[ { "title": "HTML, CSS, Javascript", "description": "The basics, the bedrock of all websites." }, { "title": "React JS", "description": "JavaScript library for high-performance web applications" }, { "title": "Next JS", "description": "High performance React and Node js web framework for building blazing flast and performant web applications" }, { "title": "Tailwind CSS", "description": "Lighting fast mobile first styling" }, { "title": "Node JS", "description": "JavaScript runtime for the server. For creating backend architectures and APIs" }, { "title": "Ubuntu Linux", "description": "Secure server management with ubuntu and Linux" }, { "title": "Nginx", "description": "Super secure web server, reverse proxy and load balancer" }, { "title": "MySQL", "description": "Tried and tested data storage, querying, and management." }, { "title": "Git and Github", "description": "Version control" } ]