* Detected 1 files that call this module. The files are listed below:
* `import` Statement Found in [HomepageComponent.tsx] => file:///d:\GitHub\personal_site\app\(components)\HomepageComponent.tsx
==== MODULE TRACE END ==== */
"use client";
import React from "react";
export default function AboutSection() {
return (
About Me
To explain the full extent of my skills and
abilities is now impractical. I've delved into the
deep waters of tech and racked up multiple skills
and abilities. To keep it simple, whichever stack is
at hand, I've either had some experience with it, or
I'll pick it up in a few weeks.
_Code Ben
Software engineering is natural to me as a trained
engineer. Web/server architecture and design is
where I really thrive. Using tried and trusted
technologies, while keeping a keen eye on stability
and performance, I'm able to create the perfect
balance between bleeding edge and stability.
Graphic Design
After spending about 5 years in the design industry,
I've picked up a few vital concepts about UI/UX
design. My design path still sips into my developer
life: and it boosts my overall expertise. Some of my
designs can be found on my{" "}
{" "}
Learn More About Me