2023-07-19 14:49:15 +00:00
"use client" ;
import React from "react" ;
import TextShuffler from "../../components/actions/TextShuffler" ;
2023-07-19 14:52:56 +00:00
import { about , genericScroll } from "../(utils)/animate" ;
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export default function AboutSection() {
React . useEffect ( about , [ ] ) ;
2023-07-19 14:52:56 +00:00
React . useEffect ( genericScroll , [ ] ) ;
2023-07-19 14:49:15 +00:00
const webDevStack = require ( "../(utils)/web-dev-stack.json" ) ;
const uiStack = require ( "../(utils)/ui-ux-stack.json" ) ;
const [ targetStack , setTargetStack ] = React . useState ( "dev" ) ;
return (
< div
2023-07-19 14:52:56 +00:00
className = "max-w-6xl w-full flex flex-col items-center pb-40 generic-scroll"
// id="about-section"
2023-07-19 14:49:15 +00:00
{ / * < s p a n
className = "text-[300px] uppercase absolute whitespace-nowrap opacity-5 -mt-64 z-[-1]"
id = "about-me-label"
About Me
< / span > * / }
< div className = "h-44" > < / div >
< div className = "flex flex-col xl:flex-row w-full gap-8" >
< div className = "w-full xl:w-[40%]" >
< h2 >
< TextShuffler textInput = "About Me" / >
< / h2 >
< div className = "flex flex-col-reverse xl:flex-col items-start gap-4" >
< div className = "flex flex-col w-full gap-2" >
< div
className = { "p-4 cursor-pointer hover:opacity-60" + ( targetStack . match ( /dev/i ) ? " bg-[#343680] w-full xl:w-[120%]" : " w-full border border-solid border-white/10" ) }
onClick = { ( ) = > {
setTargetStack ( "dev" ) ;
} }
< div > Web Dev Stack < / div >
< / div >
< div
className = { "p-4 cursor-pointer hover:opacity-60" + ( targetStack . match ( /design/i ) ? " bg-[#343680] w-full xl:w-[120%]" : " w-full border border-solid border-white/10" ) }
onClick = { ( ) = > {
setTargetStack ( "design" ) ;
} }
< div > UI / UX Stack < / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< span className = "hero-sub-text" >
< TextShuffler
textInput = "Quick learner, adaptable, problem solver, curious. I strive to know the system, rather than the status quo. My credo is: no problem too great, no knowledge too vast, no logic too complex. I thrive in difficult situations and complex hurdles: problem solving is now second nature to me: if you can think it, it can be done."
delay = { 500 }
/ >
< / span >
< a
href = "/about"
className = "button"
Learn More About Me
< / a >
< / div >
< / div >
< div className = "w-full xl:w-[60%] bg-[#343680] px-4 md:px-6 py-2" >
< section >
< h3 >
< TextShuffler textInput = { targetStack ? . match ( /dev/i ) ? "Web Dev Tech Stack" : "UI/UX tech stack" } / >
< / h3 >
< hr / >
< ul style = { { maxWidth : "800px" } } >
{ targetStack ? . match ( /dev/i ) ? (
< React.Fragment >
{ webDevStack . map ( ( item : { title : string ; description : string } , index : number ) = > (
< li
key = { index }
className = "mb-4"
< h4 className = "m-0" >
< TextShuffler textInput = { item . title } / >
< / h4 >
< span className = "opacity-80" >
< TextShuffler textInput = { item . description } / >
< / span >
< / li >
) ) }
< / React.Fragment >
) : (
< React.Fragment >
{ uiStack . map ( ( item : { title : string ; description : string } , index : number ) = > (
< li
key = { index }
className = "mb-4"
< h4 className = "m-0" >
< TextShuffler textInput = { item . title } / >
< / h4 >
< span className = "opacity-80" >
< TextShuffler textInput = { item . description } / >
< / span >
< / li >
) ) }
< / React.Fragment >
) }
< / ul >
< / section >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
) ;