf_k};samesite=strict;path=/;HttpOnly=true`, ]); } return httpResponse; }