This traverses the folder and searches for a `main.less` file. This file serves as the source for your bundled `.css` file. If you want to target a specific file, use:
Or you can just watch an entire folder. In this case less-watch will searc for an entry file named `main.less`. Without this entry file, your compiler wouldn't work.
**_NOTE:_** If you only provide a destination path, without specifying the exact file name in `.css`, your files will be compiled to a css file named `_main.css`. This is done to prevent conflicts with another possible `main.css` file.
Ignore files/folders by enlosing the names in braces. Eg `(general).less`
##### Compile specific files
If you're watching an entire folder, you can compile specific files in that folder to a stanalone file. Example if you create a file named `[test].less` in your watch directory, in your distribution directory there will be an extra file named `test.css`.