import React from 'react' import TextShuffler from '../components/actions/TextShuffler' import { textSHuffle } from '../functions/frontend/textShuffle' import GeneralLayout from '../layouts/general_layout/GeneralLayout' const about = () => { return ( <GeneralLayout> <h1><TextShuffler textInput="Ben of all trade, master of all!" /></h1> <span className='hero-sub-text'> <TextShuffler textInput="So the thing about me is: I want to know it all, I want to master it all: this has lead me to dig deep into almost every aspect of web design and development. But that's not the best thing about me: the best thing is I'm willing to learn and adapt at any point: there are so many languages and libraries these days: even in my quest to master it all, it is not possible to master all the available languages and libraries: but whichever knowledge is needed at any given time, I adapt and learn: very quickly too: I see this as the best skill anyone can have in this age." /> </span> <div className="hero-ctas-section"> <a href='/documents/Benjamin_Toby_CV.pdf' download={true}>See my resume</a> <a href='' target="_blank">Linkedin</a> </div> </GeneralLayout> ) } export default about