# Less watch for .less files This is a super-light npm package that watches .less files and actively compiles them into .css files --- ## Prerequisites You need `less` npm package insalled. you can add it your project by running: ```bash npm install less ``` ## How to use There are few different ways to run your less compiler #### Basic usage ```bash less-watcher --src ./folder --dst ./dist/less.css ``` This traverses the folder and searches for a `main.less` file. This file serves as the source for your bundled `.css` file. If you want to target a specific file, use: ```bash less-watcher --src ./folder/src.less --dst ./dist/less.css ``` Or you can just watch an entire folder. In this case less-watch will searc for an entry file named `main.less`. Without this entry file, your compiler wouldn't work. ```bash less-watcher --src ./folder --dst ./dist/less.css ``` #### Adding more source folders You can add more source folders by using a comma(`,`) separator. Example: ```bash less-watcher --src ./folder-1,./folder-2 --dst ./dist/folder-1.css,./dist/folder-2.css ``` **_NOTE:_** Your `--dst` input must match the number of comma-separated folders in your `src` input. #### Advanced Features less-watcher has more advanced features to better fine-tune your files ##### Ignore files Ignore files/folders by enlosing the names in braces. Eg `(general).less` ##### Compile specific files If you're watching an entire folder, you can compile specific files in that folder to a stanalone file. Example if you create a file named `[test].less` in your watch directory, in your distribution directory there will be an extra file named `test.css`.