/** * # Start the process * @param {object} param0 * @param {string} param0.command * @param {string[] | string} param0.preflight * @param {string[] | string} [param0.postflight] * @param {string} param0.redeploy_file * @param {string | number | (string | number)[]} [param0.port] - The port to kill on rebuild * @param {boolean} [param0.first_run] - Whether to run the preflight on first run. Default `false` */ export default function startProcess({ command, preflight, postflight, redeploy_file, port, first_run, }: { command: string; preflight: string[] | string; postflight?: string[] | string; redeploy_file: string; port?: string | number | (string | number)[]; first_run?: boolean; }): void;