// @ts-check require("dotenv").config({ path: "./../.env" }); const noDatabaseDbHandler = require("./utils/noDatabaseDbHandler"); const varDatabaseDbHandler = require("./utils/varDatabaseDbHandler"); const createTable = require("./utils/createTable"); const updateTable = require("./utils/updateTable"); const dbHandler = require("./utils/dbHandler"); const dbFlag = process.argv.indexOf("--database"); const targetDatabase = dbFlag >= 0 ? process.argv[dbFlag + 1] : null; /** * Create database from Schema Function * ============================================================================== * @param {object} params - Single object params * @param {number|string|null} params.userId - User ID or null * @param {string} [params.dbFnArg] - User Database full name */ async function createDbFromSchema({ userId, dbFnArg }) { /** * Grab Schema * * @description Grab Schema */ const path = userId ? `${String( process.env.DSQL_USER_DB_SCHEMA_PATH )}/user-${userId}/main.json` : "../jsonData/dbSchemas/main.json"; /** @type {import("../package-shared/types").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType[]} */ const dbSchema = require(path); // await createDatabasesFromSchema(dbSchema); for (let i = 0; i < dbSchema.length; i++) { /** @type {import("../package-shared/types").DSQL_DatabaseSchemaType} */ const database = dbSchema[i]; const { dbFullName, tables, dbName, dbSlug, childrenDatabases } = database; if (targetDatabase && dbFullName != targetDatabase && !dbFnArg) { continue; } if (dbFnArg && dbFullName != dbFnArg) { continue; } /** @type {any} */ const dbCheck = await noDatabaseDbHandler( `SELECT SCHEMA_NAME AS dbFullName FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = '${dbFullName}'` ); if (dbCheck && dbCheck[0]?.dbFullName) { // Database Exists } else { const newDatabase = await noDatabaseDbHandler( `CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS \`${dbFullName}\` CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin` ); } /** * Select all tables * @type {any} * @description Select All tables in target database */ const allTables = await noDatabaseDbHandler( `SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='${dbFullName}'` ); // let tableDropped; for (let tb = 0; tb < allTables.length; tb++) { const { TABLE_NAME } = allTables[tb]; /** * @description Check if TABLE_NAME is part of the tables contained * in the user schema JSON. If it's not, the table is either deleted * or the table name has been recently changed */ if ( !tables.filter((_table) => _table.tableName === TABLE_NAME)[0] ) { const oldTableFilteredArray = tables.filter( (_table) => _table.tableNameOld && _table.tableNameOld === TABLE_NAME ); /** * @description Check if this table has been recently renamed. Rename * table id true. Drop table if false */ if (oldTableFilteredArray && oldTableFilteredArray[0]) { console.log("Renaming Table"); await varDatabaseDbHandler({ queryString: `RENAME TABLE \`${oldTableFilteredArray[0].tableNameOld}\` TO \`${oldTableFilteredArray[0].tableName}\``, database: dbFullName, }); } else { console.log(`Dropping Table from ${dbFullName}`); await varDatabaseDbHandler({ queryString: `DROP TABLE \`${TABLE_NAME}\``, database: dbFullName, }); const deleteTableEntry = await dbHandler({ query: `DELETE FROM user_database_tables WHERE user_id = ? AND db_slug = ? AND table_slug = ?`, values: [userId, dbSlug, TABLE_NAME], database: "datasquirel", }); } } } const recordedDbEntryArray = userId ? await varDatabaseDbHandler({ database: "datasquirel", queryString: `SELECT * FROM user_databases WHERE db_full_name = ?`, queryValuesArray: [dbFullName], }) : undefined; const recordedDbEntry = recordedDbEntryArray?.[0]; /** * @description Iterate through each table and perform table actions */ for (let t = 0; t < tables.length; t++) { const table = tables[t]; const { tableName, fields, indexes } = table; /** * @description Check if table exists * @type {any} */ const tableCheck = await varDatabaseDbHandler({ queryString: ` SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = ? AND TABLE_NAME = ? ) AS tableExists`, queryValuesArray: [dbFullName, table.tableName], database: dbFullName, }); //////////////////////////////////////// if (tableCheck && tableCheck[0]?.tableExists > 0) { /** * @description Update table if table exists */ const updateExistingTable = await updateTable({ dbFullName: dbFullName, tableName: tableName, tableNameFull: table.tableFullName, tableInfoArray: fields, userId, dbSchema, tableIndexes: indexes, tableIndex: t, childDb: database.childDatabase || undefined, recordedDbEntry, tableSchema: table, }); if (table.childrenTables && table.childrenTables[0]) { for (let ch = 0; ch < table.childrenTables.length; ch++) { const childTable = table.childrenTables[ch]; const updateExistingChildTable = await updateTable({ dbFullName: childTable.dbNameFull, tableName: childTable.tableName, tableNameFull: childTable.tableNameFull, tableInfoArray: fields, userId, dbSchema, tableIndexes: indexes, clone: true, childDb: database.childDatabase || undefined, recordedDbEntry, tableSchema: table, }); } } //////////////////////////////////////// } else { //////////////////////////////////////// /** * @description Create new Table if table doesnt exist */ const createNewTable = await createTable({ tableName: tableName, tableInfoArray: fields, dbFullName: dbFullName, dbSchema, tableSchema: table, recordedDbEntry, }); if (indexes && indexes[0]) { /** * Handle DATASQUIREL Table Indexes * =================================================== * @description Iterate through each datasquirel schema * table index(if available), and perform operations */ if (indexes && indexes[0]) { for (let g = 0; g < indexes.length; g++) { const { indexType, indexName, indexTableFields, alias, } = indexes[g]; if (!alias?.match(/./)) continue; /** * @description Check for existing Index in MYSQL db */ try { /** * @type {import("../package-shared/types").DSQL_MYSQL_SHOW_INDEXES_Type[]} * @description All indexes from MYSQL db */ // @ts-ignore const allExistingIndexes = await varDatabaseDbHandler({ queryString: `SHOW INDEXES FROM \`${tableName}\``, database: dbFullName, }); const existingKeyInDb = allExistingIndexes.filter( (indexObject) => indexObject.Key_name === alias ); if (!existingKeyInDb[0]) throw new Error( "This Index Does not Exist" ); } catch (error) { /** * @description Create new index if determined that it * doesn't exist in MYSQL db */ await varDatabaseDbHandler({ queryString: `CREATE${ indexType?.match(/fullText/i) ? " FULLTEXT" : "" } INDEX \`${alias}\` ON ${tableName}(${indexTableFields ?.map((nm) => nm.value) .map((nm) => `\`${nm}\``) .join(",")}) COMMENT 'schema_index'`, database: dbFullName, }); } } } } } } /** * @description Check all children databases */ if (childrenDatabases?.[0]) { for (let ch = 0; ch < childrenDatabases.length; ch++) { const childDb = childrenDatabases[ch]; const { dbFullName } = childDb; await createDbFromSchema({ userId, dbFnArg: dbFullName, }); } } } process.exit(); } const userArg = process.argv.indexOf("--user") >= 0; const externalUser = process.argv[process.argv.indexOf("--user") + 1]; createDbFromSchema({ userId: userArg ? externalUser : null });